01 10 / / 05 2009 VOLUME 64 Ahoy, matey! Peglegs, parrots and planks may be passé, but pirates still exist arts & culture page 18 Lock it up University of Winnipeg security keeps your bike safe whether you like it or not campus news page 7 If the wind could speak to us, what would it say? arts & culture page 17 02 The UniTer OctOber 1, 2009 www.UniTer.ca Waiting for debates "We actually live in a universe LooKIng for LIstIngs? Cover Image that is populated with spirits, campus & community listings and The human rights Museum witches, shapeshifters, volunteer opportunities page 5 "Betrayal" by Kelly ruth is a conversation starter music page 13, Film page 15 acrylic on canvas, 2009 transformers, demons, galleries, theatre, vultures and vampires." dance and comedy page 17 See more of Kelly ruth's work comments page 9 arts & culturepage 11 literature page 17 at high Octane Gallery (in the Gas Station Theatre). news UNITER STAFF ManaGinG eDitor Aaron Epp » [email protected] BUSiness ManaGer Maggi Robinson » [email protected] Winnipeg bridges falling down PrODUcTiOn ManaGer Disraeli the latest in a binge of bridge construction projects Melody Morrissette » [email protected] cOPy anD styLe eDitor Chris Campbell » [email protected] M ark Photo eDitor CaITlIN laIrd R E Cindy Titus [email protected] i BeaT reporTer mer » ThE Disraeli detaiLS newS assiGnMenT eDitor Andrew McMonagle » [email protected] Recent speculation that the de- The Disraeli bridge was newS PrODUcTiOn eDitor crepit Disraeli Bridge would be originally built in 1959 Cameron MacLean » [email protected] closed for a prolonged period of time has people questioning why The city may have to bor- arts anD culture eDitor so many Winnipeg bridges are in a row up to $75 million for the Vacant » [email protected] state of such disrepair. reconstruction of the Disraeli, with the total cost around cOMMents eDitor While Mayor Sam Katz and Andrew Tod » [email protected] Premier Gary Doer have indi- $200 million Construction on the Disraeli Listings cOOrDinator cated the bridge will not close but J.P. Perron [email protected] will undergo either a revamp or a is set to begin in 2011 » complete redo, the prospect of yet caMPUS BeaT rePOrTer another bridge construction under- Courtney Schwegel » [email protected] taking has left some exasperated at BeaT rePOrTer the state of our infrastructure. Caitlin Laird » [email protected] “If the Disraeli were to be shut down, it would have been huge,” BeaT rePOrTer says Shelia Fortier, who uses the Ethan Cabel » [email protected] bridge to and from work each day BeaT rePOrTer to commute from her home in Samuel Swanson » [email protected] North Kildonan to CanWest head- culture rePOrTer quarters downtown. C. Jordan Crosthwaite [email protected] Fortier finds the prospect of » construction on the bridge aggra- The crumbling Disraeli Bridge is only the latest in a string of overdue bridge construction projects around the province. vating, but said she believes it is also necessary. She said more lanes CoNTrIBUTORS: should be added. “Since September the congestion on now is occurring primarily due "[Bridges] are getting of Dillon Consulting. Ulyatt said Matt rygiel, Brooke Dmytriw, John in the mornings is much worse. It’s to the age of the infrastructure," close to the end of there could have been more in- Gaudes, Sarah reilly, Sonya howard, Karlene Ooto-Stubbs, Patricia Benham, added an extra 25 minutes to my said Andy Pankratz, a bridge de- their lifespan so vestment on rehabilitating existing morning drive.” signer for the province. "Most bridges in the past. Jihan Muhamad, Matt austman, alexander The Disraeli Bridge is the latest bridges here were made during the they require a fair Whether the Disraeli will be Kavanagh, nathalia Polischuk, alex Kyle, in a string of reconstruction proj- big boom in the 1950s and '60s. amount of work. it’s heading to rehab or be made en- Lee repko, Mike Duerksen, ryan Suche, ects around Manitoba. In August, They are getting close to the end tirely anew will depend on eco- Sam hagenlocher, courtney Brecht, something that is Maria Laureano, Laura clark, J. williamez, there was the buckling of a bridge of their lifespan so they require a nomics and longevity. occurring all over Kathleen cerrer, Sagan Morrow, Mark in St. Adolphe. It will need to be fair amount of work. It’s something “It all comes down to life cycle reimer, crystal Staryk, aranda adams, Leif repaired now that it is stabilized. that is occurring all over North north america.” cost," said Pankratz. “You basically norman, natalie Dyck, Miguel McKenna, Also, the province announced $33.4 America.” look at value of structure right now cindy Titus, Megan Turnbull, will Gibson million for infrastructure upgrades Pankratz said there was an aware- - anDy PanKraTz, BriDGe DeSiGner and what the cost is to rehabilitate in Brandon. ness of this issue 20 years ago, but it.” Manitoba is not