Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter Spring 4-1-1987 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn Part of the Genealogy Commons, Public History Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1" (1987). Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter. Paper 36. https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/longhunter_sokygsn/36 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. IOJ g '7 VJ /. X NO_I 1 HUNT[R 6ovlhet-n Kentucky ~entlllo9tCo.l $oci¢i!J f + 1 t:.\ ~.a--- VOLUME X, NUMBER 1 SOUTHERN KENTUC KY GENEALOGICAL SOCIET Y Chartered 1977 Publishers of P. O. Bo x 1905 Bowling Green, Kent uck y 42101 ;~~£~ti~~_~Q~[ ~ : President: Kenneth C. Thomson, Jr 13790 Louisville Rd. Smiths Grove, KY 42171 Vi ce President and J. David Evans 304 Leslie Dr . Pr ogram Com.lttee Recording Secretary: Mary Garrett Rt. I, Box 322 Fran kli n, KY 42134 Corresponding Se cretar y: L1 oyd Raymer 405 Austin Raymer Rd . Treasurer : A. Ray Douglas 807 Highland Way Records Collection: Barbara Ford 545 Cherokee Drive Library Committee: Ri vers Ford 545 Chero kee Drive Publicity: Juanita Wilcher 205 Cedar Ridge Road Telephone Committee : Grace Douglas 807 Highland Way Hospitality Comm ittee: Grace Douglas 807 Highland Way Scrap Boo k: Melvin Adamson 1338 U S 31-W By Pass Publication & Circulation : Betty Lyne 345 Harylan Drive LON6HUNTE~ Editor : Kenne th Thomson, Jr . 13790 Louisville Rd. Smiths Grove, KY 42171 Sunshine Com~ittee : Lucill e Wallace 537 Chero kee Dr. Photography: Walla ce Br eeo l ove 171 6 nedi. D• . Patr iotic Salutorian : Stephen L. Ki ng 25 0 Oa k St. Chaplain: W. Neel Jackson 121 Cedar Ridge Rd. S. K. G. S. Foun der Claire Davenport 529 Lansdale Avenue (Al l above addresses are Bowling Green, KY 42101 unless otherwise indicatedl ~ ~~~;8§til e in The Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society is open to all persons, especially those interested In research in Allen, Barren, Butler, Ed~onson, Logan, Simpson and Warren Count ies , KY. Membership is by the year, January 1 through December 31, and includes a subscription to THE LONGHUNTER--published quarterly. Memb ers are invited to submit free queries as space allows. g~s§ for individual and family membership (entitles the couple to one sl.lbscripban to THE LONGHUNTER sent to one addressl are $1 0 per year. Current issues of THE LONGHUNT ER , when available, are $3 each. Some ear l y issues of our quarterl y are still available at $1.50 each . ~;~II~§§ The Soc iety meets the third Mond ay of each month at 7 pm at the Bowling Green PubliC Library , 1225 State Street. We extend a cordial invitation to visllors and prospectIve new members. ~OQ ~ _8s ~ !s Y§ The Society welcomes donated genealogical books for review i n THE LONGHUNTEfi. Fl ease Include price & ordering information. After review, all books Will be placed In the Bowli ng Green Library . 6P.~~BI!§ ; ~;NI~ For a donation according to follOWing schedule, THE LON6HUNTER wil l advertis~ products or services of a genealogical inter~st: Full page - $50; Half page $·30; Quart er page $17.50; Eighth page $10. Neither the Southern Ke nt ucky Genealogical Society nor the Editors assume responsibility for errors of fact or th e opinions expressed bv the contributors t o THE LONGHUNTER . It is the desire of the Society to publish reliable genealogical material . THE LONGHUNTER is printed by the Graphic Arts Class of Mr. Dar rel Pitcock at the Bowling Green State Vocational Technical School. r-- Volume X, No . 1 Spring Issue - 1987 CON TE N T S I t Was A Very Good Vear ..•.......•...•. 2 Let t ers From Da ys of Ol de . .... 3 'Hooray' This is our Ten t h Year, by Claire Davenport . 5 The Saga of the Yan kee Peddler, by Kenneth C. Thomson, Jr 6 A Per s onal Sketch of Rober t Graham ..... 7 Famil y Group Sheets : Nathaniel Lucas . • . • • • • • • • • 8 Charles Lucas. • • . 9 Pleasant Hines~ .. • . 10 Ancestor Charts: Susan Jane Cates · 11 I,illie Lee X. Gra ves · 12 Mary Frances Bell. 13 Irene Constant ... • 14 Vour Cousins, by Wendell Crow ..... · 16 Burwell Co x , Famil y Tree, subm i tted by Darlene Price . · 17 A Histor y of Earl y Loga n County, KY (cant. from Vo x IX, No 4) .20 Lineage a nd Records , by Glenn M. Turnell. 23 Queries .26 Boo k Rev iews. 28 Book DOllations by S. K.G . S and Friends . 29 Index - Volume IX of THE LON GHUNTER .. 