An Associated Collegiate Press Pace1naker Award Winner • THE • Darl... Star Orchestra gives Football to face Tribe life to the Dead, Saturday, Bt Ct on-Profit Or\.!. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 L· ....., P~.bta)..!e Paid Tuesday & Friday '\e\\ark: DE Pumit ~o 26 FREE Volume 129, Issue 7 wwu~review.udeletlu · Friday, September 27, 2002 City Council restricts drink specials at bars RY Dl .\IR K\IIOR \ basc.:d on trust hc.:t \\.:en the town and its attracting lie\\ bu,;inessc.:s to do hus1ne ., Cltt· \n, l f.drtc.r busm~ss partn~rs inside N~\\ark \\hen the competliiOn 1,; S<) Nt!\\ restricti,ms on bapp_:-. hours at bars ··we \\ant to s~nd th~ message that \\e great outs1de ... k 'a1d anJ restaurants headlined legislation that arc.: trying to manage responsible service [of ~ J 1111 Bae urle. llW ncr or ·1 he t (llh' was unanim,)u,;ly passed at the~ ( ity Cuuncil alcohol]."' he said. "We don't \vant to have Ball,)l)n <ln Last Main Street, said Ins har ;,; meeting Monday. to \\ restle \\ ith taverns and bars." the only nightclub in Ne\\ark and does not The new bill will go into effect Bob Ashby, owner <lf the Deer Park offer time-related drink specials immediately. ~ Tavern on \Vest Main Str~et, said over­ "Mug Night \\ill continue because the The legislation prondes restrictions on consumption should be the concern of beer IS not diSClHlnted." he .;aid. ""That"s the happy hours. mstltution of the no-bar policy mdividual r~staurants and bars. only price \\Coffer ~atu rallight. "" 11aeurle within 300 feet of a protective use bmldmg ··our bartenders and managers ar~ sa1J he feels inJtvtdual people sh,)uld be and limiting the size of bars wtthin new sober and have heen trained in ~alcohol targeted, not bars and restaurants. restaurants to I 5 percent of the total seating. serving practic~s." he said. ··w~ also have ~ ··Jt gc.:ts do\\ n to people·, beha\·ior and Roy Lopata, dm:ctor of the Planning monthly staff meetings concerning underage hov\ to legislate that.". he.: said. Commission, said the Mayor's Alcohol and over-consumption." Ashhy said limiting drink speCials \\ tll Commission recommended in May that the Leon Barnett. general manager of not prevent drinking late at night city institute more stringent alcohol Klondike Kate's on East Main treet, said '"\\' e \\ill be pushing young people into policies. there arc always nightly drink specials that neighborhoods,'" he said. "And th1s \\ill Lopata said the ne\\ happy hours arc attract people to Main treet create more problems in tlllhe restricted to 4 to 9 p.m . with no discountc.:d estabhshrnents. nei e.hborhoods.'" alcohol sales thereafter. "Eliminating special,; \vtll put stud~nts -John Hishllp, member ,,r the Building ··[Before] \\e only had ver_:-. limited in cars in search of cheaper alcohol," hc.: Responsibility Cc)alition and the Mayor's restrictions," he saiJ. ··our intent is to keep said Alcohol Commis ·ion. said \\hen the price happy hour to traditional hours." Ashby said he is worried the reduction of alcohol Lkcreases. as \v ith happy lwur-;. Lopata smd that the ne\\ bill prohibits ;n the time for happy hour \\ ill hurt people are more likely to consume more bars from being located within 300 feet of bUSllleSS. alcohol. churches and residential areas. "[The new bill] will be takmg away ··Jf it is reduced for a limited amount of Many bar and restaurant owners tn the from our ability to compete m the.: market, time, 11 \\ tll enhance the Ct'nsumer market,"' area were opposed to this ne\\ bill, but the not only m Newark hut in e\\ Castle he satd. citv intended to reduce over-consumption of Countv." he .'aid. Bish.lp said restncted happy h,,urs \\Ill alc.ohol A·shbv said he is concerned the make it easier for enforec.:mcnt persvnnc.:l to II 11 Rl VII \\ ( ~ha J~Il/ Mayor Harold F. God\\tn said ht: The :\e\\ark Cit) Council passed a bill :\londa~ that '"'ould greatly restrict regulations \\ill decrease the popularity of do their JObs. wanted the city to be ahle to control over­ \{lin Street. happ~ hour specials and limit all drink specials to designated happy hours. consumpti,)n because previously it \vas ··Newark will have a difficult time Gore visits City to deny new Del. on a frat house permits 8\ 'lELISS.\ :\1. 