Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 4, Number 22, May 31, 1977 LABOR Justice Department Implicated In Teamster Murder? At approximately 3:00 pm on May 17. John Nardi. the * The Detroit FBI office is the central coordinating Secretary-Treasurer of International Brotherhood of point for all "black operations" directed againt the IBT, Teamsters Local 410 was assassinated in front of the and Special Agent WiIIiam GraybiII is in charge of these Teamster offices in Cleveland by a bomb planted in his deployments. The Detroit FBI office is know� to have an car. assassination capability: GraybiII has been identified as Information provided to NSIPS by informed sources in the controller of Vernon Higgins, who was involved in the the intelligence community strongly suggests that the 1971 Pontiac, Mich. school bus bombing arid who was assassination is part of the 20-year campaign by several later deployed to infiltrate the U.S. Labor Party. Ac­ federal agencies. notably including the Justice Depart­ cording to sources, the kidnapping-assassination of ment and Federal Bureau of Investigation. to destroy the James Hoffa was ordered by FBI officials in Washington IBT. the nation's largest union and. potentially, a major and carried out by networks under the control of Special opponent of the Rockefeller interests. This new in­ Agent GraybiII. formation demonstrates that sections of the government conducted a virtual war with the Teamsters - including * These operations are interfaced with deployments by assassinations of union leaders like Jimmy Hoffa - with the Justice Department's Organized Crime Strike Force the full knowledge and complicity of Attorney Generals and the Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, from Robert Kennedy, through Ramsey Clark. Nicholas Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). Both agencies are known Katzenbach and Edward Levi. to Griffin Bell, the current to possess and use assassination capabilities. The net­ office-holder. works under their control are responsible for domestic AJ'ly investigation of the Nardi murder which does not drug- and gun-running, as was exposed in court in a inquire into the known Justice Department assassination USLP-initiated suit in Reading, Pa. last year. As dope­ capability against the IBT wiII be a coverup. The and gun-runners, they interface with the Mafia and other following are avenues of investigation already confirmed "employable" components of what is commonly referred by this news service which must be incorporated into the to as "organized crime." The penetration and subversion Nardi case: of the Teamsters by organized criminal elements was Tedmsters Say: 'We Stop Turning The Other Cheek' The fol/owing are major excerpts from a signed. Members have a right to responsibly disagree article by International Brotherhood of Teamsters with their elected leaders and have a right to op­ Vice-President Jackie Presser appearing in the pose them in elections. That is the American way... April-May issue of the Ohio Teamster. Presser was We can only assume that it must be those radical appointed last month the propaganda coordinator forces who seek to destroy democracy and for the union's national counterattack against their responsible capitalism. We are beginning to see a accusers. It should be noted that Cleveland curious alliance among those who attack the . Teamster official John Nardi, assassinated last Teamsters. Alliances be�ween self-proclaimed week, was an aide to Presser. social reformers and self-confessed socialists .and powerful money interests including tax protected foundations. Recall if you wiII that it was foun­ Remember the ad "Who is attacking the dations that were revealed (by the Church Ctte-ed.) Teamsters"? (printed two months ago in several as frequent conduits for "dirty money" from the major newspapers around the country-ed.) That ad CIA. signalled the end of an era. For years we have The attacks and subversive activities against the ignored our enemies - confident in our strength Teamsters have been observed in other unions. and unity. We now find that we must counterattack Radical forces in the mine workers union have because it is becoming increasingly clear that these forced illegal wildcat strikes - these strikes have attacks upon the Teamsters are part of a cleverly placed that union in danger. Outside eastern elite orchestrated campaign that is directed against forces attempted to swing the steelworkers election other unions and if left unchecked could destroy our in the direction of left wing unionism - they failed economy and our society... this time but what about the next time ... LABOR © 1977 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. carried out with knowledge and encouragement of the ster leaders for watergating or assassination. Justice Department. These criminal networks provide * As in similar Justice-FBI deployments against Rocke­ the cover and often personnel for assassination and related operations against the Teamsters. feller enemies, there is a fifth column of paid-off collaborators and agents in place within the Teamster * Walter Sheridan, the "former" FBI agent and former "official family." Sources indicate that such penetration National Security Agency counterintelligence officer has taken place in the highest ranks of the Teamster who was Bobby Kennedy's chief hatchetman against leadership. An example of such inside operations is the Jimmy Hoffa, now operates in the Fund for Investigative case of Edward Grady Partin, a convicted criminal who Journalism, a front for the National Security Council's was released from prison under FBI supervision and Institute for Policy Studies which specializes in water­ insinuated into the confidence of then Teamster gating Rockefeller's opponents. Sheridan is known to President J ames Hoffa. Partin later became the particularly be interested in destroying IBT In­ "crucial" witness in the 1967 trial that produced Hoffa's ternational Vice President Jackie Presser and former conviction on trumped-up jury tampering charges. IBT Vice President William Presser, both Hoffa sup­ The existence of these FBI-controlled networks is not porters. Nardi, a member of IBT Joint Council 41 headed unknown to the Teamster leadership. Such networks are, by Jackie Presser, was recently fingered as a however, protected by threats of violence� Sources report "mafioso" in a FIJ-style expose run in the Cleveland that Jimmy Hoffa's threat to blow the FBI networks in press. the union was the major factor in the decision to kili him. The Nardi assassination and other yet�to-be carried out, FBI-directed murders are aimed at establishing the * The PROD "anti-leadership" countergang within the climate for a McClellan-style Congressional witch-hunt Teamsters union was founded in 1971 by the FBI with against the IBT. What is immediately required is a full personnel, such as John Sikorski and Arthur Fox. Congressional investigation of the Justice Department­ borrowed from Ralph Nader's organization. Set up with FBI deployment against the Teamsters to get the real laundered FBI funds. PROD serves as a paid informants corruption-murder scandal out from under "national network. assisting in the profiling of vulnerable Team- security" wraps. 2 LABOR Executive Intelligence Review Press Service Bureaus CONTINENTAL HEADQUARTERS EUROPE Wiesbaden BRD FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY - 62 W. Schiersteiner Str. 6 Bonn. Frankfurt. Hamburg. Dusseldorf Tel. (06 121) 37 70 81 BELGIUM - Brussels FRANCE -Paris Mexico City ITALY - Rome. Milan. Turin Apdo Postal 32-0229 . SWEDEN - Stockholm Mexico, 1, D.F. Mexico DENMARK - Copenhagen Tel. (915) 546-3088 New York 231 W. 29 SI. NORTH AMERICA N.Y., N.Y. 10001 Tel. (212) 563-8600' UNITED STATES - Boston, Charlotte. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington. LATIN AMERICA D.C., Detroit. Cleveland, Chicago, Den­ ver. Seattle. San Francisco COLOMBIA -Bogota CANADA - Vancouv'er-, Toronto, VENEZUELA - Caracas Montreal Subscription Rates for Executive Intelligence Review New Solidarity International Press Service P.O. 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