CerebralCerebral cortexcortex WhiteWhite mattermatter WhiteWhite mattermatter ofof cerebralcerebral cortexcortex isis composedcomposed ofof neuronalneuronal axonsaxons && associatedassociated gliaglia Commissural fiber s – to cortex of the other hemisphere Association fiber s – to cortex of the same hemisphere Projection fiber s – to and from lower structures Projection fibers CommissurCommissur alal fibersfibers CCorpusorpus callosumcallosum (the(the largest)largest) AAnteriornterior commissurecommissure –– betweenbetween amygdaloidamygdaloid bodiesbodies oror olfactoryolfactory bulbsbulbs onon bothboth sidessides PosteriorPosterior commissurecommissure –– pupilpupil reflexreflex fibersfibers HabenularHabenular commissurecommissure –– betweenbetween habenulaehabenulae FornixFornix (commissure(commissure ofof fornix)fornix) Habenular commissure CorpusCorpus callosumcallosum Splenium Body Genu Rostrum CorpusCorpus callosumcallosum 10 cm CCorpusorpus callosumcallosum Corpus callosum Forceps minor (frontal) Forceps major (occipital) Fornix Adhesio Interthalamica CommissuresCommissures Posterior commissure Pineal Gland Anterior Commissure Lamina Terminalis Mammillary Body Optic Chiasm AnteriorAnterior commissurecommissure Anterior Fibers commissure communicating between the temporal lobes (amygdala) AnteriorAnterior commissurecommissure –– 3D3D Habenular PosteriorPosterior && habenularhabenular commisurescommisures commissure (roof of pineal recess) Pineal gland Posterior commissure (eye movements and light reflex) CorpusCorpus callosum,callosum, fornix,fornix, septumseptum pellucidumpellucidum 3rd ventricle FornixFornix Fornix FornixFornix Body Columns Anterior Commissure Mammillary Body TheThe fornixfornix Alveus Fimbria Crus (posterior column) Commissure of the fornix – Hippocampus → mammillary medial nucleus connects hippocampal formations of the two sides (rudimentary in humans) Body Column FornixFornix Fornix – 3D (of corpus callosum) IndusiumIndusium griseumgriseum AssociationAssociation FibersFibers UU--shapedshaped fibersfibers fromfrom oneone corticalcortical areaarea toto anotheranother ShortShort (usually(usually unnamed)unnamed) andand longlong AssociationAssociation FibersFibers Short association fibers fibrae arcuatae cerebri Long association fibers cingulum superior longitudinal fasciculus inferior longitudinal fasciculus uncinate fasciculus inferior frontooccipital fasciculus arcuate fasciculus vertical occipital fasciculus CingulumCingulum Parahippocampal ↔ ↔ ↔ ↔ Frontal/parietal Superior longitudinal fasciculus Arcuate bundle Communication between visual association cortex and language centers Motor cortex (mouth & tongue) Visual association cortex ProjectionProjection fibersfibers CorticofugalCorticofugal (from(from thethe cortexcortex toto lowerlower structures)structures) CorticofugalCorticofugal projectionprojection fibresfibres convergeconverge fromfrom allall directionsdirections toto formform thethe densedense subcorticalsubcortical whitewhite mattmatterer massmass ofof thethe coronacorona radiataradiata TheThe coronacorona radiataradiata isis continuouscontinuous withwith thethe internalinternal capsulecapsule ,, whichwhich containscontains thethe majoritymajority ofof thethe corticalcortical projectionprojection fibresfibres CorticopetalCorticopetal (to(to thethe cortexcortex fromfrom lowerlower structures)structures) InternalInternal capsulecapsule (corona radiata) Pyramidal tract CConvergenceonvergence ofof corticalcortical projectionprojection fibresfibres throughthrough ththee coronacorona radiataradiata intointo thethe cerebralcerebral pedunclespeduncles InternalInternal capsulecapsule Anterior Limb ProjectionProjection Genu fibersfibers -- toto and from the and from the Posterior cortex.cortex. Limb The posterior limbs of the IC become what structure? The cerebral peduncle s InternalInternal capsulecapsule Anterior Limb Caudate Genu Putamen Posterior Limb Thalamus Three regions of the internal capsule separate three regions of gray matter. Internal capsule – 3D InternalInternal capsulecapsule –– 3D3D InternalInternal capsulecapsule (ant.