CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KOLHAPUR Complied by THE MAHARASHTRA CENSUS DIRECTORATE BOMBAY PRINTED IN INDIA BY THE MANAGER, GOVERNMENT PRESS AND STATIONERY STORES, KOLHAPUR, AND PUBLISHEJ) BY THE DIRECTOR, GOVERNmNT PRINTING, STATIONERY AND PUBLICATIONS. MAHARASBTRA STATE. aollBAy-400 004- 1985 MAHARASHTRA DISTRICT KOLHAPUR c .. ~ .... ... ...Ee ..:t. Boundary, State Rj"l1f and Stream. ~ ~ District ~.!_ Waler IlIa'urIS: Tonk-natural Ta~sil ""' •• Village having 5 000 ol'ld dbolie populatiul'l Uttur , with nome .•• • I Urban area -with populalron ·size Notlona~ t1rgtwwa, .. ,." Classl.rI. 1Il.IV. V I. VI .. ••••··1 SHS6 State H'gtlwoy ~OSI and Tlflegroph Office. <- PTO Important MetllJled rood Dlgrlt Coll.gr and Technical institution. ,,, I f . Railway IInl with sial ian. Bro::!<1 youg, .. L-Rest____________________________ House, Circuit House . ~ _____________ .~ f( - Part ot Karnotoka State l\anlir tahlits hIocIqI.ICIrIOr is a' I<dhopur. '" 5 H - Major S1a1. HIghway Bhudorgad tahsil·s ~eCldQuarters 15 at Gargoti. J"l!lr.I·14l<I" SU'vey of India map· with the permission ot the $1Jt~l'Vor [email protected] of India. © GOVl!rnme~1 01 "00 CoPyr19N. 1~8S CONTENTS Page Foreword (v) Acknowledgements (vii) Names and spellings of District and-Tahsils situated therein, with Names (viii) and Spellings of the respective H. Q. places. Important Statistics 1 Analytical Note 9 Part-A-Village and Town Directory (Sections I and n ) 29 SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Village Directory 31 Map-Tahsil Karvir (facing page) 35 Alphabetical list of Villages-Tahsil Karvir 35 Village Directory-Tahsil Karvir 36 Map-Tahsil Panhala (facing page) 41 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Panhala 41 Village Directory-Tahsil Panhala 42 Map-Tahsil Hatkanangale (facing page) 47 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Hatkanangale 47 Village Directory-Tahsil Hatkanangale 48 Map-Tahsil Shirol (facing page) 53 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Shirol 53 Village Directory-Tahsil Shirol 54 Map-Tahsil Kagal (facing page) 57 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Kagal 57 Village Directory-Tahsil Kagal 58 Map-Tahsil Gadhinglaj (facing page) 63 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Gadhinglaj 63 Village Directory-Tahsil Gadhinglaj 64 Map-Tahsil Chandgad (facing page) 69 Alphabetical list of vil1~ges-Tahsil Chandgad 69 Village Directory-Tahsil Chandgad 70 Map-Tahsil Ajra (facing page) 79 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Ajra 79 Va 14-1 a (ii) CONTENTS Page Village· Directory-Tahsil Ajra 80 Map-Tahsil Bhudargad (facing page) 85 Alpha betical list of villages-Tah!'il Bhudargad 85 Village Directory-Tahsil Bhudargad 86 . Map-Tahsil Radhanagari (facing page) 91 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Radhanagari 91 Village Directory-Tahsil Radhanagari 92 Map-Tahsil Bavda (facing page) 97 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Bavda 97 Village Directory-Tahsil Bavda 98 Map-Tahsil Shahuwadi (facing page) 103 Alphabetical list of villages-Tahsil Shahuwadi 103 Village Directory-Tahsil Shahuwadi 104 ApPENDICES TO VILLAGE DIRECTORY : Appendix I-Tahsilwise abstract of educational, medical and other amenities 110 Appendix II-Lu.'ld utilisation data in respect of non-municipal towns (Census 112 tm'ffi&). Appendix Ill-Tah!;ilwise list of villages where no amenity other than drink- 112 ing water facility is available. Appendix IV-Summary showing no. of villages having or not having SC/ST 1] 3 population. Tahsilwise list of villages according to the proportion of 114 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population to the total population by ranges. SECTION II-TOWN DIRECTORY Note explaining the abbreviations used in the Town Directory 129 Town DirectOly statements (I to VI)- Statement I--St~tus and Growth History 13] Statement II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, 1979 132 Statement III-Municipal Finance, 1978-79 133 Statement IV-Civic and Other Amenities, 1979 134 Statement IV-A-Civic and Other Amenities in Notified Slums, 1979 135 Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural 136 Facilities, 1979 Statemc;nt VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1979 .. 