IPDC Finance Limited Iiinancial Statements (Un-audited) as at and for the period ended 30 September 20I 8 IPDC Finance Limilcd BalaDCe Shet (trn-audiled) 10.2018 't Crsh In haDd (includins foreisn curencies) 3?0.000 370.000 Balancc with Banslndesh Ba d rts agfl t bank(s) (in.ludin8 foreisn curencres) 19,1 920 78 376,412,451 498,290,{78 376.8t2.857 Balance {ilh olhcr bank aod fi nancinl inslilutions l 973.901,699 2,901,30r,r62 2,9?3,901,699 2,90J.301J62 l\loncr ,t call {rd shorl notice l 676.35q.]!a 662.732,580 676,358,167 662.732.580 Loaos. adranc€s and leases Irans, cash credits, olerdralls erc 5 39.762.508.175 34.4 66.955,3 74 J9.762.508.375 955J7{ I.ixed assets includinc laDd, buildirg, fumitu.e and fitlurc 281,000,590 267,048,183 7 951.151,526 608,309,595 Notr fin.nciil iDstitutioDal assets 8 1,752,405 3.75),405 {5. l{7.572.,110 39,288,9,12,156 Liabiliti.s ard sh.reholdeN' equig Liabilities Borowin8s fro,n other bmks, financial ,nslitulions and agenls 9 4.424,940.963 4,214 ,OU),142 Deposits and otier accounts l0 33,691,470.565 29,746,862,008 Other liabilitics 1l 3,23.1,194,949 7,211,459,284 Total liabilides .{1,750.606,{77 J6,l7E.{0J,{J{ Sh.reholdeB'equity Paid up capital 12 2,t8t,608,t60 1,8t8,006,800 13 167,014,000 167,014,000 l4 460.460.662 460,460.662 Assets revaluation resewe t5 I20,483,652 I20,483,652 I6 167 199 489 544.571,806 Tot.l shreholden' equity 3,396,965,961 3,ll0,s.]8,922 Tot l lirbilitiB Dd she.eholdeB' equity 45,14?.572,.139 OfI-balance sheet items ContiDgent lirbilities Acc€plarces and endorsements t7 73.498,614 76,890,865 Irevocable letieB of credit Otler continSent liabilities Totll coDtingent liabilitics 7J,.198,61{ 76,E90,865 Dcumentary credits and shorl Ierm trad€-related transaclions Forward assels purchased and forward deposits placed Undraw note issuance and revoh4ng underwriting facilities Undrawn formal slandby faciliries, c.edir li'es and orher commirrnmrs Tot!l other.ommitDerts Total off-brlanceshe€l items including co. tingent lia bilities 7J,.19E,61{ 76,E90,E65 the ahkcxed kotes.fron I to 10 and Anhexurc A ond Ann<rutc B orc dn ntcgrutpofi ofthtsethdhcnl J 4^ Mana-qing Direclor & CEO rPDC FiDFe Linil.d Profir lnd hs A..ount ( t,F.udit.d) J{n lo s.r.lo, 20la Jrn ro srD 30. 20l7 J-ul]s-S!L]q2q! Jul ro S.p 30.2017 Inla t3 t.155.901.109 517.110.175 Les Inler( pa,d on deposns and b orovi nqs.etc 763,201232 n 46.112.511 Commksion. exchrnse ind brokcrase 446.279.t21 21 200,570,818 93.429.343 Rcnl. rax.s, insuBnce. el*lricii. erc 75 3,353,1t8 6,626,711 Pos6-qe- sunp, tlecommunicalions. erc 27 2.290.511 I,97I,I]O Stationery. pn.in,r adveniseme, c. .tc 23 17.314.161 Manasi.{ Dnector! salarv md allowanc€s 29 2,394,518 2,139.221 I.95l.ltl lt 133,073 179.503 126,474 126,501 Dep6i.rion a.d rcpairof assets l2 Totrl oD.rriin(.xp.B.s 321.I53130 Provtio. lor [email protected] and advln*s 97.532,109 t01.643.2t9 Provtion/ter€.el) aor dini.uion in vrlue of i.vesth..ls l5 (65r.r l7) 133,230,239 256,01:l,6lt 43.193.1?5 Dcfer€d tar exFns, (incone) t6 I,170,241 352.369 219-<33J13 2t9.513,:t tl 33lr LSn' Err.in8i p.r sh.rc (EPS) l7 l]k a N'rrt &rts.frtd t b.t0 d,l Ak,trtr. A adAttvx t. R ar. dD tnqral pot oflhLe.fi"drnl Ab c,,.0,,, s.-.[" ^;r,+/ 2 IPDa t'inxn.c l.imilrd (lish llon Statcment (tln auditcd) Jan to Sep 30. 20lli .Irn to Sep 30. 2017 For th€ period I aki Ta kir A) Cash flows from oDeratinq actiyities Intere$ reccivcd 3 .6 72,7 59 ,799 2,091,383,872 lnterest paid (2.061.652.837) ( l.l08.l22.i66) Dividcnd received (9,6r 9,089) 27,033,17 3 Iree and commission received 66.'730.684 60,288,8i 7 Recoveries ol loan prevrously *ritten off 11.283,927 13.249,020 Payment 10 employccs (293 ,202.67 t) (208,542.606) Payment to supplicn ( 199,017, r44) fl91,432.004) Income taxes paid (228.625.716) (132.748,418) Receipt from other operating activrties 61i 211 850,819 Payment fbr other operatrng activ jlics C6h genemtedlror /(uted in) operutbry actit'itiet belore chanees in opemting assets and littbilities 953,270,1(,4 551,960,507 Changes in operatinq assets and liabilities Sale ol lrading securities Loans and advances to other