. v\l DAILT mODLAnON IlM tk •! Jalj. 198S of the Avflt Pnreen TBN PAGES BIANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1938. VOL. U L , NO. 264. (CteaeUled Advcrtlelaf m P eg e 8) Where RaO Official Was Found Slain FRENCH FLIEIIS BALBO’S AIR FLEET JOYFDl AFTER HAVANA QUIET TODAY NEARS THE AZORES RECORDFUGRT AFTER SERIOUS RIOTS Because ef Weadier Condh JOHNSON APPEALS Rossi and Codes Tra?ded Polish Aviators Hop 21 KiDed aid Orer 100 h - lions Hop Directly to Ire­ TO U .S. EMPLOYERS Over 5J37 Miles aid jnred in Politkal Dis«<- land Was Not Takoi — 531 Miles Beyond Record On A Mystery Flight » ders— Anny Forces W ^ Lkbon to Be Next Hop. Wants Everyone Under the — Takes Long Rest Parrsboro, N. 8.. Aug. 8.— (AP)^'out malting any announcement of dram from Capilal at Bine Eagle Fithin the — A. plane believed tc be canning tbelr intention until just before the RayEdc, Syria, A ug. 8.— (A P ) — :3enjamin and Joseph Adamowlez, bop-off they took more than 600 Qniet Is Restored — Mer- bound from Brooklyn to Harbor g lu o n s at gasoline with them, at­ New York, Ang. 8.—(AP)— When the French distance fliers l%e Meefcey Badlo Company Next Two Weeks. Grace, Nfld., iz. preparation fo r a tendants said. •onomieed that General Italo Maurice Rossi and P euiI Codos arose trans-Atlantic flight, passed over Previously they bad announced ckants’ Strike Continnes Balbo’e fls^^h^, the 1-Balb. today refreshed after a long sleep :?arrsboro, at 10:00 a. m., e. s. t., they would not make the tnuis-At- lantlc bop until the third week in paaeed C i^ Flores, 100 miles Waahington, Aug. 8.— (AP)—To they expressed thanks to their own today. government first and next to Ameri­ The plane came up the Bay at A ugust. — Political Gronps D e northwest of Hoiia in the employers the coxmtry over went Azores group, at 12:05 p. m., cans for tbe warm sjrmpathy and Fundy shore imd heeded southward Their big monoplane "White eastern standard time today. today an Indirect but renewed a!o given them before the start jf tnwsrds Halifax. It <nu flsdng high Eagle,” powered witb a 300 horse­ nund That the Prefident The general Is leading his air warning that Hugb S. Johnson, re­ their epochal New York to Rayak mid its markings were indistin- power motor, was formerly “Tbe nrmada from Newfoundland to covery administrator, wants every­ flight. i fuishable. Libeity,” in which Ottc HlUig and Holger Hoirlis flew to Denmark the Azores. body tmder the blue eagle in two 'W e are immensely happy,” tke Resign. aviators said as officers and mss Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug. 8.—(AP) two years -igo. THE TAKE-OFF weeks. , of the little French military air­ —^Two Polisb-Amerlcan brothers, Emil Blrgen, another pilot, ac­ With that goal in mind, he ap­ Benjamin and Joseph Adamowlez, companied the two brothers, it was Shoal Harbor, N. P., Aug. 8.— field crowded about them, renswlng Havana, Aug. 8.—(AP) — On# (AP)—^The Italian air armada of 24 pointed a special board tc consider the congratulations given last night who hope to fly from New York to learned. Fbe * did not mmounce and speed temporary appUcation, wounded person died tc^ay, bring­ seaplanes took off at 2:45 a. m., e. to tbe tired men who in about 56 their ancestral coimtry, Poland, wbetber be would accomp«' y them of the many pending codes that hours flew one-fourth of the way took off from Floyd Benn*tt Air­ on the eventual bop across tbe ing tbe known'fatalities from yes­ 8. t., today bound home across the miTiitTiiiTTi w ages and minimum Atlantic by way of the Azores. around .the globe. port early today on what Jiey siud oceim . terday's riototis political disorders hours for trades. Their plane, tbe Joseph Le Brlx, was merely a “test flight” to Har­ Tbe Adiunowicz brother;, are Despite a fine mist along the The bullet-pierced body of Henty F. Sanborn, 44, general Eastern rep­ short, stocky and uucomnr'nicative in Havana streets to 21. coast. Genera] Italo Balbo, Italian When the cw ) weeks have ex­ resentative of the St. Louls-San Francisco railroad, was foun<Lby berry cam e down to a beautiful lEmding at bor Grace, N. F. Airport attendants believed, men who have evinced more inter­ Tbe capital was quiet this morn­ air minister and expedition com­ pired, the administrator, now plans pickers in the shallow grave pointed out here in Queens, New York. He 5:10 p. m., G. M. T. ;12:10 p. m., however, tbat there was a strong est in attending to theiz plane than ing tbe srmy forces having been mander, gave the command for the a concert appeal for consumers a member of a prominent St. Paul family. 