White House Opposes Anti-LPFM Bill •Parrish Promoted at fmqb •Andy Bloom Joins Emmis International —11111111111 April 14, 2000 ni nt lb "bent" matchbox TWENTY the first single from their new album • mad season the follow-up to their 10x platinum debut album It:, Aft, e IIPPMAN LiVfliNTAIMIENT 20,:o P.<0.re14 ,;zro.A rureilltne. CelIDG"Y www.matchboxtwenty.com www.adantic-records.com Publisher/Owner Kal Rudman Executive VP/GM Fred Deane , [email protected] www.fmqb.com ROCK VP/Exec tive Direct .r Pa IHeine A il 14 2000 •ISSUE No. 1188 [email protected] Managirfi g Director/ Modern Rock Direct .r Michael Parrish mparrish ifmqbmail.co upfront 3 NAB 2000: Digitize Or Die Administrative Direct • r At this year's NAB convention in Las Vegas, there was a pervasive drive, Judy Swank if not urgency, to usher broadcasting into fully digital realms in order to [email protected] compete with new media. I Associate Director P.O.D.: The Fundamental Elements of A Gold Album •••• Jay Gleason 10 Together since '92, San Diego's P.O.D. pressed three independent CDs jgleason@ mqbmail.co and toured nationally for six years before signing to Atlantic Records. Progres ive Directo Their debut for the label, The Fundamental Elements Of Southtown, has Sybi McGuire just gone gold with no end in sight. smcguire fmqbmail.co Programming to Win: Dealing With Festival Frenzy Progressi e Speciali t/ 13 The summer festival season is upon us again. While the level of coopera- Advertising Coordina .r tion between record companies and radio stations in this area has Kevin Boyce increased, Liz Janik calls for a better understanding on radio's part of kboyce@ smqbmaiI.co) artist and labels needs when planning station shows. rodern R ck Special st Mike Bacon theweekinmusic 10.0. mob [email protected] •I•rere., 15 Stats Summary Metal Ra hio Speciali t New Music Page Bram Teitelman 16 bteiteiman fmqbmail.c m 20 Rock Charts New Media Speciali 18 Airplay Analysis Andy Gradel Regional Call-Out Research Scores [email protected] 21 Resear h Specialis musicn ew s Kathy Wagner [email protected] 22 Steely Dan, Who Announce Summer Tour Dates... Aerosmith Start Next Album, Pull Out Of Soundtrack... Reznor And Manson Make Up? Art Director Janet Drialo-McArdle [email protected] mustr ea d Designers 27 Ratings Leslie Crawford More Winter Phase II Arbitrends. Haney Green Gin LaMaina departments Linda Steere 30 Active Producti n Assistants Bobbing For KoRncobs With WAAF... WAIF Listeners Do Breakfast Sus nAdcock With STP. Terry Benedetti 31 Progressive Kerry Ehrhart Phish Gets Progressive Most Added. Editorial/Re earch Assista ts Danielle Byfield Brad Mayb 36 Metal Theresa !hire Kevin McMan on A Perfect Circle Is Metal's Most Added; Maynard Is God. Charmaine Par r Ginny Reill Ruth Watts Contributing Editors 39 Modern Tom Barnes, Ted Bolton, KCXX's Howie Greene Fools Around. John Bradley. Dennis Constantine, Liz J nik, Randy Lane, Dare Lange, Terry Marshall, Mark Ramsey, Paul Sexton, Denny Somtich Productions, Pat Welsh coverstory Executiv Mews, F-36 48 Meet Susquehanna President/C00 David Kennedy 1930 East Marlton Pik Cherry ill, NJ 08003 In an Up Close interview with Sybil McGuire. David Kennedy is rightfully proud to head the radio division of a highly diversified company that is (856) 424-9114 Fax: (856) 424-6943 extremely people-oriented and forward-thinking. Email: fmnbetmubmail.io m 02000 Friday Morning Quarterback Album Report, nc All rights reser Pnnted and tpublished in U S.A. tydeee e 2Y The new single from the album XXX Impacting Now! cSJ&/ eloyme meed e2 362 er7e Yvee. Produced by Billy FGibbons and Lone Wolf Production Company (e ZZ Top Website: zztop.com •E-mail: [email protected] ZZ TOP and the Lone Wolf Logos ore registered trademarks. Unauthorized duplication is o violation of applicable lows. All rights reserved.The RCA Records Label is a unir of BMG @Enterioinment Tmk(s) ® Registered •Marca(s) Registrada(s) lj? 8 General Electric Co., USA • BMG logo is a trademark of BMG Music •0 2000 Lone VVolf Productions ...T.,.. .eal.41.1b ...•• •r ,4,„ ro nit The White House Throws Parrish Elevated To Managing Director Its Support Behind LPFM of fmqb Rock Battle lines continued Support for the of Science &Technology told con- to be drawn over Low Radio Broadcasting vention attendees that "LPFM Power FM this past Preservation Act con- stands for Less People Get FM." week. both in Wash- tinues to swell in And, in his keynote address, NAB ington and at the NAB Congress. The Mike President/CEO Eddie Fritts threw convention in Las Oxley (R-Ohio)-intro- this jab: "I don't know what's fuzzier Michael Parrish Vegas. The most signif- duced bill now has —the static from Low Power FM or icant new development 164 sponsors. the FCC's thinking on the issue." fmqb Modern Rock Director