brary; register: http://tinyurl.com/zp8pvjf The Golden Age of King Midas; ex- 23 Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton; classic SPECIAL EVENTS (Penn Libraries). See Exhibits. ploring the famous ruler and his times songs performed by a Grammy Award win- 29 Italian through Science and Technol- with a spectacular array of specially- ner; 8 p.m.; Zellerbach Theatre; $35-$75. 1 First Aid Festival; how to stay safe ogy; noon-4 p.m.; Cherpack Seminar loaned ancient artifacts from The Repub- Music Department and healthy on campus, with food and April lic of Turkey; Penn Museum. Through giveaways; 2-5 p.m.; College Green (rain Room, Williams Hall; register: http:// $5, free/PennCard; unless noted. tinyurl.com/z2bae6g (Italian Studies). November 27. Info.: www.sas.upenn.edu/music/ location: Houston Hall Bistro) (MERT; Let Every Heart Be Filled with Joy; DPS; SHS; CAPS). 30 2016 Canine Breeder Excellence 2 The University Choir; 8 p.m.; Irvine. A T P E N N Seminar history of the Savoy Company; Eugene 6 The Role of Faculty in the Evolution ; 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; rm. 130, Hill Ormandy Gallery, Otto E. Albrecht Music Penn Wind Ensemble; 8 p.m.; Irvine. Wherever these symbols appear, more Pavilion; prices & register: http://tinyurl. 9 of U.S. Research Universities: A Conver- images or audio/video clips are Library, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. 13 Penn Baroque and Recorder Ensem- sation with University Presidents; John com/j3fqk4m (Penn Vet). Through late 2016. available on Almanac’s website, Revealing Galen’s Simples; 9 a.m.-5 bles; 8 p.m.; Rose Recital Hall, Fisher- L. Anderson, Illinois Institute of Technol- www.upenn.edu/almanac A Waltz in the Woods; site-specific p.m.; Class of 1978 Orrery Pavilion, Van Bennett Hall; free. ogy; Nancy Cantor, Rutgers; Teresa Sul- http:// stick sculpture by Patrick Dougherty; Penn Jazz Combos; 7 p.m.; Rose livan, University of Virginia; moderated Pelt-Dietrich Library; register: Morris Arboretum. Ongoing. 14 ACADEMIC CALENDAR tinyurl.com/hrewyuk (Penn Libraries). Recital Hall, Fisher-Bennett Hall; free. by Reed Pyeritz, Chair of the Faculty Ongoing Ancient Voices; 3 p.m.; Amado Re- Senate; 4 p.m.; Hall of Flags, Houston 1 Advance registration for fall term Audubon’s Birds of America; a new 17 Hall; open to all (Faculty Senate). and summer sessions. Through April 3. EXHIBITS cital Hall. page 2nd Wednesday each month; 1st fl., Penn Flutes Beat Making and Sampling Mas- Last day of classes. ; 2 p.m.; Bodek Lounge, 12 27 Admission Donations and Hours Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. Houston Hall; free. ter Class with 9th Wonder, Center for 28 Reading days. Through April 29. ARG: Fisher Fine Arts Library; free; Human Evolution: The First 200 Mil- Africana Studies Spring 2016 Artist-in- lion Years; Penn Museum. 21 Daedalus Quartet; 6:30 p.m.; Rose hours: www.arthurrossgallery.org/ Recital Room, Fisher-Bennett Hall; free. Residence; 6 p.m.; rm. 110, Annenberg CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Burrison Gallery: Inn at Penn; free; IHP: The First 100 Years; archival School; RSVP: http://tinyurl.com/jesa5yx Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; documents; International House. 23 Penn Chamber; 3 & 5 p.m.; Rose (Center for Africana Studies). Recital Hall, Fisher-Bennett Hall; free. 16 Miss Nina and The Jumping Jacks; 11 http://tinyurl.com/kaevlec John Cage: How to Get Started; Africa Orientation interactive installation of a rarely heard Also April 24, 1, 3 & 7 p.m. Also April 22 ; information ses- a.m.; World Cafe Live; $10; tickets: http:// Esther Klein Gallery: free; sion for Penn people travelling to Africa in worldcafelive.com (Peanut Butter & Jams). Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; performance; Slought. 25, 7 p.m. Native American Voices: The Peo- 2016-2017; 1 p.m.; location TBD (Center 28 Take Our Daughters and Sons to http://estherkleingallery.tumblr.com/ 29 University Choral Society with the for Africana Studies; Penn Global). Work Day; children ages 9-15; registra- ICA: free; hours: www.icaphila.org ple—Here and Now; Penn Museum. Penn Symphony Orchestra; 8 p.m.; Irvine. MUSA Earth Day Sacred Spaces: The Photography of ; emerging research tion opens mid-April: http://tinyurl.com/ International House: free; hours: World Cafe Live for employing geospatial technologies to p7cytsg (HR). http://ihousephilly.org/ Ahmet Ertug; Penn Museum. Performances daily. For a complete list- Samuel Yellin, Metalworker: Draw- benchmark and monitor sustainable urban International House Kroiz Gallery, Fisher Fine Arts ing, see: http://philly.worldcafelive.com/ development; 1-4 p.m.; Class of ’68 Pa- Library; free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; ings from the Architectural Archives; $5 (ages 2+), free/IHP members. Kroiz Gallery, Architectural Archives. vilion, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library; register: Tickets: http://ihousephilly.org http://tinyurl.com/hvrlct4 ON STAGE http://penniur.upenn.edu/ (Penn IUR). Morris Arboretum: Mon.