J. Sci. Dev. 2010, 8 (Eng.Iss. 2): 175 - 184 HA NOI UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE SPATIAL MARKET INTEGRATION OF THE SOYBEAN INDUSTRY IN HANOI PROVINCE, VIETNAM Thị trường đậu tương theo không gian tại Hà Nội, Việt Nam Nguyen Dinh Tien1 and Mai Lan Phuong2 1Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies (CARES), Hanoi University of Agriculture 1Faculty of Economics & Rural Development, Hanoi University of Agriculture Corresponding author email: [email protected] TÓM TẮT Trong những năm gần đây sản xuất đậu tương phát triển mạnh ở khu vực miền Bắc của Việt Nam và đóng vai trò quan trọng trong thu nhập hộ gia đình, nó đem lại hiệu quả kinh tế cao hơn hẳn so với các loại cây trồng khác. Nghiên cứu về hiệu quả giá của ngành sản xuất đậu tương có ý nghĩa cải thiện sinh kế và khả năng tiêu thụ sản phẩm đậu tương của hộ gia đình. Nghiên cứu hiệu quả giá của ngành sản xuất đậu tương ở địa bàn Hà Nội được sử dụng thông qua mô hình của Ravallion. Số liệu nghiên cứu thu được thông qua phỏng vấn 100 hộ gia đình trồng đậu tương tại huyện Thường Tín (Hà Nội) và 40 người thu gom trên địa bàn Hà Nội. Số liệu về giá đậu tương tại hộ gia đình, người thu gom và người bán lẻ từ năm 1997 đến 2008 được thu thập để sử dụng phân tích hiệu quả không gian về giá. Thông tin về chuyển dịch giá giữa thị trường khác nhau (hộ sản xuất - người thu gom) từ hộ sản xuất (tại Phú Xuyên) đến các thị trường tham khảo được định rõ (tại Hà Nội) được phân tích dựa vào mô hình của Ravallion. Kết quả cho thấy không có sự liên kết chặt chẽ giữa các thị trường tại mức hộ gia đình với thị trường của người thu gom tai Hà Nội. Điều này được giải thích bởi thiếu thông tin giữa hai thị trường và khoảng cách vận chuyển giữa hai thị trường. Ngoài ra nghiên cứu cũng cho rằng đa số hộ sản xuất đậu tương tại Hà Nội chưa đáp ứng được đúng yêu cầu về số lượng cũng như chất lượng đậu tương cho thị trường, nguyên nhân là do thiếu nguồn cung cấp hạt giống có chất lượng cao và đậu tương thường bị sâu bọ phá hoại. Từ khóa: Đậu tương, hiệu quả giá, hội nhập thị trường. SUMMARY Soybean cultivation in the North of Vietnam plays an important role as a source of the household income and renders higher economic return than other crops in recent years. Studying on market integration of the soybean industry will be significant in improving livelihood and marketing issues for soybean growers. The study analyzes the market efficiency of the soybean industry in selected areas in Ha Noi province. The data were gathered through personal interviews of 100 soybean growers and 40 traders in Thuong Tin district, Ha Noi province. The time-series data on soybean prices at the farm, wholesale and retail levels for the last 12 years covering the years 1997 to 2008 were collected and analyzed for spatial price efficiency. The test on price information transmitted across different market levels (farm - wholesale markets level) from the farm (producers in Phu Xuyen district) to the designated reference markets (in Ha Noi city) was done by using the Ravallion model. The test results for market integration revealed a pronounced lack of market integration at the farm level and wholesale market in Hanoi city. This is attributed to long distance travel and limited information between the two markets. The results also showed that the majority of the soybean growers could not meet the right quantity and quality of soybean required by the market due to limited supply of quality seeds and high incidence of pests and diseases. Key words: Market integration, price efficiency, soybean. 175 Spatial market integration of the soybean industry in Ha Noi province, Vietnam 1. INTRODUCTION Moreover, the informational content of future prices has important implications on the resource Soybean cultivation plays an important role as allocation decision of stakeholders in the supply a source of household income and gives higher chain (Sheldon, 1987). economic return than other crops (Lai, 1993). As a The study aims to (1) evaluate the pricing result of expansion in Hanoi City, Ha Tay province efficiency of soybean in selected research sites; (2) has been merged to Ha Noi since August 2008. The identify and analyze the problems/constraints faced major soybean growing areas n in Ha Noi are Ung by growers and traders in the soybean industry; (3) Hoa, Phu Xuyen and My Duc districts. According and make policy recommendations to improve the to Mr. Chien who has been engaged in soybean marketing efficiency of the soybean industry. cultivation for a long time, soybean production would bring gains amounting to 13-14 million VND per hectare within three months. This is more 2. METHODOLOGY than double as compared to the income derived Both primary and secondary data were used in from rice farming. Moreover, there is an advantage