U- ■ . :/v. \- -''X - - f --------- ‘T" .TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2l, 1952 1 " rpASE BI6 HTEBN A ■* i^nilii^iBtrr lEttrnino H^ralb A vtnce Daily Net Preaa Riu ■\ For the WeAk OndaB. The Weather : .X oel. 18,1352- ■ .unBe Imdge No. n , XnicrhU:ef -'aLv.-S^^e4etts’s.Mothew- CiraU: roreeaat of C. M. Waatber Iteriei Pythias, will hold its regular, meetr ^4'UI meet at the hiome of Mrs. Jo­ Bpnyicim Still About Toim ing' at 8'p. m. tomorrow at fhwnge se^ ^'Driv#'*B. tbmor- 'Van Wyck-Weir;Weddihg^ - VyFhlr tniUght and ’nwraday. Hall. row at 8 p. m. TAMMX Economy hoR foiff Warmer Thursday. Mlalnniai ta- Art rtudent* of Walter Van- Is Low Bidder Mtmber «f the Audit A iatelt in thia town and vicinity St: Rita's Motbehi Circle will All Mancheater Intermediate -4 menthf (ovnrogoy BarMm or Clrenlations eight 44. Win luiva an exhibition o f their hold a meeting tomorrow at 8 and Senior Girl Scouts who can dp Manchester— -A City of Village Charm paiatlnca ahd drawinci ih the liv­ p. m. at the home Of Mrs. James So are asked to report at the Girl Bowers School Addition ing room o f Mr. VanAredaie'a in- Rissa, 31 Lockwood street. Scout office, 98S Main atreet, at 12:45 p. -m. Sunday to work on I VOL. LXXII, NO. 19 (Claaaiflad Advartialajg: aa Pag# M l 2 2 , tew U n g MO-year-oId house on \Fiil^inds Only One Other MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1932 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES— IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE n V B CENIG M p lv HilL Coventry, Saturday, at The Youth group of Center the Girl Scout houae-to-house can­ t |k » . Pictures should be at the Church is endeavoring to earn vass. mpany Seeking Job Va> Atadale home as soon as pos­ money for its miaalonar.v pledge sible. Uglit refreshments will be by Saturday, by babivsitting and A daughter was born at the St. The 'Bpnvlclnl Building -Com*- Francis Hospital op Oct.-17 to Mr- served in the studio, and all in- other services. Anyone interested pany, Inc.^'^fgain appeared aa low may contact the church office. and Mrs. Richard Rhodes, 49 teceetsd will be welcome to at­ bidder.on th'e.conatnictton of the tend. Coolidge street. Group C of the Center Church eight-clasaroom'^xaddlUon to - the ■ South Methodist Epworth Our lA dy of the Most Hoi. will- have a potiuck supper at 6 Bowers School w^n bids were o’clock this evening followed by a League members will have a Hal­ opened yesterday, .’ni^ Torrington Ilaeary Mothers Circle will meei loween party at Camp Merri- "X tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the home business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. El­ Construction firm, whose low bid mer Weden will show colored Wood, Gardner street, Saturday,, on the project In answlMrto the « o C M n Raymond Carroll, 47R East a t 8 p. m. Costumes .pi- V)ld elothaa slides o f their trip to Japan last first invltation-to~ bid M a to. be ' CMiter street. Rev. Robert J. Car- will be the order of the evening, roll. assistant pastor at St. Brid- spring when they visited their son disallowed and led to the rejection there. and. those not wearing them will g ^ ’a Om reb, will be guest speak- be penalised.'Games, dancing and of six others: submitted, n figure of 3189.000, the identical figure iMANCMnm Odd Fellows of King David lefreshmenla will round out a originally entered. - V Practical Way Disclosed ia Prevent Paredysis from Fol^a jolly time. * The Past Mistress Club of Lodge are requested to meet at lAtwer Preiloua Estimatea Daughters of Liberty, No. 125. the Holmes Funeral Home, tomor­ The Frechette and Floryaii row St 7:30 p. m. to ps.v final re­ The Republican Town Commit­ tJOLJ, will hold its monthly meet­ tee will hold its monthly meeting Company, Of Hartford, the only ing tomorrow evening at * o’clock spects to Shephard Fisher of other bidder yesterday, aubmiU’^ Walker street, who hss been an Friday evening at 8 o'clock, at the Ike AddreBsee Eaet Hartford Throng; at tha home of Mrs. Margaret Don- new headquarters, 917 Ma,n a figure o f 3192,500. In the AEW WOOLEN REMNANTS Odd Fellow for over 30 years. Q u a ck s W on’t CurelSAols Give nally, M Garden atreet. The club street. original bidding on the project, has act’ tha date of Oct. 31. for a this firm stibmiUed a figure of Mallowean party at the home of The Infant Jesus of Prague. 3198,918. ■ Blasts Mothers Circle wiH meet tomor­ Itie. Eather Haugh. 