E1572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 29, 2018 HONORING CAMERON SILVEUS ator Sam Nunn, former U.S. Presidents Jimmy erra Leone, and Cote d’Ivoire, she was invited Carter and Bill Clinton as well as yours truly. to attend the opening arguments against Libe- HON. LUKE MESSER Eunice’s distinguished civic service was mir- rian warlords Charles Taylor before the Spe- OF INDIANA rored by her extensive involvement in her cial Court for Sierra Leone, and then joined IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES community. In conjunction with her profes- me in celebrating as he was sentenced to life sional accomplishments in politics, she served in prison for war crimes and crimes against Thursday, November 29, 2018 on several boards, including the Georgia Stu- humanity. Mr. MESSER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today, on dent Finance Commission; Vocational Edu- As Chairman of the Committee, I knew I behalf of the entire 6th Congressional District cation Task Force; Advisory Council on Con- wanted Joan on my team. When I asked her of Indiana, to recognize Cameron Silveus for solidation of Education Programs; Georgia where she would travel if she could go any- his contribution to our state. Civil War Commission; Joint Board Liaison where in the world—and she responded with During my entire tenure in Congress, Cam- Committee; and the Georgia State Bar Dis- a list of disaster zones—I knew I had made eron has been a loyal friend and wise adviser. ciplinary Board. She has served as the door- the right choice. She now serves as one of my Cameron is also a leader in Indiana’s agri- keeper to the Georgia State Senate, and has trusted senior staff, covering the U.S. foreign culture industry, serving as an executive at served on the State Bar of Georgia’s Inves- assistance portfolio. Her diligence, commit- Silveus Insurance Group. Our state is better tigative Panel; the Tifton/Tift County Library ment, and integrity have earned her the re- off today because of his extraordinary leader- Board; the Coastal Plain Regional Library spect of her colleagues. She has helped bring ship and service. Board; the Heritage Trust Commission Board; nearly two dozen Public Laws across the fin- On a personal note, Cameron is a brother in and the State Election Board. ish line, including four bills to authorize and Christ. I have appreciated his prayers and en- Eunice received several awards for her ex- extend the President’s Emergency Plan for couragement over the years. I want to thank tensive achievement, service, and public dis- AIDS Relief and the first bill to authorize Inter- him for his friendship and support of my work tinction. These include induction into the Tift national Disaster Assistance in 30 years. I in Congress. I wish him continued success in County Chamber of Commerce’s Wall of look forward to seeing what she does next as all that God has planned for his family. Fame in 2014; the Liberty Bell Award by the I depart the chairmanship. I know she will con- f Tifton Judicial Circuit Bar Association in 2016; tinue her excellent work. the Eunice Mixon Award from the State Bar of f IN MEMORY OF MRS. EUNICE L. Georgia in 2010; the Distinguished Older MIXON Georgian by the Georgia Council on Aging in HONORING RICHIE MOORE 2018; and a listing as one of the 40 Most In- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. fluential South Georgians. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON OF GEORGIA Eunice is survived by her loving sons, John- OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ny and Jimmy; and a host of other family IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES members and friends. Thursday, November 29, 2018 Thursday, November 29, 2018 On a personal note, I was blessed to know Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is Eunice and her husband, Albert, for many Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance years and I can say without reservation that er, I rise today to honor a tenacious young that I rise today to pay tribute to a distin- she was one of the most passionate and man, Mr. Richie Moore. Mr. Moore has shown guished educator, political activist, and dear warm-hearted individuals I have ever met. I what can be done through hard work, dedica- friend of longstanding, Mrs. Eunice L. Mixon. am proud to have considered Eunice and the tion and the desire to serve his community Sadly, Eunice departed to her eternal reward Mixon family as friends of longstanding. honorably. on Thursday, November 22, 2018. On Sun- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join my Richie Moore, a resident of the Benton day, December 2, 2018, friends and family will wife Vivian and me, along with the more than Community was named General Manager of gather to celebrate the wonderful life of this 730,000 people of the Second