щ^' lished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc.. a frattrnal non-profit associition| rainian WeeId V Vol. LV No.4m0 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4,1987 25cents Press Club Glasnost calls for Тегв/їа welcomed to Canada by Michael Bociurkiw Gorbachev's glasnost campaign. International rights seminar "It is hard to say where glasnost will MOSCOW - A group of former sinki watch committees and a number TORONTO - Vowing to return to go at this point," Mr. Terelia told Soviet political prisoners under the of Ukrainian organizations in Canada Ukraine one day and continue his quest reporters through his interpreter, the name Press C1ub Glasnost issued a and the United States, according to to legalize its Ukrainian Catholic Rev. Myroslaw Tatyryn. "To be able to statement in early September appealing Christina Isajiw of the Human Rights Church, Yosyp Terelia arrived here completely understand the Soviet sy­ for international help in organizing a Commission of the Wor1d Congress of September 30 after he said he was stem and to speak about glasnost, we non-governmental seminar on humani­ Free Ukrainians based in Toronto. In "expelled" from the Soviet Union. must understand that the Soviet go­ tarian affairs in Moscow later this year. addition to the HRC, Americans for Showing signs of weariness from a vernment must concretely in actions This newly formed discussion club, Human Rights in Ukraine, the External Canadian Airiines flight from Amster­ decide the question of the Christian consisting of "representatives of several Representation of the Ukrainian Hel­ dam, the Netherlands, where the family faith in the USSR. If the Moscow independent social organizations" from sinki Group, the Ukrainian Canadian spent its first few days of freedom, Mr. (Continued on page 16) Moscow and other parts of the USSR, Committee and the Helsinki Guaran­ Terelia arrived in Toronto to an emo­ stated in its September 2 appeal that it tees for Ukraine Committee have com­ tional greeting from members of To­ had created an organizing committee municated their support for such a ronto's Ukrainian community. Terelia describes for a seminar on humanitarian issues seminar to Press Club Glasnost. He was accompanied by his wife slated for sometime in December. The statement reads as follows: 01ena, 44, and their three children, vibrant church The move by 17 Soviet human-rights To international and national non-- Maryanka, 10, Kalyna-Theresa, 4, and THE HAGUE, The Netherlands activists is widely viewed by Western governmental organizations and pri­ Pavlyk, 3. — Ukrainian Catholic lay leader rights watch groups as a test of the vate citizens interested in the develop­ Mr. Terelia served a total of 24 years Yosyp Terelia released his first public Soviet government's intentions of host­ ment of the Helsinki process in the area in a variety of prisons, labor camps and statement in the West here on Sep­ ing an official human-rights meeting in of humanitarian problems. psychiatric hospitals. Word of the 43­ tember 24 in which he described a the Soviet capital next year. The Soviet To the governments of the partici­ year-old dissident spread after his growing underground Ukrainian Union's proposal to hold such a confe­ pating states of the Helsinki Accords on writings on human and religious rights Catholic Church and expressed op­ rence is under discussion at the review Security and Cooperation in Europe. began to reach the West. timism that the continuation of glas­ meeting of the Conference on Security As representatives of several inde­ Mr. Terelia was released from a 12­ nost could slowly lead to a change in and Cooperation in Europe which year labor-camp term in February. the Kremlin's^ attitude toward the reconvened in Vienna in late Septem­ pendent social organizations and indi­ viduals expressing our own indepen­ Recently, he reportedly delivered a legal status of the Church. The St. ber. petition signed by himself and 210 Sophia Religious Association in St. The dissidents, who include such dent opinions at this most recent meet­ ing of the Press Club Glasnost, we religious and lay activists to the Kremlin Catharines, Ont., made available well-known figures as Sergei Gri- calling for the legalization of the Ukrai­ copies of the statement last week. goryants and the Rev. Gleb Yakunin, welcome the idea of holding in Moscow an international conference on a wide nian Catholic Church. The statement, which was made in and members of Helsinki monitoring The years of imprisonment have Ukrainian by the 43-year-old former groups in Georgia and Ukraine, in­ range of humanitarian concerns as was proposed by the Soviet delegation to the left Mr. Terelia with a host of ail­ political prisoner, was translated -^y cluding Ukrainian Vyacheslav Chorno- ments, including ulcers, a damaged the Rev. Myroslaw