(Anders Kiledal/Collegian) Michigan’s oldest college newspaper Vol. 137, Issue 21 - 27 March 2014 www.hillsdalecollegian.com Student union DEMOLITION KICKS OFF REMODEL Emmaline Epperson floods again Senior Reporter Kate Patrick pond caved in.” Collegian Reporter Willing, who got completely This week, the college made soaked, said the textbooks are preparations for the summer’s safe. renovations. To clear room for Students crowded outside the “It could have been the text- construction equipment, con- Grewcock Student Union at 3:30 books, and we’re thankful that it struction crews tore down a ga- p.m. Wednesday afternoon after wasn’t,” Willing said. rage on the corner of Galloway a pipe broke in the college book- Ekdahl said the leak could Drive and West Street. store. have been much worse. The extensive renovations “I got a call about an alarm “A few things got wet,” to Simpson Residence necessi- going off,” Director of Student Ekdahl said. “The big thing is the tate space for large construction Activities Amanda Bigney said. textbooks are fine. Everything is crews. The update of Simpson is “A pipe broke in the ceiling and pretty much up from the floor.” the first of many changes initi- water started going down into the The flooding extended out of ated by the Rebirth of Liberty bookstore.” the bookstore and into the hall- and Learning capital campaign. Senior Martha Ekdahl was way, blocking off the conference “If students could avoid park- working in the bookstore when room, Saga Inc. office, and Col- ing in that parking lot for a cou- the flooding started. legian office behind A.J.’s Café. ple of weeks, it would be much “Black water started gush- After about half an hour, students appreciated,” Bill Whorley, di- ing out of the break room in the returned to the union but were rector of security said. “Security back,” Ekdahl said. “We closed prevented from accessing the would give them all a big hug.” the door and started putting card- formal lounge, bookstore, and of- All construction on Simpson To prepare for summer renovations occurring on West Street, a garage was torn down board boxes down and a few fices behind A.J.’s. will take place during the sum- in order to clear a lot for construction equipment. Work will commence at the end of the blankets to stop the water.” Director of Security Bill mer. spring semester. (Anders Kiledal/Collegian) Whorley said the administration Fortunately, only some mer- “We have three months to do pitched roof. Columns will stand have a patio in the courtyard,” The hallways will also re- chandise was damaged. Cindy reacted quickly to turn off the fire an enormous amount of work,” alarm and get the water cleaned near the entrance of the building Péwé said. ceive an update. New lighting Willing, College Bookstore di- Chief Administrative Officer in an effort to match the facade The common areas would will illuminate corridors and rector, tried to save merchandise up so the students could return to Rich Péwé said. the union. of the planned Searle Center. lead into the proposed patio. rooms following an upgrade of in the break room when water The improvements on Simp- The renovations of Simpson The rooms will also look Simpson’s electrical system. came pouring down from the “Simplex was called and they son are more than a facelift — called the fire department, but also include demolition of the completely different. Many The halls will also have new ceiling. the plans have a $3.4 million first four rooms on the ground changes are planned, including carpeting. “I was trying to get as much we called them off as soon as we budget. The college intends for knew what it was,” Whorley said. floor. In their place will stand the replacement of old carpet- “The rooms will be great merchandise off the shelf as I an extensive update on every a common area that includes a ing with vinyl wood floors, new for freshmen and sophomores,” could before it got wet,” Will- “We’ve got guys on it, and we’re part of the residence. getting it cleaned up.” kitchen and a common space. sinks and vanities, and tiled Péwé said. ing said. “The water was com- First, Simpson’s current “The idea, eventually, is to showers. ing down so fast. It looked like a See Flood A3 flat roof will be replaced by a College hires Manno for SA director Morgan Delp an application process that Sports Editor included one day of six inter- views, Manno said. “We took applications for His resume includes men’s approximately one week and basketball captain, President’s received 12 applications both Ball king, and InterVarsity internally and externally. We Christian Fellowship leader. had a committee review the ap- Starting in May, he will add di- plications and then began the rector of student activities and interview process over spring the Grewcock Student Union. break,” Philipp