31 Edgerton Figures 3-Month Unilt - Rummage Sale ■traat. Past Mistress Ellen Wilson row at 8 p. m. with Mrs. Henry School Jamboree U. S. Ills, Adlai Says fire Week Bonvidnf gave six montha as McCann, 89 Pleasant atreet. Sponsored By The la oo-chalrman. Members and the estimated completion time for \ Manda will be welcome. Prises the job, and Frechette • and SISTERH OOPI OP TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Frank J. Mansfield. Marine Termed Success arm be awarded for the best cos- I Floryan. seven months. Both bids Protection tug)*e- Ningo will also be played. Corps League Aiix1Iiar.v will hold En Route with Stevenson • »*y« lI^4he south,** Stevenson de- its monthly meeting tomorrow aP will be studied before a contract is WEDNESDAY^FTERNDDN, OCT. 22 W M priiea for the winners. Sunny days and brisk fall weath­ awarded. 22— (jp ) - 8 p. m. at' the Army and Navy er, combined with the yeoman i Th* morning crowd, By ALTON L. BI.ARBSLEE Club. The new officers will be in­ Frechette and Floryan was the THURSDAY AU. DAY, OpT. 22 I?'* Adlai E. Stevenson standing in s spold wind, booed Science Reporter I Hartford, Oct. 22—</P)— This heavily Democntic city gave work of volunteers, gave the low bidder on the South School, stalled at this time, Bowers School PTA a very auc- charged today that Gen. lustlly as atevenspn mentioned the Cleveland, Oct. 22— (/P)— ) Dwight D. Eisenhower a rousing welcome today as he brought and the company has already Dwight D. Eisenho.wer is name of R^pubUcAiv Sen. WiUltm ifqrth a new slogan for his preaidential canipaiign->—’'Proaper- ceasful Jamboree iaat Saturday: started work on the two-class­ The first prwtical way to A meeting of the Mancheater The Jamboree featured entertain­ TEMFLE BETh^OLOITX “completely confused” about v®- Jenner. whom thV lUinoi* JOV- Ity without W,ar— Peace in the World.” A crowd estimatea by Women o f the Moose. Chapter room addition and renovation pro­ prevent much'paralysis from LECLERC ment and fun for j’oungaters and ject. CORNER MYRTLE AND tei,n™ licy ,, police at 50,000 jammed into the*~~~' '■ '■ ■■■■* ....... ..... — 1094, will be held Oct. 39, at the polio— right now— was dis­ the older folks. Bonvicini’s original'bid was re­ plaxa before the Hartford T im es; FUNERAL HOME British American Club. Mrs. Em­ In the cafeteria was a tale of closed today- A magical ma­ and other thousands lined the ma. Warnock, chairman of the jected two weeks ago by the diana. Democratic nominee for' the Walter N. baked and canned gooda aa well Board of Directors at the recom­ campaign to Indiana to declare. United States Senate, against terial from human blood. streets to applaud the GOP presW Mooseheart Committee, requests dential candidate. All Backers Leclerc, as clothes, toys and bPpks, and re­ mendation of Town Counsel John In an address prepared, for deliv­ Jenner, accompanied Stevenaon In Gamma Globulin, gives pret­ that toys ^ for Mooseheart be Elite Studio fitate Police Commlaeioner Ed­ Director freshments of hot dogs, coffee, MRS. JOHN G. VAN WYCK D. LaBelle because it did not in­ ery at Notre Dame University, whistle stops in the state. ty good protection. brought in at this meeting. ward J. Hickey aaid it wae the big­ candy and aoda pop were also sold clude alternate figures on a 'Con­ South Bend, that "the quackery ' Stevenson carried along on bis The scientific proof came from gest crowd he had ever seen on the there. struction item as requested. La- of medicine men who claim to cure whistle-stopping tour a fresh en dramatic test* on 55,000 U. S. chil­ Of T-H Hit FUNERAL Enjo.vrd Onmlo Books Miss Ethel Marion Weir, daugh­ a large reception tp Lithuanian the disea.se with words of hate plszs. ter of Mrs. Mabel Weir of 354 Oak Hall, Golway street, '-lyhich was Belle was reported to feel that dorsement from Sen. Richard Ru's- dren thlg *ummer and last. They The younger set enjoyed rum­ this failure to comply with the and lou<l _a^cu8aUons” _w iirnevi'r Georgia, one' of the candl- took the experimental *hot*—and Ovation'In Enst Hnrtford SERVICE maging through great piles of street and the lata Joaaph'~-’Weir, decorated with white itreamers banish Communism from America and wedding bells. \ bidding, requirements could lead defeated for the party each got a lollipop to dry his tears Eisenhower flew here from New a HAIM *T. MasW comic books and other entertain­ and John George Van VVyck, son either to legal action being taken position In Doubt presidential nomination in Chicago from the shock of a needle. York City snd got his first ova­ By Tnim aii ifflsS0 ment included the ahowlng of car- of Mr. and Mrs. John Van_,Wyck of For an unannounced wedding Manchaatar Call 2-5869 trip the bride wore a grey suit, against the town by an unsuccess­ “ We haven’t the slightest idea last July.
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