$ECTION ONE ANK GISTE SECTION ONfc VOLUME LXV, NO. 9. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 14 Ernest Blanchard Ration Board Scans Retired Air Corps Mayor Wants Opinion Radio Stars to Sing In Resigns As Chief Officer Buys Fine Benefit Concert Here Scout Executive Issue of "C" Books Rumson Rd. Estate On Curfew for "Kids" Accepts Similar William H. Hintelmann Matter Discussed At Session Seeks To Learn Public Reaction Performance Next Wednesday Night - Post at Syracuse—• Sells Giilmore Property Last Week—Some Called In By Veterans Of Foreign Wars Praised for Work to Capt. Henry Pascale On Request By Westside Residents In compliance with Instructions The Red BaTik district board last Folks what do you think of a cur- A benefit concert will be presented A— . from state OPA authorities, Issued Friday moved Into its new head- Captain and Mrs. Henry Pascale by Vernon A. Brown post, VeteranB Ernest M. Blanchard, who five of Newport News, Virginia, have ew for children 16 years or undtrT, of Foreign Wars, WedheBday even- Accepts $2,700 to boards throughout New Jersey quarters on West Front street. Three Opens Interior Mayor Charles R. English at a meat-, years ago became chief executive of last week, tho Red Bank district clerks ore on duty here and applica- purchased the Rumson road country Ing, August 26, in the auditorium of the Monmouth Council Boy Scouts of estate property of Major General ing of the borough council Monday the Rad Bank, Catholic high school. America, tendered his resignation at board has begun a check-up on the tion forms may, be obtained and Decorating Office" night asked for expressions of The artists will be MIBS Sylvia Cydo, Settlement In . Issuance of all "C" books. State OPA filed here. If applications are ap- Quincy A. GlUmore. Captain Pas'- opinion pro and con from residents a board meeting In the Berkeley-Car- proved, supplementary books will be cale is a retired air corps officer of lyrlo eopranoj Miss Rebekah Craw- teret hotel Monday, to take effect Oc- headB declared that such books had the United States army. The sale of the borough, ford, contralto; Frederick Hufsmlth, tober 1, Mr. Blanchard will become been given to persons not entitled Issued from this office. Audrey F. Estelle A petition, asking for such a cur- lyrlo tenor, and Emllo Renan, bari- Accident Case was effected by William H. Hintel- scout executive at Syracuse, New to them, Including bankers, lawyers, The board at its meeting, however, mann, realtor of Rumson. few so as to "protect the moral tone, all nationally known radio York. etc. voted to have each municipal board Is Proprietor \ stature of children" for the duration stars of major network stations, and • The board accepted the resigna- act Independently of .each other. In The property Is situated on the and signed by about 150 residents Herbert Wlnkler, pianist. Alfred E. Red Bank Woman The board, at a meeting last northeast corner of Rumson road tion with regret realizing that It ether words, applications may be ob- A new interior decorating ofBco Is of the Westslde, Including Council- Seldel Is the concert director. Gets Award for comes as a jubBtantlal promotion. E. Thursday night in the municipal of- tained from the board in tho munic- and Belknap lane and is the second man J. Albert VanScholk, had been fices on Chestnut street, voted to ipality in which applicant resides property west of the Sea Bright being opened today at 22 Mount Prior to the opening of the con- Donald Sterner, who presided, said It Lawn Tennis and Cricket club.' It street by Miss Audrey F. Estelle in presented to the council at Us Jast cert an address of welcome will be Injuries in Fall came as a reward to the very fine take this action. A telegram from and may be died with this board. conjunction with the EMelle Decor- meeting two.weeks ago. Mayor Eng- extended by the post commander, contribution Mr. Blanchard has James Kerney, New Jersey OPA The municipal board approves the comprises about three and one-half lish referred the matter to tho po- amount of gas to which the person acres of lawns and gardens. ating Service. Miss Estelle was William A. de la Motte. made to scouting In Monmouth coun- head, was read. It was decided to raduated from the Now York lice committee, of which Councilman The program folown: A settlement In tho sum of $2,700 ty. He then appointed a committee Bend notices to all persons who have Is entitled, and this amount Is not The residence, which was built In Thomas M. Gopsill Is chairman. was accepted by Mrs. Bertha Moore- subject to revision by the Red Bank 1895 by the late Tyler R. Palmer, School of Interior Decoration, where I -kova -Ufa - - , ...