MIUKlMMA-PMJira: : - COMMUNITY COLLEGE OF MICRONESIA FSM Postal ServicePonap inauguratioe State, E. Carolinne ceremonIslands 96941 y set - See Page 8 The National Union AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE STATES OF THE FEOERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 5 Kolonia, Ponape, June 30, 1984 Number 12 COMMISSION TO REVIEW COMPACT DRIVE KOLONIA, Ponape - The FSM Commission on Future Political Status and Tran- sition will meet here July 10-13 to organize and to review progress made on the information program before the U.S. Congress on the Compact of Free Association, according to CFPST Chairman Andon Ama- GOVERNOR ADDRESSES CCM GRADUATES - ?9nape Gov. raich. Resio Moses, standing, is addressing June 18 Amaraich was reappointed the Community College of Micronesia 1985 grad- to a two-year term, effec- uating class during commencement exercises in tive June 8, on the com- the Catholic Mission, Kolonia. Seated are Col- mission by the Truk State lege of Micronesia Executive Director Loren Legislature. Peterson, center, and FSM Resources and Devel- The Ponape State Legis- opment Secretary Bernard Helgenberger, a COM lature named State Senator regent. Kasiano Joseph to replace Itor Harris on the commis- CCM urged to expand services to FSM sion, the Kosrae State Le- gislature reappointed Lt. Gov. Moses Mackwelung and KOLONIA, Ponape - Ponape Noting that "we all Speaker Bethwel Henry re- Gov. Resio Moses urged the dream of a four-year col- appointed Senators Isaac Community College of Mic- lege, offering profession- Fjgir of Yap, Jack Fritz ronesia to expand its role al degrees," Moses said, in serving the FSM in his of Truk and Peter Christ- "I believe very strongly ian of Ponape to represent June 18 address to the that with sufficient plan- the FSM Congress. 14th CCM graduating class ning and coordination, during commencement exer- most of our training needs (Continued on Page 3) cises in the Catholic Mis- can be accommodated local- sion here. ly." Moses, a former CCM pre- The governor said that sident, cited the need to the state is planning to (Inside.... upgrade teacher certifica- establish a second high tion and said that "our school in fiscal 1985, or BUDGET FIGURES INCREASE need for training exists 1986, at the latest, which in other areas as well. means that "the .state will (See story on Page 3) "Recently, the state be looking for" additional budget has had to absord college opportunities -for TRUK JUSTICE CONFIRMED heavy burdens for training our graduates." abroad sumply because the He said that FSM state (See story on Page 6) College of Micronesia has and national government been unable to establish officials joined him in programs reflecting our INVESTMENT ACT PROPOSED needs," he said. (Continued on Page 2) (See story on Page 7} <U •2nd high school & (OS CCM urged to expand services to FSM OH Seen in '85 or '86 eral Arts--Rivelee Alokoa, KOLONIA, Ponape - The (Continued from Page 1 "'" "''"*''• Kosrae; George Barnabas, second Ponape high school 00 Ponape; Felisa Brel, Pa- planned for Pohnlangas, CTi urging the U.S. Senate En- lau; James Edilyorig, Yap; Madolenihmw, will be built ergy and Natural Resources Randy Edmond, Kosrae; Gid- in 1985, if the U.S. Cong- Committee during a May 24 eon Gideon, Marshalls; ress approves the funds, O hearing in Washington, D.- ro Magda]ina Mailers, Ponape; or in 1985 with Compact C., to continue federal Tony Hatiwelig, Yap; Cath- funds, Gov. Resio Moses programs, including COM .1 ina Kilo, Kosrae; Carmen told the 1985 PICS grad- C funding, under the Compact Letachibesug, Yap; Mikel uating class on June 20.. 3 of Free Association. Loyola, Ponape; Lucios "My aim is to make qual- CCM President Catalino Chester, Ponape; Louisa ity high school education Cantero predicted that its Maida, Marshalls, Francis- enrollment would climb to available to all children 13 co Melait.au, Palau; Jonah who want to and may need O "300, or so students next Paul, Ponape; Reiel Ret- H school year, depending on it," Moses said, noting tin, Ponape; Bruce Robert, that the state has not S5 the availability of dorm- Truk; Bridget Soumwei, D itory and classroom space." been able to live up to Truk; Tulensru Waguk, Kos- its commitment to provide Dr. Cantero said that rae; Shmagar William, Kos- secondary education to all during the 1984 Sprina rae, and Ramona Zebedy, Quarter, CCM had 22 full- who want it, due to lack Marshal Is of facilities. time and five part-time Associate in Science, The second high school E-l instructors, 118 freshmen, General Business—Jerrey 54 sophomores, 24 third- will serve Madolenihmw, a Arnold, Truk; Johnson Ben- Kitti and Uh municipalit- year students and 64 part- jamin, Kosrae; Menry Hen- ies, he said. time students. ry, Ponape; Cannihner Lor- The commencement exer- "The new dormitory is rin, Ponape; Lorna Sigrah, cise was attended by FSM about 90 per