THE COMMERCIAL Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain. j v A ■ ■ ■ V ■ r \ -Lily Tomlin ï e a ù e rM . ^ ^ C T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 28. 2001 Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST L b u gets generous gitt trom Sika C hem ical By Df.k W ild-Day Community Lyndhurst Firemen now have a new avenue of safety thanks to a gener­ Briefs ous donation from Sika Chemical Cor­ poration. The Lyndhurst-based com­ pany donated funds so the depart­ Yard debris will be ment could purchase Personal Escape collected Saturdays Ropes, something new to firefighters Commissioner William F. Smith, Di­ all over the country. rector of the Department of Public Lyndhurst is the first town in the Works, urges Lyndhurst residents to area to get the ropes, and fire officials place all yard debris curbside on Fri­ say they are especially grateful to Sika day evenings. Grass and debris must for making the purchase possible. So be placed in an open container; plas­ far. only larger cities such as New York tic bags will not be accepted. Tree and Houston have this type of equip­ branches must be cut in four foot ment. In appreciation - Shown above are Lyndhurst Fire Official Michael lengths and bundled. All yard debris As thin as a man’s pinky finger, these Antomcelli, Joann Barberi who coordinated with LFD for the purchase of the Personal Escape Ropes. LFD Captain Timothy Burns, and Tony will be collected on Saturday morn­ . Photo, James Dombrowski ropes can hold up to 2000 pounds. If ings until Oct. 27. they do catch fire, it takes about two Jurg, Vice President of Sika Chemical, who approved of the purchase In the corner... - Patsy's Shop-Rite Assistant Store Manager Mike minutes to bum completely through and donation Barberi and Jurg are shown accepting plaques of recogni­ Lyndhurst plans Cappadona, left, and long-time employee and restaurant owner Bob Being able to work with the smaller, tion for their generosity and support Dubon, nght, greet HBO Boxing Analyst and Shop-Rite Pharmacist Harold sturdier rope leaves less chances of Atlantic C ity trip Lederman, center. Lederman can be seen on HBO Boxing Broadcasts accidental tangling and gives better with Jim Lampley, George Foreman and Larry Merchant. Lederman is mobility to the firemen. Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr., the expert judge who compares his round-by-round scores with the pro­ Director of the Department of Recre­ When not responding to calls, the fessional ring judges Lederman is a Columbia Pharmacy School gradu­ Lyndhurst Fire Department practices ation has.announced that there will ate and a full time Shop-Rite pharmacist Dubon also has two careers: be an Atlantic City trip to the Show­ fighting fires, and escaping from burn­ working part time at Patsy's and owning Parker's Restaurant on Com­ ing buildings during drills. Recently, boat Casino on rhursday, July 26. merce Street in Newark. This trip is open to any Township resi­ they were given access to a few dent 2 1 years of age and older. houses throughout the town that were Tickets will go on sale Monday, July Lyndhurst athletes vie in Special Olympics going to be tom down, for use as a 2, at the Parks Department from 9 a.m. “classroom” thereby enabling them to until 3 p.m. and every day thereafter teach the proper use of the new ropes, * at the same times. No exceptions will as well as other means of escape. be made. Sometimes they use smoke-filled Tickets are $ 15 with a coin return of houses to give the firefighters a bet­ S I3. Buses will leave promptly at 8 ter understanding of what they will a m. from the Town Hall Park. For fur­ be doing when they are fighting an ther information call the Recreation actuai fire. Other times, they keep the Department at 201 -804-2482. building open so everyone can see what is to be done during an emer­ Getting prepared - Shown are firemen using the new Personal Escape Township to celebrate gency situation. When you are in your own home, Ropes during a recent practice drill. As Captain Timothy Burns (photo Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr.