University of Rhode Island DigitalCommons@URI GBLA Film Gender and Sexuality Center 1993 The ineC ma Guild Video and Film Catalog Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gbla-film Recommended Citation "The ineC ma Guild Video and Film Catalog" (1993). GBLA Film. Paper 12. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gbla-film/12https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/gbla-film/12 This Catalogue is brought to you for free and open access by the Gender and Sexuality Center at DigitalCommons@URI. It has been accepted for inclusion in GBLA Film by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@URI. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ( y V d 0 a n d f I I m catalog Table of Contents II THE ARIS & HUMANIIIES 1 Architecture and Public Art 1 Biography 1 Children's and Young Adult Films 2 Cinema Studies 2 Dance ± language Arts and Literature 5 Music 7 Painting, Sculpture and Graphic Arts 11 Photography 12 HEAlTH 14 AIDS 14 Disabilities 14 Human Sexuality 15 Medical Science 17 Mental Health and Psychology 18 Substance Abuse 19 THE SCIENCES 20 Biological Science 20 Physical Science 20 Environmental Studies 21 SOCIAL S IUDIES 24 Anthropology 24 Black Studies 24 Business and Management 25 Chicano Studies 26 Criminal Justice 27 Family Relations and Parenting 28 History 30 Labor Studies 33 Media Studies 34 Native American Studies 35 Political Science 37 Puerto Rican Studies 37 Religion 38 Sociology 39 Urban Studies 40 Women's Studies 42 WORLD CULIURES 45 African Studies 45 Asian Studies 47 Latin American Studies 48 Mideast Studies 52 Europe and Other Regions 53 ALPHABEIICAL INDEX 55 SUBJECI INDEX 60 ORDER INFORMAIION Inside Back Cover THE CINEMA GUILD, INC 1697 Broadway, Suite 506 New York, New York 10019 Phone (212) 246-5522 foll-Free 1 (800) 723-5522 Fax (212) 246-5525 Telex 239790 NYK Copyright© 1993 by The Cinema Guild, Inc Prices in this catalog supersede all previous listings II The Arts & Humanities 'Jt ARCHITECTURE !Ii BIOGRAPHY AND PUBLIC ARI a II ~ ! HARRY BRIDGES: BR01HER BREAD, A MAN AND HIS UNION SISTER PUPPET Chronicles the political career of Harry 'Ihe Bread and Puppet !heater has be­ Bridges (190l·l990), one of America's come famous in America over the last most controversial labor leaders The thirty years for its street theater a_nd Australian-born Bridges played a leading political satire utilizing giant papier-· ,role in the successful 1934 longshoremen' s mache puppets, masks and twelve foot strike in San Francisco which shut down high stilt walkers This documentary Pacific Coast ports from San Diego to profile focuses on their annual Domestic --Seattle, and won major reforms in Resurrection Circus, a summer weekend maritime working conditions When the presentation at their northern Vermont International Longshoremen's and home. More than a hundred puppeteers Warehousemen's Union (ILWU) was es­ and other performers appear in the after­ tablished in 1937, Bridges became its first noon Circus, which features many animal president and, as its leader for the follow­ figures, sideshows and comedy routine~, ing forty years, he developed a national and the twilight Pageant, a vast allegon­ reputation as a charismatic and prin­ cal drama presented on a natural 20-acre cipled union leader. The video, which stage of meadows, forest and rolling ~ills blends archival footage and photos with The \ ideo features performance high­ Brother Bread Sister Puppet interviews, is divided into three parts for lights and in ten iews \.\ ith Bread and Pup­ use in secondary school classrooms pet founder /director Peter Schumann, WHAT'S WRONG WITH Directed by Berry Minott group members and\ olunteers, who dis­ 1992, color, S8 mins., 16mm film/video THIS BUILDING? Purchase: 16mm $895/video $3SO Rental: $95 cuss the group's theatrical concepts and In 1966 the new building for the Whitney artistic philosoph; _Wealso see rehears­ Golden Gate Award Museum of American Art was opened to San Francisco International Film Festival a ls the construction of papitr-mflche the public. fhe building's innovative * figures and masks, and the printing of the * Special Jury Prize design by Marcel Breuer (1902-81) per,. Houston International Film Festival Theater's distincti\ e v-.oodcut posters fectly suited the Whitney and was quick­ * Bronze Apple Directed by Jim Farber ly recognized as an important work of National Educational Film 1993, Color, 60 mins., video Modern architecture In 1981 the museum and Video Festival Purchase: $350 Rental: $95 commissioned an addition for the build­ "Thisfast-moving docu will be as interest ing from Michael Graves, a pr~minent NEON: AN ELECTRIC MEMOIR ing to thosewithout a detailedknowledge of American architect known for his Post­ U S, laborhistory as to thosein the know "­ This offbeat \ ideo chronicles the history Modern style Gra\. e's plans for the new Variety of neon, the luminescent gas discovered design generated a great deal of con­ in 1898 b\ a British chemist, showing how troversy and were revised several times " an affectionatebut clear--eyedfilm treat­ neon is -utilized toda; by designers, This documentary