the study. Two communes, namely, Chuyen My in marketing soybean domestically because and Hong Thai in Phu Xuyen district, Ha Noi Vietnam is a net importer of soybean for feed and province were selected as study areas because they human food from other countries in the world. This are the major soybean producers. Chuyen My means that soybean growers have great commune, located next to Ung Hoa district, is a opportunities in order to meet the local demand. major soybean producing area in Phu Xuyen The government and the private sector are district. It is close to Phu Xuyen town and near to giving their contribution to uplift the level of the Highway No.1 (Figure 1). Hong Thai commune research and development on soybean industry. is larger than Chuyen My, located in the eastern However, most of the research efforts are focused part of Phu Xuyen district and borders with Hung on the production side such as the development of Yen province where the traffic system is favorable. technologies to minimize losses and increasing Located along the Red River, the agricultural land researches on irrigation and extension services. in this commune is yearly deposited with silts from Despite these efforts, however, it is rather the Red river (Figure 1). Hence, Hong Thai has an unfortunate that soybean growers and some advantage in developing its agricultural production. stakeholders could not improve their economic Primary data covering 2008-2009 cropping season well-being. Ha Noi province is the main soybean production area in the North of Vietnam where were collected through personal interviews of 100 soybean has become a vital crop in augmenting soybean growers and 40 traders using prepared household income. However, stakeholders in the questionnaires. Secondary data were taken from soybean industry claim of low benefit due to various sources such as previous studies, reports several problems and constraints encountered in and bulletins on soybean production and soybean production, storage and marketing (Lai, distribution by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural 1993). Moreover, no study has been done yet in Development (MARD), General Statistics Office Vietnam regarding the marketing efficiency of the (GSO), and Phu Xuyen Department of Agriculture soybean industry. and Rural Development. Time-series data on The study of marketing efficiency of soybean soybean production, prices at the farm, wholesale is important to both the government and producers and retail levels for the last 12 years covering the in Vietnam. From the government policy years 1997 to 2008 were obtained from the perspective, marketing efficiency implies an Government Bureau of Agriculture and efficient alternative to marketing interventions, Management District, Regional Offices, Hanoi such as price stabilization policies. For growers, it Statistics Department, Import & Export provides a reliable forecast of spot prices in the Department, and published and unpublished reports future and allows soybean growers to effectively and documents. manage their risks during the production and Statistical methods applied to the analysis of marketing processes. Aulton (1997) showed that commodity market integration have shown a future markets played the most effective role in risk marketed shift from the classical static price management and price stabilization policies and it correlation technique to a dynamic modeling of should be efficiently managed (Aulton et al., 1997). spatial price differentials (Ravallion, 1986). To find 176 Nguyen Dinh Tien and Mai Lan Phuong out whether soybean market is spatially price which general economic condition affecting the efficient or inefficient and to what degree is to test reference market price level is being transmitted to for market integration using two approaches: the the local market (Ravallion, 1986). In some studies, Ravallion model and the Index of Market a2 and b2 measure the degree to which price Connection (IMC) (Lantican et al., 2006). changes in the central market is transmitted to the Ravallion (1986) developed this model to regional markets. These parameters measure the determine the speed and degree of market long-run market integration with a value expected integration. The first equation refers to the to be equal or close to 1. Otherwise, if a2 = b2 =1, integration of market from farm to wholesale then price changes in the reference market are fully levels. The second model is the integration of transmitted to the local market in absolute terms. market from wholesale to retail levels in some Estimated coefficients a1, b1, a3 and b3 reflect the reference markets. Local market (at the farm) was relative contribution of the local and market price identified during the survey.
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