, time Running Out Forecast TIIt",'s Ius' four days I. ft of the sprin, F.ir Inti wlrm.r tod.y. cI.ar te parll., VlUtion - and IUlt six days 11ft to fill cloudy tonloht .lind FrldlY. Hi,hs todlY flit .nd fil. Incom. IIX rtturnl. In the 40,. Serving th$ University of Iowa IowanC1f and the People Iowa City Ellabliahed In 1868 10 centl a COpy , Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa 52240-Thursday, April 10, 1961 Jaycees Set Fighting in Lull; Sioux City Suburb All at Sea Fund Drive BS2s Take Over J SAIGON IA'! - With ground warfare In a lull, U.S. B52 Stralofortresses took Surging Flood Waters For Firemen over the burden of attack Wednesday, concentrating their blows OIl suspected The lowa City Jaycees started a fund enemy bases near Cambodia northwest drive Wednesday for firemen Injured In of Salgon. Inundate'Town of 800 Monday's explosion at the Mercy Hospita I U.S. military analysts said thal after addition, and a drive that begtn Monday 6\i weeks of offensive, the enemy had to provide prepared meals for the 16 pulled back most of the North Vietnamese SIOUX CITY (AP) - The surging Big Sioux: River chased a town of 800 from children of the most seriously·injured Isl and 7th divisions to the Cambodian its homes and busine se:s Wednesday as the rising waters aeated U a vast inland fireman continued. border for replacements and supplies sea: Mrs. J. William Condon, 430 S. Dodge after heavy losses. Mayor Albert Streeter of suburban North Sioux City, S.D., ordered resi­ St., who is heading the food drive for the The Viet Cong's 9th Division , made up all family of Robert L. Hein, 1153 Hotz Ave., of about 80 per cent North Vietnamese dents to flee the flood when the river began pouring relentlessly into the low· said Wednesday the family needs any· according to U.S. estimates, was holding lying community, thini that can be frozcn or any nonper· fast along an importanl infiltration corri· Across the river in Sioux City, hundreds of volunteers struggled around the ishable cam~ goods. She sail S u c h dor in lower Tay Ninh Province 52 miles things as laundry soap. paper towels and northwest of Saigon, the U.S. analysts clock to beat the record ere t. Officials said dikes should protect the city of paper plates could also be used. said. 90,000 from widespread flooding. Hein was still listed in critical condi· Five waves of the eight-engine, high­ One Sioux City resident descrihed the month ago enabled most river commun· tion. with a head injury, at General Hos· flying B525, totaling 30 planes, unleashed ities to take adequate precautions. pital Wednesday night. Big Sioux River Valley north of Sioux about 1,000 tons of bombs on suspected City as "a vast inland sea - two to three To the northeast of Sioux City, the LIl­ Four other injured firemen, all listed troop concentrations, base camps, bunker miles wide as far as the eye can see." lie Sioux River has forced evacuation ot in good condition Wednesday, we r e : complexes and supply depots of the three 90 families - some 350 people - [rom divisions, the U.S. Command reported. Thousands of acres were inundated. Patrick C. Akers, 1107 Marcy Sl.; Greg­ Th. No rth Sioux City eva cue., fled t. Cherokee, population 8,500. Officials said ory Waddel, 516 S. Gilbert St.; and Lr· The strike reportedly ranged from the private home" mo tels and hot.ls In SiouK tb.e worst may be over at that town. vern Stahmer, 3011 Clover St., all at Viet Cong's 9th Division area to upper City. Th.y found salami sandwiches walt. Seven families were evacuated fro m Mercy Hospital; and Raymond Worn· Tay Ninh Province, 69 miles northwest in, at the abandoned Jackson Hotel, Spencer on the Little Sioux, but the riv· bacher, 1816 Muscatine Ave., at General of Saigon in an area only 17 miles long. whirl thl R.d Croll .et up emergency er was rece<!ing there Wednesday . Hospital. Wombacher hu a head injury, Sume strikes were two miles from Cam· headqulrters. Sandbagsing continued at Akron on the ahead of him on Akers a broken collarbone, Waddel a bodia. Day Doyle Massey of North Sioux City. a Big Sioux in an attempt. to plug three Ie· are Ron Santo (10) broken lee, and Stahmer .moke inhala· Gooc/ lor a Swim vee leaks that had forced the evacuation While much feared by the North Viet· packing house worker. moved his family Randy Hundley, next lion. namese and Viet Cong, the BS2s effec· Undismayed by the flooding waters of the ,urging Big Sioux River, three geese flolt of two families. Six families on nearby - AP Wirephoto Two other firemen