Michael came Wednesday Last Friday In abreakfast speech, Kennard Parrish has been promoted to (4/12), when The White (4/7), Kennard called dismissed the NAB's argument that Managing Director. Parrish has House formally articu- National Public LPFM threatens the technical served as fmqb's Modern Rock guru lated strong opposi- Radio to task for not integrity of the FM band, and told for the past five years. He replaces tion to H.R. 3439, the Bill Kennard supporting the ser- broadcasters that their fixation on Mike Boyle, who has accepted a legislation that would vice, saying, "I am sur- the LPFM issue could be causing position at SiteShell. signif cantly scale back the new prised that an organization which them to miss valuable opportunities fmqb Executive VP/GM Fred community-based radio service. has done so much to promote created by new digital technologies. Deane commented, "Michael Parrish While not unexpected — President opportunities for Americans to be He also accused the industry of has consistently shown extraordinary Clinton appointed FCC Chairman heard on the airwaves would join denying churches, schools and com- growth in several key areas of our Bill Kennard, and VP Al Gore sup- with special interests in curbing this munity organizations "a little piece of operation. Iam confident that Michael ports LPFM — the Administration's new service." NPR says it supports the broadcast pie" and pledged to will seize the moment and excel in his resistance raises the specter of a the LPFM concept but feels the work with the NAB "in the reconsid- new capacity." possible Presidential veto. The mea- Commission didn't go far enough to eration process now underway at VP/Executive Director Paul sure had yet to be 'voted on by the protect public stations and radio the FCC, to find ways to address Heine added, "When aveteran man- full House Of Representatives at our reading services. your anxiety about the low power ager decides to move on, it's impor- April 13 presstime, but avote The back-and-forth spilled over FM service." tant to have an experienced player appeared imminent. into Las Vegas, where NAB's Sr. VP continued on page 5 ready to move up. Such is the case with Michael, who has demonstrated fmqb's Weekly Watch on the Festival Season on page 44. outstanding journalistic skills, potent radio relationships, and general busi- ness savvy." Parrish commented, "As fmqb NAB 2000: Digitize Or Die moves into the new millennium, Ilook Special for file by Randy Scovil forward to my new directive of helping guide the path that we walk. The sup- port and knowledge that Fred Deane, LAS VEGAS —This year's NAB 2000 Show —"The Paul Heine and Mike Boyle have Convergence Marketplace" -had two recurring themes that imparted upon me over the years has were not entirely unrelated: "Digital" and "Internet." There well prepared me for this position. I was apervasive drive, if not urgency, to usher broadcasting get apromotion, Junior's hitting HRs, into fully digital realms in order to compete with new media. and the Sabres are about to work Depending on whom you talked to, the Internet is alooming their way back to the NHL Finals. This threat or apotential partner. spring couldn't have started out any On the radio side there seems to be more willingness to embrace the Web as something more than a better." simple means of promotion. There's much more interest in mining the potential of the Web and other digital Before joining fmqb in '95, venues, not only to provide more revenue, but as away to deliver additional content above and beyond a Parrish worked in the programming station's signal. department of WDRE/Long Island for Computer applications and streaming media of all forms were very much evident on the convention three years and served as MD at iloor. Unusual was the booth that didn't have aPC running aproduct WBNY/Buffalo. continued on page 9 fmqb april 14, 2000 with arms wide open ( This could be the Grammy "Song of The Year:' -Leslie Fram, 99X/Atlanta When Ifirst heard the album, I knew this song would be asmash. -Jim McGuinn, WPLY/Philadelphia This is asong that captures the heart and ears of everyone who hears it. - Keith Hastings, Lazer 103/Milwaukee (Officially Impacts This Week 3X Platinum ''1149) Produced, Engineered & Mixed by John Kurzweg 212.2519665 With Arms Wide Open Additional Production, Engineering & Mix by Ron Saint-Germain www.creednet.com earati> up [ront 1-1/1- Promotes Jay, Perrone Bloom Named Emmis and Feldman International VP/Programming TVT Records has promoted three members of its radio promotion staff. Gary Jay and John Perrone Former WROC/Minneapolis OM Bloom both move from Director of National Radio Andy Bloom has been named has served as Promotion to Sr.
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