July 31, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9455 the north and south curbs of Constitution There was no objection. family, friends, teachers, and others as Avenue, N.E., west of its intersection with f an honest, hard working, caring indi- Second Street, N.E., all as shown in Land vidual. Record No. 268, dated November 22, 1957, in b 2030 The son of Croatian immigrants, Ste- the Office of the Surveyor, District of Co- lumbia, in Book 138, Page 58. SPECIAL ORDERS phen is recalled in his role as a money (D) All sidewalks under the jurisdiction of earner for the family on his paper The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. FOX the District of Columbia abutting on and route, a dutiful son working in the contiguous to the land described in subpara- of Pennsylvania). Under the Speaker's family garden or tending the farm ani- graphs (A), (B), and (C). announced policy of May 12, 1995, and mals, and a responsible sibling chang- (3) TRANSFERS TO DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.Ð under a previous order of the House, ing and washing diapers of his younger Jurisdiction over the following parcels is the following Members will be recog- brothers and sisters. transferred to the Government of the Dis- nized for 5 minutes each. trict of Columbia: Airman Bakran is part of the first (A) That portion of New Jersey Avenue, f U.S. carrier based mission launch N.W., between the northernmost point of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a against Nazi-held Norway. Code named intersection of New Jersey Avenue, N.W., previous order of the House, the gen- Operation Leader, the planes of the and D Street, N.W., and the northernmost tleman from New Jersey [Mr. SAXTON] mission sank Nazi shipping and caused point of the intersection of New Jersey Ave- is recognized for 5 minutes. other damage at the cost of two SBD± nue, N.W., and Louisiana Avenue, N.W., be- tween squares 631 and W632, which remains [Mr. SAXTON addressed the House. 5 Dauntless scout bombers. One of Federal property. His remarks will appear hereafter in these bombers that were downed (B) That portion of D Street, N.W., be- the Extensions of Remarks.] claimed the lives of Stephen Bakran tween its intersection with New Jersey Ave- f and his pilot, Lieutenant Clyde A. nue, N.W., and its intersection with Louisi- Tucker, Jr. of Alexandria, LA. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a ana Avenue, N.W., between Squares 630 and Reports say that Stephen Bakran was previous order of the House, the gentle- W632, which remains Federal property. still firing his machine gun as his plane woman from Illinois [Mrs. COLLINS] is SEC. 3. MISCELLANEOUS. went down on October 4, 1943. (A) COMPLIANCE WITH OTHER LAWS.ÐCom- recognized for 5 minutes. Although the Navy listed Stephen pliance with this Act shall be deemed to sat- [Mrs. COLLINS of Illinois addressed isfy the requirements of all laws otherwise Bakran and Clyde Tucker as killed in applicable to transfers of jurisdiction over the House. Her remarks will appear action, it was not until 1990 that a Nor- parcels of Federal real property. hereafter in the Extensions of Re- wegian diving club and a Norwegian (b) LAW ENFORCEMENT RESPONSIBILITY.Ð marks.] historical research vessel found the Law enforcement responsibility for the par- f wreckage of the aircraft off the coast cels of Federal real property for which juris- of Bodo, Norway, in 150 feet of water. diction is transferred by section 2 shall be The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a assumed by the person acquiring such juris- previous order of the House, the gen- It was not until July of 1993 that div- diction. tleman from Indiana [Mr. BURTON] is ers were able to locate and recover the (c) UNITED STATES CAPITOL GROUNDS.Ð recognized for 5 minutes. two aviators. The remains of Clyde (1) DEFINITION.ÐThe first section of the [Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed Tucker were identified in 1994 and are Act entitled ``An Act to define the United buried in Arlington National Cemetery. States Capitol Grounds, to regulate the use the House. His remarks will appear hereafter in the Extensions of Re- However, DNA tests did not conclu- thereof, and for other purposes'', approved sively identify the remains of Stephen July 31, 1946 (40 U.S.C. 193a), is amended to marks.] Bakran until this year. include within the definition of the United f States Capitol Grounds the parcels of Fed- I am pleased that I was able to assist eral real property described in section SPECIAL CEREMONY FOR the family by working with our mili- 2(b)(2). STEPHEN D. BAKRAN tary officials during the identification (2) JURISDICTION OF CAPITOL POLICE.ÐThe process, and now I am extremely grate- United States Capitol Police shall have ju- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gen- ful to everyone, including those who risdiction over the parcels of Federal real helped to find, identify and transport property described in section 2(b)(2) in ac- tleman from Michigan [Mr. STUPAK] is Steve Bakran back to his family where cordance with section 9 of such Act of July recognized for 5 minutes. 31, 1946 (40 U.S.C. 212a). Mr. STUPAK. Mr. Speaker, I would they will be able to find a final resting (e) EFFECT OF TRANSFERS.ÐA person relin- like to call to your attention and that place for this fallen warrior. quishing jurisdiction over a parcel of Federal of the U.S. House of Representatives a Today as we watch other families real property transferred by section 2 shall special ceremony that will be held this struggle with the tragedies of the dis- not retain any interest in the parcel except appearance of loved ones in a dark wa- as specifically provided by this Act. Friday, August 2, in Wells, MI, in my congressional district. tery grave, we find comfort in witness- COMMITTEE AMENDMENT ing that the search for our military The SPEAKER pro tempore. The On Friday, the family of Navy avia- tion Radioman Second Class Stephen missing in action never ends and the Clerk will report the committee door of hope, hope that they may be amendment. D. Bakran will gather at the gardens of Rest Memorial Park in Wells, MI, as found, never closes. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Speaker, let us remember the Committee amendment: Page 4, line 12, his remains are laid to rest. It is the tradition of our Nation to Bakran family in our thoughts and strike ``S6201''. prayers on Friday. I regret that I will The committee amendment was honor our war dead. What makes the ceremony for Airman Bakran so special not be able to attend the funeral, as I agreed to. will be here attending to legislative The bill was ordered to be engrossed is the fact that this important closure for the family comes more than five business. The Bakran family, the Wells and read a third time, was read the and Escanaba community will be at third time, and passed, and a motion to decades after this young man was killed in action. Steve's funeral, but my family will join reconsider was laid on the table. the Bakran family in a final salute to f From Navy officials and other sources, we know that Stephen Bakran our World War II Navy veteran who is GENERAL LEAVE was part of a special bombing squadron laid to rest. Mr. HANSEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask on a unique mission assigned to the f unanimous consent that all Members U.S.S. Ranger, CV±4, the first ship built may have 5 legislative days within from the keel up as an aircraft carrier. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a which to revise and extend their re- Stephen Bakran came to be aboard previous order of the House, the gen- marks on H.R. 3006 and H.R. 2636, the the Ranger after enlisting in the Navy tleman from California [Mr. RIGGS] is bills just passed. on June 27, 1941, only weeks after his recognized for 5 minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there graduation from high school. [Mr. RIGGS addressed the House. His objection to the request of the gen- The eldest son in a Catholic family of remarks will appear hereafter in the tleman from Utah? 11 children, Stephen is remembered by Extensions of Remarks.].
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