http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf7j49n8zt No online items Inventory of the Photographic Portrait File Processed by The Photo Archives staff; machine-readable finding aid created by Gabriela A. Montoya Photo Archives Rare Book Department The Huntington Library 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, California 91108 Fax: (626) 449-5720 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.huntington.org/huntingtonlibrary.aspx?id=558 © 1998 The Huntington Library. All rights reserved. Inventory of the Photographic photCL 505 1 Portrait File Inventory of the Photographic Portrait File The Huntington Library Photograph Collections, Rare Book Department San Marino, California Contact Information Photo Archives Rare Book Department The Huntington Library 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, California 91108 Fax: (626) 449-5720 Email: [email protected] URL: http://www.huntington.org/huntingtonlibrary.aspx?id=558 Processed by: The Photo Archives staff Encoded by: Gabriela A. Montoya © 1998 The Huntington Library. All rights reserved. Descriptive Summary Title: Photographic Portrait File Identification: photCL 505 Repository: The Huntington Library San Marino, California 91108 Language: English. Access Collection is open to qualified researches by prior application through the Reader Services Department. For more information please go to following URL. Publication Rights In order to quote from, publish, or reproduce any of the manuscripts or visual materials, researchers must obtain formal permission from the office of the Library Director. In most instances, permission is given by the Huntington as owner of the physical property rights only, and researchers must also obtain permission from the holder of the literary rights In some instances, the Huntington owns the literary rights, as well as the physical property rights. Researchers may contact the appropriate curator for further information. Preferred Citation photCL 505, Photographic Portrait File, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. A Abercrombie, J[ohn] J[oseph], n.d. Abbott, Jo, n.d. Abbott, Henry L., n.d. (3) Abbott, Ira C., n.d. Abbott, Joseph Carter, n.d. --photomech. Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 Adams, William Wirt, n.d. Adams, John, n.d. Adams, John, 1825 Adams, John Quincy, 1825 Inventory of the Photographic photCL 505 2 Portrait File Container List Adams, James Capen, n.d. Albright, Charles, n.d. Alden, Alonzo, n.d. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907 Alexander, Barton Stone, n.d. Alexander, E.P., n.d. Allaire, Anthony, n.d. Allen, Robert, n.d. Allen, Thomas Scott, n.d. Allen, William Wirt, n.d. Allison, Mr. and Mrs. Andy, n.d. Alvord, Benjamin, n.d. Ames, Adelbert, 1835-1933 Ames, Rev. Charles Gordon, 1903 Ammen, Daniel, 1819-1898 Ammen, Jacob, n.d. Anderson, Gov. C. Elmer, n.d. --photomech. Anderson, George Thomas, n.d. Anderson, James Patton, n.d. Anderson, Joseph Reid, n.d. Anderson, Robert, 1805-1871 Anderson, Samuel Reed, n.d. Anderson, William Black, n.d. Andrews, Christopher Columbus, n.d. Andrews, George Leonard, n.d. Armstrong, Frank Crawford, n.d. Arnold, Edwin, 1832-1904 