ACTS 7.01 11/30/2017 FOIA REPORT PAGE 1 Filter: All sites Database: 10FY Sort By Site ID Site Name Address |-- Types --| Removal St |---- Quantity Removed ----| Site Owner Site ID Cont ID Contractor Name City, State, Zip and (County) Notif Bldg Removal Sp Length Surface Volume Site Landfill ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 10FFY-001D 10FFY-001D Residence 5322 1/2 Main St D-N V 10/14/2009 0 500 0 South Charleston, City of 21844 Simon Environmental South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 10/14/2009 SQFT HAM Sanitary 10FFY-002D 10FFY-002D Camp Virgil Tate Mobile Home Camp Virgil Tate D-N V 11/23/2009 0 480 0 Kanawha Co Planning/Community Developmen 260 Astar Abatement Sissonville, WV (KANAWHA) 12/31/2009 SQFT Green Valley Landfill 10FFY-003D 10FFY-003D SFD-EB09-23 611 Braxton St D-N R 10/16/2009 0 215 0 Heater, John 286 Empire Builders, Inc. Gassaway, WV (BRAXTON) 10/16/2009 SQFT Northwestern Landfill 10FFY-004D 10FFY-004D Gassaway Nat'l Guard Armory 1072 State St D-O O / / 0 0 0 WV Army National Guard-Const/Facil Mgt 808 Raynes & Son Construction Co LLC Gassaway, WV (BRAXTON) / / City of Charleston Landfill 10FFY-005D 10FFY-005D Vacant Residence 904 Forest Edge D-N V 09/30/2009 8 0 0 South Charleston, City of 561 Singer Sheet Metal South Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 09/30/2009 LNFT HAM Sanitary 10FFY-006D 10FFY-006D Empty House 1558 Lewis St D-N V 09/29/2009 61 0 0 Charleston, City of 21844 Simon Environmental Charleston, WV - (KANAWHA) 09/29/2009 LNFT HAM Sanitary 10FFY-007D 10FFY-007D Vacant Residence 1310 Beech Ave D-N V 10/15/2009 0 550 0 Maddox, Richard 21844 Simon Environmental Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 10/16/2009 SQFT HAM Sanitary 10FFY-008R 10FFY-008R Women & Children's Hospital 800 Pennsylvania Ave R-N H 10/19/2009 0 536 0 CAMC Memorial 768 Advanced Energy Solutions Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 10/21/2009 SQFT Green Valley Landfill 10FFY-009E 10FFY-009E Mountaineer Power Plant POB 419 SR 62 E-N I 10/05/2009 0 0 0 American Electric Power 396 PRIME Insulation New Haven, WV (MASON) 10/19/2009 SQFT BFI Imperial Landfill/Allied Waste 10FFY-010D 10FFY-010D Vacant Houses 330 & 332 George St D-N V 10/15/2009 10 1610 0 American Public University System c818 Pittsnogle LLC Charles Town, WV (JEFFERSON) 11/06/2009 LNFT SQFT Cumberland County Landfill 10FFY-011R 10FFY-011R House 115 W Congress St R-N V 10/15/2009 300 1268 0 American Public University System c818 Pittsnogle LLC Charles Town, WV (JEFFERSON) 11/06/2009 LNFT SQFT Cumberland County Landfill 10FFY-012R 10FFY-012R Jim's Automotive 101 Rock Cliff Dr R-N C 10/16/2009 0 400 0 Heironimous, Jim c818 Pittsnogle LLC Martinsburg, WV (BERKELEY) 10/17/2009 SQFT Cumberland County Landfill 10FFY-013D 10FFY-013D 2 Story Wood Frame House 23 Sedgewick St D-N V 10/16/2009 0 922 0 Scott, Willard c816 Superior Environmental Buckhannon, WV (UPSHUR) 10/18/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-014D 10FFY-014D Burned Wood Frame House RR6 Bx 303A D-N V / / 0 0 0 Langmyer, Scott 346 Edgeco Wheeling, WV (OHIO) / / Short Creek Landfill 10FFY-015D 10FFY-015D Vacant Burned Structure 610 Maywood Ave D-N V 