Appendix III: Provisional Scenario 10

Appendix III: Provisional Scenario 10

APPENDIX III: PROVISIONAL SCENARIO 10 - TOTAL POPULATION BY MUNICIPALITY AND PLANNING COMMUNITY AREA 2016-2031 2016-2041 2031-2041 Municipality/Community Planning Area Map Label 2016 2021 2031 2036 2041 Growth Growth Growth Peel 1,433,000 1,538,600 1,770,060 1,869,990 1,970,040 337,060 537,040 199,980 B R A M P T O N Brampton 611,480 687,150 816,020 855,220 889,980 204,540 278,500 73,960 Snelgrove B1 12,060 12,650 13,550 13,970 14,300 1,490 2,240 750 Westgate B10 14,110 14,100 14,130 14,230 14,370 20 260 240 Central Park B11 16,030 15,910 15,840 15,960 16,110 -190 80 270 Northgate B12 16,330 16,230 16,180 16,300 16,460 -150 130 280 Bramalea North Industrial B13 2,810 2,780 2,770 2,790 2,810 -40 0 40 Gore Industrial North B14 2,910 3,090 3,440 3,660 3,820 530 910 380 Fletchers West B15 19,420 20,010 20,790 21,220 21,600 1,370 2,180 810 Brampton South B16 13,870 13,770 13,730 13,840 13,960 -140 90 230 Brampton East B17 9,760 9,730 9,760 9,850 9,950 0 190 190 Brampton East Industrial B18 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 Bramalea West Industrial B19 1,210 1,200 1,210 1,210 1,220 0 10 10 Sandalwood Industrial East B2 10,870 10,820 10,790 10,880 10,970 -80 100 180 Avondale B20 9,110 9,040 9,000 9,080 9,170 -110 60 170 Southgate B21 13,840 13,810 13,890 14,050 14,240 50 400 350 Bramalea South Industrial B22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gore Industrial South B23 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 Fletchers Creek South B24 29,840 29,840 30,050 30,370 30,720 210 880 670 Steeles Industrial B25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toronto Gore Rural Estate A B26a 2,250 2,430 2,630 2,680 2,710 380 460 80 Toronto Gore Rural Estate B B26b 440 680 940 990 1,030 500 590 90 Sandringham-Wellington B28 90,930 93,110 97,900 100,230 102,360 6,970 11,430 4,460 Huttonville B29 260 250 250 250 260 -10 0 10 Heart Lake West B3 17,550 17,470 17,440 17,610 17,760 -110 210 320 Parkway Belt Industrial B32 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 Queen Street Corridor B36 20,900 23,160 30,860 36,110 40,710 9,960 19,810 9,850 Airport Road Highway 7 Business Centre B37 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 Bramalea Road South Gateway Redevelopment Area B38 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Goreway Drive Corridor B39 1,190 1,460 1,980 2,200 2,400 790 1,210 420 Heart Lake East B4 10,240 10,530 10,860 11,030 11,210 620 970 350 Bram West B40 18,580 31,550 48,240 50,820 52,840 29,660 34,260 4,600 Bram East B41 53,010 55,360 58,470 59,530 60,550 5,460 7,540 2,080 Vales of Castlemore B42 16,820 17,450 18,170 18,400 18,590 1,350 1,770 420 Fletchers Creek Village B43 10,170 10,560 11,350 11,860 12,240 1,180 2,070 890 Fletchers Meadow B44 54,720 54,750 57,770 59,800 61,490 3,050 6,770 3,720 Credit Valley B45 32,600 42,730 54,470 56,210 57,610 21,870 25,010 3,140 Highway 427 Industrial B47 430 4,720 19,770 22,710 25,030 19,340 24,600 5,260 Countryside Villages B48 1,160 7,020 18,250 