9y e MSAT NEWS COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CORPORATION Vol. 3, No. 8 June, 1969 Latest Launch Means Global Service Near Pacific communications traffic was successfully transferred from the INTELSAT III F-3 to the new Pacific satellite on June 2, and the F-3 began its three-week move to a new station over the Indian Ocean. The new satellite, the INTEL- SAT III F-4 was launched from Cape Kennedy on May 21 and em- placed in near synchronous orbit two days later after a highly suc- Shareholders Elect 12 Directors cessful apogee motor burn. With communications traffic in At COMSAT 6th Annual Meeting the Pacific now being provided by Twelve COMSAT Directors were elected at the sixth Annual Meeting the F-4, the F-3 is drifting toward of Shareholders May 13 in the L'Enfant Theatre. its intended station over the Indian About 400 persons attended the meeting, at which Chairman James Ocean at 62.5 degrees east longi- McCormack presided. (Excerpts tude. It is expected to be on sta- from statements delivered at the and Chief Executive Officer, COM- tion toward the end of this month, meeting by Mr. McCormack and SAT, Washington, D.C. available then for the initiation of by Joseph V. Charyk, President, Rudolph A. Peterson, President, comcrcial satellite service in that are printed on pages 18-19.) Bank of America, San Francisco, region. The meeting, the first held at Calif. 3 Stations Initially L'Enfant Plaza, lasted 3 hours and Bruce G. Sundlun, Partner, Am- The three initial earth stations 40 minutes. It was followed by a ram, Hahn & Sundlum, Attorneys, to work with the Indian Ocean reception and buffet for approxi- Washington, D.C., and Providence, satellite are Yamaguchi, Japan; mately 100 employees who helped R.I. Goonhilly Downs, England, and in with arrangements or served as Leo D. Welch, former Chairman Bahrein. ushers, guides, attendants, messen- and Chief Executive Officer, COM- Later this year, stations in Indo- gers and in various other capaci- SAT, New York, N.Y. nesia, Kuwait, Australia, India, ties. Series II (Carrier ) Directors Nest Germany, Italy and Thailand Meeting arrangements were un- Harold M. Botkin, Assistant Vice are due to be completed and begin der the general supervision of the President, American Telephone and operations with the satellite. Office of the Secretary. Telegraph Co., New York, N.Y. The availability of satellite serv- Series I (Public ) Directors James E. Dingman, former Vice ice over the Indian Ocean will The Directors elected were: Chairman of the Board, American complete the initial global cover- Philip W. Buchen, lawyer, and Telephone and Telegraph Co., New age contemplated by COMSAT adviser to the U.S. delegation to York, N.Y. and INTELSAT since their incep- the recent INTELSAT internation- Douglas S. Guild, President tion. al conference, Grand Rapids, Mich. Hawaiian Telephone Co., Honolulu, A series of maneuvers conducted Joseph V. Charyk, President of Hawaii. by COMSAT on June 2 transferred COMSAT, Washington, D.C. Horace P. Moulton, Vice Presi- the Pacific traffic to the F-4 and George L. Killion, Vice Chair- dent and General Counsel, Ameri- initiated the F-3 drift toward the man of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, can Telephone and Telegraph Co., Indian Ocean. All the maneuvers Inc., New York, N.Y. New York, N.Y. were performed by the Paumalu Joseph H. McConnell, President Nine of the 12 Directors were earth station on command from to of Reynolds Metals Co., Richmond, incumbents, elected at earlier the Spacecraft Technical Control Va. shareholder meetings. Mr. Peter- Center in the COMSAT Building James McCormack, Chairman (See Shareholders , Page 17) (See Latest Launch , Page 17) I Page 2 COMSAT NEWS-June, 1969 News and Notes From Etam By Deloris Goodwin and Dolores Buckley On April 5 last year the Etam earth station office was closed at 1835 K Street, Washington and moved to the site. At that time the building was not completed, the driveway and parking lots were still mud and the Sta- tion Manager established his office in the house trailer being used as the construction office. One year has produced quite a change. Mr. Marcus Rennix, the land- scape contractor, is expected to the technicians at Etam. visit the site in the near future. Overseas visitors recently have included Messrs. Shan of India He is to apply fertilizer and ascer- and Ronto, Keki and Atassi of tain that the grass and shrubs Hungary and Syria. O. A. Sif- around the station are growing fredi, Station Manager of the Ar- properly. The native dogwood trees gentina earth station, visited our made a showy sight. station also in March. He discussed John Puente actual and potential problems of Nippon Electric Company rep- earth station management with Lab Head Speaks resentatives have returned to Mr. Carroll. Mr. Siffredi has spent Etam. Six workers, headed by Mr. the last five months at the Italian To NSIA Group Rikitake, have installed additional and German earth stations