Friday November 16, 1979 lMDii\rj Vol. XL No. 5 Siena College, Loudonville, NY 12211 Energy Measures Planned by CINDY HOPKO classrooms after the last class Friday- and StaH Writer • reopen them on Monday morning. Because of the displeasure of students to Due to the rapidly approaching cold these actions, a compromise was reached. weather, Siena is being forced to evaluate their Roger Bacon will remain open seven days a energy conservation measures. In order to ac­ week, from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. The doors to Siena complish this task, the guidelines from the Hall will be locked at 9:30 p.m. during the week. Federal Energy Code, which was passed this However, students can stay in the building until July, will be followed. 1 a.m. In addition, this building will be closed These regulations require that the from 4 p.m. Friday until Monday morning. The temperatures in non-resident areas be kept no accounting lab answers will soon be posted higher than-65 degrees and air conditioning be both in Roger Bacon and in Ihe library. There set no lower than 78 degrees. This code also are also tentative plans to change the Saturday places the maximum temperature on domestic library hours from 9-5 to 11-7. It is felt that hot water at 105 degrees. Haas stressed that these hours will be more condusive to more these requirements were for non-resident students' needs. areas: the dormitories' temperatures will be The maintenance department, headed by maintained at a comfortable level, Mr. Haas, is looking into a variety of energy (Pholo by Ray Martin) Mr. Haas stated that the maintenance conservation measures. For now, he feels that department, since the beginning of classes this people have to become aware that there is an Bazinet Resigns fall semester, has been keeping track of the energy shortage. He stressed cooperation: number of sludents who utilize the classroom turning off lights when a room is unoccupied, keeping the windows closed, and the possibiJily by RAY MARTIN ings. He has served tremendously as division Duildings on Ihe weekends. After compiling these results, a decision was made to lock all of more than one person studying in a room. Stall Writer chairman and will be difficult to replace." Many sludenls are disappointed in Dr, Dr. George Bazinet has resigned his posi­ Bazinel's resignation. Bill Garrity, a sophomore, Integrated Humanities tion as chairman of the Science Division ol bioilogy major, commented, "It is unlorlunate Siena College, effective next semester. Dr. that he resigned, I hope that they can gel Bazinet stated that he resigned tor "multiple somebody as good to replace him" Bill O'Con- Course Proposed reasons", but, he singled out administrative ner, a junior biology major, stated, "I wish he duties as one of his biggest concerns. He com­ wouldn't, bul if the administration doesn't con­ by MiCHELLE CRiMi tion and outline to Fr. John Murphy, An AD- mented, "Much of what I do is serving sider his needs, I don't blame him." Matt Stall Writer HOC committee will soon be formed by Dr. students, and the students are great, but there Streeter summed up the feelings of many Madigan, to review the IH. committee pro­ are a lot of administrative things that become students when he said, "We are definitely los­ "The quest ol Ireedom in the twentieth posal, "The committee will involve both boring. All the little things end up in this ing a very influentiai man and it won't be the century is as intense and poignant in its set- Sludents and Faculty," Dr Madigan stated. office...Teaching is what I want lo do." same without him." baclts as In its advances." Their purpose as a committee will be to in­ Dr. Bazinet has been chairman of the vestigate the depth Ihe course involves and Science Division for nine years. In that time, he It is uncertain, al Ihis point, as to who will The Integrated Humanities Committee what it's intent js. After making its way through has done much to develop the biology pro­ be the new chairman of the Science Division. feels this quote best describes the thought these preliminary steps the proposal will be gram. However, he feels nine years is enough Dr, Bazinet will continue lo teach nexl sprinn behind iheir new courses proposed for next submitted to the Board of Instructions. The and it is time for a change. He had been con­ after his resignation lakes effect. He has had year, entitled Integrated Humanities I and II. Board will review the proposal in depth and sidering stepping down as chairman for about a an offer lo do research work on sabbatical at The committee, made up of 12 Siena faculty make its decision on it