UNAMI Newsletter United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq Newsletter - Issue 17 October 2011 IN THIS ISSUE UN mission’s new chief reaches out to all Iraqis UN mission’s new chief reaches out to all Iraqis ...1 UN celebrates 66th anniversary with Iraqi and international partners ................................. 2 UNAMI head Kobler visits Erbil Citadel .......... 3 Iraqi officials take part in refugee law course .................................................................. 4 Clean hands save lives - Global Handwash- ing Day celebrated by thousands of children across Iraq ................................................................ 5 News briefs .............................................................. 6 List of UN Acronyms ............................................. 8 In the first in a series of high-level meetings throughout the month, SRSG Martin Kobler (left) meets with Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari, 9 October 2011. Photo: UNAMI PIO am privileged to be here to con- retary General’s newly appointed envoy tribute to serving and assisting Iraq in Iraq has moved fast to meet with the “Iand its people at a time when the country’s key decision-makers and com- We are here to serve the country is going through an important munities. phase in its transition towards a peaceful Iraqi people, Mr. Kobler began with a series of visits and prosperous State,” said Special Repre- with Iraq’s leadership including President sentative of the United Nations Secretary- Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister Nuri Al-Ma- Mr. Martin Kobler, General (SRSG) for Iraq and Head of the liki and Foreign Affairs Minister Hoshyar United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq Zebari. Special Representative of the UN (UNAMI), Mr. Martin Kobler. Secretary-General for Iraq The SRSG used the forums to express his The SRSG delivered his comments upon gratitude to each of the leaders for their his arrival on 8 October 2011 to the Mis- valuable assistance and support provided sion’s Headquarters in Baghdad, adding to UNAMI and the United Nations team in that he was “very much looking forward Iraq and to gain valuable insight into the to working closely with Iraqi Government, key challenges the country faces toward the Council of Representatives, state in- becoming an irreversible democratic, sta- stitutions and Iraqi civil society, together ble and prosperous State. Mr. Kobler, who with the United Nations family in Iraq, in previously served in Iraq as Germany’s the fulfillment of our mandate in support Ambassador, was pleased to note that the of Iraq and its people’s aspirations for a Iraq he came back to was not the same as better future.” the one he left in 2007. Since assuming his duties, the UN Sec- On 23 October, Mr. Kobler embarked on be the last as Kirkuk and the Disputed In- Bazony, and young people. his first visit to Erbil, in Iraq’s Kurdistan re- ternal Boundaries are a key priority for us. “Youth are the future of this country and gion, where he met with the leadership of More importantly, all the interlocutors I I am keen on hearing from them on their the Kurdistan Regional Government. have so far spoken to are requesting us to expectations and concerns from the coun- During the two-day visit, SRSG Kobler met assist in providing the way forward to ad- try’s leaders and also from us, the United with senior leadership including the Presi- dress the pending issues that need to be Nations,” the SRSG said, speaking at Basra dent of the Kurdistan Region, Masoud resolved,” SRSG Kobler said in his encoun- University. “We intend to focus as a matter Barzani, and the Speaker of the Iraqi Kurd- ter with the media following his meetings of priority in the coming months on youth istan Region’s Parliament, Kamal Kirkouki. with Kirkuk officials. as we believe that it is the best investment Mr. Kobler emphasized to all interlocutors Representatives of the Christian commu- to ensure a bright future for the country,” the keenness of the United Nations in Iraq nity were also met by Mr. Kobler. “We are he added. to provide effective support in address- here to serve the Iraqi people. Iraq is rich Mr. Kobler, of Germany, was officially ap- ing national priorities and those identified with its ethnic and religious diversity and pointed by the UN Secretary-General as in the Region. He was briefed during his all communities have a contribution to his Special Representative for Iraq and meetings on the achievements made in make in building an Iraq where the values Head of UNAMI on 11 August 2011. He re- the Kurdistan region, in particular in the of tolerance, respect of others’ beliefs and places Mr. Ad Melkert of the Netherlands economic and social fields, and the latest indiscrimination serve as the foundation who served from July 2009 to August political developments. of a healthy society,” he said. As a mat- 2011. ter of priority, the SRSG indicated that he A week later, the UN’s top envoy in Iraq intends