who were injured, out just before water lapped up around tiveness can only be conjectured. Some placidly by a house and car abandoned to the floodwaters in North Sioux City, S.D., the front porch. farms also were Corced to desert their Assl Chief Robert Parrott, 1018 N. Sum­ pri oners say they move out of their posi. Wednesday. A record crISt is expected to hit this SloUK City suburb today or Friday. hcmes . Massey said he recently spent $3,000 0 I mit St., and Kenneth Dunlap, 534 Clark tions before the bombs drop. - AP Wirephoto National Guard trooPI Wert s.nt Into st., were treated and released at Gen· I'emodeling of the home, which he pur· Sioux City Tuesday .nd Wedn.sday to eral Hospital Monday and are back at chased three years ago. help w;th flood fighting .Hortl. Gov. Rob. work in the department. 1lllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllmlllllll!1I111111II1IIm!llllllmlllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllll "You couldn't tell it now," he said, as .rt D. R...... Id h. would tour the ar.. A construction worker Injured in the three feet of water covered his lot. "I today. explosion, George Chalupa, of Washing. don't have anything now." Bomb Threat Empties Mrs. Doderer Strikes Forty·one families have been evacuated Some 700 volunteers. most of them 1011, is listed in good condition at Mercy. CITY IA'I - Veter,m from Sioux City Riverside area hom e s high school and college stlldent~, includ­ The Jaycees' fund drive, which will aid A Blow for Equality ing girls, answered the plea for help in Mel'Z told the Kan· ,all the injured firemen, is headed by Rus­ not protected by the new levee exten­ Chiefs Tuesday he is sions. Nearly 90,000 sandbags were being Sioux City. sell D. Slade, 733 13th Ave., Coralville. DES MOl NES INI - The Iowa Sen.tl "We're here to help," said a tuden! from professional foot· Slade said that contributions to the fund Statehouse in a Hurry Wednesday broke • tradition lind for the filled and tossed on the dikes. nurse from St. Vincent's Academy of can be mailed ID the Iowa City Jaycees, firt! tim. a woman presid.d ov~r 'h e Th. W.ath.r Bureau said a record crest Nursing. "So what if we're gil'ls?" who will be 31 n ext Box 673, Iowa City, or left aL the Iowa DES MOINES IA'I - The row a State­ Airport, and one at the statehouse last upper chamber, according to veteran leg· IS fHt over flood stage wal .xpected at house and two state office buildings were Meanwhile, on the other side of the although I e felt he ' state Bank and Trust Co., First National summer. He said all turned out to be Islators. Sioux City Friday wh.... the Big Sioult evacuated Wednesday afternoon after a hoaxes. s~ate, swirling flood water In tributaries at least two m 0 r e Bank, Hawkeye State Bank or Coralville Sen. Minnett. Dod,rer (D·lowa City) empties into the Missouri R.iv.r. T hat of the Mississippi River inched steadily wanted to get start· soft· voiced caller told a switchboard opera· "Kansas, this is going too far," muttered wou ld put the level of the Big Sioux on. Bank aoo Trust Co. IDr there was a bomb in the building. State nep. William Gannon (D·Mingo), as was called on '0 preside In the abse nce upward Wednesday as weather experts A Jaycee committee wlll determine foot short of the top of the lev.IS. Il foiled the Iowa Senate's plans for its he and other legislators rushed out of the of Lt. Gov. Roger Jepsen. remained fearful of continued rains. later, in consultation with representatives first night meeting of the session and set Statehouse. Mrs . Doderer informed senators the y The Big Sioux and other northwest Towa Two lives have been lost to the high III tile firemen, how to use the fund to some to muttering darkly that Kansas was Gannon had predicted reprisals from tributaries of the Missouri River w ere w,ter, hundreds of persons have b •• n benefit the injured men and their famil· could address her IS "Madame Presl. going too far in its vendetta against Iowa. Kansas when the Iowa House recently dent:' and several of 'her coll ••gut.. uid swollen by the .melting of a deep snow Illacuated ,",1ft their homes and I mil­ ~ iet Southern Minnesota and northern No bomb was actually f 0 u n d,but the classified the "Kansas stale flower, the sh" lent "great dignity to these halls." uveriil lion or more acrll of farmland have been legislators quickly adjusted to their un· wild sunflower, a secondary noxious weed. Iowa . But advance warning more than a inu ndated.
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