The National Daily Newspaper of Commercial Radio and Television U. 22, NO. 39 NEW YORK, N. Y., MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1943 TEN CENTS ;yet Gov't Food Campaign IIB Wartime Meeting Could Be: Time Will Be Bought In Drive To Induce H. V. Kaltenborn, recentlyleft for a tour of South America only. Use Of Unrationed Commodities; nlstead Of Convention On Friday, the NBC news com- mentator informed the network from 'stead of its annual membership Brazil via cable that he left Brazil Expect $100,000,000 In Ads vention,the NAB will have a on Tuesday, spent Wednesday in bcentrated, three-day business Africa and returned to South Amer- Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY sating, either in Chicago or New ica on Thursday. Slight digression, Seek Sub -Contractors Washington-What isexpected to 111r, sometime between April 15 and the veteran commentator admitted, be one of the major radio campaigns `Nt 15. Because of the transportation but also believed he had estab- of the war is being developed here .'aalem and other war exigencies, lished a new transatlantic record. For Equipment Workby thé OWI, OPA and the Depart- ll meeting would be so planned that ment of Agriculture to induce house- ` lndance would be confined to the wives tosubstitute unrationed for o executives of the stations. Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY rationedfoods. Foodadvertisers 4 discussingthis matteratthe Washington-Producers of variablemeeting in New York 10 daysago tingof the Board of DirectorsMay Approve Bonusescondensers usedinmilitary radiowithGardnerCowles, 'Inlast areseekingsub -contractors Jr.,OWI week,members agreed whodomestic director, are understoodto 'iiall phases of entertainment and possesscylindricalgrindingandhave pledged one hundred million (Continued on Page 7) Despite Salary Rulingsworm grinding machine tools anddollars worth of advertising for this close tolerance screw machines, ac-campaign, and the various cordingtotheWPB. Tniswas govern - = l Scout Drive Starts Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY brought out at a recent meeting of (Continued on Page 7) Washington - Theawardingof a On CBS Network Mar. 9bonuses to industry employees whose (Continued on Page 2) actual wages actually dropped when ttionwide campaign to enlist morethe President banned overtime payDairy Assn. On Blue Net Broadcasters Mulling tvolunteerworker+inGirlfor work on week-ends and holidays sting will be officially opened bywill be authorized for the purpose Beginning March 21 ),March9,by Mrs. Eleanorof restoring such losses, according to Small Station Plans .evelt, speaking ashonorary "The Voice of the Dairy Farmer,' ident of the Girl Scouts, reports current here on Friday. at a Three conditions must be met: thata new series of weekly broadcasts Long range campaign to effect er to be held at the Waldorf-the premium pay was an importantsponsored by the American Dairy a riaHotel,celebratingthe31st Association, will be aired over themore widespread distribution of busi- versary of the Girl Scout organ - (Continued on Page 2) BlueNetworkbeginningSunday,ness from national advertisers among in. Mrs. Roosevelt's address will March 21.The broadcasts will besmall stations to offset the increas- arried by CBS, 10:30-10:45 p.m.,Retail Promotion Plan heard from 12:45 to 1 p.m., CWT, oning loss of local business and keep , will some 200 stations operating for the beheaded,"Voluntary Gets Under Way In April (Continued on Pam- 2) good of the war program, will be (Continued on Page 5) projected soon by the NAB. Drive Retail promotion plan being pro-Post -War Reconstruction will be educational, and directed at (11 Net Profit For 1942 jected by the NAB will begin opera- (Continued on Pane 2) tions within six or eight weeks. An- Subject of CBC Series Slightly Under '41 Totalnouncement was made Friday after the board of directors passed a reso- Toronto-Over the week-end theNBC Guest Relation Staff tprofitof RCA in1942 waslution CBC announced plans for a new series supporting theproject andof broadcasts on reconstructionof Now Nearly 25% Women :,437, compared with $10,192,716pledgingindividualcooperationtoCanada in the post war world. The 41, according to the company'sobtain about 100 more station repre- Since early in November, when annual report released by David new seriesis called "Of Things to the (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 7) first women were added to theNBC 2ff, president of RCA. After pay- guest relations staff to replacethe of preferred dividends, earnings men who were entering the armed (Continued on Page 2) services at a steadily increasingrate, -fur WFFIK IN IRAD1O (Continued on Page 2) ... Disk Men State Position Every Little Bit ... By BOB =BERG Reverse Action Adelaide Hawley, conductor of HOPE of an early settlement of the s"Women's Page of the Air" disk men and the AFM executive