S248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 26, 2010 Vision Caucus, I realize that we will collection of original memorabilia, and S. 2949. An act to amend section 1113 of the not achieve all of these objectives over- bring worldwide attention to the mu- Social Security Act to provide authority for night. But I know supporting the work seum. By 1997, the museum was robust increased fiscal year 2010 payments for tem- of vision rehabilitation practitioners enough to move into its current 10,000 porary assistance to United States citizens returned from foreign countries, to provide and providers like the Cleveland Sight square foot home at 18th & Vine, where necessary funding to avoid shortfalls in the Center is the right thing to do. And I today the story of the Negro Leagues Medicare cost-sharing program for low-in- am confident that we will succeed. comes to life through its exhibits. come qualifying individuals, and for other f Over time, the museum has had the purposes. privilege of welcoming visitors from NEGRO LEAGUES BASEBALL f around the world, and such dignitaries MUSEUM’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY as U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and EXECUTIVE AND OTHER Mrs. MCCASKILL. Mr. President, I George W. Bush. The museum’s Na- COMMUNICATIONS ask the Senate to join me in honoring tional Advisory Board is flush with The following communications were the 20th anniversary of the Negro prominent individuals from the worlds laid before the Senate, together with Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas of sports, politics, and the media, all of accompanying papers, reports, and doc- City, MO. whom have come to recognize the im- uments, and were referred as indicated: This Friday’s Legacy Awards, hon- portant role the Museum plays in tell- EC–4430. A communication from the Ad- oring Major League Baseball’s bright- ing the story of civil rights, sports, and ministrator, Risk Management Agency, De- est stars, kicks off what promises to be culture in 20th century America. partment of Agriculture, transmitting, pur- a season’s worth of events marking the George Will, Ernie Banks, Colin Pow- suant to law, the report of a rule entitled 90th year of the establishment of the ell, Lou Brock, former U.S. Senator ‘‘General Administrative Regulations; Sub- Negro Leagues, and the 20th anniver- Alan Simpson, and noted documentary part X—Interpretations of Statutory and Regulatory Provisions’’ (7 CFR Part 400) re- sary of the Negro Leagues Baseball Mu- producer Ken Burns are all members of seum. As a Missourian, I am proud that ceived during adjournment of the Senate in this amazing group of supporters. the Office of the President of the Senate on Kansas City is home to what is not In many ways this museum is Buck January 4, 2010; to the Committee on Agri- only a local jewel but a National treas- O’Neil’s legacy. Buck, 94 years young culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. ure which honors the Negro Leagues, at the time of his death in 2006, left a EC–4431. A communication from the Direc- its legendary players, and its place in permanent inspirational mark on the tor of the Regulatory Review Group, Farm the American civil rights movement. game of baseball and all who were for- Service Agency, Department of Agriculture, In 1920, Andrew ‘‘Rube’’ Foster estab- tunate enough to have crossed his transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of lished the Negro Leagues at the Paseo a rule entitled ‘‘Daily Economic Loss Assist- trailblazing path. Kansas City—and ance Payment Program’’ (RIN0560–AI07) re- YMCA in Kansas City. The Leagues America—are fortunate to call him our flourished from 1920 through well into ceived during adjournment of the Senate in own. the Office of the President of the Senate on the 1950s. Once forward-thinking base- On this the 20th anniversary of the January 4, 2010; to the Committee on Agri- ball executives signed such standout Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, I ask culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. African-American players as Jackie that we pause for a moment to pay EC–4432. A communication from the Presi- Robinson and Roy Campanella, interest tribute not only to Buck O’Neil, but to dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- in the Negro Leagues began to wane. the many unsung African-American suant to law, an Executive Order issued on By 1960, as the civil rights movement January 16, 2010 relative to the augmenta- baseball heroes who helped the Negro tion of the active Armed Forces for the effec- gained momentum and the best players Leagues flourish until the better in- found their rightful place in the Major tive conduct of operational missions, includ- stincts of baseball executives ulti- ing those involving humanitarian assistance, Leagues, the Negro Leagues finally mately made the need for such a league related to relief efforts in Haiti necessitated folded. obsolete. This remarkable chapter of by the earthquake on January 12, 2010; to the In its heyday, the Negro Leagues was American history will be preserved for- Committee on Armed Services. a firmly entrenched and beloved part of ever thanks to the Negro Leagues EC–4433. A communication from the Assist- African-American culture in Kansas Baseball Museum. ant to the Board of Governors, Federal Re- City and throughout the upper Mid- serve System, transmitting, pursuant to law, Mr. President, I ask that the Senate the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Home Mortgage west, Northeast, and Southern regions join me in recognizing the 20th anni- of the United States. The museum’s Disclosure’’ (Docket No. 1379) received in the versary of the Negro Leagues Baseball Office of the President of the Senate on De- Bob Kendrick tells us that many min- Museum, a truly American treasure. cember 23, 2009; to the Committee on Bank- isters would start church services early ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. f on Sundays when the Kansas City Mon- EC–4434. A communication from the Dep- archs had a home game on the cal- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT uty Secretary, Division of Investment Man- endar. Men, women, and children would agement, Securities and Exchange Commis- Messages from the President of the leave right after church just in time to sion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- United States were communicated to get to the ballpark, dressed in their port of a rule entitled ‘‘Custody of Funds or the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- Sunday finest, to watch the game. It Securities of Clients by Investment Advis- retaries. ers’’ (RIN3235–AK32) received during adjourn- was the highest level of competition, ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- and players like ‘‘Cool Papa’’ Bell, f dent of the Senate on January 4, 2010; to the ‘‘Satchel’’ Paige, and Josh Gibson al- EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban ways made the game exciting. Affairs. Kansas City’s beloved Buck O’Neil, a As in executive session the Presiding EC–4435. A communication from the Sec- former Negro Leagues player, Mon- Officer laid before the Senate messages retary, Division of Investment Management, archs’ manager and Major League from the President of the United Securities and Exchange Commission, trans- Baseball’s first African-American States submitting sundry nominations mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule which were referred to the appropriate entitled ‘‘Temporary Rule Regarding Prin- coach, helped establish the Negro cipal Trades with Certain Advisory Clients’’ Leagues Baseball Museum in 1990. Back committees. (The nominations received today are (RIN3235–AJ96) received during adjournment then it was a tiny one-room office in of the Senate in the Office of the President the historic 18th & Vine District in printed at the end of the Senate pro- of the Senate on January 4, 2010; to the Com- Kansas City. Its mission—the same as ceedings.) mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- it is today—was to preserve and cele- f fairs. brate the history of African-American EC–4436. A communication from the Sec- baseball. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- As chairman of the board, Buck At 4:26 p.m., a message from the ant to law, a six-month periodic report on the national emergency that was declared in O’Neil and his crew took the job seri- House of Representatives, delivered by Executive Order 12947 with respect to terror- ously, working hard to raise money, Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- ists who threaten to disrupt the Middle East acquire what curator Dr. Raymond nounced that the House has passed the peace process; to the Committee on Banking, Doswell has turned into an amazing following bill, without amendment: Housing, and Urban Affairs. 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