7 Y1 AR ANU 16/J DECEMBER LIThe magazinemagazineoofftthehe British andONIrish MultipleMultiple DistriDistrictct of LionsLionsCClubslubs InternationInternationalal AGREATDAY ON THE SLOPES WITH LIONS OF WEST VIRGINIA CLEVEDON inside... • ‘GIVE AS YOU LIVE’ AND BEAT LIONS 'DREAM BLOOD CANCER SCHEME' • CLUB PROFILE: HEDNESFORD • IN THE CALAIS ‘JUNGLE’: JUAN NUEVO’S VIVID REPORT • LIONS SIGHT AWARENESS WEEK: DAISY’S STORY CREDIT:STEPHAN GEYER DIAMOND HEALTH: CyCle Flint lions Challenge fight prostate cancer with HRH The Countess of Wessex Lions Clubs International WE SERVE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Join the Party of the Century “I celebrate myself,” the greatpoet Walt Whitman wrote. • Connect with your community by having aCentennial Lions have beendoing alot of that as ourCentennial floatinaparade, donating100 books to the library or approaches in June.Lions in New England saluted our stuffing 100 backpacksfor childrenand include a anniversary on ascoreboard during the Patriot’s first Lionsitem football game thisseason. TexasLions threw abirthday bashatahoteland celebrated withadecorated cake, flags, • Invite new members by holding acelebration luncheon horns and 100 balloons. TheBlandon LionsClub in with communityleaders,ask 100 potential members to Pennsylvania welcomed hundreds of people for free food, attend aservice projector or hostapartywitha1917 or music, raffles and children’sgames andwisely let people 2017 theme. knowwho Lions are and whatwedo. International has Centennialpartysupplies, banners, Age is afunnything. We celebrateevery birthdaywhen posters and flyers. LCIknew our milestone wascoming and young, approach birthdays with hesitancy and black is fully prepared to helpyou party in style! humour in middle-age and then throw on the partyhats onceagain whenweachieve the milestones of lateryears. I’ve talked to manyLions excited about the Centennial, So it hasbeen,and should be, with LionsClubs.Weturn andmultitudesofmembers plantocome to Chicago 3rd 100 only once. Let’s appreciatewho we are and what we’ve June to 4th July for our hugeCentennial convention. done, and let’s be sure to let the publicbeapart of our Pleasetakepart in the celebration. After all, you are who celebration as well. We’re not self-contained, after all. We we are celebrating. exist becauseofneeds in ourneighbourhoods. Let our neighbours joinusinour revelry. Lions makeLions Clubs what it is, of course.Icelebrate myself indeed. Enjoythis special year and thank youfor your service. Hereare some easilyachievable ways to mark our birthday: • Fly the Lions flag on or before 7th June • Honour the longest-servingLion in your Clubordistrict • Make acentennial banner with ‘100’ acrossitand place facesofLions where an ‘O’ is • Be sure to share your efforts on social media and use #Lions100 • Do aservice project such aCentennial dancemarathon, abirthday cake bake-off or distribute meals to thosein Chancellor Bob Corlew need andincludeaspecial Centennialtreat Lions Clubs International President MISSION STATEMENT OF LIONS CLUBS INTERNATIONAL: “Toempower volunteers to Serve ON THE WEB: their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage Multiple District 105: www.lionsclubs.co WE SERVE peace and promote international WE SERVE e-mail: [email protected] understanding through Lions Clubs.” Lions Clubs International: www.lionsclubs.org/ www.lionsclubs.co December 2016/January 2017 0003 Editorial As youwill be aware, we have anew editor,Nicky Rogers. Clo has done amagnificent job for us overthe past couple of LION years and we have seen the magazine takeonanew WE SERVE appearance. Iamsure youwill agree that the style is more reader-friendly,evidenced by the manypositivecomments I COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT have heard.Iwould liketothank Clo for all the work she 2015-2016 has done, we will miss her but Iamsure we will meet up in the future. Chairman: John Hall 28 Beacon Road, Bridlington YO16 6UX Igiveabig welcome to Nicky who has worked for Warners Tel: 01262 679 475 (our publisher) for manyyears and has avast amount of Email: [email protected] experience in editing magazines, Iamsure that we will continue to produce afirst-class magazine which we can all Deputy Chairman: Carole Godden be proud of. 1Kingsley Close, TalkePits, StokeonTrent ST7 1RF Tel: 01782 935 609 Don’tforget that the LION is your magazine and is ashop Email: [email protected] windowfor youtoshare those heart-warming experiences with your fellow Lions. Agood story,together with agood EDITOR: picture is the waytoget your articles in the magazine. Warners Group Publications Plc Editor: Nicky Rogers John Hall Tel: 01778 391177 Magazine Committee Chairman Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] ADVERTISING: Warners Group Publications Plc Advertising Manager: Jayne Notley Tel: 01778 391128 