TTn7.!?nAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1671 PAGE TWENTY Average DaUy Net P i^ Ron iHanirl??0tcr lEtt^tttng 2|pralii For The Week Bnded T h e W eath C T ^ •Toimary 9, 1971 CliMidy tonight, chance of rain, possibly starting as a mix­ ture of light snow and freestng 1W 5 rain. Low in the 80s. lo th ANNUAL FEBRUARY Manchester— A City of Vittage Charm VOL. LXXXX, NO. 117 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTlC^S) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1971 (Olssilfied AdverUsiag on Fag« 186) PRICE TEN CENTS Democrat Leaders Senate Panel Hears Call MeskiU Budget ^ Report of Kickbacks Abe One for ‘Rich Man’ ' At Military Stations Washington Lincoln ““ Democratic leaders lost little By LAWRENCE L. KNVTSON ' m Am c h b s t b r in labeling Gov. Thomas J. Meskill's fis- Associated Press Writer T« a nch man’s budget.” In a Joint statement, opposi------------------------------------------------ WASHINGTON (AP)— An American sales promoter, of the House n«H who once fled South Korean officials trying to arrest Senate declared that MeskHra *** him for smuggling, used kickbacks and lavish gifts to propoeal to increase fte sales a create a slot-machine monopoly and influence beer and 1732 tax to seven per cent and broad- Republlcaii, Awiatant liquor sales at U.S. bases in Vietnam, a Senate investi­ TKUCY18IUN B APPUANCB en it "places an intolerable bur- “ tnority Leader Ronald den on the people least able to Beacon Falls, Indl- gator testified today. shoulder It" cated he -shares some of Al- IXniliam J. Crum , 62, a mlse or Mbe, to be used to the Chinese-bom American cltlsen, One of the two leaders Sen- '" ‘“Rtvings about refusing advantage of certain busi­ NEXT TO STOP and SHOP so Ingratiated himself with U.S. ate Pro Tern Charles T. Alfano, state aid to educa- nesses.” MAC officials in Vie^Aam an Army Rlblcoff said Crum, son a BILL later added that “economy" > brigadier general' once a'warded M cK E E V E R would be the byword of the cur- said he hopes an In­ Chinese woman and an Ameri­ MOZZER him a certificate of achieve­ rent session. He said the Demo- crease o f at least 10 per cent can river boat pilot on China’s ment for providing slot ma­ Tangtse River, reportedly be­ crats would heed a public cry (See Page Eight) chines and other coin-operated for reduced spending. came "the single most powerful devices for military clubs, sena­ American businessman in Viet­ "Hiat, he said, " is the direc­ tors w ere terfd. tion in which we are going to nam” and chief Saigon "opera- g o ." LkVem Duffy, an Investigator Uve for a worldwide slot-ma- for the Senate’s permanent chine syndicate.’’ But at the same time, Alfano MeskiU Goal: InvestlgatlonB subcommittee, Rlblcoff ssdd Martin J. Brom­ criticised MesklU’s proposal to testified that, at the Ume, Crum deny local school districts an ley, head of that Panama-baeed R C ii color was dealing In a world where syndicate, Service Games, Inc., Early Action increase In state aid. "The "the line between bribe and fa­ sentiment in the legislature Is WlU be asked to testify later. vor was hasy.” Duffy introduced letters from HEAVY DUTY - 18 LB. DRYER overwhelm ingly In favor of In­ In the years of the ma^ve creased help to the towns,” Al­ On Sales Tax Crum to Mel Peterson, Identi­ American troop buildup in Viet­ fied as a vice president of the fano said. nam , I960 thpougfa I960, Crum House Speaker WUllam R. By DAN HALL Jim Beam DistilUng Oo. of Chi­ provided rent-free villas, staffed cago. In the letters, Crum boast­ Ratchford was the other author Associated Press Writer South Vietnamese troops fire artillery along Ho Chi Minh trail. (AP Photo) with servants, for a succession ed that the PX offlclals he was of the Joint Democratic state­ o t influenUal military and civil­ ment. HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. USSR Vr^ed housing were doing aU In their Color TV Thomas J. Meskill's proposed ian Post Exchange—PX—offi­ power to increase sales of Jim "The working men and wom­ cials, Duffy said. Beam whisky to mlUtary clubs 23"screen en-'of Connecticut who are al- budget would be "out of bal- The Investigator produced doc­ and exriianges. 