ISSN 00978078, Water Resources, 2016, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 184–199. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2016. WATER QUALITY AND PROTECTION: ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Observation of Excess Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water Resources to Infer Surface Water Influences on Shallow Groundwater: a Typical Example of the Porsuk River (EskisehirTurkey)1 Candan Alptekina and Galip Yuceb aDepartment of Geological Engineering, Istanbul University, Avcιlar 34320 Istanbul, Turkey bDepartment of Geological Engineering, Hacettepe University, Beytepe 06800 Ankara, Turkey Email: [email protected], [email protected] Received March 22, 2015 Abstract—The Eskisehir province is wellknown due to its industrial and agricultural activities, which are a threat for the aquatic environment. Hence, monitoring of water quality in the area is of vital importance because of an excess heavy metal contents, especially As. The Porsuk River is heavily polluted by industrial activities from Kutahya city. It discharges into the Porsuk Dam and from there it flows relatively clean to Eskisehir city center, but beyond this point it increasingly deteriorates due to the negative impact of industrial and agricultural activities up to the junction point of Porsuk and Sakarya rivers. Heavy metal concentrations and As contents in surface and ground waters were selected as pollution indicators to examine pollution level and compare an interaction between river and groundwater. For this purpose, water samples taken between 2008 and 2010 from the Porsuk River along the section from the west of Kutahya to the discharge point into the Sakarya River, as well as groundwater samples from the wells located close to or far of the Porsuk River, were evaluated. Based on the obtained results, we found that the Porsuk River, especially at the locations close to the Sakarya River, and groundwater are polluted in terms of heavy metals and As compounds. In conclu sion, the heavy metal and As pollution is also observed in the wells close to the locations in which groundwater is fed by the Porsuk River since it acts as an influent river. Thus, surface water is considered as a polluting source of groundwater. Keywords: Porsuk River, groundwater, pollution, heavy metal, arsenic DOI: 10.1134/S0097807816120022 1 INTRODUCTION oxygen requirement indicate that pollution is increas ing [11]. The study area is occupied about 500 km2 in the This study aims to investigate the pollution of sur northwestern part of Middle Anatolia between face water caused by the waste generated by industrial 39°41′00″–39°32′30″ N and 30°22′46″–31°08′00″ E and agricultural activities along the river catchment, as including the city of Eskisehir (Fig. 1) [10]. The total well as the pollution occurred in groundwater because length of the Porsuk River is 436 km with the area of of the river influence, since the river passes through the 11326 km2 [1]. In recent years, the Porsuk River which center of the city and carries the waste water into has been widely used for domestic water supply is groundwater. As a result, the pollution of the ground increasingly polluted in terms of heavy metals, espe water was identified with their possible sources. cially As. In spite of the water treatment plant for the Porsuk River, the increase in urban population, the MATERIALS AND METHODS intense activities of the various branches of industry, uncontrolled discharges of chemical wastes are the major causes of this pollution [3, 10]. Water samples, Study Area and Geology especially taken from the Porsuk River at Eskisehir Triassic metamorphic schistmarble and ophiolitic sugar mill and the wastewater treatment plant after melange is the oldest units in the study area [5]. 2001, had the reduction in the value of dissolved oxy Eocene, Early and Middle Miocene age formations gen and an increase in the chemical and biological are unconformably overlain by the Pliocene age series mainly composed of conglomerate and sandstone, 1 The article is published in the original. agglomerate, tufftuffite, basaltandesite, and marl 184 OBSERVATION OF EXCESS HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS 185 S Bozüyük Mhaliçcik a ka An ry kar a a S R tre iv am Porsuk River er Aplu Sazak Dümrek ESKISEHIR A HY Bicer Yassihöyük TA Liören KÜ Palatli Sivrihisar N r e v Ri k Günyüzü u s r 0 5 km o P Sevitgazi BLACK SEA City Centre ESKISEHIRAnkara Country Centre Town Kütahya Study Area Motorway MEDITERRANEAN SEA AEGEAN SEA Main road Rivers Porsuk River Fig. 1. Location map of the study area. claystone (Fig. 2). The alluvium composes of two parts formed by the EPA 200.8 method through “ICP_MS” of Pleistocene age (Villafransiyen) and Late Quater device in the local laboratory of the State Hydraulic nary deposits which were cut by all drilled wells in the Works (DSI). By the EPA 200.8, heavy metal contents study area. Alluvium is an essential aquifer mainly in question, including As, were ionized in ICP by composed of the gravel, sand and silt materials [2]. argon before introducing into the