Almanac No. 2 The Experience of the Kyrgyz Republic in Crisis Management: Lessons for the Future Aida Alymbaeva and Todor Tagarev (Eds.) Geneva – Bishkek, 2015 Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), www.dcaf.ch DCAF is an international foundation established in 2000 on the initiative of the Swiss Confedera- tion, as the “Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces.” DCAF contributes to enhancing security sector governance (SSG) through security sector reform (SSR). The Centre’s work to support effective, efficient security sectors which are accountable to the state and its citi- zens is underpinned by the acknowledgement that security, development and the rule of law are essential preconditions for sustainable peace. DCAF is guided by the principles of neutrality, im- partiality, gender sensitivity and local ownership as the basis for supporting legitimate, sustain- able reform processes. DCAF is based in Geneva with permanent offices in Beirut, Brussels, Ljubljana, Ramallah and Tunis. The Centre has over 100 staff from more than 30 countries. DCAF Security and Defence Management series Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Todor Tagarev, DCAF Associate Senior Fellow Hari Bucur-Marcu, Philipp Fluri, and Todor Tagarev (Eds.) 1 Defence Management: An Introduction, 2009 1.FR Introduction à la gestion de la Défense, 2009 1.UA Оборонний менеджмент: Ознайомлення, 2010 1.RU Оборонный менеджмент: Ознакомление, 2011 1.ES Gestión de la Defensa: Una Introducción, 2013 1.GE თავდაცვის მენეჯმენტი: შესავალი, 2013 BG.1 Парламентарен контрол над сектора за сигурност: Принципи, механизми и практики, 2009 – Second Bulgarian edition of Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector, ed. Hans Born, Philipp Fluri, Anders Johnsson Merle Maigre and Philipp Fluri (Eds.) 2 Almanac on Security Sector Governance in Ukraine 2010 2.UA Альманах урядування в секторі безпеки України 2010 2.RU Альманах по вопросам государственного управления в секторе безопасности Украины 2010 3.RU Построение обороны и безопасности: Сборник материалов Плана партнерских действий по созданию институтов обороны и безопасности (PAP-DIB) – Russian edition of Defence Institution Building, ed. Wim F. van Eekelen and Philipp H. Fluri Aida Alymbaeva (Ed.) 4 Almanac 2012: Governing and Reforming Kyrgyzstan’s Security Sector, 2013 4.KG Альманах 2012: Кыргызстандын мамлекеттик башкаруусу жана коопсуздук секторун реформалоо, 2013 4.RU Альманах 2012 года: государственное управление и реформирование сектора безопасности Кыргызстана, 2013 5 Todor Tagarev and Georgi Tzvetkov, Relating Defence Policy to Data: Comparative Defence Data Analysis, 2015 6 Опыт Кыргызской Республики в управлении кризисными ситуациями: уроки для будущего, под ред. Аиды Алымбаевой и Тодора Тагарева, 2014 Almanac No. 2 The Experience of the Kyrgyz Republic in Crisis Management: Lessons for the Future Aida Alymbaeva and Todor Tagarev (Eds.) Geneva – Bishkek, 2015 Aida Alymbaeva and Todor Tagarev, eds., The Experience of the Kyrgyz Repub- lic in Crisis Management: Lessons for the Future, Almanac no. 2 (Geneva – Bishkek: Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, 2015). Security and Defence Management series no. 6 The publication of this book has been funded by the Latvian Ministry of Defence. The views, expressed herein, are those of the authors and cannot be attributed to the Geneva Centre of the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces (DCAF), nor to the Latvian Ministry of Defence. © Geneva Centre of the Democratic Control of the Armed Forces Cover design: Printhouse Ltd. Original edition: Russian, 2014 Translation into English: Greta Keremidchieva ISBN 978-92-9222-423-3 PREFACE I take pleasure in writing this preface to this second Almanac on Security Sector Governance in the Kyrgyz Republic, written and edited entirely by civil society experts. This second Almanac focuses on recent experience in crisis manage- ment, an area in which security agencies are naturally directly involved and em- powered. DCAF would like to thank the Ministry of Defence of Latvia for its gen- erous support in making this project possible. Security sector representatives have their own way of assessing security challenges. They do so in the light of what they deem ‘feasible’, and they tend to report on their crisis management with utmost discretion. This holds especially true for young democracies. However, we cannot learn from the lessons of the past experience if we do not spell them out, and encourage public discussion in the light of the security needs and interests of the citizens – tax-payers and voters. It is what this volume seeks to do in a constructive and cooperative spirit. Thanks and congratulations also go to our Kyrgyz colleagues, most of all to Aida Alymbayeva who diligently organised and edited the articles collected in this volume, and to Dr. Todor Tagarev as her fellow editor. Philipp Fluri, Ph.D. Deputy Director DCAF TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. xi Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1 Aida Alymbaeva and Todor Tagarev Chapter 1 The Batken Events of 1999-2000: Lessons and Conclusions .............. 9 Murat Beyshenov and Kayrat Osmonaliyev Summary ................................................................................................................................9 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................10 Brief description of the Batken events and counteracting the invasions of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) in 1999-2000 ......................................................................11 Main factors that deteriorated the situation during the Batken events .................................17 Batken events in 1999 – a test for the national security of Kyrgyzstan ................................20 The attacks of militants in 2000 – recurrence of the events from 1999 ................................27 Lessons learned and conclusions after the Batken events ..................................................31 Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................35 References ...........................................................................................................................37 Appendices ..........................................................................................................................39 Chapter 2 Religious Extremism and the Example of the Nookat Events in 2008 ....................................................................................................... 43 Ikbalzhan Mirsayitov Summary ..............................................................................................................................43 Summary of the crisis situation ............................................................................................46 Chronology of events ...........................................................................................................49 Prevailing views on the sources and causes of the crisis ....................................................51 Detailed analysis ..................................................................................................................54 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................................66 Lessons Learned ..................................................................................................................67 Recommendations ...............................................................................................................69 References ...........................................................................................................................71 Chapter 3 The Events of April 7, 2010: Managing a Political Emergency Situation .................................................................................................... 73 Emil Dzhuraev Summary ..............................................................................................................................73 viii The Experience of the Kyrgyz Republic in Crisis Management: Lessons for the Future A short description of the events on 7 April 2010 .................................................................75 Basic assumptions about the causes of events ...................................................................76 A detailed analysis ...............................................................................................................79 Additional analysis ...............................................................................................................92 Recommendations ...............................................................................................................99 References .........................................................................................................................101 Chapter 4 The Events in Osh 2010: Lessons for the Future............................. 105 Asel Murzakulova and Abdiraim Zhorokulov Summary ............................................................................................................................105 Situation analysis: response, containment and resolution
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