4-POSITION HEAT CONTROL ready having such a hard Ume ‘J To Join Bid uments Indicating the cost of makingn.alrin.' ends meet" are the legislature falls to raise the Cong Surrounds U.S. Position; Diifry ^ d a similar relation­ For all fabrics sales tax to seven per cent on one cf the vlUas ai^roacbed ship existed with promotional AccuColof^ ones who will suffer most from $2,600 monthly In housing the new taxes, the two Demo­ April 1, the governor said Wed­ For PuUout funds suppUed by Ckurling Brew­ 18-INCH SQUIRREL CAGE FAN nesday. starved Saigon, but that offi­ eries of Cleveland, emother 25 SCREEN crats said. cials who occu^ed It paid only Moves I 80 cu. ff. air per minute In general. Republican lead- MeskiU proposed In his Tues­ GIs Holding Out Under Attack - LONDON (AP) — Britain Crum cUent. day budget message that the $100 a month fo r food. e|s praieed MeskUl for his called on the Soviet Union today o«„ Abraham Rlblcoff Ti­ Duffy said in all these rela- 35% MORE AIR CIRCULATION eouM fiscal policy" or voiced wait unUl Juty, By GEORGE E8PER base named Scotch and 10 miles would not say how many are tiondilps Crum used smuggling Associated Press Writer northeast of the Khe Sanh com­ flying over the north daily. to Join to urging N ^ Vietnam oonn.. the «.bcom“ L dtoSi ^ r * c ^ ™ violations, Faster, more even drying a few misgivings. to pull Its forces out of Laos. man, said he eiqiecta the three-......................... bat base. The American trooos The additional flight over kickbacks to club custodians and But at tea st^ RepubUcan f ^ ’ } ° ..V*® SAIGON (AP) North Viet- 9,000-man U.S. force The Foreign Office announced week-long hearings Into man- '/2 H.P. MOTOR FOR LONGER leglalator—Rep.aial>»nr_Rj.n Gordonrsnnfnn ValllVoiii ofn# *0 help pay fo r his $1.6-blUion North Vietnam was added about procurement officials, and lav­ spending plan. namese troops attacked an acting as a blocking force for the the time U.S. and South Viet­ a request had been sent to Mos- agement of PX and servlce-club Goshen — voiced loud protest. cow asking Joint British-Soviet ish gifts and entertainment for LIFE namese troops started massing funds, to provide evidence' that II He’s put a tax on everything predicted that American position In rocky hills South Vietnamese operaUon in action oa an appeal by the Lao­ officials as a normal way of - v.ni uM the state deficit for the current In the northwest corner of South senlmr PX offlclals, both civilian Without exception,” VaUl said. northeast of Khe Sanh and rain neighboring Lao s. tian prime minister. Prince Sou- doing business. X biennium could Increase to $260- je Two earlier attacks on U.S. Vietnam for the South ^^et- and mlUtary, "aUowed them­ VaUl expressed specific con- and low clouds today prevented vanna Phouma. selves, through favmr, compro- (See Page Eight) cem about proposals to extend million If sales tax revenues namese push Into Laos on Feb. U.S.. helicopters from flying In gix Americans and wounded 8. The lAOtian leader addressed the Inflatedinflated sales-rieTtm tax t to UveUve- messages to the Brltlrii and So­ 1 © Cotor TV stock feed. The cost, said VaUl, DemocraUc.u , leaders,. however. reinforcements. seven. “We Just wanted to take a •ill At last report at dusk, the An Army UHl heUcc^ter on a Rood hard look and see if there viet governments Feb. 6, flve 18" screen would only be parsed on by daya after South Vietnam’s F farmers, to the consumer- ^ in the next week to study the American troops were sUU hold- supply mission a mUe southwest ®”y Increase In their logls- „ _ , ^ dairy farmers can’t get a high proposal, act on It and Inform Ing out after caUlng In artillery of the RockpUe was riiot down *1“ or whether they were 1 ^ Us territory, $40 Billion Boost merchants of the new schedule. cloilo to their own positions to and crash-landed, but the crew moving any MIGs southward,” *» ^ two codialrmen It's a unique way to beat inflation. G iv­ They noted MeskiU had used keep bock a North Vietnamese «»® source. “We wanted to ®* ®e Indochinese peacemaking INCLUDING 3H months to draft Ills budget force of 200 or more surround- Military souroes said UUtsd make sure our Information was machine to warn North Vietnam ing you your money's worth— and then proposal. tag the U.S. position. States has steeled up re«m- “ «»« “P ^ date aU the time. We l«n Interwatfcnal D ebt - Ceiling Hike some. That's what we're doing right now. “It won’t take any 8^ months There was no Indication nalssance fllghte over North t®-****®® t**® *»• •***®“ ^ *®***®*“ * ^’“®* " WIRING CIRCUIT With RCA color TVs. A whole lot of Psychiatrist to examine the tax,” MeskiU whether the main North Viet- Vietnam slightly but no signifl- the flights. a .nevtosL su ^ «adLta~paia. said. Prieperation for the two ‘On their logistics, we don’t Nbrth ^ i i w u n n * '^ ----------namese force was still sur-sur cant enemy supply movement models to choose from. A whole lot less per cent increase from five per rounding the position or whether southward has been detected see any big significant change.
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