alone in its nothing was done. Now, the prov- have to do maintenance on it. Premier Doer has said the prov- The Uniter is the official student newspaper of the University of winnipeg and is published by Mouseland seemingly endless bridge construc- ince is forced to play catch-up as Infrastructure is the same way. You ince aims for the new Disraeli to Press inc. Mouseland Press inc. is a membership tion binge. once sound structures crumble. can’t leave it for 50 years and ex- last for 75 years, which Pankratz based organization in which students and community “The construction that is going “It’s just like a house. You pect it to last,” said Norm Ulyatt said is standard for new bridges. members are invited to participate. For more information on how to become a member go to www. uniter.ca, or call the office at 786-9790. The Uniter is a member of the canadian University Press and campus Plus Media Services. SUBMiSSiOn OF ARTicLeS, LeTTERS, GRAPhicS AND PhOTOS ARE WELcOMe. articles must be submitted in text (.rtf) or Microsoft word (.doc) format to editor@ uniter.ca, or the relevant section editor. Deadline by NAoMi SiMiyU for submissions is 6:00 p.m. Thursday, one week Q: WhAt’s your LeAst fAvourIte WInnIpeg brIdge And Why? before publication. Deadline for advertisements is noon Friday, six days prior to publication. The Uniter reserves the right to refuse to print submitted material. The Uniter will not print submissions that are homophobic, misogynistic, racist, or libellous. we also reserve the right to edit for length and/or style. vinny goyal Alyssa Zacharius stephen Kuzyk second-year, science major first-year, undeclared first-year,e nglish/education “Arlington bridge, because “The Louis bridge. it’s old. “St. James bridge. it’s there’s a lot of traffic.” it doesn’t feel well-constructed.” hazardous because of traffic cONtACT US » emerging, you can’t really see General Inquiries: 204.786.9790 when it’s coming.” Advertising: 204.786.9790 editors: 204.786.9497 Fax: 204.783.7080 e-mail: [email protected] Web: www.uniter.ca LOcAtION » room OrM14 University of Winnipeg Cindy brazil yahya Kagbanda Mike Ambrose 515 Portage Avenue Wishes n' dreams palliser furniture marketing assistant Winnipeg, Manitoba r3b 2e9 “The Desrali bridge, because “The bridge by Kildonan Place. “i don’t do a lot of driving of all the construction that it’s a bit too small, so cars tend so i am not exposed to a was going on for so long.” to be congested.” lot of bridges.” Mouseland Press Board of directors: Michael rac (chair), Shawn coates, courtney Berthelette, clayton winter, Devin King, alex Freedman, Shannon Sampert, rob nay, Brian Gagnon, Meg McGimpsey, Kelly ross (UwSa representative). For inquiries e-mail: [email protected] NEws 03 www.UniTer.ca OctOber 1, 2009 The UniTer barlow talk raises concerns over water privatization S amuel Speech by "water “It’s disconcerting that corpora- S woman" in winnipeg wans tions that have this sort of track re- o cord, we’re inviting them into our comes at a tense N house.” She said the city should seek an time for water unbiased legal opinion on what our liabilities are under NAFTA and watchers the World Trade Organization. The private partnering strategy was passed in order for city council to ensure that the four-year dead- SamUel SwaNSoN line, set by the province, is met for BeaT reporTer $615 million worth of upgrades to the city’s water treatment system infrastructure. Citizens concerned about Winnipeg's move towards water “it’s disconcerting privatization packed University of Winnipeg's Eckhardt-Gramatte that corporations that Hall on Monday, Sept. 21 to hear have this sort of track a speech on the topic by Maude record, we’re inviting Barlow, national chairperson for Council of Canadians. them into our house.” Barlow, nicknamed "Water - Lynne FernanDez, Woman," is considered one of the reSearcher, canaDian cenTre foremost authorities in the world on water. Her credentials include for POLicy AlternaTiveS eight honourary doctorates and council of canadians winnipeg chair Michael welch offers an alternative to privatizing winnipeg's water services. she was senior advisor on water to the 63rd President of the United A public-private partnership Nations General Assembly. “It puts profit over people,” said The three companies competing Veatch. “If the terms are changed may not be the best option, said The City of Winnipeg is consid- Michael Welch, Winnipeg chair of for the spot are Veolia, CH2M Hill they can sue for compensation of Welch. ering three corporations for the role the Council of Canadians. and Black & Veatch; three com- millions and potentially billions of “The government can always get of strategic partner in its waste-wa- “There is the potential that if panies that are raising concerns of dollars of lost future profits.” a cheaper rate of investment than ter utility.
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