THE ■ BAYSHORE ☆ ☆ ☆ IniD EPEN D EN T ☆ . ☆ The Weekly Newspaper Vol. 10 No. 4 Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1979 20 C ents B attered w om en's shelter set for n ew hearing D ec. 18 By Judith McGee Feeney revised its ordinances Monday to establish Under the amended ordinance, objectors The Educational Services Commission KEYPORT clear procedures for appeals from zoning or must appeal to the council within 10 days of a provides the services for private schools on The Borough Zoning Board on Dec. 18 will planning board rulings. board decision. behalf of local school districts. vote again whether to grant the Women’s In another matter at the council meeting, According to Borough Attorney Philip The council hired Elisa Martinez as an Resource and Survival Center a use variance the council decided to permit the use of a Blanda, confusing language was found in the assistant in the building inspector and tax for its shelter for battered women, according trailer at St. Joseph’s School. ordinances when the women’s center ap­ assessors' office, a position provided by the to board attorney Norman Kauff. Trailers are not permitted anywhere in the pealed. Comprehensive Education and Training Kauff said that transcripts have been borough by the zoning laws. The trailer is Typographical errors in the 1977 or­ Agency. given to a board member who had been used by teachers from the county Educa­ dinances, he said, made it unclear whether absent when testimony about the center was tional Services Commission to offer remedial Ms. Martinez, a borough resident, was appeals were to be brought to the council or heard so that all seven board members will help to students at the school. hired effective Nov. 22 at an annual salary of to the courts. be eligible to vote. At the previous vote May By state law, local school boards must $7,201. 15, only six members were able to partici­ “ We changed the language,” Blanda said, offer remedial help to private school Mayor Richard Bergen noted that Ms. pate. “ to eliminate ambiguities and make it clear students. However, state law also forbids Martinez has completed two years of college. The vote was 4-2 in favor of a variance, but that all appeals must come before the public school teachers from working inside a “ She is very well qualified for the K eyport parade five votes were needed for approval. council.” private school. position,” he said. The center had appealed that vote to The Keyport High School Marching Band escorted Santa Claus into the borough last Friday, Superior Court Judge Patrick McGann. marking the official opening of the Christmas shopping season. Santa rode on a fire truck as According to Kauff, McGann remanded the band paraded through the borough streets. (Photo by Dave McGrath). the case to the board for another vote Kidzus snubbed by school board because the board gave no reason for refusing the variance in May. M ATAW AN Jones, Robert Fenske, and Marilyn Brenner. from one municipality as its president and a Kauff said that the board decided con­ Board of Education member Michael Kid­ All three declined the nomination. member from the other municipality as vice Kidney disease conquers clusively in its initial resolution that the zus Monday night lost an election in which he A fter the vote on Kidzus’s nomination was president. Because Brown is a township shelter is not allowed under existing laws, was the only candidate. taken, he lashed out at the board. representative, the vice president would be a which permit hotels in commercial areas. A motion to elect Kidzus vice president of “ It’s personalities that count on this member from the borough. If the variance does not receive five votes the school board failed by a 6-3 vote. board,” he charged. “ If I kow-towed, I could Of the three borough representatives, Kid­ assemblyman at age 44 be president of this board.” at the December meeting, he said, McGann Noting that the board has not had a vice zus has the most seniority. He has been on the president since Valentinis Melinas resigned Kidzus also reiterated his contention that board seven years. FREEHOLD will decide whether the shelter is permitted in September, board member Elizabeth Jones the borough’s representatives are pitted Kidzus, however, has been a controversial A mass was to be said this morning at St. as a hotel, and if not, whether a variance should be granted. nominated Kidzus for the position. against the township members of the board. board member and has frequently been Rose of Lima Church for Assemblyman In a related matter, the Borough Council Other board members nominated Ms. Board President Richard Brown denied criticized by his colleagues for releasing in­ Walter Kozloski, 44, who died Sunday after a that the split between borough and township formation which they felt should have been two-year