Miami-Elaine Carrington,author )gram heard on WABC, stepped AFM recording ban took on aboard scheduled for the week before. of "Pepper Young's Family"daily t pessimistic note last week, when 12 ofher accustomed rolelast It was preceded by an earlier state- net script show, has resumedscript- ursday, with just as greatsuc- leading ET and record firms, in ament by the NAB completely disap- ing of the series, afteran illness. (ss. lettertoJamesC. Within the premises of the Petrillo, AFMproving the proposals submitted by which confined her to herhome log Island City SavingsBank she orexy. informed the union head toPetrilloasa basis upon which to here.She will make a personal It on a one -hour War Bond sale the effect that until many points innegotiate a settlement of the ban. In appearance Wednesday night from idinthat theunion's demands areclarified,their letter the disk men raised seven short time garnered they would not consider negotiations a local outlet on the ArmyAir 4,800. $2,500 of whichcame from fundamental points which, they held, Forceprogram,"Contact." Pro- =tool children who attended. on the plan to tax recordings as awere up to Congress to decide since gram will burlesque the daytime means oflifting the present AFMthey concern a great many Ameri- serial. ban. The letter came after a post-cans; in ponement of a meeting between the addition, four reasons are (Continued on Page 3) 1 2 RADIO DAILY Monday March 1 54 Broadcasters Mulling NBC Guest Relation Staff Small Station PlansNow Nearly 25°o Women 11 corium aidGOIG IL .Nre,aed Irvin h'an, hay, li advertisers,agencies,timebuyers,thepersonnelshifthas continued Vol. 22 No. 39Mn. ,March 11943 Price IOCh.station reps and stations, themselves.until now almost 25 per cent of the Decision to embark upon the cam-staff are women, according to Paul paign was reached at the closing ses- WILLIAM S HEDGES sea v s. JOHN W. ALICOATE Publisher Rittenhouse. manager, NBC's Guestis chargeof stations sions of the meeting of the board of and C C Mt opt Relations department. Because of the presidentin charge of programs . r M.H. SHAPIRO Editordirectors of the NAB. here,Friday.successof the war -time venture, it istodaytroyIlls atticsof NBC*, which they attended a serial* ks. , MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Managerfollowing reports on the plight of the probablethattheproportionwill smallstationsand avote turningcontinue to increase. CLYDE F COOMBS site -president Publisheddallyexcept el Saturdays.Sundaysdown theproposalofgovernment At the present time,NBChas em- veal managerat KARM ColumbiaMr and Holidays at 1501 Broadway. New York. Fresno subsidy. ployed 14 women receptionists and Cali, leftfortheCoast 4r. N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp.J. W. Alicoate, alter a short stayin President and Publisher: Donald M. Merser- For the first phase of the campaignhas assigned six others tovarious New York on hest eau, Treasurer and General Manager; CheaterNABwillreprint anddistribute,duties connected with studio tours. MRS HELEN LAMBETH, manager of B. Bahn. Vice -President; Charles A. Alienate. H.gh PointN C Secretary.Terms (Post (reel articles which have been written byAs the manpower problem becomes was a tows late United States forconferences atthe headquarters autpde of Greater New York, one year, $10;Chester La Roche, chairman of themore acute, Rittenhouse expects toBlue Network foreign,year.$15. Subscriber should remitboardof Young & Rubicam andplace other women in jobs now han- withorder.Addressallcommunication* to others,pointingouttoadvertisersdled by men, butit H E FASTsales manager atWRRC, RADIO DAILY. 1501 Broadway. New York. is unlikely, henatl. N. Y. Phone believes, in New Yorkfor a tee,daysMI Wisconsin 7.6336. 7-6337,the necessity for maintaining their thattheconversionwillbusiness 7-6339. Chicago,III. - Frank Burke, 203 schedules. Other articles which em-ever be fully complete because of North Wabash Ave. State Phone 7596. phasize the importance of small sta-thespecialrequirementsof some JOSEPH A McDONALD of NBC Chicy Hollywood. Calif.-Ralph Wilk. 6425Holly- hasbeen wood Blvd. attendingthe I stet* Phone Granite 6607 tions to the war program, their valueassignments. of the NBC legal department here left Entered assecondclassmatterApril 5, in local merchandising, etc., will be Notallnewcomerstotheguestweek-end for his home office 1937. atthe postofce at New York. NY..distributed also. NAB's campaign willrelations staff, however, are women. under the act of March 3.1879. seek, also, to educate stations, them -Three men, formerly in the armed W. ENNIS BRAY hasarrivedburn Greenville. S C Visiting Friday at He sell es. in their own time selling ven-services but now discharged becauseof the Blue Network. tures.sothatin approaching timeofservicedisabilities,havebeen buyers,eitherdirectlyorthroughadded
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