ᅜ 旭 蒒 苳 缩 Ꮫ Ꮫ INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ROCK MECHANICS Sociedad Internacional de Mecánica de Rocas NEWS JOURNAL www.isrm.net 2009 Annual Review, Technical Articles on China and Rock Dynamics, Invitations to Switzerland and India Pietre Dure ± mosaic inlay of marble and semi-precious stones ± Florence, Italy: 1st Annual ISRM Field Trip, September 2009 Annual Review 2009 Rock Dynamics Information relating to the Hong Kong Technical articles from the ISRM Rock SINOROCK Symposium, Secretary-*HQHUDO¶V Dynamics Workshop held in Report, and much more Lausanne, Switzerland Volume 12, December 2009 See Table of Contents on Page 3 ᅜ 旭 蒒 苳 缩 Ꮫ Ꮫ INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR ROCK MECHANICS Sociedad Internacional de Mecánica de las Rocas NEWS JOURNAL Editor-in-Chief: ISRM Secretary-General: Prof John A Hudson Dr Luis Lamas President, ISRM LNEC Imperial College and Rock Engineering Avenida do Brasil, 101 Consultants, UK P-1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal [email protected] Tel: +351 21 844 3419 Fax: +351 21 844 3021 [email protected] Assistant Editor: ISRM Secretariat: Dr Nuno Grossmann Sofia Meess LNEC LNEC Avenida do Brasil, 101 Avenida do Brasil, 101 P-1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal P-1700-066 Lisbon, Portugal Tel: +351 21 844 3388 Tel: +351 21 844 3419 Fax: +351 21 844 3021 [email protected] [email protected] (GLWRU¶V,QWURGXFWLRQWRWKLV9ROXPH The ISRM had another excellent Massimo Coli, was enjoyed by all the partici- year in 2009. Our main interna- pants. The 2010 ISRM Field Trip, incorporating tional conference was SINO- visits to ten geological, engineering and cultural ROCK2009, held on the Univer- sites of interest, will take place on 13-14 of June sity of Hong Kong campus in (see the invitation on page 98), i.e. the two days John A Hudson May. This was preceded by an preceding EUROCK2010 to be held in Lausanne ISRM Lecture Tour through China with lectures (see also the invitation on page 99). given by Tony Meyers, Resat Ulusay, John Harri- The main international ISRM meeting in 2010, son and myself in Beijing, Nanjing, Wuhan and where the ISRM Board and Council meets, will Hong Kong, see page 44. take place in India in association with the ARMS6 At the Council meeting in Hong Kong, Xia- symposium during the last week of October (see 7LQJ)HQJRIWKH&KLQHVH$FDGHP\RI6FLHQFHV¶ page 100, the back page of this Issue). Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics in Wuhan The work of all the nine ISRM Commissions is was elected as the next ISRM President for the progressing well. In this Issue, we highlight the 2011-2015 period, see pages 10 and 28. His term progress of the Commission on Rock Dynamics, of office begins immediately after the ISRM 2011 and its Workshop which was held in Lausanne in Beijing Congress. 2009, see the papers in this Issue, pages 72+. As one of the many initiatives of the current In the last Issue of the News Journal, for 2008, ISRM modernisation programme, the Annual it was noted that, in addition to French and Ger- ISRM Field Trip was inaugurated in 2009 with a man, the ISRM will be recognising the use of visit to the Carrara marble quarries near Florence other languages, as an example see the Chinese in Italy, see page 22-23. The visit, organised by and Spanish on the front cover of this Issue. 2 Table of Contents The 2009 ISRM Year Preservation of Ancient Sites 45 Commission Report The 2007-2011 ISRM Board 4 Radioactive Waste Disposal 47 The 2009 ISRM Year 6 Commission Report 2009 ISRM Membership 7 Rock Dynamics Commission Report 48 Report of the ISRM Board and Council 8 including the Rock Dynamics Work- Meetings, May 2009 shop Report Report of the ISRM Secretary-General 11 Rock Engineering Design Methodology 50 for 2009 Commission Report The SINOROCK2009 Symposium held 15 Rock Spalling Commission Report 53 in Hong Kong, May 2009 Testing Methods Commission Report 54 Rocha Medal Recipient 2010: 18 ISRM Membership: Joining, Benefits 58 J. Christer Andersson and Fees 2011 Müller Award application dead- 20 Organising ISRM Symposia/ISRM 59 line Events and Commissions 2012 Rocha Medal Submission dead- 21 line Technical Articles Report on the 1st Annual ISRM Field 22 Introduction to the technical articles 60 Trip, 2009 Report on EUROCK2009 held in 24 Rock Engineering in China ± Qian Qihu 61 Croatia Split Hopkinson pressure bar tests ± 72 2009 Activity Report by ISRM 26 Kaiwen Xia Vice-President for Africa Large diameter split Hopkinson pres- 76 2009 Activity Report by ISRM 28 sure bar tests ± Xibing Li et al. Vice-President for Asia FEM/DEM simulations of dynamic 80 2009 Activity Report by ISRM 33 Brazilian tests ±Giovanni Grasselli et al. Vice-President for Australasia 2009 Activity Report by ISRM 35 Constraining Paleoseismic Peak 84 Vice-President for Europe Ground Acceleration ± Yossef H. Hatzor 2009 Activity Report by ISRM 36 Explosion loading and tunnel response 88 Vice-President for N America ± Yingxin