n f lnd K te Atn p Atr Klimaszewski, J.; Watt, J. C. 1997: Coleoptera: family-group review and keys to identification. Fauna of New Zealand 37, 199 pp. IEEAE SYSEMAICS AISOY GOU ACAE ESEAC EESEAIES r .. nn ndr rh nln Arltr & Sn Cntr .O. x 6, nln, lnd r .K. Crb nd r M.C. rvèr ndr rh Mnt Albrt rh Cntr rvt 20, Alnd, lnd UIESIIES EESEAIE r .M. Ebrn prtnt f Entl & Anl El .O. x 84, nln Unvrt, lnd MUSEUMS EESEAIE Mr .. l trl Envrnnt prtnt M f lnd p nr .O. x 46, Wllntn, lnd OESEAS EESEAIE r .. rn CSIO vn f Entl G..O. x 00, Cnbrr Ct A.C.. 260, Atrl SEIES EIO AUA O EW EAA Mr C vl ndr rh Mnt Albrt rh Cntr rvt 20, Alnd, lnd Fauna of New Zealand K t Atn Ρρ Atr Number / Nama 37 Coleoptera: family-group review and keys to identification . Klz 1 and .C. Wtt 2 with illustrations by D.W. Helmore Landcare Research Mount Albert Research Centre Private Bag 92170, Auckland, New Zealand 1 Present address: BC Research Inc. 3650 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada V6S 2L2 2 Research Associate Manaaki Whenua PRESS Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand 1997 1 Cprht © ndr rh lnd td 1997 prt f th r vrd b prht b rprdd r pd n n fr r bγ n n (rph ltrn r hnl nldn phtpn rrdn tpn nfrtn rtrvl t r thr tht th rttn prn f th pblhr Ctln n pbltn KIMASEWSKI (n 195— Clptr fl-rp rv nd t dntftn / Klz nd C Wtt th lltrtn b W lr — nln Cntrbr Mn Whn r 1997 (n f lnd ISS 111-533 ; n 37 IS -7-931- I Wtt C Π tl IlI Sr UC 5957(931 rprd fr pbltn b th r dtr n ptr-bd txt prn It nnn nd prntn t ndr rh Mt AIbrt rh Cntr rvt 917 AInd Ind Mār txt b f Intrntnl rnltn td AInd blhd b Mn Whn r ndr rh O x nIn Cntrbr rntd b G rnt td Wllntn rnt vr Huhu btl Prionoplus reticularis (Illtrtr W lr PubIication of the Fauna of New Zealand r s supported by the Foundation for Research, Science and TechnoIogy under contract nos C09308 and C09617. OUA SUMMAY E WAKAOOGA ΜΑ E MAEA Cl Int Ordr Clptr Families of beetles tl r th lrt rdr f rn prn vr 35 drbd p n th rld fn h p- r lfd n 3 nr It h bn t- td tht thr r r p f btl thn thr r Illtrtn Whh: Mrnt nd prn f vlr plnt r fn nd 9 t n thr hlp t lf btl nt fl (Illtrtr / K- r l p hh Krt Wln In lnd t lt 51 ntv p f btl hv bn rnd A frthr 33 p r thr lf- O nā pūt rrp t t pūt rr t tn ntrdd r hv bn dlbrtl brht n fr x- n t t 35 nā rr t t pl fr th bll ntrl f nx d h tth pt n t E nh n ēn btl bln t 19 nr n fl ēth pnn āh 3 n E t hr prn th vlr plnt flr nld bt 5 ēth h h nā rr tēnā nā p nd th trrtrl vrtbrt fn bt 35 p- tp h nā ōpr htū rān e 90 te h tl nbr f btl p n lnd hrn nā rr nā r- rh hnt ndbtdl h hhr — n r ndrbd t t 51 nā rr Atr h frt Erpn lltn f lnd btl tt t tēn hn Arā nō ēth r d b ph n nd nl Slndr drn momo e 343 nei tau noa āt rān pērā Cptn C frt v n 179 nd th frt ērā hnōh h p nā tr kino. E noho frl drptn r b hnn br n 1775 katoa n ēn ēth pnn 19 ēth h rn f lnd btl ntll n- hān Kt hrt tēn t n ēth t nn bt pprntl t lt hd dvlpd n n rrp 5 nā tp h ā 35 n h nnt lnd f ntnntl rn hh b n- nā rrh nh hn h trā n Kār rnl ltd n th lt Mz r h rl- e kore he nui noa nā rr Atr tērā t nn btl fl fr lnd f n n- hn rn n nā h rā nō ēth ār nō plt frnt n dtn fr th Crt āt hhh āt tth r ftr r rpnbl fr th ptn nd K ph n rā nl Slndr nā āhā dvrt f th prnt-d btl fn f lnd tth thr t āt hh nā rr (1 h rn f f r fn n th nnt th- Atr rā hr t rrn tth rn prntnnt nn Gndn ( h ttd Hē K Atr t t 179 ā nā tthn lln r f rph ltn f lnd whaitake tuatahi, nl Johanns Fabricius i te tau 1775. hh h rltd n 9 prnt nd (ll Kār āt ōht n t pūtn nā rn