20,320 22,280 17,090 21,120 4,030 Vales of Castlemore North B49 6,270 6,340 6,420 6,480 6,540 150 270 120 Northwood Park B5 10,220 10,160 10,140 10,230 10,330 -80 110 190 Vales of Humber B50 1,930 5,010 8,380 8,830 9,150 6,450 7,220 770 Mount Pleasant B51 11,780 27,840 47,030 50,380 53,320 35,250 41,540 6,290 Huttonville North B52 240 6,320 15,900 18,730 21,180 15,660 20,940 5,280 Mount Pleasant West B53 140 3,870 11,300 12,330 13,150 11,160 13,010 1,850 Kennedy Road South Revitalization Area B54 2,890 3,020 3,320 3,520 3,690 430 800 370 Hurontario-Main Street Corridor (proposed) B55 5,650 7,280 11,810 15,250 19,260 6,160 13,610 7,450 Brampton West B6 15,280 15,320 15,470 15,710 15,910 190 630 440 Downtown Brampton B7 12,430 14,310 19,540 22,590 25,020 7,110 12,590 5,480 Brampton North B8 17,550 17,900 18,650 19,210 19,650 1,100 2,100 1,000 Madoc B9 23,460 23,350 23,360 23,580 23,790 -100 330 430 Claireville CC 100 100 100 100 100 0 0 0 Heart Lake HLC 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 Parkway Belt West PWB 20 20 20 20 20 0 0 0 C A L E D O N Caledon 68,980 79,610 117,150 129,360 145,080 48,170 76,100 27,930 Palgrave Estate C1 3,500 3,930 5,440 5,710 6,090 1,940 2,590 650 Cheltenham C10 490 550 740 780 820 250 330 80 Terra Cotta C11 210 210 220 220 230 10 20 10 Mayfield West C12 10,130 14,480 17,080 17,390 17,790 6,950 7,660 710 Caledon Rural Area C13 15,120 14,940 14,960 14,930 14,980 -160 -140 20 Palgrave C2 840 840 850 850 850 10 10 0 Bolt Emp Exp C20 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 Bolt 2 C21 650 620 19,080 26,210 35,750 18,430 35,100 16,670 Mono Mills C3 670 690 750 760 770 80 100 20 MW-Ph2 C30 70 3,380 10,520 11,160 11,740 10,450 11,670 1,220 MW-Ph3 C31 320 630 2,760 4,030 5,790 2,440 5,470 3,030 Tullamore C33 900 890 880 880 880 -20 -20 0 Alton C4 880 930 1,130 1,160 1,210 250 330 80 Caledon Village C5 1,610 1,610 1,650 1,660 1,670 40 60 20 Caledon East C6 4,940 6,900 9,400 9,990 10,510 4,460 5,570 1,110 Bolton C7 27,430 27,750 30,270 32,170 34,510 2,840 7,080 4,240 Belfountain C8 200 230 320 340 360 120 160 40 Inglewood C9 970 980 1,050 1,070 1,080 80 110 30 2016-2031 2016-2041 2031-2041 Municipality/Community Planning Area Map Label 2016 2021 2031 2036 2041 Growth Growth Growth M I S S I S S A U G A Mississauga 752,540 771,840 836,890 885,410 934,980 84,350 182,440 98,090 Uptown MN M1 11,150 12,320 17,700 19,080 20,430 6,550 9,280 2,730 Western Business Park EA M10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Erin Mills NHD M11 42,000 41,850 42,420 42,890 43,930 420 1,930 1,510 South Common CN M12 5,290 5,310 5,310 5,350 5,920 20 630 610 Churchill Meadows EA M13 0 0 0 120 240 0 240 240 Churchill Meadows NHD M14 49,530 50,080 50,920 51,560 52,160 1,390 2,630 1,240 Central Erin Mills NHD M15 31,560 31,680 32,340 32,730 33,100 780 1,540 760 Central Erin Mills MN M16 4,740 6,300 7,990 10,610 13,100 3,250 8,360 5,110 Lisgar NHD M17 32,980 33,040 33,810 34,260 34,880 830 1,900 1,070 Meadowvale Business Park CC M18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Meadowvale NHD M19 