banks I7,051.060 r06,649,072 lrans and advanccs io customers (5,3 r2,604,061) (12.445.613-099) Other asscts (60,576-999) (39,565,026) Deposrls from other banks and financial instituljons 50r,887-500 3,240,000,000 '7.016,607,t79 Deposrts from customers 3 .442.72t .057 Other Iiability accounts of cuslomcrs Trading liabilities (315,572,866) 1,208,826,818 Othcr 1;abilities 98,152.370 l0l t90 507 Cflsh rcceived./(paid) ftom operating ossets and littbiliiies (1,618,741,939) (811,921,s19) Net cash ftorfi opentihg actii'ities (69s,471,77s) \259,961,012), B) Cash flows from investing activities Proceeds from ele ofsecurilres Paymenrs for purchase of securities (13-625,787) (97.000,000) Nct increase in purchase ofproperty, plant and equipment (49-79r,891) (50,323-l l9) Sale procccds of property, plant and equipment 4.381.771 2 145 N?t cL\h (used in)ryron inv?rting octit'ities (59,029,909) (r14,333,994) C) Cash flows froIn Iinancinq activities Receipls liom issue ol loan and debt securities 347.804,247 350.108.408 Pa),rncnb ,or rcdcmptron oa loan and dehr \ecuririe\ Receipts lrom issue olordinary share Receipts(payments) of long term loan 59It,741,404 257,829.701 Dividends paid in cash l0 99t 32 Net cLth (used in)/ftomlinancing ac.itities 946.551,,612 607,970,270 D) Nel increase in cash (A+B+C) 192,050,958 203,672,234 tr) Illfect ofchanges ir exchengr ratr over cash and cash equivalents F) Cish rnd cash equivrlents at I J{nuary 1.858.768.066 G) Cash ,nd cash equivalents at the end ofthe period (D+E+F) 3.172,19s.177 2.062.440.300 Break dosn of cash and cash equivaknts: Cash in hand 170,000 170,000 Balance \\,ith Ban8ladesh Bank and its agent bank(s) 497,920,4',78 158,146,621 Balancc $ilh orhcr bdnk5 d1d financ;dl ;n'rirurio.1. 2.913.944.699 t.103.723.677 ______1fi2,J25!JJ_ _____2!62/405!!_ 3 IPDC Finance Linritcd Sial.m.nt of Charges in Sh:rreholdtrJ Eqoity (tln-audited) For lhc Period }]nded 30 Sept.mher 2018 Share Statutory Pa iculars l'ard up cao,tal premium !9S9I1! lls!ryg cJnrnqs leid Taka latq Taka Taka lrk:r Tak 3,1I0.518,922 Balance as at I January20l8 r,818.006.800 167.011.000 460.160,662 120.{83.652 51.1.573.808 Surplus(defrcit)on accountof revalualronof assels Surplus(derlcrt) on account of revaluation of rnvestments Deferred tax liability Currencr' lranslalion dillerences Net gain/(loss)nol r€cognised in the profit and loss account Net profit lbr lhe period ended l0 September 2018 286,427.04t 286,427.041 Dividend (361.601,360) Issuance ol bonus share 161.601,160 Issuance ol share capllal Transter to retained earnings Appropoatron during the period 3.396,965.963 Balancr as at l0 Septcmber 20llt 2.181.608. t60 t67,01J,000 t60.160.662 t20,.1IJ3,652 {67.399.489 2,775.111.(,19 Balanc€ as al I January 2017 1,5t5,005,670 167.014.000 393,17i,601 124.S01,939 575.216,10e Surplus/(deficlt) on account ol revalualion ofassels Surplus/(deficrt)on acconnt of revaluation of inveslm€nls Transfer ofrevalualron reserve due to excess deprecration on burldrng Deltrred rax lrabrlity Currency lranslatron drfferences Net gain/(loss)not recognised in the profit and loss account Net proflt tbr the period ended 30 Seplember 2017 219,538,3t3 219.5.18,:]ll Divrdend Issuance ofbonus share 103,00r.130 {303.00r.r 30) Issuance of share capital ADDroDrialion durins the D€riod .191 75J,592 2 99.1 5l 9J2 Balanrc as al l0 SeDtemhtr 2{,17 I,tt 18,006,lt00 I67,01.1,000 193.175.601 t2.1,501,93! 4 IPDC Finance Limited Notes to the financial statements (Un-audited) as at and for the period ended 30 September 2018 l. Reporting entity l.l. Compan] profile With a mandate to promote economic growlh in the country, IPDC Financc Limited (Formerly named as Industrial Promotion and Development Company ofBangladcsh Limited) hercinafter also referred as "IPDC" or the "Company" was incorporated in Bangladesh in l98l as thc premier private scctor long term lending institution with thc Registrar ollJoint Stock Companies and Firms. I)haka. The Company also registered itself as a financial institution under the Financial Institutions Acl.
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