cent complet- Kosrae; Change William, ed, but due to lack of President Tosiwo Nakayama Kosrae, and Delphia Wil- whose daughter, Rita, was funds, the dormitory may son, Ponape. not be ready for the Fall, valedictorian and Joseph Third Year Elementary Rodrequez, salutatorian 1984," Cantero said. Education--Aichy Aisek, "During the last 14 for the class of 168 grad- Marshalls; Arwelson Arpo- uating seniors. years, 688 students have na, Ponape; Emerida Edwin, completed their associate Ponape; Angelina Gootnag, < degrees at CCM," Cantero Yap; Nelsin Iriarte, Pon- HONOR GRADUATES NAMED said, adding, "of these 68 ape (honor roll); Caleb LEI.tl, Kosrae - Valedict- are from Palau, 81 from Ludwig, Ponape (honor orian Semeon J. Phillip Yap, 163 from Truk, 177 roll); Kikiko Nelson, Kos- and Salutatorian Lelean S. from Ponape, 101 from Kos- rae; Major Paul, Truk; Ittu of Malem were among rae, 26 from the Northern Santiago Palemai, Yap; the 27 Kosrae High School Marianas and 81 from the Thomas Sefairal, Yap; Wal- seniors graduating with Republic of the Marshall ter Hugolino, Ponape, and honors on May 31, accord- Islands. DelaRosa Yalap, Palau. ing to a June 19 Kosrae "The above figures do Third Year Special Educ- State Release. not include those grad- ation--Antreas Anton, Pon- Other honor graduates uates completing their ape; Leidy, Aron, Truk; were Castro Nedlic, Nora programs at the off-campus Etsinter Elias, Ponape; Abraham, Elsey Alokoa, centers," he said. Tridell Elidok, Ponape; Florence Freddy, Linda The valedictory address Sonster Hedgar, Ponape; Likiak, Merisin Palik, was given by Shamgar Wil- Jobidrik Ittu, Marshalls; Marylinda Sigrah, Primo liam of Kosrae. Regina Rosendo Paulis, Truk; Tom Aliksa, Golaid Johannes Poll of Ponape spoke on Silk, Marshalls, and Glad- and Rhine William of Lelu. behalf of the pre-nursing well Willy, Truk. Also, Cathrine Charley, students who completed cSpanish Wall cleaned up Jane O'Daol, Mary-Ann their first year of train- Freddy, Palokoa Tara, ing here and will transfer KOLONIA, Ponape - A Pon- Thompson Shrew, Tilson to the CCM Nursing School ape women's group has been Kephas and Carolyn Dison in Saipan. cleaning up and planting of Malem; Aliksa Mondeya, The presentation of dip- flowers on the grounds ad- Arthurson Albert, Nena To- lomas and certificates was jacent to the Kolonia's lenoa, Walter Asher and made by FSM Resources and historic Spanish Wall in Yoshiro Sanney of Tafun- Development Secretary Ber- conjunction with a propos- sak, and Norson Nena of nard Helgenberger, a mem- al to create a state park Utwa. ber of the COM Board of there, according Ponape CORRECTION Regents. First Lady Sue Moses. MOEN, Truk - The title. Thirty-two students re- The women's group had Internal and External Af- ceived associate degrees worked for four weekends fairs chairman, was drop- and 21 were recognized for with the aid of Community ped mistakenly from the completing third-year College of Micronesia stu- appointment of State Sena- training in elementary and dents on the proposed tor Tatasy Curley by Truk special education, includ- park, after initial clear- State Legislature Speaker ing: ing by state prisoners, Simion Innocenti in the Associate of Arts, Lib- she said. June 15 NATIONAL UNION. - a Congress budget COMMISSION TO REVIEW CAMPAIGN M (Continued from Page 1) H Figures up Appointments were pend- I hearings for FSM and Mar- H ing for the Kosrae Cong- 'shall Islands witnesses in 2 KOLONIA, Ponape (Cong- ress and the Yap state re- . September. > ress Release) - The Third presentatives. The incum- 1 The June 12 House hear- FSM Congress approved a bents are former FSM Sen- ing was on Compact legal $10.5 million fiscal 1985 ator Hiroshi Ismael of provisions, such as immi- budget for the national Kosrae and Gov. John Man- gration, trade and tax be- government, instead of gefel of Yap. nefits and dispute resolu- $9.9 million reported in Vice President Bailey tions, according to a Sta- the June 15 NATIONAL UNION. Olter represents the nat- tus Commission official. The total included $3,- ional government and is 747,466 from the general the Status Committee A major part of the .C fund, instead of $3,117,- chairman. Fritz is the hearing was spent on FSM 3 466, and the total was Transition Committee law enforcement capability (D $3,350,874, instead of chairman. with Deputy Assistant In- CO $3,980,874, less than the Washington attorney Ja- terior Secretary Kittie O President's $14,233,000 mes T. Stovall III is Baier and Ambassador Fred request. scheduled to attend the Zeder, President Reagan's The Congress cut the meeting to report on the personal representative President's request for lobbying effort by the for Micronesian status ne- 00 the FSM Postal Service by Compact Planning Committee gotiations, praising law $132,417 to $165,383, in- there, Amaraich said.
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