IrvingIrving RamblerRambler www.irvingrambler.com “Irving’s weekly community newspaper” February 28, 2009 Classifieds Page 4 HIS WEE LBJ-635 expansion Movies Page 11 TK Obituaries Page 9 Police Page 2 Page 12 Puzzles Page 10 Worship Page 8 Flames near freeway get attention By Jess Paniszczyn “The fire started on the south Curiosity got the best of hun- end of the structure and the wind dreds of people as they took time was blowing northwest. The fire during their busy commute to slow took off, and the structure went down and in some cases to get as completely to ground. There was close as possible as the Airport Inn only some rock and very little wood located at 110 W. Airport Freeway left, because it was such a hot fire. as it burned down on Feb. 23. The The cause of the fire remains initial call was received by the Fire unknown. Department around 6:19 p.m. Six “There couldn’t have been engines, three ladder trucks and 39 people living in the structure, be- fire fighters supported by police cause it was just an open tunnel. officers arrived at the scene. There was no place to get out of “The structure was like a lum- the wind. There was nothing to beryard standing on end with noth- steal in the structure just old wood. ing to stop the blaze. The wind was I don’t think there was any sort of blowing pretty good, and the fire accelerant or arson. swept through very quickly,” As- “The cause of the fire is unde- sistant Fire Chief Mike Evits said. termined. Sometimes it’s not clear “They were in the process of at all what caused a fire. We’re say- tearing the building down. They ing it’s suspicious, because we were going through and taking the don’t have a cause. That doesn’t copper, plumbing fixtures and any- mean it was arson. thing that has value to it. All of the “What happens a lot of times sheetrock had been removed. They in buildings like this is a workman had taken everything of any value is using a cutting torch to get some out of the structure but the stair- Flames fill the night sky as the vacant Airport Inn, which was in the process of being prepared for wells. See TWO, Page 6 demolition, burns. Texas Stadium hosts a final fan farewell By Jess Paniszczyn “The Fan Fest was one last Though the gladiators are long event to have at Texas Stadium PERIODICALS dead, the Colosseum in Rome has before we all head to Arlington. TEXAS IRVING POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE stood as a monument to the impor- This was a great way to say PERMIT #024981 tance of sports for over 2,000 years. goodbye to Texas Stadium,” said Alas, the Fates have not been so Jessica Anderson, special projects kind to another iconic sports struc- coordinator for the Dallas Cow- ture, Texas Stadium. Football fans boys Merchandizing Office. “It was were treated to one last revel dur- great event for the entire family. We ing the Farewell to Texas Stadium had balloon artists, silent auctions, Fan Fest and Stadium Memorabilia See SAYING, Page 8 Sale Feb. 20 – 22. ProProgramgram encouragesencourages EarEarthth friendlyfriendly transportransportationtation By Jess Paniszczyn Idling Problems and Alternative Residents who are tired of Fuels while enjoying environmen- The Irving Rambler Box 177731 P.O. Irving, TX 75017 road rage or who are looking for a tally friendly snacks. way to lessen their carbon foot- “Alternative transportation is print found some answers at the something we talk about at City Take the Road Workshop hosted Hall,” said Fran Witte, Senior Com- by the City of Irving on Feb. 21. munity Outreach Coordinator for Participants had the opportunity to the City of Irving. “But we haven’t see some of the transportation in- really gotten the word out to the dustries newest, fuel efficient gad- public, so we wanted to open a fo- Irving Rambler $0.25 Irving Rambler $0.25 Irving Rambler $0.25 Irving Rambler $0.25 Irving Rambler $0.25 A balloon helps to ease the pain as Ivana Romero (3) says a final gets, and listen to panel discus- rum where people could come in farewell to Texas Stadium. sions on subjects such as Real See ALTERNATIVE, Page 4 LEGAL NOTICES Make sure your notices are placed in a newspaper where people will actually see them Call 214-675-6493 Page 2 February 28, 2009 www.irvingrambler.com The Irving Rambler POLICE & FIRE InstituteInstitute sponsorssponsors historhistoryy prizeprize The Bill of Rights Institute re- entries which do an excellent job Police need help identifying bank robbery suspect cently announced their collabora- of analyzing the enduring impor- tion with National History Day tance of Constitutional rights in On Feb. 23 at 11:30 a.m., offic- pect