Congressional the Public Service Commission of Yazoo City. exceptional woman at a homegoing service District, and all across the state of Georgia, in He came to the job with several years of ex- held at First Baptist Church in Tifton, Georgia. paying tribute to Mrs. Eunice Lastinger Mixon, perience. He has worked for Yazoo Valley Eunice Lastinger Mixon was born in Tifton, for her legacy of service to state of Georgia, Electric Power Association and Entergy where Georgia on November 1, 1931, to the union of and extending our deepest condolences to he served in different positions ranging from the late Robert and Carrie Lastinger. A prod- Eunice’s family, friends, and loved ones. We groundman to journeyman lineman, and also uct of the Tift County School System, she pray that we will all be consoled and com- held leadership roles in engineering and de- went on to attend classes at Abraham Baldwin forted by an abiding faith and the Holy Spirit sign, distribution operations, and utility per- Agricultural College, Norman Park Junior Col- in the days, weeks, and months ahead. formance. lege, Valdosta State College, and the Univer- f While working fulltime, Moore obtained a sity of Georgia where she earned both Mas- Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and a Mas- ter’s and Specialist Degrees in Science Edu- IN APPRECIATION OF THE SERV- ter’s Degree in Business Administration from cation. ICE OF JOAN O’DONNELL Mississippi College. Winston Churchill said, ‘‘We make a living CONDON Richie is married to Amy and they have two by what we get, but we make a life by what children, Julian and Emily. Moore is the son of we give.’’ Through every stage of her life, Eu- HON. EDWARD R. ROYCE Verstine Moore and Frizell Casey. nice always gave herself to others. She OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me served as an educator for 30 years within the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in recognizing Mr. Richie Moore for his dedica- Tift County School System and at Abraham tion and tenacity to serving his community and Thursday, November 29, 2018 Baldwin Agricultural College before redirecting desire to be an example for all. her passion to politics. Her first official post in Mr. ROYCE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise f politics came in 1974 when she became the today to express my appreciation for Joan Tift County campaign chair for former Gov- O’Donnell Condon, a Senior Professional Staff GUN VIOLENCE ernor George Busbee. She also served as a Member who has served on the Committee on delegate to the 1988 and 1992 National Foreign Affairs for more than 18 years. HON. ROBIN L. KELLY Democratic Conventions, and as a member of I first came to know Joan while I was OF ILLINOIS the Georgia Democratic Executive Committee. chairing the Africa Subcommittee, during IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Over the years, she has helped campaign and which time she helped me advance key initia- fundraise for several political figures including tives to promote security, rule of law, and eco- Thursday, November 29, 2018 former Georgia Lieutenant Governors Zell Mil- nomic opportunity across the continent. She Ms. KELLY of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I rise ler, and Pierre Howard, former Georgia Gov- worked tirelessly to bring attention to the today because Americans are still being taken ernors Roy Barnes, Joe Frank Harris, and atrocities of the Lord’s Resistance Army, from us by gun violence. Sonny Perdue, former Georgia Commissioner genocide in Darfur, and the rise of al Qaeda- The Republican majority’s strong ties with of Agriculture Tommy Irvin, former Georgia aligned terrorist organizations in East Africa the NRA—an organization that has blocked Secretary of State Max Cleland, U.S. Rep- and the Maghreb. In recognition for her efforts commonsense, lifesaving legislation and told resentative Charles Hatcher, former U.S. Sen- to support the peace processes in Liberia, Si- America’s doctors, our public health experts, VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:43 Nov 30, 2018 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29NO8.001 E29NOPT1 dlhill on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS November 29, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1573 that addressing gun violence ‘isn’t in their 51. Eric Brooks, 18 128. Dejanay Stanton, 24 lane’—has prevented this Congress from act- 52. Anthony Stearns, 17 129. Eh Thon Gar, 22 ing. 53. Margaret Distler 130. Jamymell Ray Why is that Mr. Speaker? Could your cau- 54. Clarence Distler 131. Yvonne Woodard cus be so beholden because of the millions of 55. Angel Thompson 132. Allen Troyer, 21 dollars the NRA funnels into your campaign 56. Andres Guillen 133. James Lonaker accounts and leadership PACs? 57.
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