No. 1()4; 2629 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 6 OCTOBER 1977 CORRIGENDUM right of way created by transfer 147933, Sooth Auckland Appointment of Member to the Milk Prices Authority (No. Land Registry, such land being no longer required for the 1798 Ag. 3569) purpose for which it was acquired. IN the notice with the above heading published in the New SCHEDULE Zealand Gazette, No. 95, 8 September 1977, p. 2440, line 5, Sourn AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT for "Alane Edward Wilson" read "Alan Edward Wilson". ALL that piece of land containing 1315 square metres, situated in the Borough of Te Puke, being Lot 14, D.P. 286, and part Lot l, D.P. 13762, being part Section 20, Block II, Maketu Land Taken for Works, Appliances and Conveniences neces­ Survey District. All certificate of title, Volume 1286, folio 8. sary, directly or indirectly, for the Generation of Electricity P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. in Block V, Wakefield Survey District, Vincent County (P.W. 53/387/1; Hn. D.O. 43/38/0) DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION Approving the Amendment of the Bylaws of the Australasian PURSUANT to the Public Works AICI: 1928, and section 11 of Institute of Mining and Metallurgy the Electricity Act 1968, I, Sir Edward Denis Blundell, the Governor-General of New Zea1'and, hereby proclaim and DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for works, appliances, and conveniences neces­ ORDER IN COUNCIL sary, directly or indirectly, for the generation of electricity. At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 19th day of September 1977 SCHEDULE Present: 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT THE HON. D. MAclNTYRE PRESIDING IN COUNCIL ALL that piece of land containing 65 acres and 25 perches, WHEREAS by Letters Patent of Her Majesty The Queen dated being Section 59, Block V, Wakefield Survey District. All the 16th day of September 1955 the Australasian Institute certificate of title, Volume 370, folio 76. of Mining and Metallurgy (hereinafter called the Institute) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ was, by Charter passed under the Great Seal, established, General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, created, and incorporated into a body corporate and public: this 26th day of September 1977. And whereas by clause 15 of the said Charter it is provided that the majority of the corporate members present in person [L.S.] W. L. YOUNG, Minister of Works and Development. or by proxy and voting at a general meeting of the Institute Goo SA VE 1lff! QuEEN ! specially called for the purpose of which due notice has (P.W. 72/8/16/0; Dn. D.O. 72/8/16/0/0) been given shall have power from time to time to make such bylaws as shall seem requisite and convenient for the regulation, government, and advantage of the Institute its members and property and for the furtherance of its objects and purposes, and from time to time to revoke, alter, or Directing the Sale of Land in the Borough of Te Puke amend any bylaw or bylaws previously made but so that the same be not repugnant to the Charter or to the laws and DENIS BLUNDELL, Governor-General Statutes of Australia and the Dominion of New Zealand or any State or Territory thereof: And whereas it is further ORDER IN COUNCIL provided by clause 15 of the said Charter that no such bylaws At the Government House at Wellington this 5th day of revocation, alteration, or amendment shall take effect until September 1977 approved by the Governors-General-in-Council of Australia Present: and the Dominion of New Zealand: And whereas certain bylaws were made in accordance with the provisions of the HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL said Charter on the 30th day of November 1956 and were PuRSUANT to section 35 of the Public Works Act 1928, His approved, as required by the Charter, on the 25th day of Excellency the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice September 1957: And whereas the said bylaws subsequently and consent of the Executive Council, hereby directs the sale have been amended from time to time in accordance with of the land described in the Schedule hereto, subject to the the provisions of the said Charter and the amendments 2630 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No.104 approved, as required by the Charter: And whereas the said (a) Certificates ·of competency as boatmasters, bylaws as so amended were further amended in accordance (b) Certificates of competency as masters of restricted limit with the provisions of the said Charter bv resolution of a launches, and general meeting of the Institute specially called for the pur­ (c) Certificates of competency as inshore fishing skippers. pose of which due notice had been given and held on the in terms of sections 20 and 21 of the Shipping and Seamen 20th day of September 1976: Act 1952, with effect