'- 9 ' A ‘ I OMB No. 1545-0052 Return of Private Foundation .....’990-PF Department of the Treasury or Section 4947(a)(1) Nonexempt Charitable Trust Treated as a Private Foundation Intemal Revenue Semce Note: The organization may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting reqmrements. 2©04 For calendar year 2004, or tax year beginning 07/01 , 2004, and ending 06/30/2005 G Check all that apply: I I Initial return I Final return I IAmended return r I Address change LI Name change Name of organization A Employer identification number Use the IRS bel. FANNIE AND JOHN HERTZ FOUNDATION 36-2411723 Othermse- Number and street (or PO. box number if mall is not delivered to street address) Room/sune 3 Telephone number (see page 10 of print the instructions) or type. See Specific 2456 RESEARCH DRIVE (925) 373—1642 City or town. state, and ZIP code c It exemption application ls > lnnructions_ pending. check here D 1. Foreign organizations. check here . > LIVERMORE 94550 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test. check here and attach H Check type of organization: x Section 501(c 3 exempt private foundation computation . Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust Other taxable private foundation If private foundation status was tennlnated I Fair market value of all assets at end J Accounting method:I__I Cash I___I Accrual under section 507(b)(1)(A). check here . F I:I of year (from Part II, col. (c), line Other (specify) MQDIEEELQA§H____ __ r If the foundation is in a 60-month tennlnatlon 16) > S 23,862,338. (Part I, column (d) must be on cash basis.) under section 507(b)(1)(B). check here . DI I Analysis of Revenue and Expenses I , (d) Disbursements (The total of amounts in columns (b), (c), and (‘0 Revenue and 0:) Net Investment (c) Adlusted net for charitable (d) may not necessarily equal the amounts In expggf’: per Income income purposes column (a) (see page 11 of the Instructions).) (cash heels only) 1 Contributions ills. grants. etc, received (attach schedule) . 1 , 018 , 538 . SM 1 if the foundation is not requmed to 2 CW" 5 attach Sch 3 3 Interest on savmgs and temporary cash investments 3 , 4 63 . 3 , 4 63 . SM 2 4 Dividends and interest from securities . , _ . 486 , 556 . 486 , 556 . STMT 3 5a Gross rents . b Net rental income or (loss) 2 6: gaggsaisnalgl;(lo1::)fgrlo;n" sale cfassets not on line 10 2 , 856 , O76 . 5 assetsonllnESa 16'959'284' E 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) . 2 . 856 . 076 - 8 Net short-term capital gain . 9 Income modifications - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 a Gloss sales less returns and allowances - - - - - b Less Cost of goods sold . c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) _ _ _ _ 11 Other income (attach schedule) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12 Total. Add lines 1 throuqh 11 . 4,364,633. 3,346,095. 13 Compensation of officers. directors, trustees, etc _ _ 323 , 461 . 323 , 461 . 14 Other employee salaries and wages _ . 164 , 122 . 164 , 122 . a 15 Pension plans. employee benefits , _ _ _ I . 86 , 737 . 86 , 737 . i 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) _ _ 4 . 114,760. NONE 114.760. G} b Accounting fees (attach schedule)S_'1'_M§l! I 5_ . 27 , 000 . 8 , 100 . 18 , 900 . g c Other professional fees (attach sciflbfi), 6 _ 283,816. 120,565. 163,251. E 1 7 interest . é 1 8 Taxes (attach schedule) (see page 14 of the instructions) * * 3 9 , 305 . 27 , 305 . N 19 Depreciation (attach schedule) and depletion SD 2 20 Occupancy . 47,146. 47,146. o u 21 Travel, conferences. and meetings _ I _ _ . _ 146 , 830 . 146 , 830 . E 5 22 Printing and publications . 4 , 735 . 4 , 735 . < E 23 Other expenses (attach schedule) STMT . 8 . 360 , 267 . 360 , 2 67 . E 24 Total operating and administrative expenses. 0 8 Add lines13through 23 . 1,598,179. 128,665. 1,457,514. E o 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid . 2 , 839 , 446. 2 . 781 , 382. Z _26 Totalexpensesanddlsbuisements.Add lines 24 and 25 4,437,625. 128,665. 4,238,896. 8 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: (D a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements I _ —72 , 992 . b Net investment income (if negative. enter -0-) 3 , 217 , 430 . c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -0-). SA For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions. **STM'1' 7 Form 990-PF (2004) 4E1410 2 000 4W5052 M261 V04-8 s \ V l J Form 990-PF (2004) 36-2411723 is... ; Attached schedules and amounts in the Beginning of year End of year Part II Balance Sheets description column should be for end-of—ygaj amounts only (See instructions ) (a) Book Value (b) Book Value (6) Fair Market Value 1 Cash - non-interest-bearing _ , _ , , _ , _ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ . _ 2 9, 92 9 . 