(ant. limb)limb) –– 3D3D cortex thalamus SomatotopicSomatotopic cortex basal ganglia arrangementarrangement ofof fibersfibers corticopontine inin internalinternal capsulecapsule Corticobulbar (to cranial nerve nuclei) F - face A - arm motor fibers L - leg f - face a - arm sensory fibers l - leg InfarctionInfarction ofof thethe posteriorposterior limblimb ofof thethe internalinternal capsulecapsule causcaus eses aa "pure"pure motormotor stroke"stroke" MRI of a 51 -year -old patient with hypertension. The patient complained of weakness of the right side of the face and the right arm and leg, which had developed over a 5 -h period. There was no F sensory loss or problems with A L language or cognition. The MRI f a revealed a small infarction in the l internal capsule ( arrow ), which destroyed axons descending from the motor cortex, thus causing a "pure motor stroke" in this patient RhinencephalonRhinencephalon SmellSmell brainbrain RhinencephalonRhinencephalon vsvs LimbicLimbic lobelobe IInn phylogeneticallyphylogenetically lowerlower animalsanimals ,, thethe termsterms limbiclimbic lobelobe andand smellsmell brainbrain (rhinencephalon)(rhinencephalon) areare usedused synonymouslysynonymously InIn humanshumans limbiclimbic lobelobe hashas veryvery littlelittle ifif anyany primaryprimary olfactorolfactoryy function.function. rhinencephalonrhinencephalon isis primarilyprimarily concernedconcerned withwith olfactioolfactionn butbut hashas somesome reciprocalreciprocal relationshipsrelationships withwith partsparts ofof otherother limbiclimbic systemsystem regionsregions ComponentsComponents ofof rhinencephalonrhinencephalon OlfactoryOlfactory nervenerve (CN(CN I)I) rootletsrootlets OlfactoryOlfactory bulbbulb OlfactoryOlfactory tracttract OlfactoryOlfactory striaestriae PrimaryPrimary olfactoryolfactory cortexcortex OlfactoryOlfactory nervenerve && bulbbulb OlfactoryOlfactory nervenerve && bulbbulb The olfactory nerve (CN I) is composed of unmyelinated axons of the olfactory receptor cells in the nasal mucosa. CN I axons pierce the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, enter CN I the cranial cavity, and terminate on neurons in the olfactory bulb Olfactory bulb is the main relay station in the olfactory pathways OlfactoryOlfactory bulbbulb && tracttract OlfactoryOlfactory bulbbulb structurestructure (4(4 mainmain layers)layers) Olfactory nerve layer - incoming olfactory nerve fibers Glomerular layer - synap se between the olfactory nerve axons and the dendrites of olfactory bulb neurons (mitral and tufted cells ); contains periglomerular interneurons External plexiform layer - tufted neurons, some granule cells, and a few mitral cells with their processes Mitral cell layer - large neurons (mitral cells ) Granule cell layer - small granule neurons (interneurons) and processes of granule and mitral cells; it also contains incoming fibers from other cortical regions OlfactoryOlfactory bulbbulb outputoutput TheThe projectionprojection neuronsneurons ofof thethe olfactoryolfactory bulbbulb areare thethe tuftedtufted andand mitralmitral cellscells OlfactoryOlfactory tracttract Cribiform plate OlfactoryOlfactory sstriaetriae AtAt itsits caudalcaudal extremity,extremity, justjust rostralrostral toto thethe anterioanteriorr perforatedperforated substance,substance, thethe olfactoryolfactory tracttract dividesdivides inintoto 33 striae:striae: lateral olfactory stria → primary olfactory cortex medial olfactory stria → septal area (emotions associated with olfactory stimuli) intermediate olfactory stria → blends with the anterior perforated substance EachEach striastria isis coveredcovered byby aa thinthin layerlayer ofof graygray mattematterr knownknown asas anan olfactoryolfactory gyrusgyrus TheThe 33 striaestriae areare interconnectedinterconnected byby thethe diagonaldiagonal bandband ofof Broca,Broca, aa bundlebundle ofof subcorticalsubcortical fibersfibers inin frontfront ofof ththee opticoptic tracttract OlfactoryOlfactory striaestriae Anterior perforated substance CentralCentral olfactoryolfactory projectionsprojections The olfactory system is thus unique among the sensory systems in that it does not include a thalamic relay from primary receptors en route to a cortical region Olfactory nerve & bulb Piriform cortex (paleocortex) Thalamus Neocortex OlfactoryOlfactory ccortexortex PrimaryPrimary (( consciousconscious perceptionperception ofof olfactoryolfactory stimulistimuli )) ppyriformyriform cortexcortex -- thethe regionregion onon eacheach sideside ofof andand beneathbeneath thethe laterallateral olfactoryolfactory stria;stria; itit isis alsoalso callcalleded thethe laterallateral olfactoryolfactory gyrusgyrus →→ formsforms anterioranterior halfhalf ofof thethe uncusuncus pperiamygdaloideriamygdaloid areaarea -- areaarea isis dorsaldorsal andand rostralrostral toto thethe amygdaloidamygdaloid nuclearnuclear complexcomplex →→ formsforms posteirorposteiror halfhalf ofof thethe uncusuncus SecondarySecondary –– entorhinalentorhinal areaarea (BA28)(BA28) OlfactoryOlfactory cortexcortex Entorhinal cortex (area; EA) CentralCentral olfactoryolfactory projectionsprojections pons LLimbicimbic lobelobe vsvs limbiclimbic systemsystem TheThe termterm limbiclimbic lobelobe refersrefers toto thethe structuresstructures thatthat formform aa limbuslimbus (ring(ring oror border)border) aroundaround thethe brainbrain stemstem
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