
U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE .BUREAU OF THE.(lBNSUS 1950 CENSUS OF POPULATION FOR RELEASE ADVANCE REPORTS ~pril 24, 1 ~51 Wa 'Jhington 25, D. C. Series PC-8, No. 49 POPULATION OF WYOMING: APRIL 1, 1950 (This is one of a series of reports presenting final population-figures for selected areas in each State. In this serie~, reports are numbered alphabetically by States. Additional reports will be issued as final figures for other States become available) The total popu~ation of Wyoming on April· 1, 89 incorporated places contained 182,870 inhab­ 1950, was 290,529, according to final figures itants, or 62.9 percent of the total population ::t:or the State released today by Roy v. Peel, ot the State. Of these places, 19 had 2,500 in­ J:)irector, Bureau of the Census, Department ot habitants or more and a combined population of Commerce. During the previous 10 years, the 144,618. The population of Fox Farm-Orchard :population of the State increased by 39,?87, or Valley, the only unincorporated place, was 1,821. J...5.9 percent, over the 250,742 inhabitants enu­ :m.erated in 1940. Among the States and the Dis­ Under the urban defini t·ion established tor trict of Columbia, Wyoming ranked forty-eighth use in the 1950 Census, urban territory has been in J?O:pulation. The present population ot Wyoming defined to comprise (a} places of 2,500 inhabit­ is about 32 times as large as its population ants or more incorporated as cities, boroug~s, f30 years ago when it was tirst enumerated in a towns, 1 and villages i ( b) the densely settled:· Fe.deral census. urban fringe, including both incorporated and unincorporated areas, around cities of 50 ,ooo or In the past. the population ot Wyoming has more; and (c) unincorporated places of 2,500 in­ been predominantly rural. In 1950, .however, tlie habitants or more outside any urban fringe. All ~ural population of 145,911 was only slightly other territory is classified as rural. Accord-· Larger than the urban population. As a result ing to the definition used in previous censuses, ~:f' a. 54.5 percent increase in the urban popula­ urban territory was designated as all incorpo­ Gion and a decline of 7.2 percent in the rural rated places of 2,500 inhabitants or more and: ~opulation between 1940 and 1950, the proportion areas (usually minor civil divisions) classified >:f' the population or the State living in urban as urban under special rules relating to popu­ Jerritory rose from 37.3 to 49.8 perce~t. lation size and density. Between 1940 and 1950, 15 of Wyoming's 23 In both defirri tions, the most important ~ounties gained population ani 8 lost population. component of the urban territory is the group ot'; >:t: the counties which lost population, all.but incorporated ~laces having 2,500 inhabitants or ~~ had no urban population. The counties of more. A definition of urban territory restricted ryoming ranged in size from Teton with a·popula­ to such places, however, · would exclude a number ;ion or. 2 1 593 to Laramie with a population of ot equally large and densely settled places, ,7,662. Yellowstone National Park, the greater merely because they were not incorporated places. •a.rt of which is in Wyoming, is independent of Under the old definition, an effort was made to. .ny county organization. avoid some of the more obvious omissions by the inclusion of the places urban under specia1 Wyomi~g had a total of 89 incorporated rules. Even with these rules, however, many ·1aces and 1 unincorporated place of 1,000 in­ a.bitants or more. These places ranged in size l Except in New England) New York, and Wisconsin, where "towns" are minor civil divisions of counties and. :rom Lost Springs town with ~ population of 9 to are not necessarily densely settled centers like the b.eyenne oity with a population of 31,935. The towns in other States. - 2 - large and closely built-up· places were excluded special rules of the old definition are no tram the urban territory. To improve the situa­ longer necessary. tion in the 1950 Census, the Bureau of the Cen­ In Wyoming, there were no unincorporated sus set up, in advance of enumeration, boundaries tor urban-fringe areas around cities or 50,000 places of 2,500 inhabitants or more, no urban­ or more and for unincorporated places outside fringe areas, and no areas urban under special urban fringes. All the population residing in rule according to the old definition. The dis- urban-fringe areas and in unincorporated places ·tribution of the population ot Wyoming by urban ot 2,500 or more is classified as urban accord­ or rural residence, therefore, is the same ac­ ing to the new definition. Consequently, the cording to either definition. Table 1.--POPULATION OF Y/YOMING, URBAN AND RURAL: 1870 TO 1950 Population . Percent Date urban Total Urban Rural 1950 (Apr. 1) ••••••••••••••.