VOLUME XXX^V.-NO. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 18Q5 WHOLE NUMBER, 178; FORTIETH ANNUAL SESSION The Clancy Inquest Continued. THE CLANCY INQUEST OVER. Manifests a Commendable Spirit. [From Friday's Daily Courier.] Adjourned Till Wednesday in Order to As illustrative of the nobility of the me The Clancy inquest was resumed this man, we have been handed for publica- Of the Detroit Conference of the Meth- morning. Boyle, the bold, brave, bad Await the Verdict of the Cor- tion the following letter from Hon. Wil- odist Episcopal Church man from Kalamazoo was n<il present nor's Jury—Tne Conclud- liam M. White of TJtica, N. V., probably and is by no means likely to come. He ing Testimony. the heaviest single tax payer, so far as TO BE HELD IN ANN ARBOR is safely esconsed with his brother near sewers are concerned, in the city. Elkhart, [rid., where his deposition can [From Saturday's Daily Courier.] When the assessment was completed, be taken but from which place he can Tlie examination of William Hase- Mr. Sawyer notified Mr. White that he Don't you intend to brighten Sept. 10-16 the City will be Crowd not be forced to come to the inquest. nack occupied considerable of the after- was informed that his taxes would b< tip your home by hanging some ed with Ministers and Lay Dele- Mrs. Margaret Clancy was first recall- noon yesterday and with the testimony three thousand dollars, as he was in- new Curtains? If you do, don't PRIESTLEY'! gates from all Parts of the ed to the stand and told of Mrs. Frank of Mrs. Edith Clancy attracted quite a formed by the treasurer, and received miss our Great Detroit Conference. Clancy's intimacy with Pat Boyle. She crowd to the inquest. the following reply: told how her daughter-in-law was ac- After the dinner adjournment Mr. I'tica, N. ¥., August 21, 1898. BLACK The Detroit Annual Conference of the customed to sit upon Boyle's lap. The Ilasenack showed considerable nervous- Hox. A. J. SAWYER, SPECIAL UK IE Methodist Episcopal church which story of the life led by her daughter-in- ness and became a trifle mixed in his ANX ARBOR, MICHIGAN. meets in Ann Arbor during the week law was retold at length,.font has already story. He asked leave to withdraw his My Dear Sir: Yours received. Sewer- This Week. beginning Sept. 10 will be one of the been given to Courier readers. statement of the morning that he had tax $3,000. If the assessment is juat and the work well done, what reason 300 yards White Embroidered Mus- most important and most largely attend- Deputy Sheriff Wood came next and never made appointments with Mrs. lins have been selling at 20c and 25c, ed the Church lias had for many years. have we to object? You needed water told how he had arrested Clancy at the Edith Clancy. He confessed to numer- and have it. Water needs sewers and all going at 10c a ya 'j 4NM. Bishop John F. Hurst, D. D., LL. D., xVnn Arbor depot, and taken him to jail. ous meetings with her—always at night. you have it. 500 yards Fancy Curtain Screen, of Washington D. C, will act as presi- worth 10c, for this sale 5c a yard. His evidence was corroborative of for- When asked the reasons for these The University town of the State of I 200 yards Dotted Curtain Muslins dent of the confrence. Bishop Hurst mer testimony. clandestine meetings he refused to give Michigan should be pure and —a healthy for this sale lOe a yard. is one of the best known and most pop- place to live in—with honesty in the ad- : Chenille Curtains" the $3.00 and William Ilasenack who is engaged to them except that he liked the woman ministration and construction, I am, ular bishops in the Church and the an- and wanted to talk about her husband. '$3.50 quality, going at $1.95 a pair, marry Mrs. Margaret Clancy, and whom Most truly yours, i 250 Curtain Shades, complete with A full line of these most nouncement that he will be present and some have suspected of complicity in His character was darkened somewhat WM. M. WIIITK. fixtures, at 15e each, will preside during the whole session by the admissions he made with regard i One lot 6-4 Chenille Table Covers desirable Dress Fabrics in the death of Frank Clancy, was the Are You Interested in Art? all the new Weaves is re- will be received with great pleasure by next witness. He told of his acquaint- to his life at Kalamazoo, but his story at 59c each. all who expect to attend. in its entireity was very effective in re- 50 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains ance with the Clancys, extending over The