from the date hereof. Now therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent Dated at Wellington this 19th day of September 1977. of the Executive Council, hereby approves the said further H. D. M. JONES, Director, Marine Division. amendments of the bylaws of the Institute set out in the (M.O.T. 6/1/19) Schedule hereto. SCHEDULE Bylaw 30 is deleted and the following new bylaw inserted in lieu thereof: "30. Entrance fees and annual subscriptions shall be payable Revocation of Appointment of Officers authorised to take and as follows: receive Statutory Declarations Entrance Fee Original Transfer from Annual PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act Grade of Membership Admission lower grade Subscription 1957, as amended by the Oaths and Declarations Amendment Honorary Member ...... Act 1972, I have revoked the appointment of the officers Member $10.00 $5.00 $45.00 in the service of the Crown named in the Schedule below as Associate Member .... .. $10.00 $5.00 $35.00 officers authorised to take and receive statutory declarations. Company Member ..... $105.00 minimum SCHEDULE Affiliate $10.00 $5.00 $35.00 HOUSING CORPORATION Junior- Carter, Mary Bertha, Section Clerk, Wellington. (a) over 31 years Ching, David John, Section Clerk (New Loans), Christ­ of age $35.00 church. (b) under 31 years Dorreen, Paul Gordon, Section Clerk (New Loans), Christ­ of age $20.00 church. Student $9.00 Hollander, Simon, Section Clerk (Housing AHocations), Visiting Member " Christchurch. P. G. MILLEN, Clerk of the Executive Council. McDermott, Helen Mary, Section Clerk (Housing Alloca- tion), Christchurch. Moke, Bella, Section Clerk, Wellington. Russell, Peter John, Section Clerk, Wellington. Sail, Darryl Trevor, Section Clerk (Housing Allocation), Honours and Awards Wellington. Waldren, Clifford Ivan, Section Clerk, Wellington. HER Majesty The Queen has been graciously pleased to g~ve Wilson, Margaret Joan, Section Clerk, Porirua. orders for the following appointments to The Queen's Serv1ce GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Order: R. E. Owen, Government Printer, Wellington. Q.S.O. H. J. Reed, Staff Training Officer, Head Office. To be a Companion of the said Order for Community Service: Dated at Wellington this 26th day of September 1977. June Daphne., Her Excellency Lady BLUNDELL. D. S. THOMSON, Minister of Justice. To be a Companion of the said Order for, Public Services: (Adm. 3-28-3-13 (15); Adm. 3-28-3-15 (6)) His Excellency Sir Edward Denis BLUNDELL, G.C.M.G., G.C. v.o., K.B.E., Principal Companion of The Queen's Service Order since 1975 -and Governor-General and Commander­ fa-Chief in and over New Zealand since 1972. Dated at Wellington this 5th day of October 1977. P. G. MILLEN, Revocation of Appointment of Officers authorised to take and Secretary and Registrar of The Queen's Service Order. receive Statutory Declarations PURSUANT to section 9 of the Oaths and Declarations Act 1957, as amended by the Oaths and Declarations Amendment Act 1972, I have revoked the appointment orf the holders for the time being of the offices in the service of the Crown Appointment of Honorary Launch Warden specified in the Schedule below as officers authorised to take and receive statutory declarations. PURSUANT to regulation 16 (3) of the Motor Launch Regula­ tions 1962, I, Owen John Conway, in exercise of powers SCHEDULE delegated by the Minister of Transport, hereby appoint: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Alan MacFarlane Smith Administration Officer, Head Office. to be an honorary launch warden for the purpose of the Personnel Officer, Head Office. Motor Launch Regulations 1962. Staff Training Officer, Head Office. Dated at Wellington this 30th day of September 1977. HOUSING CORPORATION 0. J. CONWAY, for Secretary for Transport. Resident Officer, Porirua. Section Officer (Sales) , Wellington. (M.O.T. 54/51/1) DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS The Government Representative, Chatham Islands. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Senior Executive Officer, Tribunals Division, Wellington. Appointment of Examiner under the Shipping and Seamen ELECTRICITY DEPARTMENT Act 1952 Substation Superintendent, Otahuhu. PURSUANT to a delegation from the Minister of Transport Dated at Wellington this 26th day of September 1977. under the Ministry of Transport Act 1%8, D. S. THOMSON, Minister of Justice. John Hawthorne (Adm. 3-28-3-13 (7); Adm. 3-28-3-15 (6); Adm. 3-28-3-17 is hereby appointed to be an examiner of applicants in the (6); Adm. 3-28-3-18 (6); Adm. 3-28-3-24 (6); Adm. 3-28-3-38 sight tests and an examiner for the purpose of granting: (6)) 60CTOBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETIE 26311 Officers authorised to take and receive Statutory Declarations The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Campbell, William (President).
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