to meet as soon as possible with Prior to his assignment in Iraq, SRSG Ko- travelled to Kirkuk, located north of Bagh- representatives of other communities. bler served as Deputy Special Representa- dad, where he met with the Governor, tive (Political) for Afghanistan since March Najmeldin O. Karim, the Deputy Governor, Mr. Kobler’s last visit of the month was to 2010. He has vast experience in develop- Mr. Rakan al-Juburi, and the Chairperson Basra, located in the country’s south, to ing policies for conflict areas with more of the Provincial Council, Mr. Hasan Turan. emphasize the UN’s commitment to the than 25 years in his country’s Foreign people of Iraq across the country. During “This is my first visit to Kirkuk and I made Service. He previously served as Director- this occasion he met with the Basra’s Gov- General for Culture and Communication sure to come here the soonest after tak- ernor, Khalaf Adbdul-Samad, the Chair- ing up my duties. But it will definitely not in Germany’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, man of the Provincial Council, Sabaha Al- and was Ambassador to Iraq and Egypt. UN Day UN celebrates 66th anniversary with Iraqi and international partners he United Nations family in Iraq celebrated on 24 October 2011 Tthe 66th anniversary of the world body at the UN’s offices in Baghdad with the participation of Deputy Prime Min- ister Rowsch Shaways, Deputy Prime Minister Hussain Shehristani, and Min- ister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari. A large number of Iraqi senior officials, representatives of the international community and Iraqi civil society took part in this year’s celebration of United Nations Day. Representing the UN in Iraq, Special Representative of the UN Secretary- General (SRSG) for Iraq, Martin Kobler, highlighted some salient United Na- Left to Right - Deputy Prime Minister Rowsch Shaways, SRSG Martin Kobler, Deputy Prime Minister Hussain Shehristani, and tions and partners’ achievements that Minister of Foreign Affairs Hoshyar Zebari join in celebrating UN Day in Baghdad. Photo: Sarmad Al-Safy/UNAMI PIO have made a positive difference in the www.uniraq.org UNAMI Newsletter 2 UN Day lives of Iraqis, especially in the fields of Deputy Prime Minister Shehristani laud- more presence in Iraq. The Government elections, governance, public sector re- ed the United Nations’ contribution in is committed to providing a secure en- form, rule of law, anti-corruption, edu- helping the people of Iraq build a new vironment for the UN in Iraq," Mr. Zebari cation, health and delivery of essential free and democratic Iraq, particularly added. noting the UN’s significant role “in or- social services. The United Nations in Iraq is composed ganizing free and fair elections to elect “We can do more and we are ready to of the United Nations Assistance Mission those who represent the free will of the help with more…we are here to ad- for Iraq (UNAMI), and 20 United Nations Iraqis.” dress the challenges that the people of agencies, funds and programmes, out of Iraq are facing. We are here to help as Highlighting UNAMI’s support to build- which 16 are operating in the country. Iraqi challenges must and should be ad- ing the capacities of the Iraqi Indepen- The Organization works together with dressed by the Iraqis themselves,” said dent High Electoral Commission as one the Government of Iraq, the civil soci- SRSG Kobler, also highlighting that the of the many UN achievements in the ety and the international community UN Assistance Mission for Iraq, together country, Minister Zebari, said: “The Gov- to support Iraq’s strides toward a more with the United Nations Country Team, ernment of Iraq provided funding to the peaceful and prosperous future. electoral commission in Tunisia in order are working on intensifying develop- The United Nations officially came into to support their elections. The new Iraq mental efforts in three priority areas: existence on 24 October 1945, when the will be side by side with the people and youth, water and the environment. UN Charter had been ratified by a major- democracy." In his address, Deputy Prime Minister ity of the original 51 Member States. The Shaways said, “We in Iraq know very well "The Government of Iraq has strong Organization counts now 193 Member the meaning of the efforts exerted by ties with UNAMI and the role that the States and the day is celebrated each the United Nations and its development UN agencies played in reconstruction year around the world as the United Na- and humanitarian programmes." The and capacity building of Iraq is valu- tions Day to highlight the work and the Deputy Prime Minister went on to pay able. However, while acknowledging achievements of the United Nations to- respects to Sérgio de Mello and his col- the work and achievements of the agen- wards peace and development and hu- leagues who lost their lives in Iraq while cies, it is important to note that in order man dignity.
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