Wilson Elser Wilson Elser Moskowitz Edelman & Dicker LLP Wemedia Volume 22 Issue 1, Spring/ Summer 2009 wilsonelser.com A letter from the Chairman… Face-off The situations were not atypical for battle- scarred veterans of Wilson Elser’s army of litiga- tors: one a complex medical malpractice case, the other a general liability action involving an automo- bile accident. In both instances, the defendants were represented by Wilson Elser, and the sophisti- cation and experience the firm brought to the table was well-known and admired by their adversaries in the courtroom. In deference to the legal machine they were up against, the opposing attor- neys recognized that with Wilson Elser involved, it would be “a much harder road ahead.” The only problem for Paul Karp (Partner-New York) and Rory L. Lubin (Partner-White Plains) was that at the time of each of these cases, they were sitting at the plaintiff ’s table. Though they now work for Wilson Elser, a firm known for its defense work, these two attorneys have extensive backgrounds Daniel J. McMahon Chairman of the Executive Committee as plaintiff lawyers. Continued on page 6 As many of you may know, I assumed the From ratings to rulings role of Chairman of the firm’s Executive Committee earlier this year. It is now my Broadcasting and practicing law may seem unre- pleasure to write this column that Tom lated but for a couple of Wilson Elser attorneys in the Wilson wrote for so many years. Los Angeles office, a background in broadcasting was In this issue, we highlight three groups of a dress rehearsal for their legal careers. Patricia Ann our attorneys who share common back- Golson (Partner-Los Angeles) worked as a television grounds. Paul Karp and Rory Lubin are exam- news anchor for five years in Virginia and Jacqueline ples of attorneys who brought their experi- J. Harding (Partner-Los Angeles) was an award-winning producer in ences on the other side of the aisle to their Chicago. practice as defense attorneys. Patricia Ann Continued on page 6 Golson and Jackie Harding were both suc- cessful in the broadcasting industry before coming to practice law. Bob Harrison, Adrian A few good men Gordon and Gary Gardner all graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy and had impressive Three Wilson Elser attorneys share a common military careers prior to becoming attorneys. bond whose hallmarks are honor, leadership and service to country. Whether you notice their class Also in this issue, we are proud to intro- ring, or see the memorabilia proudly displayed in duce 16 attorneys who were elevated to their respective offices, you will have no doubt that Partner this year. From offices all across the these attorneys are members of a prestigious group country, these new Partners represent the – alumni of the United States Naval Academy, also future of Wilson Elser, which indeed is very known as (The Academy, Annapolis, and USNA). bright. Robert W. Harrison (Partner-San Diego), the recently appointed I hope you enjoy these and the other arti- Managing Partner of the San Diego office, is the newest member of the trio of cles contained in this issue of Wemedia. I Partners who graduated from Annapolis. Bob joined Wilson Elser on May 1, welcome your comments and suggestions. 2008. Prior to coming on-board, Bob was naturally interested in gaining some insight into the firm and was pleased to find via the firms website two Wilson Elser Partners who were also graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy, Adrian J. Gordon (Partner-Philadelphia) and Gary A. Gardner (Partner-New York). Continued on page 2 2 Wemedia A few good men.... from page 1 The USNA is life includes a busy Western Pacific the undergraduate day-to-day agenda deployments and, college of the U.S. with little time for like Adrian, devel- Naval Service, leisure, particularly oped an interest in which includes the during plebe year. the law while serv- Navy and Marine Students start the ing as a command Corps. The excep- day as early as 5:30 legal officer in a col- tionally rigorous a.m. with fitness lateral duty assign- standards imposed workouts, special ment. He left active on all midshipmen instructions, and duty in 1978 in Robert W. Harrison distinguish them Gary A. Gardener meal formations. Adrian J. Gordon order to enter law from their contemporaries at even the most Then, they are off to their respective class- school at the University of San Diego, demanding of civilian institutions. Bob was es, followed by more training, athletics and where he subsequently received his J.D. confident that these fellow former midship- extracurricular activities. This structured Throughout his legal career until 1996 Bob men would give him the “straight skinny” to lifestyle is something that resonates with the served in the