DlRECTOB'Y.] STARFORDSHIRK. STOKE-.UPOX-THE11.T1'. Harpfield (mixed & infants)F built in 1875 & enlarged in Catholic, Lonsda.le street, built in 1:875, .for tBo boys; 1893, for 440 children ; average attendance, mixed 270, average attendance, x6o; Philip R. Mather1 master infants I8o ; William Harrison, master; Miss Agnes Harrison, mistress; Miss Alice Jacques, infants' mistress Carriers. Penkbull (mixed & infants), built in 1854-. for 496 children; Button & Co. 62 :Liverpool road, Herbert Hall, agent average attendance, mixed ~oo, infants I46; Arthur Thomas Wood, master; Miss Sarah Wood, mistress; Mrs. Conveyance, Smith, infants' mistress North Staffordshire Railway Co. chief offices, Ra{lway sta­ tion, Winton square, R. E. Pearce, sec. ; Keary, Marshall School of Science, Art & Technology (Minton Memorial), London road, J. l3. Ashwell esq. sec. ; F. R. Wooldridge, & Ashwell, solicitors to the company; J. Crosbie Dawson, art master engineer; William Douglas Phillips, general manager; W. Church School (Board), St. Peter's chambers, Glebe street, H. Newman, accountant ; John Hand, station ma:~ter; E. Vernon, clerk also by canal to Liverpool daily ;E.13.Smith,canal engineer National (mixed & infants), Church street, built in 1845, · Great Western Railway Co. John W. Lister, district agent, Glebe buildings for 500 boys, 200 girls & 261 infants ; average attendance, 370 boys, 26o girls .k 171 infants; Thomas Riley, master ; Hull & Barnsley Railway Co. I4 Glebe stree~, Joh[l A. Ind, Miss Clara.E. D' Arcy, mistress ; Miss Kate Gibson, infantA' distriL:t agent mistress Lomlon & North Western Railway Co. Copeland street, J. National Junior (mixed), Cburch street, built in 1845, for Allerton, district tmffic ag-ent 100 children; average attendance, 8o ; Miss Ann Elizabeth Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway Co. Gleoo Cocker, mistress buildings, Waiter Hudson Walker, agent National (mixed & infants), Boothen, built in 1870, for 99 Midland Railway Co. Glebe buildings, John Wharton, dis­ children ;average attendance, 269 ;George Bailey, master; trict agent Miss !<'ell, infants' mistress National (mixed), Cliff vale, x865, for 200 children; average Water Conveyance. attendance, 140; Miss Annie Baker, mistress ; infants, Anderton Co. Wharf street, to & from Liverpool, Man­ Ioo, average, 84; Miss Elizabeth }<'ell, mistress chester, Runcorn, Anderton, Warrington & adjacent places National, Hartshill (mixed)~ erected in 1852, at a cost of Lester W. U. & Son, Copeland street, to & from Runcorn, £3,000, has an annual endowment of £28; the school Weston Point & Chester will hold 220 children; average attendance, 208 ; Eli Melior G. & Co. Lytton street, to & from London, North Alsop, master; Mrs. Alsop, mistress Staffordshire, Manchester & Liverpool National, Trent vale (mixed & infants), built in 1845 & en­ Shropshire Union Rai~way & Canal Co. Copeland street, to larged in 1894, for 313 children: average attendance, Liverpool (via Ellesmere Port), Chester &c.; J. Allerton, mixed 18o, infants 100; Abijah Garton, master; Mrs. district superintendent Elimbeth Cranmere, infants' mistress Stoke-upon-Trent. Basnett James, 41 James street Broome Ha.nson, ~Io Bedford st. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Lewis Bate Mrs. 4 Butler street Basford Aaron Daniel, 22 Sheppard street Bayliss Rev. W. F. [Catholic), The Brown Rev.. John Wills M.A. [chaplain Abraham Frank, Harding terrace Presbytery, Hartshill to the workboUS6 & vicar of St. Abrahams Robt.Frdk.Oak ho.Regent st Beal George, 22 Penkhull ter. Penkhull John's], Trent Vale vicarage Acres Thomas Poe, 8 Temple street Beck Car! K.Stanley villas, Regent street Brownl<'redk.Wm. x6Victoria st. Basford Acton John, Ivy bank, James street Beech Mrs. 5 Bedford street, Basford Brown Nicholas, Trenton villa, James st Adams Ha.rvey, 4 Lord street, llasford Beech William Partridge, 5 Bank ter- Brunt George, Mount view, Prince's Adams Mrs. 14 The Villas, London rd race, Basford road, Penkhull Adams Thomas,2oPrince's rd. Penkhull Bell John Smith, ~8 Prince's rd. Penkhull Bullock Rbt. 5 Frederick st. The Mounts Adams Wm. 30 Gladstone st. Basford Ben nett Ed win Thomas, 55 Hartshill Burgess Clement Foster, 1 :a J arnes street A dams Wm. H. Pear Tree cot. Trent vale