examines some of the ment .a valuable,informative primer about photographers, artists, sculptors and ar­ problems faced by the Whitney in choos­ one of America'sforemost champions of work­ "-The San Francisco Examiner chitects ing to add to a landmark building, and ing people Directed by Rudy Buttignol and Ken Ketter discusses such topics as the Modernist 1984, color, 26 mins., video and Post-Modernist styles, architecture ROADS HOME, Purchase: 5250 Rental: $55 as art, the responsibility of art museums THE LIFEAND IIMES OF '., a nifty,quirky htt/e_fi/m Recommended- to the public, and the role of the architect A B 'HAPPY' CHANDLER Choic€ (American Ubrar') Association) Directed by Garth Stein A portrait of the life and career of Albert , .,amusingand imaginam, Rerommended''­ 1989, color, 28 mins., 16mm film/video Purchase: 16mm $425/video $250 Rental: $55 B 'Happy' Chandler, documenting his landers Film ReYiev-.s rise from rural poverty to a long career m * BJue Ribbon LIGHT .SIIE--INGS American Film and Video Festival public office, from Governor of Kentucky, to US Senator during WWII, Commis·· Documents the making of a public art ''In depictingthe museum'sresponse to the sioner of Baseball during the 1950s, and piece which raises questions about the community•Sreaction to the div~rgentar•· . two-time candidate as the Democratic meaning ofpri\ate and public space and chitecturalstyles, this provocativeproduction nominee for President. The result is a the role of public art alsoportrays ·the struggle of an artist to recon-· cilt his creativeendeamr with the public'sex­ compelling portrait of a consummate Dirtttt'd by Leni Schwendinger and Southern politician and the 'stump Carlos Montaner pec.tafions·· -Book.list (American library speaking' era of American politics 1990, color, i3 mins., video Association) Purchase: Video $150 Rental: $30 Direded by Robby Henson ,.A goodfilm for discussionson architecture 1987, color, :Mtmins .., video *** HighlyRemmmroded approprwte Recommended"-library Journal Purchase: $250 Rental: $50 for high schoolstudents throughadult ar,d1en­ *** "Very nicelymade extremelywell ces .A valuableand recommendedaddition done ···-AFVA Evaluations (American for librariesinterested in contemporary Film and Video Association) art "-Video Rating Guide for Libraries 1 The Cinema Guild Video & Film Catalog T t I The Cinema Guild Video & Film Catalog -----------INTRODUCTION----------- e're proud to present this new edition o_f Since we are unable to include a description of ever} W The Cinema Guild Video and Film title we distribute, some of our releases are listed only Catalog which represents not only a growing collec­ in the Alphabetical Index ..Descriptive information and tion-there are over four dozen new titles in this reviews on these and other titles are available on re­ catalog-but also an increasingly diversified one, in­ quest And if you can't find the title you're looking for, cluding documentaries, feature films, short fiction, feel free to phone us for assistance educational films, 'how-to' videos, and children's and young adult films You'll find films and video­ I'o make it possible for your institution to purchase tapes here appropriate for classroom instruction and all the Cinema Guild titles on your wish list, we offer curriculum enrichment (for both secondary and significant discounts on quantity purchases Please call postsecondary education) as well as for professional us for information on discounts currently in effect or to training, public information, and home entertain­ discuss structuring a purchase plan tailored for your ment The Cinema Guild collection includes award­ specific acquisition and budgetary needs For those winning, critically acclaimed films produced by institutions interested in acquiring audio-visual equip·· ment, a variety of AV hardware premiums (e g., color talented independent producers worldwide as well as by such prestigious organizations as The National TVs, VCRs, laserdisc players, camcorders, CD players) are available from The Cinema Guild for quantity pur­ Film Board of Canada, The American Film Institute, chase of titles Call us for full details on this exciting AV The United Nations, and The Better World Society, among others Equipment Premium Program In the meantime, we'd like to thank you for your The films and videotapes described herein ha, e past and future patronage The Cinema Guild is dedi­ been organized by subject areas and the Alphabetical cated to continuing our best efforts to sen e your film Index will enable you to quick!) locate specific titles and , ideo needs NEW RELEASES FEATURED IN THIS CATALOG The A/1--Star fazz Show Page IO Harry Bridges: A Man and His Union Page 1 Assurances Page 6 Howard Koch: You Must Remember This Page 3 Best Offer Page 2 Hull House: The House that Jane Built Page 30 Bingo: You Betcha 1 Page 18 I Dream, Too Page 11 Blood Memory Images of Faith Page 38 The Legend of Beanie Short Page 30 Laura Clay: Voice of Change Page 42 The Boardwalk Club Page 6 Life Story of an African lnyanga Page 45 Body Sculpt.: The Video Page 19 M F.
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