pointed the gun directly at a sponded quickly, but the suspect (NHD). The Institute is sponsor- American history.” ers were dispatched to a robbery teller. The suspect told the teller to was already gone. ing the Constitutional Rights in Each year more than half a mil- at the First Convenience Bank lo- give him the money in the drawer. Investigators are requesting History prize, awarded to an out- lion students, encouraged by cated inside the Kroger Grocery He said not to give him any smart the public’s assistance in identify- standing entry in any category from teachers, participate in the NHD store in the 3600 block of N. Beltline money or dye packs. Upon receiv- ing this suspect. If you have infor- both the senior and junior divisions contest. Students choose histori- Rd. The suspect was wearing a ing an undisclosed amount and mation regarding this robbery which documents and analyzes cal topics related to a theme and black jacket with placing it into please contact the Irving Police De- how individuals have exercised conduct extensive primary and sec- a maroon shirt the bag, the partment immediately. their constitutional rights ondary research through libraries, underneath. He suspect throughout American history. archives, museums, oral history Irving Police Department contacts: walked up to one walked out of The 2009 theme is “The Indi- interviews and historic sites. The 972-721-2518 (24-hour number) the store and vidual in History: Actions and Bill of Rights Institute’s prize will of the tellers with 972-721-8080 Tips Line a black bag in one fled the scene Email a Tip – Legacies.” Students must demon- be awarded at the National Finals hand and a hand- in an unknown [email protected] strate through their project how held June 14-18 in College Park, gun in the other direction. Pa- 972-721- 2535 their chosen individual’s actions MD. hand. The sus- trol officers re- Detective Schingle had an impact on history. Selection of prizewinners is “We have long been inter- based on the National History Day On-View Residential all black clothing and ski Country Club. The suspects’ ve- ested in the outstanding work sub- Contest Guide judging criteria and Burglary Arrest: 02- masks. The suspects fled with the hicle also struck three parked ve- mitted by students as part of Na- the NHD-approved criteria sup- 19-09 at 11:52 An of- victim’s wallet from the IHOP park- hicles before it came to a stop. Both tional History Day,” said Victoria plied by the Bill of Rights Institute. ficer saw two males, ing lot in a dark colored sedan. male suspects fled on foot, and Hughes, Bill of Rights Institute For more information about History standing in the front they were not located. The gate President. “This prize enables us Day, go to yard of a residence in the 2500 block Robbery: 02-21-09 at 8:00 p.m. The sustained major damage and IPD to recognize in a special way those www.nationalhistoryday.org/. of Brockbank Dr., holding elec- complainant stated that he was worked the accident. There were no tronic items with wires hanging to walking through the parking lot of reported injuries. the ground. The two males fled the Dart Bus Station, 201 W. Rock PPoliceolice remindremind motoristsmotorists ofof from the officer on foot into a resi- Island. He stated that he was struck Fire: 02-23-09 at 6:37 p.m. Accord- dence in the 400 block of Hughes from behind with something and ing to IFD investigators, an un- Dr. Responding officers confirmed several males began kicking and known person set fire to the Air- enforcementenforcement periodperiod that a burglary occurred on punching him. They asked for his port Inn in the 120 block of W. SH Brockbank and assisted with a pe- money, but they took his toolbox 183. The building was empty and The current five year grant supplemented with additional grant rimeter around the suspects’ house when he did not respond to them. was to be demolished. awarded to the Irving Police De- (S.T.E.P. – I.D.M. Wave Grant). Pur- on Hughes. The two suspects in- The complainant made it home and partment by TxDOT has been suant to that grant the following volved in the burglary were found called IFD. The suspects were not specific enforcement periods have inside. Property from the burglary located. Irving Fire Department been schedule. During these dates was recovered from inside the resi- additional officers will be added to dence, outside in a shed on the pre- Outside Agency Pursuit / Acci- Activity summary Feb 19 - 24, 2009 the streets/highways with the sole mises, and in a yard along the sus- dent: 02-22-09 at 2:17 a.m.
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