10/19/2009 0 360 0 Armstead, Roy 260 Astar Abatement Clendenin, WV (KANAWHA) 10/19/2009 SQFT Green Valley Landfill ACTS 7.01 11/30/2017 FOIA REPORT PAGE 2 Filter: All sites Database: 10FY Sort By Site ID Site Name Address |-- Types --| Removal St |---- Quantity Removed ----| Site Owner Site ID Cont ID Contractor Name City, State, Zip and (County) Notif Bldg Removal Sp Length Surface Volume Site Landfill ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 10FFY-016D 10FFY-016D Horse Creek Bridge #5 D-O E / / 0 0 0 WV DOT DOH 484 Hoke Brothers Contracting Naoma, WV (RALEIGH) / / 10FFY-017D 10FFY-017D Vacant House 2 West Wilford St D-N V 10/19/2009 0 230 0 St Augustine Church 292 AMI Grafton, WV (TAYLOR) 10/20/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-018D 10FFY-018D Vacant Residence Rt 4 Bx 212A Sam Slay Lane D-N V 10/17/2009 0 200 0 Consol Energy 742 Enviro-Tech Abatement Svc Co Metz, WV (MARION) 10/17/2009 SQFT USA Valley Landfill 10FFY-019R 10FFY-019R Lubeck Elementary School 206 Lubeck Rd R-N S 10/24/2009 0 0 0 Wood County BoE 166 Wood County BoE Parkersburg, WV (WOOD) 10/24/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-020R 10FFY-020R WesBanco 415 Market St R-N C 03/20/2010 0 2063 0 WesBanco 7055 Tri-State Roofing & Sheet Metal Co Parkersburg, WV (WOOD) 04/12/2010 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-021D 10FFY-021D St Thomas Moore Ctr & Mt Mary Convent 2260 & 2264 Marshall Ave D-N V 10/20/2009 400 6304 0 Diocese of Wheeling/Charleston 289 Allegheny Environmental Svcs Wheeling, WV (OHIO) 10/30/2009 LNFT SQFT BFI Imperial Landfill/Allied Waste 10FFY-022R 10FFY-022R St Joseph Hospital 1824 Murdoch Ave R-N H 11/30/2009 0 8195 0 St Joseph's Hospital 317 Justice Business Services Parkersburg, WV (WOOD) 12/18/2009 SQFT Athens Hocking Reclaimation 10FFY-023E 10FFY-023E Rum Creek Prep Plant Rum Creek Rd E-D V / / 0 0 0 Massey Energy-Bandmill Coal Corp 260 Astar Abatement Amherstdale, WV (LOGAN) / / Green Valley Landfill 10FFY-024D 10FFY-024D Kentucky Fried Chicken 315 Washington Ave D-N C 11/06/2009 0 1800 0 Tri-State Food Systems 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Huntington, WV (CABELL) 11/09/2009 SQFT Big Run Landfill 10FFY-025D 10FFY-025D Building 301 301 Michigan Ave D-N V 10/26/2009 352 922 0 WV Dept of Administration 260 Astar Abatement Charleston, WV (KANAWHA) 11/13/2009 LNFT SQFT Green Valley Landfill 10FFY-026R 10FFY-026R Meadow River Bridge On CR 26/3 @ 0.58 mi E of CR 26 REN E / / 0 0 0 WV DOT DOH 368 WV DOH-Parkersburg (Dist 3) Farmdale, WV (GREENBRIER) / / Greenbrier Co. Landfill 10FFY-027R 10FFY-027R First Church of God 101 Marshall St R-N W 10/21/2009 0 100 0 First Church of God 409 Norris Environmental, Inc. McMechen, WV (MARSHALL) 10/21/2009 SQFT Minerva Enterprises 10FFY-028R 10FFY-028R Teays Valley Church of God POB 270 R-N W 10/29/2009 1950 0 0 Teays Valley Church of God 260 Astar Abatement Scott Depot, WV (PUTNAM) 10/30/2009 LNFT Green Valley Landfill 10FFY-029R 10FFY-029R VFW 67 8th St R-N V 10/21/2009 0 1500 0 Wellsburg Medical LLC 409 Norris Environmental, Inc. Wellsburg, WV (BROOKE) 10/28/2009 SQFT Minerva Enterprises 10FFY-030R 10FFY-030R Bayer CropScience Rt 25 R-N I 10/21/2009 