MS. Thus, they were The total thickness of old and young alluvium reaches quantified by considering their mass/charge ratio. up to 120 m. However, the thickness of young alluvium Detection limit and uncertainty were 0.20 μg/L varies between 10 and 15 m. The study area is defined (LOD) and 0.07 μg/L, respectively. The analytical as a graben basin formed in the late Neogene with results were given in Tables 2 and 3. The acceptability strikeslip faults and thrust faults developed in the of the heavy metal contents of the groundwater and eastwest direction, due to the pressures in the north surface water samples according to Turkish Drinking south direction started at the end of the Triassic period Water Standards [6] were examined. Obtained results [2]. Figure 3 shows the general groundwater direction were plotted and evaluated in graphs to understand along the Porsuk River from east towards west. possible relations between surface water and ground water interaction. Distribution of As, Zh, Fe, Mn and Ni in water samples was plotted on the maps by Surfer Sample Collection and Extraction Procedures program using Krigging approach. 35 samples of the ground water and 38 samples of the surface water were taken within the scope of this RESULTS AND DISCUSSION study to investigate the relationship between pollution parameters and surface watergroundwater interaction The analytical results of the heavy metals, and As on the basis of the Porsuk River. Sampling information were evaluated over the data on all groundwater is given in Table 1. A Garmin brand handheld GPS was (Table 2) and surface water (Table 3) samples collected used to transfer the sampling points to the map. Plastic in this study. All sampling points were plotted onto the bottles of 1 L were used for sample collection. The map to better understand their interactive distances water samples for heavy metal analysis were filtered between surface and groundwater samples (Fig. 4). through 0.45 μm PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) The heavy metal, and As correlation tables of the syringe filter. After filtration diluted HNO3 (5% N) groundwater and surface water in 2008–2010, and the was added to ensure the pH ≤ 2 conditions. Metal correlation coefficients of the groundwater and sur compounds were prevented to form complex com face water samples were investigated considering their pounds with oxygen. Heavy metal analysis was per close proximity to each other. Finally the plots of the WATER RESOURCES Vol. 43 No. 1 2016 186 CANDAN ALPTEKIN, GALIP YUCE ESKISEHIR Y R E HOLOCENE N R E Formation boundry T Ollivium, clay, silt, sand, gravel A PLEISTOCENE U Q Bedding, strike and dip direction PLIOCENE Clay, tuff, limestonevolcanics r Fault, dip throw pe Up le idd M Conglomerate, sandstonevolcanics Probable fault r we NEOGENE Lo Overthrust MIOCENE CENOZOIC EOCENE Claystone, marl Porsuk River basin boundry TERTIARY PALEOCENE Conglomerate, sandstone 012.5 25 km PALEOGENE 1/250.000 Upper Ophiolitic gravel, schist, sandstone, claystone, mudstone Lower CRETACEOUS MESOZOIC r pe Up le Limestone idd rM we Lo JURASSIC per Up le idd Ophiolite, greywacke, sandstone, limeston rM we Lo TRIASSIC Gneiss, schist, marble PALEOZOIC Fig. 2. Geology map of the study area. 789 N 795 788 782 Equipotential curves 787 786 785 784 783 Flow direction 781 SW: Surface water sampling location GW: Groundwater sampling location 0 1000 m GW9 Sugar Fac 781 GW14 GW18 782 SW21SW 23SW24 780 783 786 Pors 784 GW12 uk Ri 785 ver 779 786 Sa SW25 risu 787 GW20 SW19 787 GW7 Landfill Area 788 789 789 790 791 r ve i 790 k R SW9 su or SW7 P 789 SW3 Fig. 3. Groundwater equipotential lines and flow directions (after [10]). WATER RESOURCES Vol. 43 No. 1 2016 OBSERVATION OF EXCESS HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATIONS 187 Table 1. The information of groundwater and surface water sampling locations Sample No Location Name Sample No Location Name GW1 Behind the flour mill Kιzιlinler SW1 Kutahya before purification GW2 Yusuflar village SW2 Kutahya after purification GW3 Karacasehir Rural Services well (47076) SW3 Agaçkoy GW4 Eskisehir entry from Kutahya SW4 Kutahya before nitrogen factory GW5 Garbage dump site SW5 Kutahya after nitrogen factory GW6 17147 numbered well SW6 Calca Before joint of Porsuk River and GW7 31969 numbered Sarar (Sumerbank) well SW7 Guvez Stream GW8 Source in garbage dump site estuary SW8 Bridge of Guvez Stream after joint Porsuk River and Guvez GW9 43036 numbered State Supply Office well SW9 Stream GW10 14768 numbered Anadolu University SW10 Sabuncupinar Bridge (Academy) well GW11 DSI well SW11 Sabuncupinar Stream Kargin GW12 Suleyman Cakir (Justice Elementary School) well SW12 Porsuk Dam exit GW13 A dig well in garbage dump site SW13 Ulucayir Stream GW14 38673 numbered Tulomsas well SW14 Esenkara 1 GW15 TSK–13 numbered well SW15 Porsuk River after Kizilinler village GW16 Sugar factory well SW16 Forest nursery at city entrance GW17 Sugar factory well SW17 Before Porsuk River purification GW18 Sugar factory wells SW18 Front of Sümerbank factory GW19 DSI 3.
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