f p nd hh nd l t n lvl rr Atr nr t ōrr rā ēth (3 Chnn lt lnd r nd lnd rf d t t tēth hn rh tūārr M i te ftr h ltn ntn bldn nd vln āhn htn t ā Mz n hr tvt ( h bn f l nd thr nl tēn hn rh t aba, ka motuhake ēth t nd plnt hh hv dntd t lhr whenua. Ko te parawae kurikuri tino tawhito o Aotearoa (ntnd vrlf (r hr tοn in the world. The flora and fauna have been greatly modi- ōht n tēth āhn t ph mua, fied in the last 1 years by humans, who brought devas- t ā Crt tation to native forest and introduced exotic animals with E hā nā āhtn hth t āh t n destructive influence (e.g., deer, rats, possum, goats). nā rr Atr ēn r (1 K t Contemporary New Zealand beetles are thus a compos- pūtn ēth t hn rh tūārr ite of ancient, variously changed lineages, elements intro- ī n Gndn ( K t āh rn t duced by dispersal over short and long distances, and spe- nh th n Atr Na n 9% t cies intentionally and accidentally introduced by humans. n nā rr Atr nō n tt ā The majority of species are associated with native forest, t ēn ēth t hn Wh which now constitutes only 23 percent of the total land t pērā n t āh nā pnn (3 Κ t rrē area. The shrinking forest has profoundly reduced the popu- hr t āh nā rn t tt t hn lation size of many native species and their potential for t t t t t hn ā nā āhtn pēn long-term survival. nā hpp nā āhtn hn n nā Our beetles are also vulnerable to introduced organisms: h ū pēn ( Κ t r ēth their defence mechanisms are often ineffective against the rrh hnt ēth t rrh t t new arrivals. They may succumb to competition for food ēth tp nh ātā ēth t rrn hn t I tēn 1 with introduced wasps, to predation by mammals, and to t hn n h tn t rh nā tp nā rrh depletion of food sources by weeds out-competing native Atr t rn tnt Na t tnt ē h r plants. A number of beetle species are recognised as being hr nā nhr ār nn nδ t t h threatened with extinction, and are listed for protection by t rrh n tht (h tr rā t t t r the Department of Conservation. t ph t t On a positive note, beetle diversity can be unexpectedly Na rr nā rr Atr nān h high in relatively small areas of habitat. The beetle fauna t hr ōt ēn āhtn h n nā of the Auckland suburb of Lynfield has been shown to ān hr tr hā nā t ā- exceed 1000 species, of which three-quarters are native. pnnī ā-np rān h h p tht p tt rān t t nā āt hr t tnt hr prhū rān t tnt Κ t Contributor n Klz was born in Poland in nn nā n hn n nā nāhr 1950. He graduated MSc in 1973 and PhD in 1978 from ār ā t t nā hn Atr tēth the University of Wroclaw, with a specialisation in the 3% n h ār Na t rr nā nhr beetle family Staphylinidae. He was based in Poland until ār t t h tēnā tēnā 1980, when he took up a postdoctoral research fellowship nā rr tūtr Atr ā tērā p r in Ottawa, Canada. From 1982 to 1989 he was a research nh pū t t hn associate in the Lyman Entomological Museum at McGill K ōrr nō h ā tāt rr t nh University, working on lacewings (Neuroptera). Jan was th Id nā rrp t hn ē h then appointed as a Senior Curator of Coleoptera in the r t rāt t pr t nā t tērā p pā Transvaal Museum, Pretoria, South Africa. In 1993 he ēn rrp h ērā nh pp t h- returned briefly to Canada before taking up the post of tt th nā tp hr tht — r r Coleopterist with Landcare Research in New Zealand. h n t th; nā rr tn rān nh h tēth rrh hnt; rr Contributor Chrl Wtt was born in England but rān nā trn tht ē tā nā tp n t- moved to New Zealand at an early age.
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