From there the Presi­ year and has no regrets about resigning. Yale, bul he can'l say right now if he will lake it. members, has been working towards the dent ot the college, Fr. Hugh Hines, will give This resignations comes as a surprise to However, although he will be replaced in the development of this unique course for 11 the final decision. The course itself will Incor­ many people. Fr. John Murphy, the Vice Presi­ spring as division chairman, hTs resignation will months. They have, as of now, progressed to porate six different disciplines: Fine Arts, dent for Academic-Affair's, commented, "I was be felt in the division and by those he has the point ol submitting a final course descrip- History, Literature, Natural Science, Social kind of surprised, but I can understand his feel­ helped through his office. Science and Philosophy or Religious Studies under one dominant theme "the quest for freedom". Mr. Carl Weis, Committee Chairperson, stated that the '.'quest for freedom" idea took Vandalism Decreasing On Campus some time to emerge but there seemed to be a need for a link between the many faceted ideas within the committee members. The committee was formed in December, 1978 by Fr, John by KEVIN COLLEARY want Iheir home destroyed " Dean DaPore is school and Ihey can be outstanding. It is Murphy after he had been approached by Mr. Stall Writer very pleased with the workings of the Senate Iherelore the responsibilty of all who pay their Weis with this new course idea. Fr. Murphy and feels that their emphasis on making tuition and all who live, work or study here to was receptive to Ihe suggestion and soon after Every college campus in the nalion has at students aware of who pays for vandalism stop vandalism in any way they can - stop it asked 8 other faculty members to join Mr. Weis east two things in common: their purpose is to plays a great part in Ihe lessening of crimes now and slop it for good. in reaching Ihis goal. The original committee in­ ,'ducate and they have a vandalism problem, this year. cluded Dr, Joseph Bevak (Chemistry), Dr. Den­ jiena College is no different than alt the rest. It is obvious, though, that a greater part nis Donnely (Physics), Dr. Anthony Gulliver The vandalism here al Siena is not extraor­ could be played by all students in this regard. (English), Prof. Selma Kraft (Fine Arts), Fr. dinary by any means, but is is noticeable, As Betsy Smith, a sophomore, feels "Ihe pro­ Semi-Formal Michael Meilach (Philosophy), Prof. Edmund prevalant at some times, and untorlunately it is blem would be lessened so much if people Padvaiskas (History), Mr, John Vallely (Library), a permanent fixture here. would just light peer pressure a little bit and Set For and Dr. Robert Woll (Psychology). The commit­ The picture at Siena so far this year reveal whatever they know or have seen about tee found the need to expand several weeks though, has not been so very grim. In speaking vandalism on campus," This Hennepin resident December 8th ago, and did so, by adding Dr. Janet Alger with different members of the college com­ belives that all Ihe trouble is_ caused by a (Sociology), Dr. Edward LaRow (Biology), and munity, administrators, personnel, and "select few and yet Ihe entire community feels Dr. Merle Longwood (Religious Studies). students the general feeling is that vandalism the brunt of it - we all feel the consequences," has decreased and is not as much of a problem The problem is lessening though, and that The variety of departments represented in as il has been in previous years. is something we can all be thankful for. As one by JEANNE O'NEILL making the course as outstanding as it will be. Jim Harty, Student Senate V.P, and an senior said, "I've seen four years of changes in Stall Writer RA, in Ryan, feels that vandalism has decreas-. the better and I hope that this will be a continu­ "The course could not have progressed as well ed due to a "heightened awareness of van­ ing and constant trend," The annual Winter Semi-Formal, sponsored by as it has without all those people". Mr. Weis dalism and how much it costs". This senior Mr, Kelly, head of the Security force here the Interclass Committee, will be held on Satur­ said. At first he believed that the course would leels that "sludents are taking a more mature says that the figures for academic year day, December 8, in the Campus Center. "Ice encompass the entire length of human altitude towards drinking and its relationship to 1978-79 represent a 15,6% decrease from Castles" is the theme of the Semi-Formal, development through the many perspectives.
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