' First Security Trust and Savings Bank Serving the community since 1957 ]1'tJ114 1" SIIHIIF'11\I..4I)S1I ( "A community bank for all your banking needs." $1.50 Thursday, May 21, 2015 OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 4 DRIVE-IN LANES DRIVE-THRU ATM TRAVEL SERVICES LOBBY OPEN ON FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY A FULL (708) 4533131 SERVICE (773) 625-3300 KANK www.fstsb.com Recognizing service 7315 W. Grand Ave.Elmwood Park I block west of Harlem) World War II veteran from Niles honored on Armed Forces Day. Page 12 DEVONSHIRE PLAyHOUSE PHOTO Medieval mania Devonshire Playhouse takes on the wacky and winning musical comedy, "Monty Python's Spamalot" Page 34 SPORTS Moving on Several area athletes advance to girls track and field state meet Page 53 GOP STUDENKOV/PIONEER PRESS Congressman Bob Dold, left, speaks to Richard Vana, center, of Niles, and Vanas family during a May16 event to celebrate Armed Nic SUMMERS! Forces Day at Golf Mill Shopping Center, The day also included an armed services recruitment expo. PIONEER PRESS SOC-ILOg1I S31IN Is NO1)0 0969 dodo Isla0 .L>lW:N.L 5CTLLT8'vTO [t' .o 6I0-3101 Th-3;lTSHNdd :bjd 9 TNddTL091IW SHOUT OUT NILES HERALD-SPECTATOR nilesheraldspectator.com Doug James, Park Ridge actor Bob Fleck, Publisher/General Manager Actor Doug James of Park doing my voice over work and Maggie Wartik, General Manager/Suburban Weeklies Ridge recently reappeared on the playing with my bands. [email protected] small screen in a May 6 episode of Q: Will Doug James and the John Puterbaugh, Editor "Chicago P.D' Largely a voice Pocket be playing Taste of Park 312-222-3331; [email protected] over actor for commercials, James Ridge again this summer? Jill McDermott, Vice President of Advertising has also played minor roles in A: Yes, we'll be back at the 224-500-2419; jmcdermotttrihpub.com short films and television shows, Taste. We're also playing Taste of including an eight-episode run of Wisconsin in Kenosha and Taste Local News Editor: MAILING ADDRESS the Chicago-based cable series of Lincolnshire, we're doing the Richard Ray, 312-222-3339 435 N. Michigan Ave. "Boss;' starring Kelsey Grammer, Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon this rray(.)pioneerlocaI.com Chicago, IL 60611 in Local Sports Editor: 2011 and 2012, where he year, and we have an Iowa tour in PUBLICATION INFORMATION: Ryan Nilsson, 312-222-2396 appeared as the mysterious "grey- August with three shows so far. Nues Herald-Spectator (USPS 390-680) [email protected] haired man." When not working Q:What are some of your is published 52 issues per year by or auditioning, James performs ADVERTISING Chicago Tribune Media Group, current favorite TV shows? Display: 312-283-7056 435 North Michigan Avenue Chicago. with his band, Doug James and A: You gotta love "Chicago Classified: 866-399-0537 Illinois. 60611. Single copy: $1.50. the Pocket. He recently answered DOUG JAMES PHOTO Fire" and "Chicago P.D." I also like Email: suburban.cIassctribpub.com Periodicals postage paid at Aurora IL Doug James and additional mailing offices. One- a few questions for Pioneer Press. "Elementary" and "The Black Legals: suburban.IegaMtribpub.com Q:What role did you play on List." My wife and I are both glued Obituaries: 866-399-0537 year subscription: $52.00. In-county or [email protected] only. POSTMASTER: Send address "Chicago P.D."? A: I don't know. I know they'veto CBS on Sunday nights. We changes to Nues Herald-Spectator, A: I had a little part playinggot "Chicago Med" (a "Chicagowatch "60 Minutes," "Madam SERVICE & NEW SUBSCRIBERS 777 West Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Phone: 847-696-6040 Illinois, 60654. New subscriber starts Father McClosky My scene wasFire" spin-off) coming up, so one Secretary," "The Good Wife" and Email: circLlIltion(a)pioneerlocaLcom require email address. If for some with Jesse Lee Soffer, who plays can only hope. "Battle Creek." Customer Service Hours reason you choose to cancel, please Jay Halsted on the show. (My Q:Have you found there to be Mon-Fri.:6a.m.-5p.m. note that a refund processing fee may character) arranged for a girl tomore acting opportunities Jennifer Johnson,Pioneer Prrss Sat-Sun: 7 a.m.-12 p.m. apply. Vol.67, No. 16 get a scholarship to a privateavailable now in Chicago? ADVERTISING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Acceptance o ads by Publisher is expressly conditioned on and subject Catholic school so she could get A: Yes. Plus, "Chicago Med" is Shout Out is a weeklyfeature where to the toIIowIn9 terms. Publisherrneans this publicat on, its parent(s), subsidiaries and affiliates. Advertiser agrees that Publishers liability in relation to an act. omission, tailure to publish, or error in the publishing ot any out of a bad neighborhood. Wecoming. They've approved that. we get to know and introduce our ad will not exceed the amount paid for such ad. Under no circumstances will Publisher ever be liable tor any Indirect, consequential