and John G. Puente, Manager of the MUX equipment. with Telespazio, who has the over- Communications Processing Lab- Scatter Experiment all contract for building the Argen- oratory, recently briefed the Ad Wally Mercer from COMSAT, tina Earth Station. Hoc Committee on Tactical Com- installed equipment for the scat- Miss Sherry Moran of the mand & Control of the National ter experience. The purpose of Wheeling newspaper visited the Security Industrial Association at this experiment is to measure the site to gather material for a story the Pentagon. weather effects at 6 GHz. We are in that paper. She interviewed Mr. Following general remarks on transmitting a signal from the Carroll, the station manager, then COMSAT's and INTELSAT'S re- earth station outside the receiving Mr. Carroll accompanied her on search and development programs, band of the spacecraft to support a tour of the station. Mr. Puente described current proj- ects of his laboratory, including the experiment. A receiving sta- Incentive Awards tion is located on top of the King- multiple access systems, voice wood High School. Etam Safety Committee incentive compression and echo suppression awards were presented to Charles techniques. This system is so set up that it Faris and Paul Helfgott for safety Attending the briefing were rep- requires no continuous manning. suggestions made. Congratulations resentatives from the military serv- The physics instructor of King- to "Rhee" and Paul. It was decided ices, Hughes Aircraft, Ling-Temco- wood High School, Joseph Sher- by the safety committee that the Vought, MITRE Corp., Bendix, ren, who is also the mayor of "hands on"demonstration of the North American Rockwell, Bell Kingwood, is monitoring the re- station resuscitator should be con- ceiving station and seeing that Labs and RCA. ducted approximately once every everything is functioning properly. three months for each employee. Promotions The first refresher course has been Conduct Training Crawford Booth has been prom- completed with Mr. Randolph as At 3 Earth Stations oted from Facilities Mechanic to the instructor. COMSAT's Operations Training Facilities Supervisor. Mr. Booth The Etam COMSAT Wives held Department provided courses for has been acting as the Team Chief a Spring luncheon meeting at personnel at the Andover, Brew- for the facilities crew since the res- Cornish Manor in Oakland, Md. ster and Paumalu Earth Sta- ignation of the Facilities Engineer, Mrs. Roger Parsons, Mrs. Edmund tions during April and May on Mr. O. E. Naylor, in November. Wawzinski and Mrs. Crawford modifications and new equipment Congratulations for a job well Booth each acted as co-hostess for involved in the earth station im- done, Crawford! the occasion. The ladies held no provement program. Promotions have also been an- meeting from November to March The instruction was conducted nounced for Spencer Everly to because of the winter weather and by Joe Giafaglione of the Training Technician, John Formella to hazardous traveling conditions. Department, Tim Kolb of Paumalu, Senior Technician, Carl Gleason to The next niee tint was scheduled Darold Browning of Brewster and Senior Technician, Lynn Rector to for the Arthnrdale Inn. Ray Knight of Andover. Technician and Gerald Reeves to The program began at Andover COMSAT News Is published for em- Senior Technician. These promo- ployees of the Communications Satel- on April 21, at Brewster on May 5 lite Corporation by the Office of In- tions are the result of the em- formation, the COMSAT Building, 950 and at Paumalu on May 29. L'F.nfant Plaza South. S . W., Washing- phasis placed on technician train- ton, D.C. 20024. A program of instruction will be ing and upgrade programs at Director of Information: provided at Andover in the area of Matthew Gordon tracking receiver and servo equip- Etam. You can be sure there will Actin¢ Editor : James L McKenna COMSAT NEWS-June, 1969 page 3 First Quarter Earnings Net 15c a Share COMSAT reported net income of $1,525,000 or 15 cents a share for the three months ended March 31, 1969, compared to $1,798,000 or 18 cents a share for the first quarter of 1968. The Corporation said this decline in earnings, as expected, followed the recent expansion of the satel- lite and earth station system. In- creased operating expenses result- ing from the expansion are being incurred from the date of opera- tion of the new facilities, while revenue buildup from these facili- ties necessarily will be gradual. Approximately $117,000 of the An artist's concept of how the INTELSAT IV communications satellite will look in space, propelled by an Atlas Centaur. reduction in net income, or one cent a share, resulted from the 10 percent Federal income tax sur- charge. Select Atlas Centaur Rocket As of March 31, 1969, COMSAT was leasing to its customers 1,209 fulltime circuits, an increase of 455 over the 754 that were being leased To Launch INTELSAT IVs a year earlier.
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