said. After graduating, senior Manno will benefit from Anthony Manno will replace working alongside Bigney Amanda Bigney, who is mov- for the last month or so of the ing to Kalamazoo to marry and school year. He will attend pursue a career in business or meetings, SAB events, and as- design. Manno had originally sist in hiring and training of planned on moving to Spain students for next year. Bigney More than 200 students attended a wrestling match Saturday that was hosted by the Student Activities Board in the after graduation, but rethought was trained for two weeks in Roche Sports Complex. Pro wrestlers entertained the crowd for two and a half hours. (Anders Kiledal/Collegian) his plan when Dean of Women the summer of 2012, when stu- Diane Philipp approached him dents had left campus, before for the role. she took over for Kevin Boyle. “I realized that moving to Manno has had the advan- Wrestlers throw down in Roche Spain is something that will tage of attending Hillsdale un- still be there, whereas if I were der three different directors: Jordan Finney Jiles said. “Honestly, the whole except with chains,” Jiles said. basketball game.” to turn down this position, it is Bigney, Boyle, and Assistant Collegian Reporter event was a blast. It was just so This was the first profes- A college employee who is something I probably couldn’t Dean of Women Rebekah Dell. bizarre and out of the Hillsdale sional wrestling show that the associated with the NWA ap- come back to,” Manno said. “It helps that I’ve known all College norm that it was really college has hosted in recent proached Bigney about having “I’m a big believer in taking of them, and I see that there’s On March 22, students fun.” memory. There are currently the event on campus. The ad- opportunities big or small, and been very different person- dropped their studies for a few Combatants clothes-lined, no plans to host a similar event ministration agreed, with the this one was one I thought was alities in the office, and yet, hours and headed to the Roche punched, and body-slammed next year. However, the Stu- conditions that students get in pretty substantial.” they’ve all done well for the Sports Complex to watch wres- each other for two and a half dent Activities Board and the for free and a $3 charge be ap- Manno will take charge of school, improving student tlers drop their opponents. hours on Saturday. new Director of Student Ac- plied to community members many aspects of student life, life,” he said. “That’s reas- The Student Activities “Think of it as a violent play tivities senior Anthony Manno and faculty. According to Big- including campus health and suring to know that they wel- Board hosted a National Wres- — a bunch of guys jumping may choose to do so. ney, the college made a small wellness, the Student Activi- come new ideas and different tling Alliance Championship around doing crazy acrobat- “Based on its success, I amount of money from the ties Board, and Student Fed- approaches, because I will International Wrestling com- ics,” senior Derek Fields said. would think that there’s a good event. eration. definitely have different ap- petition, an event that attracted “Sometimes people get hurt, chance that we could have it “Students from lots of dif- “Anthony will find his proaches just because I’ve more than 200 students, as well but that’s not the intention. next year. It was an incredible ferent crowds went out to it,” strengths will serve as an ad- been involved in athletics, and as many people from the town. They practice big moves, but atmosphere — high energy and Fields said. “It wasn’t the kind vantage for him to be able to in being a S.A.M., and differ- “Wrestlerama was basically the rest is improvised mostly.” a lot of yelling,” current Stu- of event you would expect work with all those moving ent leadership roles.” the fulfillment of everyone’s Jiles said the more you un- dent Activities Director Aman- at Hillsdale, but it was a nice parts,” Bigney said. Philipp is especially excited childhood dreams. It was the derstood it was fake, the more da Bigney said. “Everyone was change of pace. It was just a re- The financial management about Manno’s commitment to most fun I have ever had here you could get into it. fired up. I had never seen any- ally good time.” and Spanish double major was health and wellness on cam- at Hillsdale,” freshman Ben “It was like watching a play, thing like it before, besides a selected for the position after See Manno A3 INSIDE Q&A Chi Omega house history City reacts to pothole problem All-American Richard Vedder talks about the The Chi Omega house has sur- The harsh winter expedited the Junior basketball player Megan problems of obtaining higher vived the test of time and fire.
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