Zhou 2009 Activity Report by ISRM 39 Vice-President for S America Spalling in extreme ground motion and 92 evidence from the 2008 Wenchuan A Tribute to Professor E. I. Shemyakin 40 earthquake ± &KXQ¶DQ7DQJet al. A Tribute to Dr M. J. Pretorius 41 ***** Introduction to the ISRM Commissions 42 Application of Geophysics 43 ISRM Corporate Members 96 Commission Report Invitation to the 2nd Technical & Cultural 98 Education Commission Report and the 44 ISRM Field Trip, June 2010, Switzerland ISRM 2009 Chinese Lecture Tour Invitation to EUROCK2010 in Lausanne, 99 Switzerland, June 2010 Invitation to ARMS6 in New Delhi, 100 India, October 2010 3 The 2007-2011 ISRM Board John A Hudson, UK Francois Malan President Vice-President, Africa Professor John A Hudson Dr Francois Malan Emeritus Professor, Imperial PO Box 7379 College, London, and Westgate Independent Consultant, Rock Republic of South Africa Engineering Consultants 1734 Tel: (+44) 1707 322819 Tel.: (+27) 11 482 8838 Fax: (+27) 11 482 8839 [email protected] [email protected] Abdolhadi Anthony Meyers Ghazvinian Vice-President, Vice-President, Australasia Asia Dr Anthony Meyers Dr Abdolhadi Ghazvinian PO Box 210 Rundle Mall Tarbiat-Modares University Adelaide Dept of Mining Engineering South Australia 5001 Faculty of Engineering Australia PO Box 14155-4838 Tel.: (+61) 8 8376 9096 Tehran, Iran Fax: (+61) 8 8376 9096 Tel.: (+98) 21 2578 470 Fax: (+98) 21 2578 470 [email protected] [email protected] Nuno Grossmann, Derek Martin Vice-President, Vice-President, North America Europe Dr Nuno Grossmann Prof. Derek Martin LNEC University of Alberta Av. do Brasil, 101 Dept Civil & Environmental 1700-066 Lisboa Engineering, Edmonton Portugal AB T6G 2W2 Canada Tel.: (+351) 21 844 3388 Tel.: (+1) 780 492 2332 Fax: (+351) 21 844 3026 Fax: (+1) 780 492 8198 [email protected] [email protected] 4 Álvaro J. Gonzalez- Xia-Ting Feng Garcia Vice-President Vice-President, At Large South America Prof. Xia-Ting Feng Prof. Álvaro J. Gonzalez- Institute of Rock and Soil Garcia Mechanics, The Chinese Carrera 57, No. 172-44 Academy of Sciences Bogotá D.C., Colombia Xiaohongshan Wuchang Tel.: (+57) 1 6720297 Wuhan 430071, China Fax: (+57) 1 6724251 Tel.: (+86) 27 87198913 Fax: (+86) 27 87197386 [email protected] [email protected] Claus Erichsen Luís Lamas Vice-President Secretary-General At Large Dr Claus Erichsen Dr Luís Lamas WBI Prof. Dr.-Ing. Secretary General, ISRM W. Wittke LNEC, Av. do Brasil, 101 Beratende Ingenieure für 1700-066 Lisboa Grundbau und Felsbau GmbH Portugal Henricistr. 50 Tel.: (+351) 218443419 Aachen 52072, Germany Fax: (+351) 218443021 Tel.: (+49) 241 889870 Fax: (+49) 241 8898733 [email protected] [email protected] 7KHPDLQWKUXVWRIWKHQHZ,650%RDUGLV¶PRGHUQLVDWLRQ·- a key element of which is enhanced communication between all ISRM Members. The email addresses of your regional Board representatives, together with the President and Secretary-General, are given above. We welcome contact/inquiries from current and potential ISRM Members. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for improving the ISRM. We will do our best to implement them. 5 The 2009 ISRM Year Prepared by Luis Lamas, Portugal, ISRM Secretary-General ([email protected]) 2009 ISRM Sponsored Events Key Events January Publication of the hard copy of the News Journal Vol.11 February FedIGS Board meeting in Cairo March Publication of the digital Newsletter No.5 April ISRM Council meeting in Hong Kong: Lecture Tour in China x Election of Prof. Feng Xia-Ting (China) as the ISRM President for the term 2011-2015 SINOROCK 2009, Hong Kong, China x Dr Z. Z. Liang from China presents 2009 Rocha Medal paper May at the Hong Kong Symposium ISRM Commission Workshop Dr Jan Christer Andersson from Sweden selected as recipient (Application of Geophysics to Rock x of Rocha Medal 2010 Engineering) x Initiatives for modernisation of ISRM Short Course on Fracture Geology x ISRM By-law No. 5 revised Rock Dynamics Workshop, Lausanne, June Publication of the digital Newsletter No.6 Switzerland July August September 1st ISRM annual technical and cultural field trip to the Carrara marble quarries Publication of the digital Newsletter No.7 in the Florence region in Italy October EUROCK 2009 ± Rock Engineering in Difficult Ground Conditions ± Soft Rocks and Karst, Cavtat (Dubrovnik), Croatia November FedIGS Board meeting in Ghent December Publication of the digital Newsletter No.8 6 2009 ISRM Membership Prepared by Luis Lamas, Portugal, ISRM Secretary-General ([email protected]) ISRM COUNCIL MEETING 2009 MEMBERSHIP IN MAY 2009 Hong Kong, CHINA Ordinary - Correspondi ng - Corporate Monday, 18 May, 14h00 AFRICA ASIA AUSTRALASIA COUNTRIES EU ROPE N AMERICA S AMERICA 0 1 0 A lgeria ARGENTINA 7 1 0 223 6 3 A USTRALIA AUSTRIA 298 0 0 020 Bahrain BELGI UM 36 1 0 BRAZI L 68 0 1 Bulgaria 0 2 0 CANADA 259 2 0 CHILE 14 2 0 502 6 14 CHINA CO LOM BI A 1 4 1 0 Costa Rica 0 2 0 CROATIA 159 1 0 CZECH REP.
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