OONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. FEBRUAl{,Y 18, Anron S. 'hapman to be po tmaster at Simsbury, in the Freel deK. Griffin to be postma ter at Selby, in tlle county of county of llartfonl and State of Connecticut. Wahvorth and State of South Dakota. , Ira E. .IIi ·ks to be postmaster ·at 1\ew Britain, in the ctmnty . John B. Long t<? be po tma ter at Kimball in tlJe county of of Hnrtforu and State of Connecticut. Brule and State of South Dakota. 'luules A. Keye: to be postma ter at Soutbington, in· the J ohn W. Wnl h to be po. tmaster at :\Iontro e, in the county unt.r of Ilartfonl and , tate of Connecticut. of )JcCook and State of South Dakota. HoHW"ell A. )Joore to lle postmaster at Ken ington, in the county of Hartford and State of Connecticut. TEXAS. .Te~ ie S. Rose to be po. tma ter at :llanclle ·ter, in tlle county V\'. G. McClain to be po tmaster at Waxalla ·hie, in tll county of IIm:tfonl autl tate of Connecticut. of Ellis and State of Texa . Fred rick I.. Scott to be postmaster at Farmington, in tlle ('T.\ll. connt~7 of Ilnrtford and State of 'onnecticut. Auolp Hanson to lJe po. tmaster at Eplll'nim, in the county Thomas Wulker to be postmaster at PlantS\'i!Je, in tlle county of Sanpete arid State of l:.itall. of Hartford an<.l State of onnecticut. · · W .\STIIXf:'I.'OX. JLL !XOIS. Sarah E. Truax to he po:tma:::;ter at Tekoa, in tlJe tounty of Henry Brantlou to be postmaster at ~\..Ibion in tlle county of Whitman and Rtate of " -aRbiogton. Etl\\'anls :l.lHl Rtate of Illinois. Henry K. Brockway 'to be postmaster at Barrington, in tlle county of Cook aml tate of Illinois. ~rtllur l'. \Yoouruff to be postma ter at ayanna, in tlle IIOU E F REPRESENTATIVES. county of Carr-oll and , tate of Illinoi . :Moxu.\Y, F eunta7'!J 18, 1907. 1::\0IAXA.. 11 ::Hartin A. ~liser to be po:tma.ster at Waterloo, in tlJe county The House met at o· ·lock a. m. of Dekall.J and State of Indilma. l'rHyer lJy the Chavlnin, He>. IIE:\'RY X Co DE~ , D . D. 'l'lle Journal of the proceeding: of ye:tenlay wns rend anu np­ K.1XSA.S. proyetl. IIill ~ l.Joro, .Jacob D. llirsclller to be 11ostma ter at in tlle CIIAXOE OF REFERE:.'\CF.. c:onnty of :\Iarion and State of Kan as. i. :\I ASSACTIC'SET'.fS. :\Ir. BCRXETT. .:\Ir. Rr) aker, tllere a hill wllic:h hn. b~ n John S . .Fny to be ])Ostma. ter at Marlboro, in tlle county of referre <.l to tlle Committee on Inter. tate and ll'or<'ign ComnH'l'C , II. H. 2.;)U9-!-. '.fbi. hill, wllich " ·a fir. t ref rreLl to tlle H.h'er: hlitlule~ex aml State of ::\Iassachus tt.::. antl Harbors Committe , wa. afterward. iutrodnceLl by me a." a 'lJRrles A. l'erley to IJe vostma. ter at BaltlW'insyille, in tlle perf<'cted uill by <.lirectiou of that committee and should go to county of \Vorcester and State of :\Ia sa.cllu ett ·. · tllc Committee on RiYers and IInrlJors. · Charles L. SteYeu' to be po. tmn. ter at linton in. tlle county The SPEAKER. \Yitllout objection, tlle ·hnng of refer nte of Worce:ter and Stnte of ~Ia. ·sacllusetts. Cbarle.· J. \Yoou to be po tmaster at Xatick, in tlle county w iII be 111<1de. of .:\I itldlesex nnd State of :;\I::i sacllu ·ctt . There was no objection. :,IJXXESOT.·L :llE SAGE FRO.\! THE , EXA TE. 'nrl S. East\Yood to lle po tma tcr at IIeron Lake, in the .A mefvnge from tlle Senate. by ~Ir. PARK£_-soi, it:" rea ling county of Jackson and State of Minne ota. c-1 rk. mmonnceu tllat tbe · nate ball agreed to the re11ort of ti.J" :\fl.'SOC'RI. committee of conferenc-e on tlle tli. agreeing votes· of the two Otto K. Benecke to l.Je 110. twa. ter at Brun vd k, in the county Houses ou tlle amendment of the IIou~ e to the ui It ( K 4-:l-0:3) to act "A..n of 'llariton nml State of ~lis ~ouri. amend au ntitleu net to regulntc the immigration of George '1'. Dunmire to he p~stma ter at Kennett, in the county aliens into tlle United Statef-=,'' npproyell ~lnr c: h R. l!)O:t of Dunklin nnu State of 1\Iissonri. Tlw rue::;;.' age nlso nnuounceu that the • euat llntl ngrecd to the '1'. B. )lorris to ue po:tmaster at Hannibal, in tlle county of rc1101't of tlle committee of onfercnce on tll llisngrecing \Ott':-> of 1\Iarion nnd Stnte of :\1is~ouri. the t"·o llonses on the amendment of tlie Senate to tlle uill (H. n. 21G79) "Tanting an increa. e of pen.