Email: [email protected] Production Co-ordinator: Sue Woodgates Tel: 01778 392062 Email: [email protected] The Maltings, West Street, Bourne, Lincs PE10 9PH HELLO (AGAIN) Just ashort note from me, Ihave actually dippedmytoe Patron of the Lions Clubs of the British Isles into Lion already.Iedited the issue just after lovely Her Royal Highness The Countess of Wessex Margaret retired and Clo took over.Seems ages ago,but going through the stories for this issue reminded me what LIONBritish and IrishEditionispublished by Multiple an inspirational organisation the Lions is. District 105 and printed by Warners (Midlands)plc, on behalf of LionsClubs International, 300 22nd Street, Throughout life, we can bumble along quite engrossed in our Oak Brook, Illinois 60570,USA own ups and downs, butitseems to me that Lions rise above all that minutiae and turn their thoughts and actions OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF LIONS CLUBS to those less fortunate. INTERNATIONAL Alife lesson if ever Iheard one. PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS As John says, do send in your stories for future issues, I’m MULTIPLE DISTRICT SECRETARIAT so looking forward to hearing from you. 257AlcesterRoadSouth,Kings Heath, BirminghamB14 6DT Nicky Rogers Tel: 0121 4414544 Email: [email protected] Lion Editor 04 December2016/January 2017 www.lionsclubs.co COVER STORY Lions guide blind children down the slopes (page 48) Contents 08 Patron 10 Awards &Anniversaries 08 12 Libra 15 Fundraising 20 World E ‹‹ IL ‹C F L O U R B P P B 26 Club Profile R O U L F C I L ‹ E ‹ ‹ 28 Lions Community 20 32 Blackpool 2017 Convention 34 Lions News 42 Letters 44 Youth 32 50 Health 54 Sport 58 Obituaries 50 62 Crossword Interested in becoming aLionsmember? Find out moreat: www.lionsclub.co 08458339502 [email protected] ARUNDEL CASTLE Join us on Facebook: LionsClubsBritishIslesandIreland Follow us: @lionsclubsukire 05 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Jointhe Party of the Century “I celebrate myself,” thegreat poetWalt Whitman wrote. Lions have beendoing alot of that as ourCentennial approaches in June.Lions in New England saluted our anniversary on ascoreboard during the Patriot’s first football game thisseason. Texas Lionsthrewabirthday bashatahoteland celebrated withadecorated cake, flags, hornsand 100balloons.The Blandon Lions Club in Pennsylvania welcomedhundreds of people for free food, music, raffles and children’sgames and wisely let people knowwho Lions are and whatwedo. Age is afunnything.Wecelebrateevery birthdaywhen young, approach birthdays with hesitancy and black humor in middle-age and then throw on the partyhats partinthe celebration. After all,you are who we are onceagain whenweachieve the milestones of lateryears. celebrating. Lions make Lions Clubs what it is, of course.I So it hasbeen and should be with Lions Clubs. We turn celebratemyselfindeed. Enjoythis special year and thank 100 only once. Let’s appreciate who we are and what youfor your service. we’ve done,and let’s be sure to let the public be apart of our celebration as well.We’renot self-contained, after all. We exist becauseofneeds in our neighborhoods. Let our neighbors joinusinour revelry. Hereare some easily achievable ways to mark our birthday: fly theLions flag on or before June 7. Honor the longest-serving Lion in your club or district. Makea centennial banner with “100” across it andplace facesof Chancellor Bob Corlew Lions where an “O” is. Be suretoshare your efforts on Lions Clubs International President social media anduse #Lions100. Do aservice project such aCentennial dancemarathon,a birthdaycakebake-off or distributemealstothoseinneed andincludeaspecial Centennial treat. Connectwith your communitybyhaving aCentennialfloat in aparade, donating 100 books to thelibrary or stuffing 100 backpacks for childrenand include aLions item.Invite new members by holding acelebrationluncheon with communityleaders, ask100 potential memberstoattend aserviceprojector or host apartywitha1917 or 2017 theme. Youdon’thave to devise your ownCentennial materials. Club Supplies at LionsClubs International has Centennial party supplies, banners,posters and flyers. LCIknew our milestonewas coming andisfullypreparedtohelp you partyinstyle! I’vetalked to manyLions excited about the Centennial, and multitudes of members plan to cometoChicagoJune 3toJuly 4for our huge Centennial convention. Pleasetake 06 December2016/January 2017 www.lionsclubs.co and) otl (Sc SC039479 and s) le Wa and nd Water. la ng We’re all made of it. We need water to (E 01 keep our hearts pumping, our brains 87 28 s thinking and our joints moving. But er mb it’s not just water that unites us. nu arity ch d re The hope, compassion and generosity ste gi we have in common is making history. Re r te Today,
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