fight with kidney failure and pan­ representatives exists. kept confidential. creatitis. “ I ’m not going to kow-tow or kiss your rear Kozloski, a Democratic legislator from the Vandals' action kills pigs ends to be vice president,” Kidzus said. llth District for nine years, died at 9:30 a.m. Ms. Jones commented that she “ did what I Eight seek post at Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch. thought I should do. I thought Mike earned the Kosloski was vice chairman of the right to be vice president, but if other people Assembly’s Agriculture and Environment at Hazlet children's zoo of administrator don’t agree, that’s their prerogative.” K E Y P O R T Committee and a member of its Institutions, Traditionally, the board elects a member Members of the Borough Council met last Health and Welfare Committee. He was Gov. By Lee Duigon reported the incident to the police, Pekarsky week with William Struwe of the state Divi­ Brendan Byrne’s appointee to tha state’s P e r­ H AZLE T said. manent ■council on Arm ed Forces Liaison. The Recreation Commission will meet ‘‘jjlte two pigs together weighed about 300 Park may be sion of Local Government Finances to review A leader in many local civic groups and a tomorrow to discuss the possibility of setting Pfnijfn-.-f' he added, "so there would have eight applications for the position of oorough former Freehold Borough councilman, a reward fur information leading to the arrest been snme damage to the car.’ ' administrator. Kozloski was a teacher in Howell. of the person or persons who broke down a One/of the pigs, he said, was thrown into a finished soon “ The council just received the applications He lived on Schiverea Avenue with his wife, fence Saturday night at the Union Avenue roadside ditch and drowned there after suf­ K E Y P O R T . and resumes from Mr. Struwe last week,” Louise, and four children. Recreation Center—an act of vandalism fering for several hours. The construction of Cedar Street Park may Mayor Richard Bergen said. “ We are going to After his death, friends and political which resulted in the death of two young pigs, The pigs were obtained by the commission be completed within two weeks, Borough meet this Friday with Mr. Struwe again to associates praised Kozloski as a courageous Prudence and Patience, who were the star at­ in June. Engineer Timothy Gillen said yesterday. review them and choose some to interview.” man who was concerned about his consti­ tractions of a children’s zoo there. “ I fought to get those piglets,” Pekarsky Gillen said that he met recently with According to Bergen, Struwe advised the tuents. The commission is asking persons with any said, “ and they were the biggest hit in the zoo. representatives of the Wilko Corp., Lincroft, councilmen to pick “three or four” can­ Confined to a hospital bed since the sum­ knowledge of the incident to call, said vice The ones who really suffer from this are the the park’s main contractors, to discuss a didates to interview. mer. Kozloski was defeated Nov. 6 in his bid chairman Henry Pekarsky. The commission little kids.” punch list of the remaining items. Councilman Charles Applegate said that for a fourth term. will protect the anonymity of the callers, he “ This type of nonsense has to be stopped,” “ The things that are left are repairs to ero­ one of the eight has already accepted a posi­ It was his only defeat in 13 years. He won added. he said. “ It’s one thing to vandalize property, sion damage, black top, and play tion with another municipality. his first bid for public office—a seat on the Vandals had knocked down the fence but another to kill an animal. equipment,” Gillen said. “They’re all things Applegate said he “ wasn’t particularly im­ Freehold Borough Council—in 1966. WALTER KOZLOSKI around the pigs’ pen, Pekarsky said. “ I plan to pursue this thing. I'll be out talk­ that should be able to be finished within the pressed” with the resumes. “ Walter had a genius to appreciate the feel­ “ I ’m not so sure the pigs would have run out ing to kids I know hang around in the area. next two weeks. ” . “ Really,” he said, “ only about three are “ Walter would assist anyone, despite their ings and needs of people as individuals,” said ' onto the road on their own,” he said. “ They Maybe they’ll know something.” Equipment and other items that may have worthwhile considering for an interview.” political affiliation. No matter what your posi­ the Rev. Stephen Duffy, a Sea Bright coun­ may have been chased out so that someone The zoo also contains sheep, goats, and been vandalized, Gillen said, will be repaired Applegate said that three of the applicants tion in life, you could feel at ease with him.” cilman and Kozloski’s running mate this who was waiting in a car could hit them.” chickens.
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