138 (iii) CONTENTS Page Appendix to Town Directory 139 Part-B-Primary Census Abstract 141 District Primary Census Abstract (General) 142 Appendix to District Urban Primary Census Abstract 146 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 160 District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 162 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Karvir .. 164 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Panhala 170 Primary Census Abstract-'-Tahsil Hatkanangale 178 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Shirol 182 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Kagal 186 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Gadhinglaj 192 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Chandgad 198 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Ajl~a 204- Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Bhudargad 208 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Radhanagari 212 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Bavda .. 216 Primary Census Abstract-Tahsil Shahuwadi 220 MOTIF The picture depicts the 'Cbappal' and the cobbler. Manufacturing of Kolhapuri • chappal ' has also become one of the important household industry for many people in the district. The , chappals' produced in the district are rare pieces of novelty fancied by both sexes within and outside the country. It is made from pure leather and the dexterous cobblers design it according to changing fashions. Besides 'chappals', shoes, suitcases and purses are also manufactured. Yet, a • chappal ' is a rare gift a visitor carries with him from the district headquarter town of Kolhapur. Kolhapur town of today had been the capital of former Kolhapur State. Besides, being a premier State in Deccan, it was also the seat of Residency for Deccan States. It has all through been a great religious, educational and commercial centre. By virtue of Mahalakshmi temple, the place is also called the Kashi of the south. CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES 12-MAHARASHTRA KOLHAPUR DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK ERRATA SLIP Page No. Item Col. No. For Read 1 2 3 4 5 ~- '3 ImpOrtant Statistics-Part II- Kolhapur District- Rural 12 938,68 938,687 Urban 12 293,76 293,762 11 Para 4 3rd line Gadhinglaj Gadhinglaj (174,960) (174,760) 12 Table 3-Range of population .. 1 00499 200-499 22 Table 17-Distance range from the nearest town 16-50 10 442 442 (4.41) (74.41) 35 Grand Total 4 265,360 265,306 44 Note 8th line end L.C.No.60 L.C. No. 66 portion 57 Sl. No. 80-L.C. No. 28 4 1,879 1,819 Grand Total 4 157,780 157,870 66 L.C. No. 5S 3 730.10 730.00 69 SI. No. 147-L.C. No. 30 4 1 3 183 70 L.c, No.5 4 (14) (114) 144 Bhudargad Tahsil- Rural 6 108,0 108,061 Shahuwadi Tahsil- Urban 3 10.9 1.9 170 L. C. No. 28 14 49 46 172 L. C. No. 73 13 195 196 14 30 39 L. C. No. 75 14 267 207 L. C. No. 78 14' 268 263 L. C. No. 79 13 888 883 L. C. No. 80 14 588 533 L. C. No. 81 9 112 122 13 475 476 L. C. No. 84 10 118 113 188 L. C. No. 62 14 87 78 203 L. C. No. 133 21 9 8 214 L. C. No. 92 14 9 L. C. No. 93 14 8 L. C. No. 102 14 9 L. C. No. 103 14 9 L. C. No. 110 14 7 L. C. No. 111 14 1 11 219 L. C. No. 75 28 17 71 226 Ward No.7 14 7 70 164 L. C. No. 9 Nitavade 9 120 10 10 121 6 L. C. No. 11 Padali Bk. 9 10 120 10 6 121 FOREWORD . The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census organisa­ tion on behalf of the State Governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, adminis­ trators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulating local level and regional plans and as an aid to District administration. The District Census Handbook is the only publication which provides Primary C(:nSus Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides <fata on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc. The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics census tables and a village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in , some states it was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the format of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought togetber in the village directory with the instruction that in case an' amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas.
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