E1204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2008 to bring about funding for the National Under- of this Administration in fact constitute grounds Diddley is the author of a body of songs— sea Research Program, the Integrated Ocean for impeachment—and I do not think that including ‘‘Who Do You Love?’’ ‘‘Road Run- Observing Program, and a range of fisheries Members of the House should be called upon ner,’’ ‘‘Mona,’’ ‘‘Before You Accuse Me’’ and research programs. to reach that conclusion today. ‘‘I’m a Man’’—that are among the earliest ex- No stranger to the community, Dr. Grassle Before the House is asked to reach such a amples of rock and roll rising out of rhythm is a member of numerous professional organi- draconian conclusion, the president should and blues. Diddley married into his music two zations, including the New Jersey Academy of have an opportunity to respond to the resolu- worlds he knew well—the Deep South and the Sciences, the American Society of Naturalists, tion’s charges and the statements and actions streets of Chicago. He formed a band called the Estuarine Research Federation, the Na- it cites in support of those charges. Before we the Hipsters while in high school and landed tional Association of Marine Laboratories and are asked to vote on the resolution, we should a regular spot at the 708 Club on Chicago’s the Oceanography Society, to name a few. He have the benefit of hearing from appropriate South Side in 1951. also served as Past President of the Inter- legal experts and other qualified witness and Diddley’s earliest records were contempora- national Association of Biological Oceanog- the Judiciary Committee should prepare a re- neous with those of label mate Chuck Berry. raphers. port that will provide the basis for any debate He signed with the Checkers label in 1955 Madam Speaker, Dr. Grassle’s infectious here on the floor of the House. and his debut single was a two-sided classic enthusiasm and abiding loyalty to our coastal Impeachment is not entirely a legal ques- that paired ‘‘Bo Diddley’’ with ‘‘I’m a Man.’’ It regions are only surpassed by his genuine de- tion. It is partly political, which is why the Con- was the first in a string of groundbreaking sire to embrace and enhance the community stitution entrusts it to Congress and not the songs that walked the fine line between around him. As he celebrates his time with courts. But I think it is essential that any deci- rhythm & blues and rock & roll. Others in- Rutgers University, I would like to extend my sion to impeach any federal official should cluded ‘‘Diddley Daddy,’’ ‘‘Pretty Thing’’ and sincere gratitude for Dr. Grassle’s leadership, come only through a careful, thorough process ‘‘Road Runner,’’ which were all Top Twenty commitment, and service. that provides adequate due process for the R&B hits. Oddly, Diddley’s only crossover suc- accused and lays the proper foundation for a f cess came with ‘‘Say Man,’’ a laugh-filled ex- sound decision. change of jive talk between Diddley and his That was the process followed by the Judici- ON RESOLUTION REGARDING IM- maraca player, Jerome Green. Their verbal ary Committee, under the able leadership of PEACHMENT OF PRESIDENT sparring derived from the African-American Chairman Peter Rodino, when it considered BUSH pastime of ‘‘signifying’ or ‘‘doing the dozens’’ and ultimately approved articles of impeach- and foreshadowed the battle rapping of the ment against President Richard Nixon in July HON. MARK UDALL present day. of 1974. In my opinion, that set the example OF COLORADO Diddley was also an inventor, devising his of how the process should work. I think to do IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES own tremolo effect and playing a unique, rec- otherwise, as the author of this resolution tangular ‘‘cigar box’’ guitar that he designed in Wednesday, June 11, 2008 seeks to do, would further weaken the civility 1958. His ever-fertile mind also inspired him to toward our colleagues and respect for those Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Madam Speaker, I set up one of the first home studios. The pro- with whom we disagree that should be the do not think the House should today take up lific singer/guitarist released a string of albums the question of exercising our Constitutional basis for our service in Congress and would only add to the polarization and rancor that whose titles—including Bo Diddley Is a authority to impeach the President and asking Gunslinger and Have Guitar, Will Travel—bol- the Senate to try him on charges that, if are all too prevalent in the nation’s political de- bates. Therefore, Madam Speaker, I must op- stered his self-invented legend. proved, would result