·ion to arnll n. Ilar- Xt:\'.l.O.l. rington. Calli"" R. Fer.guHon to be p~:tma. ter nt Fallon, in the county Tf1e 1t1essnge also announced that tlY' Sf'nate lwtl pnssctl hill of 'hurchill and .:tate of Xen1da. of the follo\dll"' title· in whiell the concmTenc-e of the lfonl-'e ::-;F.w lLurrs:rrmE. I of Hepre:entati>es ,,-a · requested: ~ -att A . 'r;lm to he postma. ter at Pitt:-fielil, m the county of j ~- :.!7:1 . ..~n ac:t to di>ide the , 'tate of Oreg· n into bYo judi ·ial Merrimack aml Rtate of Xe\Y IIarnp:hire. di:tricts. XE\\ JEI!SEL I The message also announceu tllat tlle Sen:1te bad ngreetl to .T osepll ~Iill r to ue postnu1. ter at Salem, in tlle county of I the rerJort of the committee of onfNence on til tlisagreeing Salem and R.tate of Xew Jcr~ey . Yote:s of the two House· on the amendment of the 1 louse to tlle XEW YORK. hill ( R. J 7:!u) making pro'ri~ion for r:onyeying in fee the piece \Y. Se\\·nnl \Yllittle:-e~· to l.Je po ~t ma ·ter at Roche:ter, in tlle or strip of ground in St. ~-\ugu ·tine, F1.:J ., known ns "The Lines," for s<.:llool purpo:e . · · connt~- of .:\Ionroe nnu ,·tate of ?\e"· York. Clarence 1-•. \Yiggins to be po:tmn:·ter at ;.11Je Vincent, in the I 'l'lle me. ~nge nl~o announced tiJat tlle ~enn te lind ll:l:~eu w·ith- county of J efferson nml tate of Xe'Y York. out ;tmenuwent hill· of tlle. folloW"ing title. : II. H. H:iol. An act grunting an llonorul,Je di. cll a rge to Dll \i<.l ORF.GOX. Harrington: Jnwe. L. Page to lJe vostnwster at Eugene, in .the county of II. n.. 17 i;J. An n ·t wniyiug the ::tge limit for fl(lnti~~ion to Lane and ..:'tate of Oregon. the Pay Corps of tlle 'nitetl Stntes ~ ·ay:r in the ca!'e of \V". \Y. rEXXSYL\AXI.L Peirce ; IInnT B. IIe:nYood to be 110. tmaster at onsllohockcn, in the II. R. 1, !l24. An act for tlle r elief of <;eorge ::u. E:-;t<'rl y · ounty of .:\Ioutgomery and , 'tate of Penn.:yh·nnia. II. H. 2:338-:l-. .d.n a ·t to aweml an act e'ntitled ''_\n ne:t to amenu .John H . .:\IailE> y to ll(' po ·tmastcr at ?\ortllumberlanll, in the nn ad entitle<.l '_\..n act to establisll a <:ode of law for tllc count\· of Xortbmnh<•rlnml l'llld Rtnte of J:'Cilil~Y.I'·aui<t. District of Columbhl, regulatin"' pro ceell in·"~ for <.:om1emnation Dnniel 0 . .:\lel'rkk to be postmaster at Blossburg, in the of lanu for streets; " connty of Tioga an(l 1 'tate of Penn:yh·ania. II. H. 24~21 . An act to authorize the G orgia SontJm·e:tern \\.illi:lm \\'. Scott to be po:tmnster at .' wickley, in the ounty nn<.l Gulf Railroad 'ompany to construct a hritlge a ·ross tlle of .\llegheny and ~tnte of Penn:s;rl>ania. Chattahoochee lli>cr between the 'tate ' of ;\labama nn<.l EI:ie Rllro(Jes to lte postmaster at Oal\:clale, iu tlle county of G<'orgia; Allegll ny and , 'tate of l'cnn~yl>anin. II. H.:.!-!!) 9. An a(·t to l)t'OYide for the comnmtntion fot· to,Yn­ SOCTII DAKOT.\. :it ]mrvo:es of llome. tead eutries in ·ertnin vortious of Okla­ John II. Dodson to be po. tmnster at _\lexamlria in the count~~ lwma : . of Ilnn~on ami ~tate of , 'onth Dakotn. IT. n. 2::i3Go . ..:\n act to antlwrize the Xew Orlenns nnu Great EYan J. Eth\·anl~ to h·e postmaster nt BoVi·dle, in the county Xorthern Hailroud Comt)::tii:Y ~o con:truct a Ln:idge nero.. l'enrl of Etlmun(ls null , 'tate of Soutll Dnkot<l. Hh·er. in tlle Stnte of :\Iissis::-;ippi; and Elm r 1-J. Gilmore to I.Je postmn.~ ter at Lennox, in tlle co unty II. H. 2::i0-!G. An act to ·authorir.e the con. trnction of a bl'i<lge of Lincoln auu ~t:1te of Sontll' Dakota. aero. s tile :;\Ii. issip11i IUn~ r at Lotdsiana, ~Io. · 1907: CONGRESSIOSAL R.EGORD- HOUSE. 3209 E~ROLLED BIT.J"S SIGNED. II. R. 21123. An act granting an increase of pension to Law- ~Ir. ,,. A HTER, from tlle Committee on Enrolled Bills, re­ renee :\lcHugh ; ru.t ported that tlle~· llau examined ::md found truly enrolled.
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