* chances are you move freely about, right) lowers himself from a building, other firefighters learn how to ma­ neuver themselves and use the ropes to their best advantage In left Director of the Department of Recre­ because it is familiar surroundings. photo, a fireman demonstrates how to climb down a ladder head first, in ation, announces that Lyndhurst will Walking into someone else’s home for order to escape the perils of a burning building What used to be consid­ celebrate Independence Day on Tues­ the first time, you’re a little more care­ ered a wrong approach, it has since been proven that a head-first depar­ day, July 3. (Rain Date. Wednesday, ful where and how you move, taking July 4, same time, same location). care not to walk into things, such as ture could actually be a safer means of escape Residents are invited to go to Lyndhurst Recreation Department Special Olympics Bocce players (left furniture, or the family pet aasleep in that firemen deal with each time they ones from their own companies. To- Little League Field at 6 p.m. where to right) Michaef-PuctHo. Larry Van Dorn, Chrtstme Cush, Matthew the middle of the floor. Now answer the ringing alarms or cries for gether with the neighboring towns of soda, hot dogs, and other refresh- Dalzell, Laura Dalzell. Frank Argyelan and Coach Beverly Brachocki wearingwearing heavyheavy protectiveprotective clotl clothing and help. North Arlington, Rutherford. East ments will be available. Rutherford, Carlstadt, and Wallington player teams; two athletes with dis­ carrying several pounds of equip­ Practice drills are also done with fire Also, at this time, music will be The Lyndhurst Recreation Depart­ they have combined equipment that abilities are teamed with two non-dis­ ment strapped onto your back, and departments from surrounding towns. played, with the Patriotic Exercises ment, under the direction ofCommis- also includes scuba diving teams and abled partners. In this division having to quickly walk through a Many times there are fires that need beginning at 8:30 p.m. sioner Paui Passamano. Jr., recently hazardous materials. To be qualified Lyndhurst was represented by Frank building that is unknown to you and more manpower than one town can The grand finale of the evening will sponsored athletes at the Special for these special teams of fire fight­ Argyelan, Michael Pucillo, Laura is filled with smoke, flames, or possi­ handle alone. Practicing drills to­ be the "Gala Fireworks Display." / Olympics New Jersey Summer Games ing, each person must pass additional Dalzell and Matthew Dalzell. This bly with burning debris falling about gether helps everyone leam how to Commissioner Passamano invites at theCollege of New Jersey in Ewing. certification tests. team was the only one in the competi­ you. This is just some of the dangers work with other firemen besides the all township residents to come out and It was the first time that Lyndhurst tion consisting entirely of teenagers. enjoy the evenings festivities. Recreation sponsoqed a team al­ They played well and^took a 3-3 tie For additional information, call the though some residents have partici­ into the last frame. The last ball rolled Volunteers get to w ork on revam ped rin k Recreation Department at 804-2482. pated for many years on other teams. Also, Lyndhurst fielded the only determined the winner and Lyndhurst b y P h i l i p S il v a LHS Class of ‘51 seeks bocce teams representing Bergen lost in a tape-measure finish. The team Young roller-hockey enthusiasts in County. placed fifth in the competition. Lyndhurst will soon have newly reno­ some missing classmates Two teams represented Lyndhurst Lyndhurst Recreation would like to vated rink to compete on, thanks to Lyndhurst High School Class of 1951 on the bocce courts. Christine Cush include unified soccer in its Special the work of local volunteers. is planning a 50th reunion and is look­ and Larry Van Dorn won the Silver Olympic Program this fall. Call Beverly Heavy rains on June 23 didn’t keep ing for the following'classmates: Medal in Doubles Competition. Brachocki at (201 )804-2482 if inter­ a team of volunteers from enthusias­ Catherine Clark, Roseann Coccio The Unified Division consists of 4- ested in playing on a team. tically getting to work on the over­ Martinelli, Rose De Vito, Ray Eulo, haul project. The old hockey rink on Marilyn Filardo Hein, Salvatore Riverside Avenue just a few feet Germinerio, William Henning, Fred away from the Passaic River was Hoffman, Norma Isenberg Diak, Jean Lyndhurst police blotter stripped down and prepared for reno­ Kelly Acker, Robert McLaughlin, Ri­ vations that will reportedly include an chard Marchitto, Nannette Milici, Roy b y P h i l i p S il v a extension of the rink. Petersen. Edith Reid Everly, John Suspended license - Dennis His warrants were reportedly is­ The extension will bring the rink up Reno, Gilbert Rifkin, Kurt Schneider, Carrasco, 21 of Lyndhurst, was ar­ sued in connection to charges of to county regulation standards, giv­ Brucfc Schuerman Frank Tewes. rested on June 20 for driving with a harrasment and violation of a T.R.O. ing Lyndhurst’s roller hockey leagues Anyone with information is asked suspended license. Officer O’Rourke He was later released to a detective the chance to host some home games.
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