VOLUME 28, NUMBER 1 111ff Enrollment Ministry That Frees and Unites Continues Gain for Seventh Straight Year Theme for 1976 Lecture Week Bishops’ Call for Peace, dealing with Enrollment at The 111ff School of Four World Leaders many of the same issues that will be Theology for the autumn of 1975 shows presented at the Week another increase, for the seventh con of Lectures. secutive year. To Head Program The opening ses Total enrollment of all students, all sion will be a ser degree programs, is now 275, up from Two well known bishops, Bishop A. mon by Bishop Arm 264 in 1974. This includes 12 auditors, James Armstrong of the Dakotas Area strong entitled compared with 13 last year. of The United Methodist Church, and “About That Agen Master Divinity Bishop Mortimer Arias of the Evangel da.” Elected to the Enrollment in the of episcopacy in degree program is now 142, compared ical Methodist Church of Bolivia are Bishop 1968, with 134 a year ago. The number of scheduled to give leadership to the Armstrong women students in the M.Div. program 111ff Week of Lectures and Rocky was serving the is 38, also a significant increase and Mountain Pastors’ School. Broadway United the largest number of women in the Other leaders are Professor Rena Methodist Church in M.Div. program in the School’s history. Karefa-Smart, Visiting Professor of Indianapolis, I n di Students enrolled in the Master of Ethics at the Boston University School ana, where he was Arts in Religion program number 17, of Theology, and Dr. James H. Cone, Armstrong senior pastor of the women. Professor of Theology at Union Theol 3,200 member church. of whom 12 are Noted There are 26 Master of Sacred Theol ogical Seminary, New York City. for his interest and concern in social issues, Bishop Armstrong is ogy students, 8 Doctor of Theology The Week of Lectures brings to students, 33 Doctor of Ministry stu President of United Methodism’s Board gether ministers and spouses and lay of Church and Society, and Chairper dents, and 24 students in non-degree persons from a wide geographical area, programs. Thirteen students are cross- son of the Coordinating Committee on along with students and faculty of Peace and Self-Development of Peo registered from other institutions. The Iliff School of Theology. ples. During the 71 - day siege of Some thirty denominations are repre Beginning at noon on Monday, Janu sented in the student body. The largest Wounded Knee, South Dakota, he ary 26, most of the sessions will be served as representative for the Na group is United Methodist, and there held in the University Park United are significant numbers of students tional Council of Churches. Methodist Church, 2180 South Univers Earning degrees from Florida South from Lutheran Churches, the United ity Boulevard, Denver, with workshops Presbyterian Church, the United ern College and Candler School of in the facilities of luff. The sessions Theology at Emory University, Bishop Church of Christ, and the Roman will close at noon on Wednesday, Catholic Church. Armstrong has done graduate work at January 28. Boston University and the University Geographically, the students con format of the series will be tinue represent the entire United The of Chicago and is the recipient of to three preaching sessions under the numerous honorary degrees. States and several countries overseas. leadership of Bishop Armstrong, and During the year, the admissions Bishop Armstrong has published two lectures each by Bishop Arias, many books and articles. His popular office processed a total of 211 applica Professor Karefa-Smart and Dr. Cone. tions for admission to the School, com New United Methodist Primer is a fav Talk-back sessions will be held Tues orite among clergy and lay persons. pared with 177 applications the year day afternoon, giving participants the before. The latest book to come from his pen opportunity to discuss the implications is The Nation Yet To Be. of the lectures. Also included in the Bishop Mortimer Arias has provided afternoon talk-back sessions will be Vigorous leadership in the religious Donald Bossart Named an opportunity to discuss the issues and social movements in this hemi confronting the General Conference of sphere and is currently giving strong Director of Admissions The United Methodist Church. Dr. support to the liberation movement Dr. Donald E. Bossart, Assistant Pro Harvey H. Potthoff and Mrs. Joyce of his people. He is a dynamic speaker fessor of Ministry, has been appointed Sohl, both delegates to General Con and an able spokesman for the church Director of Admissions for The 111ff ference, will serve as discussion in South America. School of Theology, effective June 1. leaders. Prior to coming to the Week of Lec Dr. Bossart joined the faculty a year The theme for the sessions is