6. s. t), yesterday, an hour after Vi&b possibility they might continue on to talking about themselves or 1,500 mUes hop. The armacA had to buy only from the men who are they hEUl informed the military com- withdrawn from tbe city following entitled to display tbr Uue eagle. across tbe oceEUi, with or without a their plans. They live In Brooklyn the outburst at firing late yeeter- been held here since July 26 by un­ mEmdant by wirelesb that they were' and have been making prepara­ Board Is Named coming. ’The whole post was out to stop at Harbor Gnme. day afternoon in which more'than favorable weather. Taking off unexpectedly at 6:06 tions for the trans-Atlantic flight As members of that board, John­ greet them. hundred were wounded in addi- Balbo, whose plane has led the a. m., eastern standiurd time, with- for several oays. son named .Robert T. Stevens, a BEIEVE SANBORN DOPE SMDCeUNG When tbe monoplane stopped roll­ nioD to tbe number known to have shipa on each lap since they left been killed. Orbetello, Italy, July 1, was ^ain deputy administrator; Edward R. ing, Rossi and C o ^ , stiff and tired, Stettinlus, secretary of tbe recov­ clEunbered out of the great ship and Tbe disorders came as a climax in Use van as the ships took the air to a week of agitation and strikes, in threes. He had studied weather ery administration’s industrial SWINDLE YICTIM IS ON INCREASE greeted their own countrymen with advisory board; Robert K. Straus, great jo y . LEADER DBJEGTS which spretu) as opposition leaders . reports from Horta, the Azores. Just GIRL M A P P E D ■ought to induce fteeident Macha­ before leaving, and pronounced an administrative assistant to Wished Three Things Johnson; W. Woolston, of tbe labor ’They said they want^ three do, atorm center at political un­ everything ready. rest, to retire from bis office, and B^ore dawn, machanics inspect­ advisory board, and Kilboume things—to report their success to TD W CHARGES Johnson, son of tbe administrator. Sister Tells Police He Might Federal Agents Discover the Edr ministry; to send their IN PHILLY STREET while Sumner Wellee, IJnited ed the giant ships. An hour before Statee ambassador, was seeltinf the departure, the pilots rowed out The hope is that tnis board may greetings and love to their wives, speed study of tbe many pexiding to obtain agreement by rQ groups to the moored planes. That Ophmi b Now Being and to sleep. codes and order into temporary ef­ Have Discovered a Gold upon a proposed plan of peacend The present Jatmt is one of the But before sleeping they wanted settle <nent. longest of the journey. It was ex­ fect as many of them as are ac­ a bath, and they got it Then they PoGce See Her Stmgtiliiig m Martin Ryan Says Strikinf ceptable. Later, all will be studied Stores Keep C9oeed pected the fieet wotil<’ reach the Brick Scheme. Brought in from West stret^ied out on Eumy beds in tbe in public bearings, and modifica­ Uptown itoree contini'ed to be destination well before nlght-falL desert barracks just as tbe sim was tions made if any are uiceMBory, Car Bat Bandits Make Coal Miners Are Beknid closed today although many small­ The flight to the Azores is the going down. before *hey are promulgated by tbe er ones on tbe outskirts opaned. foiTTth leg o f the homeward journey N ew Y ork, A ug. 8— (A P ) — ’The San Francisco, Aug. 8.—(AP)— Tbe blistering beat subsided Emd President and made permanent. Grocerlas were becoming’ scarcer. ' trvm Chicago, the fleet havii^ stop­ family of Henry F. Sanborn, slain Tbe incessant warfare to control tbe aviators were comfortable in the Their Escape. tke FresidenL Ambassador Wellaa we. * to tbe 5J)00,000 Jobs sheltered room. ‘They complained ped at New York and Shediac, N. Behind the two-way drive Is tbe rEdlroEul e x ^ t l v e , believes eui at­ the smuggling of narcotics into the Embassy at 7:00 a. m., laft for an B., before reaching Shoal Harbor. that even over the Atlantic the unannounced deatination shortty annoimced objective of five million tempt to ensnare him in some “gold United States 'las turned to tbe First Plans of Flight cabin of their plane became hot Philadelphia, Aug 8.— (A P ) — Uniontown, Pa., Aug. 8.—(AP) afterwards and raturned to the of­ first plana were for a flight by brick scheme’’ preceded his murder, j PEmific coast. Rossi and Codos today calculated ficial resldenca at nine o'clock. His (Oonttnued On Page Six) (Xitstrippcd in a wild chase along —Strong-willed Martin Ryan, 44- Sanborn, member of a leading St.
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