30 Photograp h of Frank Porter, R. B. Mercer, L. M. Lee & Earnest Bo yers in 1885 . .37 , Boo ks & Publications Available from Longhunter Members . .38 • • A Valentine Messd.Se 2 IT ,lAS A VERY GOOD YEAR As the Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society moves into its new year and Tenth Annivarsary Celebration we wish to take a moment to recapture the highlights of 1986. It was, indeed, a very good year. Under the leadership of Ute Hallibur­ ton, the Society and friends purchased and donated to local libraries books with • a value over $2,000. Eight of our members completed and published books. He welcomed many new members--both local and nationwide. The 1986 Fall Festival was a great success with everyone enjoying the friendship, speakers, delicious food, book fair , and, of course, exchanging and comparing our genealogical notes. Our long-awaited Surname Index became a reality and we had an enjoyable and informa­ tive array of speakers for our monthly meetings. Christmas was celebrated by a musical program, followed by a beautiful dessert buffet. The year came to a nostalgic close before the soft twinkle of the yule logs burning in an open fire at the enchanting home of Betty and Tom Lyne , as they treated the Society to a Christmas Season open-house. 3 LETTERS FROM DAYS OF OLDE Searching for our roots is not a recent idea. This letter was written, in 1894, to the grandfather of S.K.G.S. member Laurita Sledge, 835 Sledge Road, Alvaton, KY 42122. • ~~ . ~da/. / r tfv~~,/F~~ h.A /'J-~ J:"J m~ pr- /J.£M.. if~/ ~ ~~ /Z~~ :n-tJ. ~ ~ #~, ~~ ~.,c,. ~ V'.Jo-e &<.A...e ~ ~, k ~&<A.d~ ..-?7.~ ~4 ~k~ ki'~ .ifk -¥ ~~~ ~ 4-/~ rlb--9~ ~~,/ ~~~ ~ /..t.~-0 . ~d. -<f~ ~ ~-UU~~4. ~V?-c ) t!!vn~ ht~ G-n"'~, d.£;~, ~ II~ .lf~"':-r':; ~a-n~. ~ ~~. ~ ~- --WeZ. .z; hut ¢1.~~ t 4--~-?~ ,J -4k ~a/ (.rlV! t/£~y-~ . ~o~DC _ ~L:.":'-<:.t../~ ~"';'"t:~ c.-nK. ~ ~ crn /7-t~d d~~ t194~74../ ~';).. ~ /,?"LUo-rL<d ~ ~ -U-4re:t-~ t9~d~ cu.rl..,?'U"-'-'~~-<L- . ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~-c4--' e.hJP(. r t:tl1-<;~ A_ ~6<. ....:r-" O-nd ~ ~<l ;r-~~;J - ~~ ~ CL ~h~V /l~ -'~~~ ;J d4-u~-?" , ~ 3~/c.A.U-?1~ c~ f'2 u2;( ~~, ~ ~ ~ /.1?t~ j?'C<A.AI /?Uak ;;/~~, J~ ~ r 4 /J~ 4 'o~ ~ ,#"-<-<- a.A..t t:L ~ Y ~ ~ f -n0-0-, ~ );Y«t-( .-7'1'l ~ -h a./-6 C ~ ~~ ~~~ --u..-..27~ ~~ ~ ~ d../~'\. ~ %~;/~ ~d~~~r~' ~r ~~ A--I(J-n .... ~ ~ ~ Jt-...uu.. / ~ £ 1"~ cc-.d',zdl""~ /n-t.L . ~ ~~4 r -4~ ~ r &:. ~ ok ~~r'-'~' a..J~;;' /rvLc/~ r ~ d~fr. -:Y~' e.-r.t>C .4~;'jt,~ ~ ~ ~ ¥~I J~-n-L ~ , ~ , ~xI~ 5 "Hooray" This Is Our Tenth Year The Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society was organized Thursday 13 October 1977 at the Bowling Green Public Library. A regional name was adopted to include Warren and surrounQing counties . Teaching classes in genealogical research caused me to realize the great need for such a society and with the encouragement of my s tudents a dream became reality. Thirteen persons attended the organizational meeting and it was agreed that all persons present at the next meeting would be the charter members. The following are charter members including the officers : President Claire Brawner Davenport Vice President J. David Evans Secretary }1ary Frances Williams Treasurer Dana Harlow Historian 1·1artha Jackson Publicity Virginia DeVries Hospitality Beverly Wells Other Members: Faye Adamson Sadie Howell Helvin Adamson Betty Lyne Sue Evans Billie }1axwell Colleen Garrett Lloyd Raymer Joseph Stephen Hays Hilma Stringfield Ann Hocker Juanita \;ilcher Rosa H. Isbell Our quarterly, THE LONGHUNTER, has a three hundred plus mailing l ist. He have annual seminars, have published several books and have purchased thousands of dollars in books and all types of research materials which have been donated to the Kentucky Library and the Bowling Green Public Lib­ rary. Preser vation of local court records in the region has also been pro­ moted. Through the efforts of this organization many have established their lineage~du e in part, to the informative monthly programing . At this time I would like to THANK each and every member for your hard work, dedication and loyalty which has made this society a successful venture. CLAIRE BRAIVNER DA VENPCRT, Founder 6 THE SAGA OF THE YANKEE PEDDLER by Kenneth C. Thomson, Jr. The Yankee Peddler, more than any other person, influenced the lives of our ancestors on the frontier. Had it not been for this unique group, our forebears may not have survived the isolation to which they were captives. A more profound legacy cannot be found in the annals of American history.
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