MONITOR-LEADER The • BEHIND THE SCENES McKENNY ON The MONITOR-LEADER Page February 25, 1943 Mount Clemens, Michigan MACOMB PUBLISHING COMPANY 6 IN WASHINGTON • BRIDGE Cl Published D*ilv except Sunday at Ca« Avenue and Walnut »t»et. Mount *"?*"* the postoffice at Mount Clemens, Midi. By PETER EDSON year carry-over, has been au- BY WILLIAM E. McKENNEY Entered at mail matter ol the second clasa et Card Authority North This business of making in- thorized for sale as feed. America’s On the Atlantic time drawing near TELEPHONES centive payments to farmers for TOO MUCH COTTON With the 1800 • 01 - 02 - 03 • 04 knockout team- Mount Clemens growing more war foods and But now get into the cotton for the national Kor News Call Editorial Department championship tourna- Manager wrapped in the basic belt and see what incentives of-four On Other Business Ask for Publisher or General fibers is so Cup, I agricultural economics of the and penalties do to the average ment for the Vanderbilt hand played in that tour MEMBER OK IHE ASSOCIATED PRESS it becomes a major small farmer there. Take a recall a country that Charles CLIENT OK EXITED PRESS typical Smith, nament last year. When cred- issue. When coupled with farm Farmer who has is exclusively entitled to use any or all news dispatches of New York played The Associated Press and also the local news labor and manpower supply 30 acres of ground, southern H. Sanders ited to It. or not otherwise credited, in this new paper you RATES By carrier in Mount Celmens. IS cent* you have what farms running smaller than it, he made six-odd and published herein. SUBSCRIPTION County problems, in Bv in any suburban town in Macomb the play un- a week 59.36 per year. carrier per ye.r By to another agricultural other sections. There is still a would not consider mamt'.ms a came, service. 18 cent, a week: s».•>« amounts the Monitor Leader '» NOT mail strictly paid in advance in Macomb Countv where carrier service revolution, more sweeping than tremendous carry-over of short usual. $3 months. $1 00 foi one his maintained $4 00 per year: $3.00 for six months: 00 for three cotton, so the Department West decided to underload year Subscriber saves substantially by ordering a the farm programs introduced staple 2S3T out of oo per at the Sanders won with subscribers moving from country to city will be Deal. of Agriculture triple A program ace of clubs. year at a time. All <-°nfpr * with the New a due them Subscribers will creditedi small spade. rate of 18 cents week for the amount caic authorizes payments to the queen and led a any Irregulanty in delivery whether by mail, or by In the two previous^. discus- farmers byW reporting promptly West played low and dummy MEMBER MICHIGAN PRESS ASSOCIATION sions on incentive payments, for NOT planting more than the king and re- major attention was given to their allotted cotton acreage. went up with TOWN OKI H ER spade. OIT-OI examples its effects on a typ- Payment rate for 1943 is set at turned a small J. De ' ine * Associates. Inc. of New York J- a.pound. 415 Lexington Avenue ical wheat farm of the great 1.1 cents J. J. Devine A Associates, lne. move Suppose Farmer Smith has a AK743 Ch cago plains area. When you -q7 North Michigan Avenue allotment of 15 If Inc. into the corn belt or south into cotton acres. VIS |£. J J. Devine Ac Associate*. *n . the cotton belt, you find even he gets 400 pounds to the acre, ? AK7 633 Boulevard Drive. N E. 4K852 more sweeping change., in crop he can collect $66 on his 13 control, penalties and incentives. acres. But if Farmer Smith goes 4A 8 N I4kQ 10 over his cotton acreage allot- ¥ AN ADMIRAL'S WARNING On corn itself, the change isn’t None yu c¥K J 9 6 ment. even so little as an acre, ? QJ9B e 32 so marked. There are acreage 542 #l° he doesn’t get any money. rs . inevitable that the United Nations should allotments for corn and there is Dealer +jio 4 It wos The Department of Agricul- 4A 96 3 7 a triple A payment of 3.6 cents in their offensive against the axis. ture for the 10 years has been Sanders suffer setbacks for every bushel of corn grow'n ' urging cotton farmers to grow AJ9652 a decided superiority as on the allotted acreage, similar ¥ We have not achieved such something besides short staple AQ 1074 to the 9.2 per bushel paid 63 uninterrupted success for the dur- cents program hasn’t been ? court assure us of on wheat grown on allotted cotton. The 4Q under the acreage. too successful, but Duplicate—E. and W. vul. ation of the war. war demand for other crops, South West North East reverses, it is not But there is no additional in- there is the opportunity to Since we do have to accept centive to grow- corn, though Pass Pass 1 4 Pass make incentive payments to 2 Pass Rommel's there is no penalty imposed on 14 2 4 4 that the temporary gains of farmers to convert. 