in his removal from office. Diddley also traveled with the rock and roll pose consideration of this resolution at this That does not mean I have turned or will revues of the day. He retained his iconic sta- time. turn a blind eye to the numerous misjudg- tus as a rock and roll pioneer, steadily releas- ments of President Bush or that I think his ad- f ing albums on Checkers through the mid-Sev- ministration has been above reproach. On the SALUTING THE LIFE AND MUSIC enties. Meanwhile, Diddley continued to work contrary, I think that the Bush Administration OF THE LATE BO DIDDLEY the live circuit in tireless fashion. has been a distinct failure. I am convinced that Bo Diddley was one of rock ’n’ roll’s true this President will not be treated well by histo- SPEECH OF pioneers. He has been righteously outspoken rians. His failures of judgment and leadership on the subject of underpayment, bad contracts span domestic and foreign affairs in a way HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL OF NEW YORK and other rip-offs that denied many early rock that will likely haunt future generations for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and rollers (he among them) what was due years to come—failures which are cited in the them and in 1987 he was inducted into the Monday, June 9, 2008 resolution proposed by the gentleman from Rock ’n’ Roll Hall of Fame. Ohio. Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to A regular at Harlem’s Apollo Theatre, Bo But the question now before the House is draw attention to the life and legacy of a man Diddley has indelibly stamped his mark on not what we think of President Bush’s actions whose work in Rock ’n’ Roll has been called rhythm and blues, rock ’n’ roll and popular and those of his Administration. Instead, we ‘‘ground breaking.’’ Bo Diddley was born Ellas music. His innovative trademark rhythm, his are being asked whether we should now, Otha Bates in McComb, Mississippi, on De- electric custom built cigar box guitar, and his today, proceed to charge that he has violated cember 30, 1928 and passed away on June 2, wild stage shows predate all others. Diddley his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the 2008 at the age of 79. leaves a permanent mark on American music duties of his office and to defend the Constitu- Diddley was raised by his mother’s cousin, and culture, and our deepest sympathies go tion and thus should be impeached and Gussie McDaniel, whose surname he legally out to his family, friends and fans. The ’Bo brought to trial in the Senate. adopted. The family moved to Chicago when Diddley beat’ surely will continue on. Diddley was seven. Bo broke new ground in The resolution sets forth what its author f says are the specific statements and actions rock and roll’s formative years with his unique of the president that constitute violations of his guitar work, indelible African rhythms, inven- HONORING THE AIR FORCE ESSAY oath. I also find those statements and actions tive songwriting, and larger-than-life persona. CONTEST WINNER—ASHITA deeply troubling and agree that they draw a He will forever be known for popularizing one GANGULY picture of an Administration that has been of the foundational rhythms of rock and roll: characterized by hubris, bad judgment and ar- the Bo Diddley beat. He employed it in his HON. RALPH M. HALL rogance. The picture is an unattractive one; namesake song, ‘‘Bo Diddley’’ (which earned OF TEXAS but bad judgment, hubris and arrogance are him a rightful place in the Grammy Hall Of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not the constitutional grounds for impeach- Fame). This African-based rhythm pattern was ment. picked up from Diddley by other artists and Wednesday, June 11, 2008 The resolution raises serious questions has been a distinctive and recurring element Mr. HALL of Texas. Madam Speaker, I am about the way this president has used his po- in rock and roll through the decades. His pleased today to place in the CONGRESSIONAL sition, both in communicating with the Amer- beats have influenced the music of artists RECORD the following winning essay, which ican people and in shaping policy. But as of such as Buddy Holly, the Rolling Stones, Ashita Ganguly, a Senior at Paris High School today I am not prepared to say that there are Johnny Otis, the Strangeloves, the Who, and in Paris, Texas, submitted to the Air Force adequate grounds to conclude that the failures Bruce Springsteen. Essay Contest. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:09 Jun 12, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A11JN8.029 E11JNPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS.
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