BennettGeorge,Kensington vil.James st Burrow William, 6:a Penkhull New rd Aid rey Thomas, Ha rtshill hall, Hartshill Bennett Josepb, :19 Lord street, Basford Burton George, I ::I Boothenwood terrace AlcockAlfred George, 7 Lord st. Basford Bennett William, 4 Prince's rd.Penkhull Burton Hugh, 4 Victoria street, Basford Allardice "\\'illiam C. M. B., c.111. alas. Bentley Henry, 35 Hartshill ButterworthFra.nk,sVicturia st. Basford North Staffordshire infirmary & Eye Bervon Mrs. 34 Glebe street Butterworth Jn.6Park View ter.Basford hospital, Hartshill Bevan Harold, The Villas, London road Caddie Alfred James, 13 Sbeppard st Allerton John, 4 W oodhouse terrace Bevington ArthurJ. Cliffeville, Ha.rtshill Campbell John, Queen's road, Penkhull Allison Mrs. go London road Bevington George, Cliffeville, Ha.rtshill Carter Miss, 129 London road A ppletonThomas, West mount, Queen's Bill William, Florence cot. Trent vale Carter Mrs. 23 Hill street road, Penkhull Billington Richard, 94 London road Carter William, x6 Bath street Arlidge John Frederick, Frank street, Birbeck Charles James, 127 London road Challoner Charles Edwq.rd, Basford hall London road Bird Thomas Wm. 1 Boothenwood ter Chapman Robert Johnson, The Knoll, Arlidge John Thomas B.A., lii.D., J.P. BirksAlfd.Fleet,rBPenkhull ter.Penkbull Basford bank H1gh grov~, Trent vale Bishop Herbert Edwin, Cliffe Bank CheshireFredk.J.:a8Prince's rd. Penkhull Arnoux Ferdinand, 13 The Villas, Lon- lodge, Hartshill Churttm J oscph, Bat.h street don road Blad~n Joseph Clement, 9 Park View Clarke Alfred, 2 Boothenwood terrace Arnoux Leon, 13 The Villas, London rd terrace, Basford Clarke Arthur Ernest, 7 Park terrace Ash Fredk. 10 The Villa.'l, London road Blayden Joseph Oliver, Bank house, Clarke Mrs. Basford lodge. Basford Ashmall Elias Ashmole, 34 Bedford st. Basford bank Clewes Arthur Joynson, 4 Gladstone Basford Boddington Miss, Grosvenor villas, Re- street, Ba11ford Ashwell John Blow, Cliff Bank house gent. street I Clewes William Mollett, 28 Gladstone Ash well Mrs. Prince road, Hartshill Hold Mrs. 6 Sheppard street I street, Basford Ashwin HenryS. Glebe street Bold Thomas, Denbolm villas. Hartsbill Clive Robert Clement J.P, Hawthorn Ashworth John Kennedy, 36 Hill street Bond Chas. Wm. Heatherlea. James st cottage, Hartshill Astle William, Queen's road, Penkhull Boothby Rev, William lii.A. [curate of Cocker Mrs. 5 Sbeppard street BaL:h Arthur,2 Portland villas, James st Holy Trinity, Hartshill], 11 Temple Cockson John, l'rince's road, Hartshill Badde!ey Mrs. Parkfield house, Prince's street, Basford Coe Joseph, 4 Copeland street road, Hartshill Bott Saml. Jas. 3 The Villas, London rd Colclough William Yates, 9 Temple Baddeley William, 43 Hartshill Bott Thomas, I Harding terrace street, Basford Bagnall William, Boothen cottage Boult Edwin Edgerton, Regent street CollinsJ oseph Harris, 4 Longs dale street 1 Bailey Arthur, 22 Glebe street Boulton Wm. Field ho.Field la. Boothen Cook Henry, Handford cot. Trent vale Baiiey Wm. 14 Temple street, Basford Bowen William, Cliff Bank cottage Cooper John, 16 Prince's road, Penkhull Baker John, 10 Butler street P.owring J ohn,Portland villas, James st Cooper Miss, Bank house, V in~ street Baker J oscph, Hartshill cot. Ha rtshill Bradbury John, 2 Winton square Cooper Mrs. Bank house, Vine street Bakewell Robert, ~ Longsdale street RradleyRobert, 16Temple street,Basford Cooper William, 3 Harding terrace Bale Thomas, 2 Harding terrace Brngintons ReV'. William Douglas [cur- Cooper Wm. I Sutherland ter. Trent vale .Ball Mrs. 16 Winton terrace ate of St. Peter's], 6 Woodhouse ter Copeland Gostave, I I<'rederick street, Bamber William Henry, Hill street Briggs William Ottley, Oakhill hall, Tbe Mounts :Barker Miss, 4 The Villas, London road Trent vale Copeland Wm. Thos. 8 Winton terrace Barker Samuel, 6 Winton square Brindley Will!am, 23 Sheppard street Corbett Chas. Hy.20Victoria st.Rasford Barlow Ben, 32 Glebe street Broady John, 27 Glebe street Corns John, Bellevue terrace, lla&tord Barratt Thomas, 26 Sheppard street Brooke Ernest, 5 Harding terrace Cotton llenry~ 5 Lord street, Basford Bartle George Tbe La urel.s. J ame11 street Brookes Mrs. I<;- Penkhull terrace CoultonTnomas.Prince's ro&d~Hartshill .
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