2 9 , 92 9 . 2 Savings and temporary cash investments _ _ _ . _ _ , _ , _ 51 , 62 9 . 239 , 685 . 239 , 685 . 3 Accounts receivable F__ _____________________ __ Less: allowance for doubtful accounts F ___________ __ _ 4 Pledges receivable F______________________ __ Less: allowance for doubtful accounts F ___________ _ _ 5 Grants receivable . 6 Receivables due from officers. directors. trustees. and other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see page 15 of the instructions) 7 Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) F _ _ _ _ _ Less: allowance for doubtful accounts F ___________ _ _ 3 8 lnventorles for sale or use _ . 3 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges _ . , . _ , . , . 2 10 a Investments - U S and state government obligations (attach schedule)*‘_“ 7 . 661 . 482 . 5 , 717 . 980 . 5 , 717 , 980 . h Investments - corporatestock (attach schedule) . SM 10, 19,590,691. 17,819,458. 17,819,458. 0 Investments - corporate bonds (attach schedule) . 1 1 Investments - land. buildings. } and equipment has _________________ __ Lesa accumulated depreciation p (attach schedule) _________________ .— 12 Investments - mongage loans . _ . _ . 13 lnvestments- other (attach schedule) _ _ _ _ _ , SM 11 , 114,878. 55,286. 55,286. 1 4 Land. buildings. and ’ eqUIpment. basis _________________ __ Less: accumulated depreciation p (attach schedule) __________________ _ _ 1 5 Other assets (describe F___________________ __ ) 16 Total assets (to be completed by all filers - see page 16 of _ the instructions. Alsolseepage1litem I) - - - - - - - - - - - 27,418,680. 23,862,338. 23,862,338. 1 7 Accounts payable and accrued expenses _ , _ _ _ . _ . 18 Grantspayable _ _ _ _ _ , _ , , . _ . _ . 2.807.251. 2.865.316. $ 1 9 Deferred revenue . 20 Loans from officers. directors. trustees. and other disqualified persons 3“. 21 Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) _ . _ . J 22 Other liabilities (describe >_ _________________ __ ) _ 23 Togl llabllltles (adg lines 17throuoh 22) - - - - - - - - - - - 2.807.251. 2.865.316. Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here DILI and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. §24 Unrestricted . 24,611,429. 20,997,022. E 25 Temporarily restricted . lg 26 permanently restricted . '3 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, .2 check here and complete lines 27 through 31. > I: '6 27 Capital stock. trust principal. or current funds . g 28 Paid-in or capital surplus. or land. bldg . and equipment fund _ _ _ _ _ 3 29 Retained earnings. accumulated income. endowment. or otherfunds . f. 30 Total net assets or fund balances (see page 17 of the E instructions) . 24,611,429. 20,997,022. 31 Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (see page 17 of the instructions) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27,418,680. 23,862,338. Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year - Part II, column (a). line 30 (must agree with end-of—year figure reported on prior yeai‘s return) . _ , _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , . _ . _ , , , , . , , _ , , , , 1 24 , 611 , 429 . 2 Enter amount from Part I. line 27a . 2 -72 , 992. 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) >___________________________________ __ 3 4 Add lines1.2. and3 . 4 24.538.437- 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) b____ _ §§§_ §g§g§y§§g_ _1_2_________________ __ 5 3 , 541 , 415 . 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5) - Part II, column (b), line 30 . 6 20 , 997 , 022 . **STMT 9 Form 990-PF (2004) JSA 451420 2 000 4WS052 M261 VO4—8 J Form 990-PF (2004) 3632411723 Page 3 Part IV Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income 5 H (a) List and describe the kind(s) of property sold (e.g., real estate, acziwrgvé (d) Date sold 2-story brick warehouse; or common stock, 200 shs. MLC Co.) (m0 . dBY. YR) mo" day’ yr') 1a SEE PART IV SCHEDULE b c d e (9) Gross sales price (f) Depreciation allowed (9) Cost 0|“ tither baSiS (h) Gain or (loss) (or allowable) plus expense of sale (e) plus (f) minus (9) a b c d e Complete only for assets showmain In column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gems (Col. (,1) gain minus 0) Adjusted basis col. (R), but not less than -0-) or (I) F.M v as of 12l31/69 "0 Excess °f °°" ‘0 as of 12/31/69 over col (j). if any Losses (from col. (h)) a b c d e If gain, also enter in Part I, line 7 2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) - - - - - { If (loss) enter _0_ in Part I.
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