Arnold, Matthew, 1822-1888 (2) Arnold, Lewis Golding, n.d. Arnold, Richard, n.d. Asboth, Alexander, n.d. Atkins, Smith Dybens, n.d. Augur, Christopher Cohen, n.d. Augustine, Ms. Constance, n.d. Averell, William Woods, n.d. Avery, Robert, n.d. Ayres, Mrs. Georgia Elliott, n.d. B Babbitt, Edwin Burr, n.d. Babcock, Orville Elias, 1835-1884 Badeau, Adam, n.d. Bairnsfather, Bruce, 1888-1959 Baird, Abalsom, n.d. Baker, Arcadia Bde., n.d. (2) --photomech. Baker, Benjamin Franklin, n.d. Baker, James Heaton, n.d. Baker, Lafayette Curry, n.d. Baker, Cam, n.d. Baker, Ray Stennaro, n.d. Baldwin, Charles Pierce, n.d. Baldwin, William Henry, n.d. Balez, John P., n.d. Banks, Nathaniel Prentiss, 1816-1894 Barber, Gersham Morse, n.d. Barksdale, William, n.d. Barnard, John Gross, n.d. Barnes, James, n.d. Inventory of the Photographic photCL 505 3 Portrait File Container List Barnes, Joseph K, n.d. Barnett, James, n.d. Barnur, Henry A., n.d. Barrett, Clifford, n.d. Barringer, Rufus, n.d. Barry, Henry W., n.d. Barry, William Ferguhar, n.d. Bartlett, Charles Gautiot, n.d. Bartlett, E.L., n.d. Bartlett, Paul, 1865-1925 Bartlett, Joseph Jackson, n.d. Bassell, J., n.d. Batcheleder, Richard Napoleon, n.d. Bate, William Brimage, n.d. Bates, Deleven, n.d. Battersea, Lady, n.d. Battle, Cullen Andrews, n.d. Baxter, Henry, n.d. Beal, George Lafayette, n.d. Beatty, John, n.d. Beatty, Samuel, n.d. Beauford, Duke of, n.d. Beaver, James Andrews, n.d. Beckwith, Amos, n.d. Beckwith, Edward Griffin, n.d. Bee, Beard Elliot, n.d. (4) Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward, n.d. Begbie, Harold, 1927 Belknap, William Worth, n.d. Bell, Annie, n.d. Bell, Edwin, n.d. (2) Bell, George, n.d. Bell, John, n.d. Benham, Henry Washington, n.d. Benjamin, Judah Philip, 1811-1884 Benson, E.F., n.d. Bentley, Robert Henry, n.d. Berth, Jen, n.d. Besant, Anne, 1847-1933 Beveridge, John Lourie, n.d. C Caboll, D.J., n.d. Caboll, Col. Nicholas Jr., n.d. Caboll, Gov. H., n.d. Cadwaller, George, n.d. Cady, Albermarle, n.d. Caldwell, John Curtis, n.d. Callahan, Ignacio, n.d. Callender, Franklin Dyer, n.d. Callis, John Benton, n.d. Callis, Col. William Overton, n.d. Cameron, Hugh, n.d. Campbell, Charles Thomas, 1763-1854 Canby, Charles Edward Spriggs, 1817-1873 Candy, Charles, n.d. Canfield, Dorothy, n.d. Inventory of the Photographic photCL 505 4 Portrait File Container List Capeheart, Henry, n.d. Card, Benjamin Cozzens, n.d. Carleton, James Henry, n.d. Carman, Ezra Ayers, n.d. Carpenter, Edward C., 1872-1950 Carr, Joseph Bradford, 1828-1885 Carrington, Henry Beebe, 1824-1912 Carrington, Littlebery, n.d. Carrington, M.L., n.d. Carlyle, Wanda, n.d. Carter, Mrs. Leslie, n.d. Carvi, Eugene Asa, n.d. Cary, Col. Wilson-Miles, n.d. Casey, Siles, n.d. Cather, Willa, 1873-1947 Chamberlain, Levi, n.d. Chamberlain, Samuel Emry, n.d. Chambers, D. Richard, n.d. Chambers, Robert W., n.d. Chandler, William Eaton, n.d. Chaplin, Daniel, n.d. Chapman, Geroge Henry, n.d. Cheatham, Benjamin Franklin, n.d. Cheney, Mrs. Ames Parker, n.d. Chetlain, Augustus Louis, n.d. Chew, Beverly, n.d. Chilton, Robert Hall, n.d. Chisholm, Robert, n.d. Christensen, Christian Thomson, n.d. Chrysler, Morgan Henry, n.d. Churchill, Sylvester, n.d. Churchill, Thomas