tures, he will give a major address ago. He now adds administrative duties “Ministry That Frees and Unites” and at the Fifth General Assembly of the formerly done by Dr. William N. Bur will deal with the theology of libera World Council of Churches meeting ton, who will continue in his primary tion as it relates to the faith, witness in Nairobi, Kenya, November 22. role as Executive Assistant to the and mission of the Christian Gospel. December 11, 1975. President of the School. This theme lends itself to the par Being much in demand in various Dr. Bossart continues his teaching ticipation of lay persons as well as parts of the world, as well as in his duties in Divisions III and IV of the the clergy since the Rocky Mountain own country, Bishop Arias continues curriculum. Conference is actively engaged in the (Continued on Page 2) Page 2 ILIFF REPORTER (Continued from Page 1) to give vital leadership, to the spiritual PROGRAM and social needs of persons through spoken and written word. 1976 ILIFF WEEK OF LECTURES the SCHOOL Born in Bridgeport, AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN PASTORS’ Connecticut, Profes Monday, January 26 sor Rena Karefa - 8:00 a.m. Registration desk opens, Room 103, luff Hall Smart has lived in Coffee and doughnuts in the Lounge, Iliff Hall many parts of the 12:00 noon Sandwich Lunch, Lounge, Iliff Hall ($1 per person) w o r 1 d : Freetown, Sierre Leone; Ibadan 1:30 p.m. Opening Session, University Park United Methodist Church and Lagos, Nigeria; “About That Agenda” Monrovia, Liberia; Bishop A. James Armstrong Brazzeville, C o n g o (former identifica 2:30 p.m. Coffee break and fellowship tions); Geneva, 3:15 p.m. “What Does It Mean To Be Saved” Switzerland; and is Dr. James H. Cone Karefa-Smart presently living at 5:30 p.m. Banquet, The Iliff Alumni Association Weston, Mass. Fellowship Hall, University Park United Methodist Church In addition to teaching in the Bos The Reverend Burl Kreps, President, Presiding ton University School of Theology, Alumni Association Business Professor Karefa-Smart is also team Special Music teaching a course at the Harvard Uni Presentation, Alumnus of the Year Awards versity Divinity School with Dr. Pres “State of the Seminary” ton N. Williams. President Jameson Jones Professor Karefa-Smart received a Central Connecticut State 8:00 p.m. Evening Session, Sanctuary, University Park United Methodist B.Ed. from — College, an M.A. from Drew University, Church “The Church and the Struggles for Liberation, I” a B.D. from Yale University, and is a Bishop Mortimer Arias Th.D. candidate at Harvard University Tuesday, January 27 Divinity School. 7:00 am. Annual Breakfast Meeting, Methodist Ministers Credit Union Experienced in the liberation move Student Union Cafeteria, University of Denver ment, Professor Karefa - Smart has worked in this area in Africa, has been 9:00 a.m. Morning Session, Sanctuary, University Park United Methodist associated with the World Council of Church — “When You Kick a Stone” Churches (she has been a delegate at Bishop A. James Armstrong three general assemblies and will 10:00 a.m. Coffee break and fellowship participate in the Fifth General As Autograph party for authors who are present sembly of the World Council of Churches in Nairobi, Kenya), and ac 10:45 a.m. Lecture tive in the movement since coming to Professor Rena Karefa-Smart America. 12:00 noon Sandwich Lunch, Lounge, luff Hall ($1 per person) Dr. James H. Cone was educated at Phi 1:30 p.m. Denver District Parsonage Circle Tea for All Women lander Smith Col to at the home of President and Mrs. Jameson Jones, 3:30 p.m. 2716 South St. Paul Street lege, Garrett - Evan gelical Theological 2:00 p.m. Talk-Back Sessions (each person may go to one session’) School a n d North to Talk-Back Session with Bishop Mortimer Arias western University, 4:00 p.m. Talk-Back Session with Professor Rena Karefa-Smart receiving his Ph.D. Talk-Back Session with Dr. James H. Cone from the latter insti Discussion of General Conference Issues, Dr. Harvey H. tution. Potthoff and Mrs. Joyce Sohi In great demand 5:30 p.m. Banquet, The Rocky Mountain Historical Society as a speaker, Dr. fellowship Hall, University Park United Methodist Church Cone has lectured in Cone Europe, Africa, Japan 8:00 p.m. Evening Session, Sanctuary, University Park United Methodist and South Korea, as Church — “The Church as an Agent for the Oppressed” well as in this country. Dr. James H. Cone Dr. Cone has contributed articles to Wednesday, January 28 has pub numerous publications and 8:30 n.m. Morning Session, Sanctuary, University Park United Methodist lished major works in the field of Church — “The Church and the Struggles for Liberation, II” Black theology, power and liberation.
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