Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 8-24-1988 The BG News August 24, 1988 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News August 24, 1988" (1988). BG News (Student Newspaper). 4817. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/4817 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Welcome back for the first day of classes! THE BG NEWS Vol.71 Issue 2 Bowling Gr«en, Ohio Wednesday, August 24,1988 Minority funds proposed Long-distance calls now need by Elizabeth Kline* he said. The addition to the staff reporter Business Administration build- ing is completed. Within the next two years work will begin Although recruitment of on Hayes and Shatzel Halls and BG Call Card minority freshmen for the Uni- the Overman Hall renovation versity has increased 65 per- will be completed. Allnet, or reverses the charges. cent since 1987. University "We are in the midst of the by Amy Burkett Students do not have charge President Paul Olscamp said biggest capital improvement wire editor the actual call to the BG Call Monday he was "ashamed" program in the last 25 years, Card, but a 50-cent per call ser- the University is not faring as andof any 10-year periodin the All students will be required to vice charge will be applied to well with recruitment of min- history of the University," Ols- use the University's long- their Bursar bill whenever they ority faculty. camp said. distance services this semester use an independent long- Speaking at the annual state In retrospect, Olscamp de- or pay a 50-cent charge per call distance company's lines. of the University address, Ols- scribed the past six years as an from campus telephones for ac- This is the first year the BG camp said he mil recommend "academic revolution" which cessing the out-of-town lines Call Card has been required to to the budget committee and has seen the University grow in provided by the school. place long-distance calls. Some the Board of Trustees that a resources. Richard Conrad, director of advantages to using the card in- group of funds be set aside with "BGSU is becoming compar- computer and telecommunica- clude a free three-minute long- the intention of using them only able ... to the middle third of the tions services, said the new re- distance call through Aug. 31. for hiring minority faculty. membership of the National As- quirement is an attempt to cover A new rate schedule has been "I have tried everything I sociation of State Universities some of the expenses the Uni- also established. After Oct. 1, thought might work, but now I and Land Grant Colleges. This versity incurs by providing long- lower night rates will begin at 7 think it is time for unusual and organization is made up of ap- distance lines. p.m. to eliminate the blockage bold action," Olscamp said. proximately 150 of the finest un- "At the April Board of problem that usually occurred Olscamp also announced the iversities ui the country," he Trustees meeting it was ap- after the 11 p.m. rate reduction, appointment of the second said. proved that a 50-cent fee be he said. black person to serve on the To illustrate the growth, Ols- charged to anyone using the on- Calls costing $1 during the day Board of Trustees. Ellen C. camp used examples of im- campus long-distance telephone will cost 40 cents after 7 p.m. Connally, a Cleveland munici- provements that nave taken (service) regardless of which with the new rates, he said. pal court judge, will replace place over the past six years. outside service is used," Conrad However, if a caller lets a call William Spengler, who has ac- Some of the improvements in- said. ring more than six times they cepted an appointment on the clude: He said the University pays will be billed — even if no one Foundation Board. An increase in library vol- between $30,000 and $35,000 to answers. He also said housing prob- umes, which have doubled in General Telephone per month BG Call Cards can be picked lems encountered on-campus the past six years. and the 50-cent charge is de- up at the Centrex Building, next last year may be alleviated GAn "almost seven-fold" in- signed to cover some of the Uni- to the Education and Allied this year with the completed crease in campus computing versity's cost. Other universi- Professions Building. Off- renovation of Williams Hall. capacity. ties, such as Miami University campus students can get the Faculty members occupying GA near doubling of of Ohio, use this same system, cards if they have an on-campus rooms in Founders Hall during research grants and contracts he said. mailbox where they can be bil- the remodeling will be moving for faculty. Conrad said all on-campus led. back to Williams Hall in Sep- □ Total endowment funds students must use the calling There will be a desk outside tember. rose from $2 million in 1982-83 card to access the long-distance the building for sign-ups be- Other University construc- to approximately $18 million lines — even if the student uses a tween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday Paul Olscamp tion is on schedule at this time, G See Olscamp, page 5. company like MCI, Sprint or through Friday Tuition raised 13 percent 160 freshmen homeless by Elizabeth Kimcs subsidy money, which accounts percent of total University re- staff reporter for 52 percent of the total re- venue in 1987-88. by Scott Whltehead venue. The state granted the U- According to Christopher Dal- "I have talked on niversity an increase of 0.49 per- ton. vice president of planning staff reporter A low subsidy rate from the cent over last year's subsidy and budgeting, the low subsidy the phone to some state coupled with the rising rate, the lowest increase in the increase for this year was an For the fourth time in the past 12 years the Uni- parents who were costs of University expenses is state. anomaly. versity has admitted more on-campus students translating into more dollars The average subsidy increase "Last year was a very unusual than the residence halls can hold — forcing 160 not very happy." and cents out of University stu- for the 11 major public universi- year and likely will not repeat freshmen women to live in study lounges and a -Jill Carr, director of dents' pockets. ties in Ohio was 4 percent, with again," Dalton said. local motel until available rooms are found. This summer, students were the highest being 7.46 percent at The state determines subsidy Jill Carr. director of housing, said rooms should housing notified via a letter from Uni- the University ofToledo. rates with a formula that ac- be available for 123 students when the faculty of- versity President Paul Olscamp When the subsidy rate from counts for 11 different levels fices currently occupying the fifth floor of Foun- of a 13 percent increase in in- the state is low, the University's within the universities. These ders Quadrangle are returned to Williams Hall. structional fees for the 1988-1989 other major source of income, levels are three levels each of Until then, however, the students will continue to Christopher Dalton, vice president for planning school year. instructional fees, must in- general studies classes, bacca- live in Falcon Plaza Motel and study lounges con- and budgeting, said an unusually large freshman According to the letter, dated crease to accommodate the loss laureate classes and masters verted to residence rooms in several residence class has contributed to the overcrowding prob- May 12, the University's major of funds. Instructional fees ac- classes, and halls. lem. source of income is the state counted for approximately 40 G See Increase, page 3. Last year 175 women were also housed in the "Bowling Green initially expected a freshman motel and study lounges until permanent housing class of 2,825 but by the time classes start Aug. 24 was found. that figure will have grown to more than 3,200," For the past two years, Williams Hall has been Dalton said. undergoing a complete renovation. Faculty offices Judge appointed new trustee were moved to Founders until the renovations He said it is important of keeping the halls filled could be completed, decreasing the number of stu- to capacity to cut costs charged to students. dent rooms available. "That's one reason why we are able to have the A University graduate who is a Cleveland judge founding member of the Black Women Lawyers lowest room and board costs of any university in has been appointed by Governor Richard Celeste Association of Cleveland. James Corbett, associate vice president of oper- the state," he explained. to the University's Board of Trustees. ations, said students may begin moving into the For a double-capacity room, the current cost per Judge C. Ellen Connally succeeds William Spe- As Cleveland municipal court judge, Connally, residence hall in five weeks, pending the results of semester for room and board at the University is ngler, whose term expired in May. 47, is the first black woman to be elected to a a final inspection of the renovated hall at 10 a.m.
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