3 ¥ Pass 3 4 Pass unfortunate the farmer chooses plant needed if he to Suppose Farmer Smith, there- 4 4 Pass Pass Korps should have come just when we corn Afriko on more than his allotted fore, is given a quota of six Opening-—* 3. 88 something to temper a spirit of vain overoptimism. acreage. acres of peanuts. He can collect The .reason for this is that payments on from 90 our war for the sur- incentive West w'on and led a diamond, We are reminded forcefully that with goals the increased for per cent of his quota, or 5.4 which was won in dummy. A affair, which could meat animals, there is an in- per of vival of democracy still is a grim acres, on up to 110 cent small heart was played and the creased demand for feed grains. his which is 6.6 acres. On to let up even for a moment. quota, ten finessed. A diamond was lost if we were IMIMC. This year was one of be MCA In*. past the 1.2 acres over his minimum led dummy and another heart America’s to Admiral Adolphus Andrews, commander of best growing seasons. goal, Farmer Smith can collect finesse taken. The two losing Vice If 1943 should be an off-year an acre, an incentive of S3O hearts were ruffed and thus six- Frontier, spoke strongly the other day with a drouth, the yield of corn give $36 the Eastern Sea which would him in odd wr as made. might drop below consumption, gazers in our country who, upon the • addition to his $66 for not At another table a diamond about "crystal IN HOLLYWOOD and the reserve carry-over of growing his 15 acres more than was opened, won in dummy with success, immediately talk of the accumulating. corn might be reduced to a dan- first semblance of By ERSKINE JOHNSON cerncd this romantic lead busi- Time kept on of cotton. the king and a small heart led. ger point. That’s why some few months. XEA Servile SUN Correvpondent ness means that “Stormy Bill kept on earning huge sums SUPPORT FOR DAIRY The ten was finessed and ruffed war ending within the next wheat, of which there is a two- * represents America and Europe, most of « * Bill Robinson waited 64 years Weather” the start of in AND POULTRY by West. to become a screen lover. The anew career. He’s certain that which he industriously manag- On top of all these incentives West led the jack of diamonds "Make no mistake/' warned Admiral Andrews, fact that he is 64 years old will anyone who is cast romantically ed to give away as fast as he for specified crops, the Depart- and East ruffed. Another heart come as a shock to almost every- opposite the lovely Lena Horne earned it. He acquired the repu- • ment of Agriculture has an- was returned, West ruffed with end will come is to ap- FLASHES "we will win this war, but when the one who sees him on the screen has a brand-new outlook on tation of never refusing nounced that its policy willbe to the ace and cashed the ace of ‘ ‘ Anyone foolish to predict. in Stormy Weather,” in which life. pear at a benefit. He became support” prices generally for clubs. When East followed with anybody's guess. is world s friend, including all he stars opposite Lena Horne. ‘‘lt took me 64 years to get to the OF dairy and poultry products, and a low club, West played another Germany has conquered most of Europe and still His friends will simply shrug be a screen lover and I’m going policemen. His first stop on ar- for other food crops most es- diamond, which made East's would be and say, “Hope he lives to look to hang on to it,” says Bill. rival at anew town • sential to the war effort. This queen of trumps good. perhaps the best army in history, Celebrities holds it with drilled that old!” “Dancing is just pie compared to the police station. LIFE general policy of support will be Thus at that table the contract flocked him and Bill flocked air force, more submarines than all the To most people Bill Robinson being a screen lover.
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