'L\RKLE c.raduate .md l amhda Chi Alpha :r 1/ X f~J1~ ~lumnus. said AmenJment Fi\·e is fundraising After a tier) de hate that lasteJ unnxcssar, late Into Mondav"s C1tv "You are <:cndinc. a me,;sagc hl • Council meeung. rnemhers passed the.: Cir~ek commUJlll\~ thdt savs'·wl! an ordinance that ''ill prohibit dor;'t really \\ant ,:,,u here:· ·· h.: futur<:: Greek houses from heing said. - excurszon established. ~ Bv.:rlcv said the fraternities Roy H. Lopat:•. dtrcctor of the causin~ the ·harm arc.: alrc.:adv gone. BY \ \ ( IIIUSTOPIIEI~ Plannine. Commission. said the and this lHdinance implies guilt by '.II 1' i C would be directed Dcl,t\\are ,)emncr<!IIC attornev general llrdinan~e associati~.m candtc...lle Carl :chnec recc.:t\ed unexpected hut specifically at "' t.:\·en Greek-lettered -------------- Ira,ttngs a gr~atl} appreciatcJ high-prL)filc SUJ)port when fllrmc.:r \'icc Pre-;iJent AI (Jnrc.: hdpeJ 1ruttatc and organi1ations. "Tht"S t"S at"med pr,ll"cssl"iroll'<lnJ hllSl a funJra1scr ,m Sdmec.:·s behalf Thursday ~ ··we work and res~.1urces mominc. at the llotel duPont in Wilmington. · \\ ith the • r· II economiCS at the Joming Schnee and (ime ,m the podium at the Ulli\erslly On a specJ JCa y at uniYersity, has ii.-;r, a.m. bre<~kfiht li.mdraisc.:r \\C.:re Delaware (],,\ vartety of heen an acti\c Ruth Ann t-.111111er . .:\e\\ Castle.: C'uunty (\JUncil fralt.!rnity and Greek houses, adv!sc.:r fM Prcsidc.:nt Chris Covns, CI1untv l·xo;:cutive Tom sorontv issues, Kappa Alpha CiorJl nand Wilmm!!.lon :..1avor Jiunes Baker. and began to look and that is fratc.:rnlly fM the After a -..:rie,- 1)!" bria remarks hv Coons, at deleting thc.:se past t\\O years (iorJun and Bilker, :\1innc.:r mtmduc..:d a r.i"laxed anJ as per~mittcd wrong. The ""This IS eomcdi,· Oor,, \\ h > acccph:d the nucrophone hcfore uses."" he said. a 1 m e d approxunatcly 26l applauding ~dmec supporters. M a V o r University'S speCifically at ··1 a-n AI Ci, re," he said. ··and I used to he the Harold F God\\in <ireek hllUses, next Prc,ldcm ol the United States.·· said the new l;m J. udicial system anJ that b With the pnmary purp,1se of his appc.:arancc.: to \\ill not deal \\ith \HdlH!.'. he said !HI:- RI:Vlt'\\ ( cha D~1tt lend cmhustasm and support tn Schne~·s campa:gn, (] e e k was originally set .. 'i h e <J•'rc JiJ 1111t hc,itall.' to make.: rel~rences tu hi~ lailc.:J Former \'ice President Gor·e spoke at a fundraiser for a Delaware attomey general candidate. organi1atinns uni\ersitv"s 2000 prc,tder tal btJ alreaJy l~.lcatcd up to handle judicial s_:-.sicm Off campus Or \\<lS Mi{!InaJJy · lm.t!!lll.: \\ IJJt the last fc.:w vcars hav c.: been hke the state attorney general's oflice. satd he is uniquely qualilied 1~1r the P<)Siti~.m anJ fur m, .. lie s.,td. ·I tn:J l' lh ·on Atr l"nrce 1\\ o, ··carl Sclinee \\a~ pc.:rhaps the finest l' '\ w1derswnds its imp0rtance those presently in things such as SCI tll I!andle llC'\Y I hate to wk~ my sh,l.:s ·edT he fore l get <H1 a Atll)fllC\ m the Clinton-Gore Admuumation." he "Carl knows the pc.:cpk ol tlus state Jl!serve an good standing tlunl!s . uch a.; plane. said ··\\'hen he says 'jusllce first and politics last.· artomev gener~l who works for them."" she said. "I k ~' ith th~ - · · and plagiarism ,m.t univerSIIV 1 .:hcatliH!, nvt 10 ··Aml, they kt other c;us [Jrive] on the road that's really the way it shouhl be. It is time in our has th.i" abilitv, the expenencc and the \\ilL and it p agtarJSffi ··It· \\ill i>suc.:s with nh: Jtti!ke, a lot lnngcr Ill get around." nation "s history for good men and women to try to \\ill be all of ,)ur pleasure to work \\ ith him." h • t t addrcs~ silence the code like these'" (H,re, whu worked \\ ;th 'iclmee \Yhen be served hring about the kind of changes in policy we need. Minner said Schnee supports an l'pen and c eating, no 0 as U .". Attorney fur the ~tate of Delaware dunng ·'And for those who sav that their vote doesn't for ne\\ soront1es d d • F <l r accow1table government something. she saiJ. and fraternities on memboo:rs Ill he the Clint,m aJminlstratwn, ,a1J it is imperative for cotmt. have them come talk to me·· that is quite contrary to the wav the office is a ress Issues Del<nYarc rcstd.:nts to take advantage of th~ Minner mirrored Gore ·s p,)sitive opinion of campus," he ·aid. " forced 111 vacate pr•lfessi.malism and experience Schnt!t! will hring to Schnt!t! as both a candidate and politician when she I opata said like these. a fratw1itv see ATTORl'iE\ page A3 Amendment five house mtd-vca·r of the ordtnance Stel"e/1 Ha.\f/11,'<.1 , IS a probiem, provtdes that bec~use 11 IS e x i s t i n g professor o.f.fond :md re.low-re.\ J11Ticult tv find State gets grant to fight water pollution fraternities and economir.1 and WI adri.1er_f(w housing in the sororities at Kappa communitv at locat1ons \\here ~uch a ttme.
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