- -«.. Manna-Zucca to fill tho vacancy which It will do in obtained "C" books, informing them she studied the various art periods Councilman Gopsill declared Tues- Sylvia Cyds. Frederick, Huf.mlth, man- of 128 Monmouth street, Red consultation with the office of the board. " ' contains six master bedrooms, four Bank, through her attorney, Edward that the board was . to re-consider .ids' rooms, five baths, reception of history, including prc-clasalc, day night that while he was in favau Rebekah Crawford, Emllo Kenan national council In New York. their application, arid Captain Rob- Present at 'Hie board meeting, classic,' Egyptian, the Middle Agea, of the sentiments contained In tha A Wand-ring Mln.trol Sullivan W. Wiso of Red Bank, from the Jer- Thomas R. Crumley is chairman, the hall, lavatory, powder room, living sey Central Power and Light com- ert A. Kennedy, chairman of the which was closed to press and pub- room, solarium, dining room, but- Mohajnrnedan and Christian Spain, petition he did not believe that tho Au Paya '. Holm«« other members being San (ord C. Red Bank district board, said a few lic, waa George H. Roberts, county curfew could be enforced. Th« hour Tho Jewel Song ("Fauat") Gounod pany Tuesday. The settlement waB Flint, Monroe Eisner, Amory L. Has- ler's pantry, kitcjjen and maids' din*. The Sleigh Kounti the result of a suit which Mrs. cases had already been reviewed. OPA chairman. ; Ing room. It Is equipped with va- of curfew had been placed at 19 Sylvia Cyiie kell, Dr. Edwin F. Stewart and Fred- o'clock. He said he would like to Madamlna ("Bon Giovanni") Moxart Mooreman had instituted against tho erick Housman. por heat. Other buildings Include a 1 Light company because of Injuries cottage containing five rooms and give the matter more consideration/ Done Came a 'knlttln Jacauej Wolfo It was the last board meeting also and in the meantime suggested that Emilo Renan which she had received through a for the assistant scout executive, bath, a gymnasium containing two •Carmena Wallt A. T. Wllaon fall Into a hole In the sidewalk which rooms and lavatory, a stable garage the mayor might experiment with! Llttl Signor, "Tho Huxuenou"—-Uayerbeu William H. Wftdsworth, who has Methodist Society the idea by Issuing a proclamation Kebakah Crawford It was alleged was made by work- been with the organization less than built in 1928 containing space for ' Dallet Mmlc From Ronamunde.... Schuburl men of the oompany. six cars, box stalls for three horses, calling for children to leave the Herbert Wlnkler a year and In that time has won streets at the deBlred hour. Paragi o cara ("LaTraviata") Verdi The excavation which Mrs. Moore- many friends and the appreciation and a caretaker's apartment on the Sylvia Oyde and Frederick Hufimlth man contended was the cause of her by the board of his ability. He will Harvest Home Tonight second floor. Mayor English replied that ha INTERMISSION (8 Minutes) would like to get a more general Mako Bollovo ("Showboat,") Jerome Kern injuries, was made on the morning bo married Saturday of this week A half century of luxuriant growth Rebikah Crawford and Emlle Renan of February 16,1941, during the time and take a month's honeymoon trip, has developed the fine specimen opinion on the matter and asked tha LnRoy dy» - Lalo when tho former Second National then going into the armed services, shade trees on this property. In- press to co-operate by calling upon A Keopolltan Love Song Herbert Bank, building was on fire. During- the citizens to express their views. Frederick Hufamlth having been notified by hl» draft Varied Menu Arranged For Annual cluded are many large sycamores, Prelude 0 Sham Minor .... Rachmaninoff the courso of the nre, the workmen board that he can expect to be called Norway maples, pin oaks, catalpas, Or, if there is a doctor in the bouso Herbert Wlnkler of the Light company broke through out soon after October 1. Mr. Wads- copper beeches, Norway spruce, firs, —a Dr. Gallup—he might furnish. I Want To Bo Heady H. T. Burlelnh the sidewalk for the purpose of get- worth has a B-l rating, as a result of Event—First Serving at 5:30 P. M. pines and boxwood. valuable aid by conducting a pool Without a Song Vlnwnt Youmana ting to a gas main and turning it an arm Injury, and came to the lo- In the immediate neighborhood are on the question. Rebekah Crawford off. Cold sliced turkey, . chicken and room, assisted by Mrs. John J. Many, Solent In Qucstora ("Force of Destiny ) cal council alter having tried twice vegetable salad and other delicious Mrs. Jobn Hoffman, Mrs. Marvle the country houseB of B. J. Barry, Councilman Gopsill, besides re* Verdi Mrs, Mooreman aleged that the to enlist In the Navy and twice In Hubbard, Mrs.
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