1200 0 0 Bayer CropScience c827 United Anco Service Institute, WV (KANAWHA) 10/30/2009 LNFT Big Run Landfill ACTS 7.01 11/30/2017 FOIA REPORT PAGE 3 Filter: All sites Database: 10FY Sort By Site ID Site Name Address |-- Types --| Removal St |---- Quantity Removed ----| Site Owner Site ID Cont ID Contractor Name City, State, Zip and (County) Notif Bldg Removal Sp Length Surface Volume Site Landfill ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- ---------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------- 10FFY-031D 10FFY-031D Vacant Residence 1620 7th Ave D-O V / / 0 0 0 The Gallaria/DBA Montana Realty 67 Scarberry & Sons Demolition Huntington, WV (CABELL) / / C & D Demolition Site Dump 10FFY-032R 10FFY-032R United Bank 555 C St R-N V / / 0 900 0 United Bank 6 Master Mechanical Insulation Ceredo, WV (WAYNE) / / SQFT Big Run Landfill 10FFY-033R 10FFY-033R Residence 1507 Atlas Rd R-N R 10/26/2009 0 1178 0 Marshall, Ed 5104 Liberty Environmental Services Wheeling, WV (OHIO) 10/29/2009 SQFT Sidewell Materials/SMI C&D 10FFY-034D 10FFY-034D Vacant Structure 86-26th St D-N V 11/02/2009 0 1000 0 Community Church of Christ 5104 Liberty Environmental Services Wellsburg, WV (BROOKE) 11/05/2009 SQFT Sidewell Materials/SMI C&D 10FFY-035D 10FFY-035D Vacant Residence 20 Indiana St D-N V 10/07/2009 0 20 0 DeMuth, Sandy 5104 Liberty Environmental Services Wheeling, WV (OHIO) 10/07/2009 SQFT Sidewell Materials/SMI C&D 10FFY-036D 10FFY-036D Vacant Structure 78 Rear 26th St D-N V 10/16/2009 0 100 0 Eagle Manufacturing Inc 5104 Liberty Environmental Services Wellsburg, WV (BROOKE) 10/16/2009 SQFT Sidewell Materials/SMI C&D 10FFY-037D 10FFY-037D Camp Dawson 240 Army Rd D-N V 10/26/2009 3602 6934 0 WV Army National Guard-Const/Facil Mgt 260 Astar Abatement Kingwood, WV (PRESTON) 12/10/2009 LNFT SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-038D 10FFY-038D Affinity Prep Plant [Frmly Keystone #5] Affinity Rd D-N V 11/15/2009 0 0 0 Pocohontas Coal Co Midway, WV (RALEIGH) / / 10FFY-039D 10FFY-039D Vacant Residence 1724 West Virginia Ave D-N V 11/02/2009 0 7004 0 Trecost, Patsy 673 Firth Environmental LLC Clarksburg, WV (HARRISON) 11/11/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-040R 10FFY-040R Vacant House 310 Vernon Ave R-N V 10/23/2009 0 988 0 Peacock, Ronald D 673 Firth Environmental LLC Elkins, WV (RANDOLPH) 10/28/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-041D 10FFY-041D Vacant Residence 226 Dunkin Ave D-N R 10/13/2009 0 82 0 Simpson Creek Baptist Church 673 Firth Environmental LLC Bridgeport, WV (HARRISON) 10/13/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-042D 10FFY-042D Vacant Residence Rt 4 Bx 205 D-N V 10/12/2009 0 3 0 Wilson, Janie 673 Firth Environmental LLC Salem, WV (HARRISON) 10/12/2009 SQFT Meadowfill 10FFY-043D 10FFY-043D Vacant Apartments 336-338 North St D-N V 09/25/2009 0 100 40 Taylor, Donald 265 Bluefield, City of Bluefield, WV (MERCER) 09/30/2009 SQFT CUFT HAM Sanitary 10FFY-044D 10FFY-044D Vacant Residence 221 Ivy Wood St D-O V / / 0 0 0 808 Raynes & Son Construction Co LLC Eleanor, WV (PUTNAM) / / Sycamore Landfill 10FFY-045R 10FFY-045R #1 Steam Plant Bldg
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