NEW Y ORK Eye a nd Ear Infirmary, ad A ve. Cor. 13th St. Officersf o the Infirmary, Benj. H. Field, President. Rt. Rev. H. C. Potter, d.d., Ut Vice-President. J . Harsen Rhoades, 2d Vice-Pres. John L. Riser, Treasurer. Gorbam Bacon, M.P., Secretary. founded i n <620. DIRECTORS. Robert W inthrop, .Albert H Bock, M.D., Mathkw B. DuBois, M.D., Gorham Bacon, M.D., John L. Kikkr. Morris J. Asch, M.D.,' Cornelius Vanderbilt, Walter Langdon, Robert Schell, Richard H. Derby, M.D., Benj. H. Field, Henry D.INoyes, M.D., J. Harsen Rhoades, Wm. C. Schermerhorn, S. B. Van Dusen, Anson Phelps Stores, John T. Agnew, Charles Stedman Bcll, M.D., Wm. Libbky, Rt. Rev. H. C. Potter, D.D., Adrian Iselin, John A. Stewart, Robert F.'.Weir, M.D., Lispenard Stewart, Francis Delafiki.d, M.D., W. Emlen Roosevelt. Thiss i both the oldest and the leading institution of its kind in the country. It is a centre of scientific work, de voted to the humanities. Over forty surgeons give to it their gratuitous services. In the last year they performed 1,222 operations in the several departments, besides serving 60,884 patients in the Dispensary. That c harity is most efficient which prevents pauperism by restoring the bread-winner to his work. This I nstitution is not only worthy of support, but needs it to achieve the highest results. Will y ou inquire into its merits and give it a helping hand ? The t reasurer is John L. Riker, Stokes Building, No. 45 Cedar Street. Stanford U niversity Libraries iii YOUNG M EN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION HEOP T CITY OF NEW YORK. BRANCHES O F THE ASSOCIATION: for r ailroad men : Twenty-third S t., 52 E. 23d St., Bowery, 153 Bowery, cor. Broome 361 M adison Ave., cor. 45th St., St., Round House, 72d St. and 11th Young M en's Institute, 222 Bow ery, Weehawken, N . J., West Shore East 8 6th St., 153 E. 86th St., Station, Harlem, 5 W. 125th St., New D urham, N. J., R. R. Men's German, 142 2d Ave , near 9th St., Building. French, 128 W. 23d St., M ott Haven, Car No. 238. Students, 136 Lexington Ave., Cleveland H . Dodge, President, .R. R McBurney, General Sec'y, M. Taylor Pyne, Treasurer, Henry M. Orne, Associate Sec'y. GENERAL O FFICE, 40 East 23d Street. Organized 1 852 ; incorporated by special Act of Legislature 1866, for " the improvement or the spiritual, mental and social condition of young men of the city of New York." To t his end it provides for young men at its Branches, the following advantages : I. M ental.— Educational Classes.—In the Association Evening Schools 64 classes in 25 different branches of study were main tained in 1890, with 37 instructors and 1,956 different young men enrolled as pupils. Lectures, Health Talks, Libraries, Reading Rooms, Literary Societies. II. S ocial. — Places of resort for young men in leisure hours. Re ceptions. Lists of safe Boarding Houses. Savings Funds, and Free Employment Bureaus. Special Relief work is carried on at the Bowery Branch, where free meals, lodgings and garments are given to needy young men. III. P hysical.— Gymnasiums in charge of competent instructors and under close medical supervision. Bowling Alleys. Baths. Swimming Tanks. Athletic Grounds and Boat House. IV. R eiioions.— Bible Classes. Informal Addresses and Devotional Meetings a t Branches and at Bellevue, Charity and Eye and Ear r^Hospitals. V isitation of young men sick in boarding nouses. Special W ork for French and German speaking young men, Rail road men, Students, and Soldiers and Sailors. Membership a t reasonable rates (from $2 to 110) to any young man of good character. All classes, creeds and nationalities welcomed. SOMEF O THE FINANCIAL NEEDS OF THE ASSOCIATION. 1st. P rovision for Payment of Mortgages on Branch buildings, amounting t o (160,000. 2d.' Endowment Fund of 8250,000 for current expenses. At present the F und consists of only $9,344.15 3d. A Fireproof Building for the very valuable Library of the Association. 4th. S pecial Endowment for our Evening College of 2,000 Students ROOSEVELT H OSPITAL;. The w ork of this institution has outgrown its endow ment. Out of 2,704 patients last year, all but 316 were free. The Hospital had to refuse hospital patients for the want of proper accommodation. A large part of their land, bounded by Ninth and Tenth Avenues and 58th and 59th Streets, is unoccupied, and great need is felt for more buildings and a larger endowment to attend to the pressing needs of the neighborhood. Their work has, since its foundation, grown from 720 to 2,704 patients in the wards of the hospital and to 25,948 in the dispensary. The e xpenses for the year ending December 31st, 1891, were $126,242.05, and the receipts of income from all sources $105,921.78, showing