James, n.d. (3) Cilley, Jonathan Prince, n.d. Cist, Henry Martyn, n.d. Clark, Abby, n.d. Clarke, Harry Francis, n.d. Clay, Cassius Marcellus, n.d. Clay, Henry, 1777-1882 Clayton, Powell, 1833-1914 Clem, John Lincoln, n.d. Clews, Henry, n.d. Clingman, Thomas Larner, n.d. Clitz, Henry Boynton, n.d. Coates, Benjamin Franklin, n.d. Cobb, Amesa, n.d. Coburn, John, n.d. Cockrett, Francis Marion, n.d. Cogswell, WIlliam, n.d. Cohen, Octavus Ray, n.d. Coit, James Bolles, n.d. Cole, George W., 1850-1939 Collier, Frederick H., n.d. Collier, John, n.d. Comstock, Cyrus Bellow, n.d. Comstock, E.L., n.d. Connor, Seldon, n.d. Connor, Patrick Edward, n.d. Inventory of the Photographic photCL 505 5 Portrait File Container List Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 Cooke, Philip St. George, 1816-1850 Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 Cooper, Douglas Hancock, n.d. Cooper, Joseph Alexander, n.d. Cooper, Samuel B., n.d. Copeland, Joseph Tarr, n.d. Corbin, Henry Clarke, n.d. Corcker, Marcellus Monroe, n.d Corcoran, Michael, n.d. Corcoran, William Wilson, 1798=1888 Cornell, Alonzo Barton, n.d. Couldock, C.R., n.d. Coulter, Richard, n.d. Courts Family, n.d. (6) Cowdin, Robert, n.d. Cox, William Ruffin, n.d. Cox, Jacob Potson, 1828-1900 Craig, Henry Knox, n.d Craig, James, n.d. Cram, Thomas Jefferson, n.d. Crane, Charles Haley, n.d. Crane, James, n.d. Crawford, Samuel Wylie, n.d. Crossman, George Hampton, n.d. Cross, Nelson, n.d. Cumming, Alfred, n.d. Curry, Loboz Lomor, n.d. Curry, J.L.M., n.d. Curtis, Newton Martin, n.d. Curtis, William Baker, n.d. Cushing, William B., n.d. Cushman, Mrs. Charlotte, n.d. Curtin, Andrew Gregg, n.d. Curtiss, James Edward, n.d. Cutcheon, Byron M., n.d. Cutler, Jeremiah Cutter, n.d. D Dale, John Hurst, n.d Dalzell, Jim, n.d. Dana, Charles, 1819-1897 Dana, Edmund Lowell, n.d. Dana, Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh, n.d. Dandy, George Brown, n.d. Daniel, John Warwick, n.d. Davidson, Henry Breward, n.d. Davidson, John Wynn, 1857-1909 Davies, Henry Eugene, n.d. Davies, Thomas Alfred, n.d. Davies, Edmund Jackson, n.d. Davis, Edwin Page, n.d. Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889 Davis, William Watts Hart, n.d. Dawes, Rufus, n.d. Day, Nicholas Wykott, n.d. Dayton, Oscar Verish, n.d. Deems, James Monroe, n.d. Inventory of the Photographic photCL 505 6 Portrait File Container List DeGroat, Charles Henry, n.d. Deiteler, George Washington, n.d. Delad, Margaret, n.d. Delafield, Richard, n.d. DeLand, Charles Victor, n.d. Del Valle, Reginaldo, n.d. Denver, James W., n.d. DeRussy, Gustavus Adolphus, n.d. DeRussy, Rene Edward, n.d. Devens, Charles, n.d. Devin, Thomas Casimir, n.d. Dewey, Aulbury, n.d. Dewey, James, n.d. Dinon, Charles Augustine Ropes, n.d. Diven, Alexander S., n.d. Dix, John Adams, n.d. Doan, Azerich Wall, n.d. Dodge, Charles Cleveland, n.d. Dodgo, Grenville Melleu, n.d. Doesner, Jon, n.d. Doniel, John, n.d. Doolittle, Charles Camp, n.d. Dorey, James, n.d. Dornblasser, Benjamin, n.d. Doubleday, Abner, 1819-1893 Dow, Neal, n.d. Dox, Hamilton Bogart, n.d. Drake, Francis Marion, n.d. Drake, George Banad, n.d.
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