•••• 290,529 144,618 145,911 49.8 1940 (Apr. l) •••...••••.•••••••• 250,742 93,577 157,165 37.3 1930 (Apr. 1) ................... 225,565 70,097 155,468 31.l 1920 (Jan. 1) .•••••.•••••••.•••• 194,402 57,095 137,3b7 ·29.4 1910 (Apr. 15) .................. 145,965 43,221 102,744 29.6 1900 (June 1) ••••••••••••••••••• 92,531 26,6.57 65,874 28.8 1890 (June 1) ••••••.•.••••..•••• 62,.555 21,484 41,071 34.3 1880 (June 1) •••••••..•••.•••.•• 20,789 6,1.52 14,637 29.6 1870 (June 1) •..•.•••••••••••••• 9,l18 ... 9,118 ... Table 2.--POPULATION OF WYOMING, BY COUNTIES: 1950 AND 1940 (Minus sign(-) denotes decrease) Population Percent Population Percent County increase, increase, 1940 to County 1940 to 1950 1940 1940 1950 1950 1950 The State ••••••••••••. 290,529 250,742 15.9 Natrona ••••.••.••••••••••• 31,437 23,858 31.8 Albany •••••••••••••••••••• 19,055 13,946 36.6 Niobrara •..•••••••••••.••• 4,701 5,988 -21.5 Big Horn •..•••.••••••••••• 13,176 12,911 2.1 Park •••••••••••••.•••••••• 15,182 10,976 38.3 Campbell •••••••.•••••••••• 4,839 6,048 -20.0 Platte •••••••••••••••••••• 7,925 8,013 -1.l Carbon •••••••••••••••.•.•. 15,742 12,644 24.5 Sheridan •••••••••••••••••• 20,185 19,255 4.8 Converse •.•...•.••.•••••.• 5,933 6,631 -10.5 Sublette •••••••••••••••••. 2,481 2,778 -10.7 Crook ••••••••••••••••••••• 4,738 .5,463 -13.3 Sweetwater •••••••.•••••••• 22,017 19,407 13.4 Fremont •••••.••.•••..••••• 19,580 16,095 21.7 Teton ••••••••••••.••.•••.• 2,593 2,543 2.0 Goshen •••.•••••••..••••••• 12,634 12,207 3.5 Uinta •••••••••.•••••••..•• 7,331 7,223 1.5 Hot Springs ••.•.•••••••••• 5,250 4,607 14.0 Washakie •••••••••••••••••• 7,252 5,858 23.8 Johns.on •••••••.••••••••••• 4,707 4,980 -5.5 Weston •••••••••.•..••••••• 6,733 4,958 35.8 La.:r-ami e •••••••••••••••••.. 47,662 33,651 41.6 Yellowstone National Park Lincoln •••••.••••••••••••• 9,023 10,286 -12.3 (part) .•••••••••••••••••• 353 416 -15.1 4 I) ;,. j - 3 - Table 3.--POPULA.TION OF .ALL INCORPORATED PLACES AND OF UNINCORPORATED PLACES OF 1,000 OR MORE: 1950 AND 1940 ("Uninc." designates an unincorporated place. Figures for 1940 are not available for unincorporated places and places incorporated since 1940) , Population Population Place County Place County 1950 1940 J.950 J.940 Afton .................... Lincoln •.•.•••.•••• 1,319 1,211 Lander ••.•••••••.••..••.• Fremont •••....••••• 3,349 2,.594 Albin •••••••..••.••.•••• Laramie •••••••••••• 208 160 Laramie ••••••.••.••••.••• Albany •••••••••••. • 15,581 10,627 Bi:iggs •..•••. , .•.•••• ·••• Carbon •••••.•••.••• 206 221 Lingle ••.•.•..••...•..••• Goshen •.•.••..••••• 403 428 Basin •.•••.•••.•..•.•••• Big Horn •••.•••.•• , 1,220 1,,099 Lost Cabin •••.••..••••••• Fremont •••••..•.••• 73 34 Big Piney ••.••••.•••. ••• Sublette .•.• , ••.••. 206 .241 Lost Springs ••.•.••••.••• Converse •.•.•..••.•• 9, 38 Buffalo ••....••...•..••• Johnson ••••..••.• ,, 2,674 2,302 Big Horn ••.•.•••••• 2,508 2,175 Burns •.••••••...••..•••• Laramie ••..•.•••••• Lovell ••. ·..••. ·'· •.••..••• 216 253 Lusk ••.•••••••••.••••.••• Niobrara ••••.•••••• 2,089. 1,814 Byron ••••..•...•.•...••• Big Horn •.•..•••.•. 350 388 Uinta ••••.••...•.•• 483 378 Casper ................... Natrona •..•.. ,., •.• Lyman •••..••..••..•••••••• 23,673 17,964 Big Horn ••.•• , •.••• 130 Cheyenne,. ••.•.•.•.••.••• Laramie •.••.••••.•• Manderson ••••.••••••..• ,, 107 31,935 22,474 Manville .......... •, •••••• Niobrara ••••••.•••. i54 240 Chugwater.' .. , .••••.•.••• Platte, ..••.••...• , 283 245 Clearmont •..•••.•.••.••• Sheridan ••..•••..•. 225 215 Marbleton ••.••••...•.••. , Sublette ••••..•.••• 20 43 Cody ••.••.•.••.••.•.•••• Park ••.•. , ......••• 3,872 ·2,536 Medicine Bow. , , •••••• , •• , Carbon •••••••.•.••• 328 338 Cokeville •...••.••••.•. : • Lincoln •• , •..• , •..• 440 452 Meeteetse •..•..••.•.•.••• Park., •••••••.•.•• · 404 373 Cowley ••••......••••..•• Big Horn •.•..•• , ..• 463 491 Mills •.•...••..••..•••••• Natrona ••••••.•••.• 866 379 . Moorcroft •.....••.•••.••• Crook •.•••••••••• ; • 517 387 Dayton •.•..••••..••.•.•• Sheridan •....••••.• 316 240 Deaver •.•... , .••...••••• Big Horn •••••.••••• 118 111 Newcastle ••••..•••.•••.•• Weston •••••.••••.•• 3,39.5 1,962 Diamondville •....•..•••• Lincoln, •••••••.••• 41.5 586 Opal ••••••••••••.•••••••• Lincoln ••••••.•.•• , 67 78 Dixon •..•.••...••••••••• Carbon, •.••..••.•.• 124 94 Pavillion •.••..•••.•• ' ••• Fremont ••.•.•.••••• 241 176 Douglas .•...•.••.••.•••• Converse •..••••...• 2,.544 2,205 Pine Bluffs ••.••••••••••• Laramie •••••.••.••• 846.. 771 Pinedale •..••..•••••••••• Sublette ••..••••.•• ,770 647 Dubois ••••.•..••••..•.•• Fremont •••••.•.•.•. 279 412 East Thermopolis ••..•. , • Hot Springs ••••...• 246 Powell •••.•.•••••.••.•••• Park •.•••••••••••• • 3,804 1,948 Edgerton. ...••••••.•••••
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