a deficiency of $20,320.27. Anyf o the Trustees will be happy to give information on the subject, or donations may be sent direct to the Treasurer, Mr. R ICHARD TRIMBLE, 160 B roadway. TRUSTEES. .JNO. M KNOX President. JAS.. A ROOSEVELT. Vice-President. JOHN. H ABEEL W. I RVING CLARK... Secretary. EX-OFFICIO. M ERRTTT TRIMBLE, President N. Y. Hospital. JAS. W. McLANE, President College of Physicians and Surgeons. BENJAMIN H. FIELD, President N. Y. Eye and Ear Infirmary. CHAS. C. SAVAGE, President Demilt Dispensary. JOHN TREAT IRVING, President of N. Y. Institution for the Blind. VEW N YORK CHARITIES D IRECTORY. A C LASSIFIED AND DESCRIPTIVE DIRECTORY HETO T CHARITABLE a nd BENEFICENT SOCIETIES a nd INSTITUTIONS OFHE T FCITY O NEW YORK. n'United, a Army; Divided, a Mob.' FIFTH E DITION. PUBLISHED B Y THE CHARITY O RGANIZATION SOCIETY OFHE T CITY OF NEW YORK. l802. BYHI T Charity O rganization Society of the city of new york. KM 9 5) NS9 £>S FORMF O A BEQUEST. I d evise and bequeath to the " Charity Orgakization Society of the City of New York," incorporated under Chapter 139, of the laws of 1882 of the State of New York, to be applied to the benevolent uses and purposes of said Society, and under its direction (insert description of the money or property given). PRESSP O STETTINEH, LAMBERT A CO., Sf, 14 A BS P.EADE ST., N. Y. vii The New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Organized 1843— 49th Year. Incorporated 1848. CENTRAL OFFICE I HARLEM OFFICE : 79 Fourth Avenue. 2059 Lexington Ave. THE FEO^LE'S B.A.I'iarS. 9 Centre Market place, Off Broome Street. Hours : 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bath Hours : 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. A Society devoted to the interests of the poor and working classes, the judicious relief of their necessities, and the Sanitary improvement of their homes, without regard to race, color, or nationality. Its de sign is the elevation of the moral and physical condition of the in digent, and, so far as is compatible with this, their temporary relief. hife Membership, $250 Patron, per annum, $25 Annual Member, per annum, - $xo It conducts six depart ments in Registration, Relief, Sanitary, Sewing, Fresh-Air, and Public Ilaths. Relief is granted in provis ions, fuel, clothing, blankets, medicines, sick-room food, fresh-air excursions, sewing, bath tickets, wood-yard work and other employment. Inspection is made of the Sanitary condition of tenement houses and prompt means taken to abate existing nuisances Sewing is provided for the female members of distressed families when work ceases for the men. During the Summer " Ocean Parties." comprising from 500 to 1.000 of the dwellers in the overcrowded tenement houses of New York City, are taken by water twice a week to an adjacent watering place, where lunch and bathing privileges are provided. Whole families are accommodated. Number thus aided last season, 17.518. The People's Baths are in useful and active operation. Number bathers to date, 18,381. Total number of last year's beneficiaries 37.626 Visits made 25,302 Annual Expenditure, about $40,000 Controlled by a Board of Managers and Executive Committee. Supported by voluntary contributions. JOHN PATON, President. WARNER VAN NORDEN, Treasurer, No. 25 Nassau Street. GEORGE CALDER, Secretary. JAMES A. SCRYMSER, Chairman Finance Committee. R. FULTON CUTTING, Chairman Committee of Ways and Means. JOHN L. CADWALADER. Counsel to the Board. FRANCIS S. LONQWORTH, General Agent, 79 Fourth Avenue. MONTEFIOKE HOME FOR CHRONIC INVALIDS. West Boulevard, bet. 138th and 139th Sts., The Montefiore Home was incorporated in 1884. Its purpose is to afford scientific and medical treatment as well as the best of nourishing food and permanent shelter to those unfortunates who, by reason of the incurability of their diseases, are refused admission in Hospitals and Asy lums. NO DISTINCTION IS MADE AS TO CREED. No charge is made for treatment. The Home is entirely supported by voluntary contributions. Reports sent upon application. WOMAN'S HOSPITAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Cor. 49th Street and Fourth Avenue, For the exclusive treatment of the diseases peculiar to women. Chartered in 1855. JOHN E. PARSONS, President. C. N. TALBOT, Secretary THOMAS ADLUS EMMET, M.D HENRY D. NICOLL, M.D CLEMENT CLEVELAND, M.D > Surgeons. BACHE McE. EMMET, M.D HORACE TRACY HANKS, M.D S. H. IE tCY, EriUJgTiKliKT, ix By having your washing done at the PARK AVE. LAUNDRI OF THE Charity Organisation Society, 589 PARK AVENUE, Bet. 63d & 64th Streets, nbm: vgrk, You will enable the Society to train and employ many poor women.
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