Tataryn of St. vil, addressed their appeal for support Vienna meeting of the participating states of the Helsinki Accords on spinal cord, heart disorders and high Sophia's. It reads as follows: to Western non-governmental organi­ blood pressure. G1ory to Jesus Christ! zations, interest individuals and the. Security and Cooperation in Europe [CSCE]. Almost immediately, he will receive I have been asked: how do I feel governments of the 35 signatory states medical attention in Canada before of the Helsinki Accords. Such a conference, if successful, about being in the West, with my wife embarking on an ambitious speaking and children? My response: just as Numerous groups have pledged their would most certainly promote the tour of Canada and the United States. the Dutch people felt when they were support, including most national Hel­ (Continued on page 2) Mr. Terelia's arrival in the West is of liberated by the U.S. Army. Have I particular significance, Ukrainian Ca­ adapted? Certainly, but this is mo&t tholic Church officials said, because he true of my children. They imme­ Pope addresses Ukrainian synod is believed to carry a wealth of infor­ diately made friends with the children mation on the fate of other Soviet of various lands, whom they met at ROME - Pope John Paul П, in celebrations next July in Rome. dissidents. the place where we are resting. Was it separate addresses to the Synod of Soviet authorities had earlier refused "He can tell us a lot about the Soviet difficult to get me and my family out Bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic the pope permission to travel to Lithua­ Union," said Bishop Isidore Borecky, of the USSR? For now let it suffice to Church and to the Ukrainian Catholic nia for commemorations of the 600th of Toronto. "He's the man who really say yes! But everything was in God's laity meeting at a biennial congress, said (Contihued on page 6) knows the conditions...especially about hands. that he hoped to visit Ukraine to mark the conditions of our bishops." Allow me to recognize at the outset the Millennium of Christianity there Church leader's Later this month, Mr. Terelia will the efforts in bringing us here made by and assured both groups of the Catho­ appear before a U.S. State Department the royal government of the Nether­ lic Church's "spiritual participation ... JderTtity is revealed hearing on human rights, said Christina lands, More than this, they worked in the jubilee celebrations of the Ukrai­ Isajiw, a spokesperson for the Wor1d tirelessly on my behalf while I was nian Catholic Church and its people." ROME - The identity of the spiritual leader of the underground Congress of Free Ukrainians. imprisoned. I am very grateful, and News of the pope's remarks was report­ Ehiring a press conference at Pearson in a Christian manner recognize their ed by wire services. Ukrainian Catholic Church in the Soviet Union was revealed here on International Airport, Mr. Terelia said efforts in effecting my double release. Speaking on Tuesday, September 29, September 29 by Bishop Andres he was happy to be in Canada, but he I am fortunate to be able to say that the pontiff told Ukrainian bishops who Sapelak of Argentina. The leader is expects to return some day to the Soviet in 1987 I was twice released. met in Rome on September 21-30, that 80-year-old Bishop Volodymyr Ster- Union to continue to fight for the I am not a political activist. But since becoming pope he has expressed the niuk, who resides in Lviv. He is freedom of the Ukrainian Catholic the work which I and my friends did wish to "make a spiritual pilgrimage reported to be ailing wfth a heart Church, which is not allowed to exist in Ukraine has always been seen by linked to the Millennium in the places condition. there. the authorities as "political." In the USSR "politics," in the worst sense, that were the cradle of the Church" in The cleric has previously been He credited the governments of is everything which goes against Ukraine. identified as a bishop, but the an­ Holland, Canada and the United States party ideology. All my adult life I He did not say if such a trip would be nouncement in Rome marked the for helping secure his release from a have wanted only one thing: to pray possible, but he did assure the 17 first time that he was identified as the labor camp. freely and to work for the good of my Ukrainian Catholic bishops from I-ader of the underground Church in Not unlike other recently released (Continued on page 16) around the free^ wor1d that he would (Continued on page 16) dissidents, Mr. Terelia said he had a participate in their official Millennium sceptical view of Soviet leader Mikhail THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4,1987 No.40 planning and preparation of the Mos­ cow conference.
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