Ann Arbor Art School has taken ceived. We make the The present session of the conference lieving him from suspicion of complicity to close at 39c a pair. a period of fully a year. This part of a vacation during the summer like many 75 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains prices for this Fall much will be exceptionally busy. In the first in Frank Clancy's death. lower than you have ever his evidence has mostly been made pub- other schools of the country, so now it lliTi^ out at 59e a pair. place there will be here over 350 lay lic. Boyle and he were friends from Mrs. Frank Clancy was next put on proposes to fall into line again, and be- 35 pairs Fine Nottingham Lace Cur- paid. delegates, in addition to the 250 minis- their youth. Boyle and Frank the stand. She told how her husband tains closing out at 79e a pair. gin work with them. ! Big markdown on our entire stock terial delegates, Every charge sends had frequently pounded her, had forced Clancy were not on good terms. Boyle The school has just passed its most of fine Lace Curtains. one lay delegate. Two lay delegates tier to support herself and had been threatening several times to kill Clancy. successful year, in point of numbers and will be chosen by the conference to go drunk and brutal much of the time. She Frank and George Clancy both told quality of work. The enthusiasm and to the general conference of the Church became his bride when but 15 years of CHEAP LINENS FOR THIS SALE. Priestley's wool Twills $ 85 Hasenack that they would shoot him if application of the thirty pupils were J 200 remnants of Table Linens, all age and says her whole life since has 1 Priestley's Drap d' Alma... 85 in Cleveland during the month of May. he married their mother. Frank also maintained duriug the entire year, grades and lengths at half price. been made miserable by him. She told ! Priestley's Henriettas 85 The lay conference is held in connection once claimed that Hasenack was too in- which certainly speaks well for the 50 dozen Hemstiched Huck Linen how Hasenack had pleaded with her to Priestley's Silk Warp Henri- with the ministerial conference every timate with his wife. The witness was teachers, as well as pupils. Evidence Towels at 12 ^e each. lope with him as soon as he had the 25 dozen large size Hemstiched and. ettas 1 00 four years. One of the other important never intimate with Mrs. Edith Clancy of the good work was given in the June widow's property, and how her hus- Fancy Barder Huck Linen Towels; Priestley's Crape Cloth 1 00 questions which will come before this and never proposed to elope with her as exhibition, which will be pleasantly re- the 2~5c quality, for this sale 19c :>aud and lie were continually at swords Priestley's Wool Figures 1 00 conference at Ann Arbor will be the in- she has since claimed. Had had no called by many Ann Arbor residents. each. :)oints. She told of the progress of Priestley's English Whip struction of delegates to the general talk with Boyle since early in March. 5 pieces 70 inch Cream Table Lin- Hasenack's courtship to her mother-in- We are sorry to lose Miss Pepple, a en the 75c quality now 5Oe a yard. Cord 1 00 conference with regard to the proposed He arrived in Ann Arbor July 17, and Priestly's Metz Cord 1 00 aw and how she finally lost her house- most capable and efficient teacher of 10 pieces 68 inch wide Cream Table admission of women to a seat and voice has not been out of town since. Friday Linen a bargain at 43e a yard. Silk Warp Algerine 1 25 hold goods and home through no fault black and white, who has given us her in the general conference. Aug. 9 he viewed three bodies at the time on Saturday mornings for two 5 pieces Cream Table Linen the 50c Silk Warp Railway Cord... 1 25 of her own. kind now 39e a yard. The following is the complete program medical college. Neither body was years, in addition to her supervisor)' Silk Warp Melrose l 25 as prepared for conference week. 10 pieces Fine Bleached 70 inch Frank's. When Mrs. Margaret Clancy Then, she claimed, everyone tried to work in the public schools. Her excep- Table Linen at 85c a yard. TUESDAY, SEPT. 10. saw the first body the attendant had slacken her character. Boyle, whom tionally lady-like manner combined with 50 dozen Bleached Linen Napkins she had known and respected for many- to 8 p.m.-Informal reception to all the mem- covered the two other bodies on the other strong qualities as a teacher made a bargain at 69c a dozen.
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