-Sun., The History of Nursing as Seen 9 All Around This World: Irish Danc- Through the Lens of Art; Carol Ware 25 Printmaking Demonstration; noon; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; for prices: 1 Up On Stage!; open mic night; 8 rmize@ ing; global music and world cultures www.morrisarboretum.org Lobby, Claire Fagin Hall. Arthur Ross Gallery; RSVP: program; 1 p.m. p.m.; Muravchick Stage, Platt Student design.upenn.edu (ARG). Penn Museum: $15/adults; $13/ Penn Museum Tours Performing Arts House (Platt). Family Matinee: Best of the Fest: seniors (65+); $10/children (6-17); free/ Weekend tours begin at 1:30 p.m., the 26 An Evening of Poetry, Fiction, Short Kid Flix Mix Part I; 2 p.m. 7 Theater in the Galleries: The Eumen- Films, and Performance Art; ENGL 200 members, PennCard holders and children Kamin entrance. Free w/admission. ides; by Aeschylus; 7 p.m.; Penn Mu- 23 Family Matinee: Sita Sings the under 5; hours: www.penn.museum For info.: www.penn.museum share their creative final projects from the Blues; 2 p.m.; free. seum; $15; tickets: www.penn.museum semester; 5 p.m.; Kelly Writers House Slought: free; Tues.-Fri., noon- Through April 10. (Museum). Morris Arboretum 5 p.m.; www.slought.org FILMS (English). Prices & registration: morrisarboretum.org Van Pelt-Dietrich Library: free; 8 Make A Cappella Great Again; Off 29 PIC Plant Sale; houseplants, contain- hours: http://tinyurl.com/hwd74bp 7 Life Is Waiting: Referendum and the Beat’s spring show; 8:30 p.m.; Iron er plants, herbs and perennials; 4-6 p.m.; 2 Discovery Series: What’s in the Resistance in Western Sahara Gate Theater; $10/door. Also April 9, 6 Box?; 11 a.m.- 3 p.m. Upcoming ; discussion 4205 Spruce St. (Parent-Infant Center). with Jacob Mundy, Colgate University; p.m. (Off the Beat). Also April 30, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. 10 Nature Sleuths; exploring trees, birds 4 Common Press at 10— Printing, Matmos: Performance; followed by a Writing, Teaching, and Interdisciplinary 5:30 p.m.; rm. B-26, Stiteler Hall; free 13 Morris Arboretum and other wildlife; ages 5-7; 2 p.m.; reg- (Middle East Center). conversation on queer noise with Heather ister. Sundays through May 1. Collaboration; works produced in its Info.: www.morrisarboretum.org 14 The Interrupters: Every City Needs Love, English; 7 p.m.; I-House; $10-15; Kids Click! Nature Photography Work- ten-year history; Kamin Gallery, Van tickets: http://www.phf.upenn.edu/ (PHF). 9 Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival; 20 Pelt-Dietrich Library; reception: April Its Heroes; public film screening and dis- experience the beauty of the Arboretum’s shop; ages 8-12; 4 p.m.; register. Wednes- cussion; 5 p.m.; rm. G17, Claudia Cohen 14 Quadramics Theater Co. Presents: days through May 25. 20, 3-6 p.m. Through September 2. See cherry tree collection; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Conferences. Hall (Injury Science Center). All Shook Up; the songs of Elvis Presley; Also April 16. Penn Museum 8 p.m.; Iron Gate Theater; $10, $8/groups 8 Seashells to City Gardens – Water- Authority and Rebellion 23 Arbor Day Family Day; learn about Info.: www.penn.museum Harold Prince Theatre, Annenberg Center of six or more. Also April 15 & 16. colors by Lauren Sweeney; a lifetime of (Quadramics). surprising gardens, hardy plants for the 2 Gallery Romp: Africa; ages 3-5; scientific observation underpins her inter- Tickets: www.pennbioethicsfilmfest.org/ area, and create a seed experiment to take 10:30-11:15 a.m.; free w/admission. est in capturing the essence of her sub- 12 The Stanford Prison Experiment; 20 Performance with Robert Aiki Au- home; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. brey Lowe; 6:30 p.m.; ICA (ICA; Music). 10 Destination China: Chinese Calligra- jects; Burrison Gallery; reception: April 5:30 p.m. 30 Small Trees Tour; join knowledge- phy Scrolls; 1-4 p.m.; free w/admission. 8, 4-7 p.m. Through May 11. 13 Transformation; 2 p.m. 23 The Artistry of Identity and Trans- able guides for a tour of smaller specimen 20 Archaeological Adventures Home- Expanding the Audience for Art in Dying to Know; 5:30 p.m. formation—Lela Aisha Jones/Flyground: trees in the garden’s newest tour; 11 a.m. the 19th Century at The Pennsylvania Native Portals; 8 p.m.; I-House; $15, school Day: The Mediterranean World; Experimenter; 5:30 p.m. Every other Saturday through June 25. 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; $15; homeschool fami- Academy of the Fine Arts; selected by 14 $10/IHP members, $8/students. Also students in a curatorial seminar; ARG; Directors in Focus: Seijun Suzuki April 24, 7 p.m. (I-House). Penn Museum lies; register by April 15: (215) 746-6774.
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