38,980 39,600 40,720 41,390 42,200 1,740 3,220 1,480 Gateway CC M2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Meadowvale CN M20 3,100 3,120 3,630 4,060 4,450 530 1,350 820 Meadowvale Village NHD M21 31,590 32,470 34,920 35,740 36,550 3,330 4,960 1,630 Streetsville CN M22 1,150 1,550 1,970 2,540 3,090 820 1,940 1,120 Streetsville NHD M23 11,220 11,200 11,410 11,530 12,430 190 1,210 1,020 East Credit NHD M24 70,080 70,870 72,220 73,310 74,340 2,140 4,260 2,120 Gateway EA (West) M25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Creditview NHD M26 11,350 11,290 11,280 11,360 11,570 -70 220 290 Mavis-Erindale EA M27 0 0 0 320 630 0 630 630 Erindale NHD M28 22,710 22,690 22,880 23,090 23,840 170 1,130 960 UTM SPA M29 630 630 630 630 640 0 10 10 Southdown EA M3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fairview NHD M30 8,250 8,200 8,190 8,240 8,510 -60 260 320 DT Core M31 26,870 32,690 53,180 61,160 70,170 26,310 43,300 16,990 Hurontario NHD M32 55,770 55,540 58,760 60,010 61,040 2,990 5,270 2,280 Cooksville NHD (West) M33 16,500 16,590 16,990 17,280 17,560 490 1,060 570 DT Hospital M34 14,480 15,520 15,720 16,500 17,400 1,240 2,920 1,680 Cooksville NHD (East) M35 8,470 8,680 10,530 10,970 11,870 2,060 3,400 1,340 Mineola NHD M36 9,940 10,610 11,040 11,240 11,420 1,100 1,480 380 DT Fairview M37 18,460 20,940 21,460 22,950 21,970 3,000 3,510 510 DT Cooksville M38 10,860 11,270 12,210 15,110 19,520 1,350 8,660 7,310 Mississauga Valleys NHD M39 13,380 13,520 14,110 14,820 15,290 730 1,910 1,180 Clarkson EA M4 0 0 0 250 480 0 480 480 Port Credit CN M40 5,860 5,890 5,910 7,500 9,000 50 3,140 3,090 Port Credit NHD (West) M41 3,260 3,950 5,050 8,120 9,940 1,790 6,680 4,890 Port Credit NHD (East) M42 2,430 2,790 3,450 4,140 4,530 1,020 2,100 1,080 Lakeview NHD M43 22,960 24,120 25,790 27,050 27,910 2,830 4,950 2,120 Lakeview EA M44 0 0 4,710 9,810 14,650 4,710 14,650 9,940 Applewood NHD M45 38,470 38,820 38,980 40,550 41,590 510 3,120 2,610 Dixie EA M46 390 380 380 5,230 10,550 -10 10,160 10,170 Rathwood NHD M47 29,570 29,550 29,760 30,020 30,670 190 1,100 910 Rathwood-Applewood CN M48 3,640 3,670 4,090 4,330 4,540 450 900 450 Airport CC M49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clarkson Village CN M5 2,510 2,540 2,700 3,110 3,440 190 930 740 Northeast EA (West) M50 160 170 190 200 210 30 50 20 Airport SPA M51 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gateway EA (East) M52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Malton CN M53 3,130 3,140 3,670 3,910 4,140 540 1,010 470 Malton NHD M54 33,420 33,390 33,610 33,890 34,940 190 1,520 1,330 Northeast EA (East) M55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ninth Line SSA M56 0 0 8,190 9,110 9,450 8,190 9,450 1,260 Clarkson - Lorne Park NHD M6 38,250 38,350 39,260 39,960 40,500 1,010 2,250 1,240 Sheridan Park CC M7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheridan CN M8 4,160 4,180 4,990 5,380 5,730 830 1,570 740 Sheridan NHD M9 13,290 13,360 13,830 14,000 14,470 540 1,180 640.

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