or special damages, Or any other costs arisin9 out or related to any act, omission. failure shot the scene at St. IgnatiusThere are some other projects Ireaders to their fellow community to publish. or error in the publishing of an ad. lt is the sole responsibility uf Ihe Advertiser to check the correct- (College Prep). ness ut each insertion. Publisher reserves the right to limit the amount of advertising, tu edit, vr reject uey copy. think are coming, too. It's great tomembers and localvisitors and to cancel any advertising at its soie discretion without notice. Advertiser agrees tu indemnity and hold be here in Chicago and be an actorthroughout suburban Chicago. Publisher harmless from and against any liability, loss or expense iinciudiog reasonable attorneys tees) arising Q: Will you be making a from any claims revolting from publication by Publisher of the Advertiser's ads. return appearance? right now, but I'm probably busier QSEARCH MEMBER CENTER POLITICS TRIBLOCAL st 18? DINING chicagotribune.com DIGITALLy REMASTERED WAT C H D ( ¡4f 2Ohtx fits any device exclusive, online-only content stories that take you tui ther than before crib Books O L L E C T I O N PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE IN THE SECOND CITY Capone is a visual retelling of the rise and eventual fall of Chicago's most notorious gangster, Al Capone. Comprised of many previously unreleased photographs from the Chicago Tribune's vast archives, Capone is a look back in time to the Roaring Twenties and the early days of organized crime. This collection of historical photos, taken from 1926 to 1952, focuses on Capone and his extended network of family, friends and enemies and provides an enlightening new look at the infamous gangster. Get it today wherever books are sold 1thica Iribuue 4 NEWS Nues neighborhoodmapproposal unveiled BY ICOR STUDENKOV ing, Klicker told the Pio- PioneerPress neer Press that the village . '..-. 1 - --- used subdivision names in The first draft of the .:;;./ most cases, while in others, L,'.. proposed Nues neighbor- ___: itwent for major area hood map was presented to attractions in an effort to the Economic Develop- connect with what people ment and Neighborhood 11 A' . identify with. Renewal Commission dur- The map unveiled at the ing its May 15 meeting. j . r 4 May 15 meeting contained The proposal to officially 21 neighborhoods largely divide Nues into neigh- defined by major streets. borhoods was originally it I The village's industrial area presented during the Jan. 7 was left unlabeled. meeting of the commis- Nilesresident Jason sion's Executive Commit- Trunco, who ran for the tee. Mayor Andrew Przy- Nues Park District board hylo described this as a way during this year's munici- to strengthen civic pride, pal election, said that, corn- and the committee sug- ing from New York, he saw gested that could lead to how neighborhoods could more community events. create strong regional iden- The map divides Niles tities, which could encour- into 21 residential neigh- age the creation of civic borhoods. Niles Communi- !Uk*W organizations. ty Development Coordina- Niles Chamber of Com- tor Ross Klicker explained merce and Industry Execu- they were named after his- . tiveDirectorKatie toric subdivisions and ma- 'V,.,. ;. .S '-. , ... '.. - D.' R.....'. *...... Schneider told the Pioneer -._ H. S .... , e .S. 4 _q......Q Jt Vn. P,, ... jor neighborhood institu- a W bIUiiIL_ t ru t.t*a JS Q'wocd Esa... Im«iM.fl SS VItP* OøwS S. ... Press she thought the con- tions. He said he hopes the cept had lots of potential. commission members will VILLAGE OF NILES GRAPHIC Having clearly defined consider the proposal and The map unveiled at the May15 meeting contained 21 neighborhoods largely defined by major streets. The village'sindus- neighborhoods, she said, try to get feedback from trial area was left unlabeled. would create strong corn- residents and businesses. munities. During the Jan. 7 meet- fined neighborhoods. Some At the time, Przybylo During the Jan. 11 meet-sions as the basis for neigh- ing, Klicker told the Execu- areas had names, but evensaid he thought the lack ofing, Klicker said the villageborhood names and bound-Igor Studenkov is a free- tive Committee that Nilesthen, the boundariesclearly defined neighbor-would use the names ofaries. lance reporter for Pioneer didn't have any clearly de-weren't always clear. hoods hurt the village. historical village subdivi- After the May 15 meet-Press. Nues logo togobefore the board BY IG0R STIJDENKOV buildings arching over the move caine in response to apotentialslogans:"Rules Pioneer Press village name writtenin recommendation from theRewritten,Stories Told" capital letters. Economic Developmentand "New Thinking, Next The Niles Board of Trust- The commission alsoCommission, which sug-Door." ees will vote on whether toconsidered a new villagegested rebranding was nec- Most of the commission adopt a new village logoslogan.
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