naval reserves ultimately hav- assist him in evaluating whether he would be graduates long after their days “where the ing the opportunity to serve as commanding a good fit at Wilson Elser. Severn River meets the Chesapeake Bay.” officer of two Naval Reserve Force ships before retiring as Captain. Graduates of Annapolis and their Adrian Gordon a 1967 graduate of the brethren at the nation’s other service acade- Academy, he continued his military service In his 27-year legal career, Bob has tried mies are recognized for their patriotism and by becoming a Marine Second Lieutenant more than 100 cases to jury verdict, primar- sacrifice, but also for their exceptional per- and completing The Basic School (TBS) ily in the areas of professional liability, prod- formance as leaders in both the military and before going on to train as a naval aviator uct liability and business litigation. Bob civilian worlds. Many have distinguished and pilot of CH-46 helicopters. His active says that after talking with both Gary and themselves in the legal profession. military career lasted nine years before he Adrian, he was excited about becoming a decided to pursue law. He notes that he had part of a team that, while big in numbers, A student’s first day at USNA in late considered law for some time as a profes- still offered a special close-knit, family-like June or early July typically involves a dra- sion during his time in the military and iden- environment. He says that his time at matic and harsh transition into military life. tified his service as a squadron legal officer USNA plays out daily in his organizational Along with that new life comes a new title, as the catalyst sparking his desire to attend skills, solid work ethic and willingness as a “plebe”, which designates first year stu- law school. mentor, to delegate authority to junior dents. Plebe Summer is definitely no trip to lawyers while always remaining cognizant of the beach. It is an up-before-dawn, all-day A graduate of George Washington his continued responsibility to clients and induction period that lasts for 10 long University School of Law, Adrian has gained the firm. weeks. The purpose of Plebe Summer is experience in the preparation and trial of not just to test each individual’s physical aircraft accident cases, including both avia- Gary Gardner also applies his educa- endurance, but also to demonstrate to the tion product liability and pilot and air traffic tion and experiences at USNA to his every- young men and women just how much controller error cases. His military service day life and career. After graduating from responsibility, courage and diligence will be as a Marine pilot and his shipboard experi- Annapolis in 1982 and being commissioned required of them in the years ahead as they ence as a midshipman at the Naval Academy as Ensign, Gary with his stellar academic are potentially called to lead others into have provided great insight into all aspects record and passion for aeronautics was an harm’s way. Upon the conclusion of Plebe of the aviation and maritime work that he excellent candidate for flight school. As a Summer, before their first academic year, does with Wilson Elser. He credits the dis- result he was assigned to Pensacola, Florida, the midshipmen fourth class, have hopeful- cipline instilled at the Academy with moti- where he spent the next two years in flight ly been given the foundation and strength to vating him to see even the most demanding training. While there, he studied aerody- meet the challenges ahead of them. assignment through to conclusion, with the namics, navigation, communications and objective of obtaining the best possible weather. No matter the background, chances are results for his clients. Adrian retired from a students life will be extremely different at Gary remembers the arduous “worst the military, with 23 years of service, as a USNA than anything that have experienced case scenario” test that all students endure Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps before. The standards at USNA are high, as before they take their first flight. This Reserve. each student is required to adhere to the entails a student being strapped into a school’s academic and military demands. Upon graduating from USNA in 1972, “Dilbert Dunker,” which was actually the With athletics being a priority, every mid- Bob was commissioned an ensign, USN. He frame of an old helicopter used to train shipman during all four years at the served two years as a surface warfare officer pilots on how to escape a submerged air- Academy is required to participate on at and then entered BUD/S (Basic UDT/Seal) craft. The helicopter is flipped upside down least an intramural level. A midshipmen’s Training.
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